3,566 research outputs found

    Blockchain for Transforming International Trade: Bangladesh Perspective

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    Blockchain is one of the key pillars of the fourth industrial revolution and blockchain become an enormous excitement in many industries including the international trade ecosystem. As we move forward to the fourth industrial revolution, the digitalization of the traditional international trade process is vital. Research on blockchain technology in the field of international trade is very limited. The purpose of this qualitative study is to look at the blockchain application in the field of international trade for Bangladesh perspective. To find out a comprehensive view of blockchain in the international trade ecosystem, in-depth primary interview with relevant stakeholders was taken in addition to analyzing secondary data. The study found that blockchain can transform many parts of the existing international trade process in Bangladesh including customs, trade document management, trade method, payment, transport document, certifications and combating fraudulent activities.

    Assessment of Natural Radionuclides in Powdered Milk Consumed in Iraq

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    The activity concentrations of 226Ra232Th, and 40K radionuclides were measured for 10 brands of powdered milk samples consumed in Iraq,which are imported from different countries.The main detected activity corresponding to 40K with average activity of 290.661 BqKg-1, while the average activities of 226Ra and232Th were below the detection level (B.D.L.).Results are compared with those of different countries worldwide.The total average annual effective doses due to intake of 40Kfrom the ingestion of the powdered milk for children (2-7, 7-12, 12-17)y and adults (≥ 17y) were estimated to be82.21, 50.90, 29.75 and 22.55 µSvy-1, respectively. These results indicate no significant radiation dose to the public. The resulting data may serve as base-line levels of activity concentration in powdered milk in the area of study. Keywords: Natural Radioactivity, Milk, Ingestion dose, Hazard quotient

    Outbreak of Peritonitis in a Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Population Following the Use of Contaminated Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids

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    Introduction: Most cases of peritonitis during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) are attributed to breaches of the aseptic technique. In this report, we describe an outbreak of CAPD related peritonitis that followed the use of potentially contaminated PD fluid. Outbreak report: CAPD was introduced in the adult nephrology unit at Soba University Hospital in December 2008 with fairly satisfactory functioning and results. In June 2009, we obtained a new supply of PD fluids and started using it. Soon afterwards, a mould was found inside a new unused dialysate bag. During the following days, six patients were diagnosed to have PD related peritonitis. All patients in the unit were immediately shifted to another brand of PD fluids. Enquiry revealed that this supply of PD fluid was stored in a warm and humid environment. We surveyed the 1469 bags in the hospital stock and found another three bags (0.2%) that contained visible mould by the naked eye. The four contaminated bags contained 2.5% dextrose and were from different batches. All of them had lost the negative vacuum between the inner bag and the outer plastic envelope, but had no obvious tears in the envelope and no obvious fluid leakage. Our peritonitis rate before the outbreak was one episode in 21.7 patient-months. This sharply rose to one episode in 2.5 patient-months during the month of the outbreak, and dropped down to one episode in 17.8 patient-months in the 6-months following the outbreak. Conclusion: Contamination of PD fluids can occur during handling and storage. Patients should meticulously examine each bag before usage. Any bag that has lost the vacuum between the inner bag and its outer envelope is potentially breached and should not be used. Keywords: Contamination; Fungal peritonitis; Outbreak; Penicillium spp.; Peritoneal dialysi

    Parallel Implementation of Systolic Array Design for Developing Medical Image Rotation

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    Many image-processing algorithms are particularly suited to parallel computing, as they process images that are difficult and time consuming to analyse. In particular, medical images of tissues tend to be very complex with great irregularity and variability in shapes. Furthermore, existing algorithms contain explicit parallelism, which can be efficiently exploited by processing arrays. A good example of an image processing operation is the geometric rotation of a rectangular bitmap. This paper presents a set of systolic array designs for implementing the geometric rotation algorithms of images on VLSI processing arrays. The examined algorithm performs a trigonometric transformation on each pixel in an image.  The design is implemented as a distributed computing system of networked computers using Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) model. Each node (computer) in the network takes part in the task in hand – such as image processing – using message passing. Comments and conclusions about the implementation of the design as a distributed computing system are discussed. Keywords: parallel computing, distributed computing. PVM, image rotation, systolic array

    Hybrid technology for the use of solar energy : the challenge towards green energy / S. I. Hossain ... [et al.]

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    Large areas in many countries are populated but have no connection to a national electricity grid. Centralized electricity generating facilities burning fossil fuels have been the normal. Renewable energy resources, especially solar energy is now penetrating this sector. Long-term energy storage is the universal challenge in providing renewables-based electricity with high availability across the seasons. Solar domestic hot water system is widely used and developing fast in recent years. However many problems occur at the same time, for example more energy consumption by circulation pump, water reheating, long investment payback period, and etc. The motivation for the development of a combined hot water and sorption store is to complement the advantages and to reduce the disadvantages of the two particular storage technologies. Hot water stores offer high heat supply rates but are particularly suitable for short term storage due to heat losses whereas for a sorption store the power drain is low but it shows the advantage of a high storage density and long-term heat storage almost without losses. We investigated the demonstration project and discuss the need for authoritative system modelling in order to size the system components for minimum cost at a designated availability of supply


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    This examination attempts to distinguish the basic factors that effects on employee’s motivation and their productivity too in Bangladeshi satellite television channels. So as to improve crafted by an organization, managers and supervisors must offer consideration regarding the persuasive degree of its individuals. There are many contending hypotheses which endeavor to clarify the idea of inspiration at work. The information for the examination was gathered from 338 employees in a satellite television channel. The quantitative information examination uncovered there is a critical connection between employees’ motivation and their productivity. From the assimilated outcomes, the remuneration package, work preparing, great supervision, and workplace have all the earmarks of being among the most basic factors that influence employees' motivation and productivity in like manner in a satellite TV channels in Bangladesh. Article visualizations


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    The article illustrates the connection between organizational factors that influence on employee’s motivation and productivity in a given organization satellite TV channel in Bangladesh. The exploration surveys important writing to distinguish the organizational factors that impact representative inspiration and their output also. Be that as it may, the connection between organizational components and employee’s efficiency is yet to be seen thoroughly. The examination investigates view of hierarchical components like reward system, training and jobs security and the representative efficiency. The example is of significant fluctuation as far as gender, educational level, salary and employment tenure. Information investigations were performed utilizing SPSS 23.0, and the outcomes demonstrate that employee inspiration have a significant positively influence on by and large employee profitability in a satellite TV station. JEL: L10; L96; J01 Article visualizations


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    Purpose: The motivation behind this investigation is to assess the effect of motivation on employee's productivity with regards to satellite TV station in Bangladesh. Two motivation factors were recognized based on exploratory factor analysis specifically economic factors and organizational factors also. Two dimensions in economic factors, such as, reward, remuneration and another three dimensions, such as, job stability, work condition and occupation training were found in organizational factors accordingly. Employees productivity is also analyzed here the outcome of employees. Design/methodology/approach: Factor investigation was utilized to sum up an enormous number of motivations attributes to recognize the vital elements that sway on employee productivity. Reliability tests based on Cronbach’s alpha and rectified thing complete relationship coefficients was utilized to test the internal consistency of survey responses. ANOVA tests were in this way used to test for differences in respondent's impression of this components as per chose demographics. Conclusively, a multiple regression model investigation was led to look at the connection’s motivation and employee productivity as well. Findings: Result directed that economic factors and organizational factors positively affected employee motivation and afterward it is moved to productivity in like manner. It is likewise discovered that motivation really function as a mediator. Originality/Value: This examination has caused to notice the significance of the connections between employee motivation and employee’s productivity with regards to satellite TV station in Bangladesh. The discoveries have noteworthy consequences for researcher specially satellite TV station setting. In spite of the presence of exploration on the between connections among motivation and employee productivity in different orders, there are not many talked about in satellite TV context research. Article visualizations

    Stem cells differentiation and probing their therapeutic applications in hematological disorders: a critical review

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    Numerous lines of evidence support that bone marrow is a rich source of stem cells that can be used for research purposes and to treat some complex blood diseases and cancers. Stem cells are a potential source for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement after injury or disease, and mother cells that possess the capacity to become any type of cell in the body. They are cells without specific structure and characterized by their ability to self-renew or multiply while maintaining the potential to develop into other types of cells. Stem cells can normally become cells of the blood, heart, bones, skin, muscles or brain. Although, there are different sources of stem cells, all types of stem cells have the same capacity to develop into multiple types of cells. Stem cells are generally described as unspecialized cells with unlimited proliferation capacity that can divide (through mitosis) to produce more stem cells. Several types of adult stem cells have been characterized and can be cultured in vitro, including neural stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, cardiac stem cells and epithelial stem cells. They are valuable as research tools and might, in the future, be used to treat a wide range of diseases such as hematological hereditary diseases, Parkinson's disease, diabetes mellitus, heart disease and many other diseases. Currently, two types of stem cells have been identified based on their origins, namely embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Collectively, although many kinds of literature have been studying stem cell application in terms of clinical practice, stem cell-based therapy is still in its infancy stage