129 research outputs found


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    This article is extracted from the philological-codicological research on the Mushaf Al-Qur’an (codex or collection of sheets of the Qur’an, hereafter referred to as the mushaf) manuscript in West Kalimantan, especially the collection of Abdurrahman Husin Fallugah (hereafter referred to as AHF). Overall, the Qur’an manuscript collection of AHF is 20 copies, consisting of 15 mushaf in complete condition and six other mushaf which are not complete. The study only focused on 15 mushaf which are intact and complete. The findings of this research showed that: first, judging from its origins, not all of the mushaf manuscript collection of AHF came from West Kalimantan. In addition to West Kalimantan, the 15 complete mushaf also came from Aceh and Central Java. The initiators and supporters of the writing of the manuscript were probably members of a royal family since the Qur’an manuscripts in West Kalimantan were originally obtained from a royal family. Second, the condition of 15 mushaf collection of AHF is generally quite well preserved despite some physical damage especially on the edges of the sheet of paper. If seen from kind of material used, the mushaf collection of AHF were made from different materials, some made from the local paper, some made from European paper and some also made from animal skins. Meanwhile, the collection of the 15 manuscripts is complete; each consists of 30 juz (parts) covering 114 surah. The oldest Mushaf manuscript is coded AHF-06 made by H.M. Said al-Katib in 1067 AH or 1657 AD, while the latest manuscript coded AHF-02 written by H. Sarqawiy in 1243 AH or 1828 AD

    The need to work by educated Muslim women in Malaysia / Suhaida Mohd Amin and Mohd Faizal P.Rameli

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    Islam provides the opportunity for all Muslims, whether men or women in terms of employment and working opportunities. Hence, for those with higher educational attainment, knowledge and skills that they are acquired is expected could give positive return to the investment in human capital. Previous studies have suggested that there are many factors influenced women's participation in the labor market. However, there is a few difference reasons for working based on the level of education of the woman herself. To give the same value to adherence of religion, husbands or family and family-related responsibilities, this study focuses on the need to work among Muslim women. The scope of the study is focused on those with tertiary education to show their ability to earn a good career and salary. Thus, information from 746 educated Muslim women were collected via online survey. Respondent answers were analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple responses to determine the extent of how educated Muslim women in Malaysia listed their need to work. The results showed that the need to work by educated Muslim women is to have their own sources of income, to help families financially, to pay debts and loans, to improve the standard of living, to practice what they have learned and to get self-satisfactory. Besides, this study also highlighted the differences in main reasons for working by different marital status. Finding of this study indirectly, demonstrates the importance of women's economic contribution to the family, especially to facing the current economic environment

    Kedudukan Mitra Pengemudi Ojek Online dalam Perjanjian Kemitraan (Studi Kasus Akuisisi Uber oleh Grab)

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    Mitra kerja sangat penting untuk pengembangan penyedia layanan ojek online, yang selanjutnya mengarah pada kesepakatan kemitraan antara pengemudi ojek online dan penyedia layanan ojek online. Namun ketatnya persaingan bisnis ojek online di Indonesia menyebabkan kegiatan ini berjalan dinamis. Akuisisi terhadap uber yang dilakukan oleh grab merupakan bukti persaingan sengit dalam bisnis ini. Banyaknya kesalahpahaman antara pengemudi ojek online dan penyedia layanan ojek online menjadi fokus penelitian ini. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dengan menjadikan perjanjian kemitraan ojek online sebagai bahan hukum primernya. Perjanjian kemitraan ini berbeda dengan perjanjian kerja pada umumnya. Sistem upah, pesanan dan pekerjaan tidak nampak jelas dalam perjanjian kemitraan ini. Selanjutnya, jika kemitraan berakhir, maka tidak akan ada pesangon dan jaminan lainnya. Sebagai kesimpulan, perjanjian kemitraan hanyalah mutualisme belaka, pengakuisisian uber menjadi penjelasan tentang posisi para pihak dalam kegiatan perjanjian kemitraan, khususnya ojek online. (Partners are essential to the development of online driver service providers, which further lead to partnership agreement estabilished between online drivers and the online driver service providers. However, businees competion in Indonesia has caused this activity to go on a dynamic direction. The acquistion of uber done by grab is a prove of this business competionn. A lot of misunderstandings between online drivers and the service providers are the focus of the study. Furthermore, this research uses a normative legal research with a stautory approach and uses legal online driver agreement material. This partnership agreement is different than the general employment. Wages, orders and jobs are not apparent in this partnership agreement. Furthermore, if the partnership ended, there will be no severance pay either. As a conclusion, the partnership agreement is a merely mutualism, grab’s acquistion of uber makes an explanation of the position of the parties in the partnership agreement


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    At certain level, this writing is a field research. The primary sources isthe ancient manuscript, the collection of H. Abdurrahman Husin Fallugah al-Maghfurlahu at Pontianak city. Some codicological aspects are used, inparticular in the case of making inventory and manuscript description. Thiswriting elaborates three parts of study. The first, concerning the identifications ofthe places in which the manuscripts reserved. The second, concerning thedescription of the manuscript in Pontianak city, in particular the collections of H.Abdurrahman Husin Fallugah al-Maghfurlahu. The third is concerning theidentification of same codicological aspects of the manuscripts

    Evaluation of The Liquid Medical Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management System at X Hospital Palembang

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    Abstract: becomes an obstacle faced by most hospitals, due to the limited facilities, infrastructure, manpower and of course the very large funds required. Hospital X has implemented a liquid medical Hazardous and toxic materials waste management system at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) using the aerobic filter method. This research aims to evaluate the liquid medical hazardous and toxic waste management system is done at hospital X Palembang whether it is in accordance with the Indonesian Minister of Health Regulation Number 7 of 2019 concerning Hospital Environmental Health. As well as providing assessments for accreditation programs. This research was conducted using interviews, field observations, laboratory tests and literature studies. Based on the research results, almost all processes in the liquid medical hazardous and toxic waste management system are in accordance with regulations. However, it needs to be corrected that the liquid waste quality test needs to be done at the beginning of the month, for analysis and follow-up if there are quality standards that do not fill the requirements. DO check has not been done for daily self-monitoring of liquid waste quality, health checks. Routine vaccinations and special training for waste management officers have not been done. Keywords: evaluation, hazardous and toxic materials, management system   


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    This paper elaborates somes aspecs of manuscript and it‘s preservation. This significant leads us to understand the needs to move together hand in hand to preserve an inundate number of manuscripts in Nusantara. The grand design of manuscript preservation covers phisic and text. The phisic preservation devided into preventif and curatif conservation. On the other hand, text preservation related to digitalization, philology study, and rewriting. To obtain the goals, this paper will begin to describe the concept of manuscript and than the modes of preservation


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    Synthesis and characterization of cellulose acetate from cellulose of empty fruit bunches (EFB) have been carried out using the Celanese method, namely glacial acetic acid as swelling agent and acetic anhydride as acetylating agent. The research was carried out through the preparation of raw materials, cellulose extraction and synthesis of cellulose acetate from -cellulose of empty fruit bunches. This study aims to determine the effect of variations in solvent concentration on yield, acetyl content, degree of substitution and moisture content of cellulose acetate and to obtain the characteristics of cellulose that are suitable for application as raw material for making bioplastics. The concentration variations of the solvent used were (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30) % wt/v, with -cellulose ratio: glacial acetate (1:10), -cellulose ratio : acetic anhydride (1:5), acetylation time 1.5 hours, acetylation temperature 40°C and stirring speed 200 Rpm. The results showed that the cellulose acetate obtained from the synthesis has characteristics such as cellulose monoacetate and cellulose diacetate with solid form in the form of a powder, white in color and odorless. The best characteristic of cellulose acetate has a yield product of 75%, acetyl content of 36.927%, degree of substitution (DS) 2.22, and water content of 5.75%.Synthesis and characterization of cellulose acetate from cellulose of empty fruit bunches (EFB) have been carried out using the Celanese method, namely glacial acetic acid as swelling agent and acetic anhydride as acetylating agent. The research was carried out through the preparation of raw materials, cellulose extraction and synthesis of cellulose acetate from a-cellulose of empty fruit bunches. This study aims to determine the effect of variations in solvent concentration on yield, acetyl content, degree of substitution and moisture content of cellulose acetate and to obtain the characteristics of cellulose that are suitable for application as raw material for making bioplastics. The concentration variations of the solvent used were (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30) % wt/v, with a-cellulose ratio: glacial acetate (1:10), a-cellulose ratio : acetic anhydride (1:5), acetylation time 1.5 hours, acetylation temperature 40°C and stirring speed 200 Rpm. The results showed that the cellulose acetate obtained from the synthesis has characteristics such as cellulose monoacetate and cellulose diacetate with solid form in the form of a powder, white in color and odorless. The best characteristic of cellulose acetate has a yield product of 75%, acetyl content of 36.927%, degree of substitution (DS) 2.22, and water content of 5.75%

    Modelling for Estimation Carbon Stocks in Land Cover Using A System Dynamic Approach (Case Study: Prabumulih City, South Sumatera, Indonesia)

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    Human activities, which have interfered with the ecological system, have led to global warming. This has led to the release of carbon stocks into the atmosphere, thereby reducing the function of carbon sinks in places with vegetated land. With increased human activities, vegetated land will soon become non-vegetated. This is because the increased human activities have led to the absorption of higher amounts of carbon in the atmosphere than the required level. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate land cover on carbon stocks in Prabumulih City, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia. The study employed a random field survey using a dynamic system, with the results showing that land cover consisted of oil palm plantations, mixed plantations, grass, swamp shrubs, and rivers. However, the area was dominated by rubber plantations, and as a result, the carbon stocks continued to decline. For instance, in 2008, the level of carbon stock was 2,438.72 Gg and fell to 2,190.85 Gg in 2020, indicating a 4.8% decrease. It is projected that by 2030, the carbon stock in land cover will be 1,988.07 Gg

    E-portfolio MSC indicator for a virtual learning environment

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    This study was conducted to identify indicators for the use of e-portfolio for a virtual learning environment in the Malaysian Skills Certification (MSC) system. The approach is through a modified Delphi technique run in three stages. The first stage is analysis of past research material and documents as guidelines in the development of questionnaire items. In the second and third stages, the developed questionnaire is distributed to experts for approval in determining e-portfolio indicators for implementation of the Malaysian Skills Certification system. The sample selected consists of 11 experts in the field of skills certification in Malaysia. Feedback from the experts was analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, median and interquartile range). The findings identify four elements (Assessment, Personal Space, Exhibition and Learning Management) and 32 indicators through a literature review. In conclusion, there are 22 indicators were identified as necessary for the implementation of the use of the e-portfolio in the Malaysian Skills Certification system


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    Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berkembang semakin cepat dari masa ke masa yang memudahkan manusia mengolah data, menyajikan informasi dan berkomunikasi tanpa dibatasi ruang, waktu, dan tempat. proses pengumpulan tugas mahasiswa memiliki beberapa permasalahan yaitu, mahasiswa masih mengumpulkan tugas dalam bentuk hardcopy dan softcopy yang disimpan ke flashdisk atau dikirimkan lewat email sehingga kendala yang terjadi adalah: Dalam bentuk hardcopy, mahasiswa sering tidak menyimpan tugas yang telah diperiksa sehingga tidak dapat ditemukan kembali jika dibutuhkan, sedangkan untuk dosen banyak dokumen tugas dari beberapa mata kuliah dan kelas mengajar menumpuk pada meja kerja. Aplikasi ini di buat dengan menggunakan arsitektur microservice sebagai pengumpulan data melalui pengamatan dan pencatatan pada beberapa website yang membahas tentang microservice dan Rest Api. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini dosen dengan mahasiswa bisa melihat pengumpulan tugas Kata Kunci : Arisitektur microservice, PHP, Rest Api, Pengumpulan Tuga
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