340 research outputs found

    Premi Carolina Meléndez. Fent d'infermera

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    Technologia jako sojusznik: odnowiona odporność i duchowość dzięki wpływowi rzeczywistości rozszerzonej (AR) w kontekście demencji i zaburzeń poznawczych

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    Augmented reality (AR) is a resource that, when applied to people with dementia and cognitive impairment, reduces the latency of response to stimuli and facilitates the development of personal abilities, with greater autonomy and quality of life. Broadening the range of an individual’s functioning has an impact not only on an operational level, but also on a spiritual level. The autonomy provided by AR impacts the person’s self-awareness and allows them to recognize themselves as an agent of change capable of actively and consciously triggering cognitive processes. In other words, it strengthens their internal control center, which is referred to in the scientific literature as a pillar of resilience. At the same time, identity empowerment benefits the spiritual health of the person, linked to resilience and referred to as a factor in health and emotional well-being.Rzeczywistość rozszerzona (AR) to narzędzie, które zastosowane u osób z demencją i zaburzeniami poznawczymi zmniejsza opóźnienie reakcji na bodźce, umożliwiając rozwój zdolności osobistych przy zachowaniu większej autonomii i jakości życia. Poszerzenie zakresu tych funkcji ma wpływ nie tylko na poziomie operacyjnym, ale także na poziomie duchowym. Autonomia, jaką zapewnia AR, wpływa na samoświadomość człowieka i pozwala mu uznać siebie samego za sprawcę zmian w swoim życiu, który jest w stanie aktywnie i świadomie uruchamiać procesy poznawcze. Inaczej mówiąc, AR wzmacnia wewnętrzny ośrodek kontroli tychże procesów, który w literaturze naukowej określany jest jako podstawa odporności. Jednocześnie wzmocnienie tożsamości osoby przynosi korzyści w aspekcie duchowym, co jest powiązane z odpornością i określane jako czynnik zdrowia i dobrego samopoczucia emocjonalnego

    Damping low-frequency oscillations in power systems using grid-forming converters

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    The increasing incorporation of renewable energy in power systems is causing growing concern about system stability. Renewable energy sources are connected to the grid through power electronic converters, reducing system inertia as they displace synchronous generators. New grid-forming converters can emulate the behavior of synchronous generators in terms of inertia provision and other grid services, like power-frequency and voltage-reactive regulation. Nevertheless, as a consequence of synchronous generator emulation, grid-forming converters also present angle oscillations following a grid disturbance. This paper proposes two novel power stabilizers for damping low-frequency oscillations (LFOs) in the power system. The first power stabilizer provides power oscillation damping through active power (POD-P), and it is implemented in a grid-forming converter, using the active power synchronization loop to damp system oscillations by acting on the converter angle. The second one provides power oscillation damping through reactive power (POD-Q), and it is implemented in a STATCOM, using the voltage control loop to damp system oscillations. Both proposals are first assessed in a small-signal stability study and then in a comprehensive simulation. Moreover, two cases are considered: damping the oscillations of a single machine connected to an infinite bus through a tie-line, and damping the inter-area oscillations in a two-area system. Simulation results, as well as the stability study, demonstrate the ability of both stabilizers to damp power system oscillations, being the POD-P more effective than the POD-Q, but at the cost of requiring some kind of energy provision at the DC bus.This work was supported by the Spanish Research Agency under Project PID2019-106028RB-I00/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Response processing during visual search in normal aging: the need for more time to prevent cross talk between spatial attention and manual response selection

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    [Abstract] It is still not well known whether the age-related behavioural slowing observed during visual search is due to changes in the allocation of attention, in response activation patterns, or to a combination of both. To help in clarifying it, attention-related (N2 posterior contralateral; N2pc, and N2 central contralateral; N2cc) and response-related (Motor Potential; MP, and Reafferent Potential; RAP) event-related potentials (ERPs) were obtained in healthy young and older participants executing a visual search task. Age was associated with N2pc and N2cc longer latencies, earlier MP onsets and longer MP rise times. Lower N2pc, higher MP and lower RAP amplitudes were also observed. Results suggest that older participants need more time to allocate spatial attention onto the target (N2pc) and to prevent cross talk between response selection and attention direction (N2cc), and that they are slower and need higher cortical activation when preparing and executing correctly selected responses (MP).Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; PSI2010-21427Xunta de Galicia; 10PXIB211220P

    Afectación psicológica en mujeres sometidas a mastectomía reductora del riesgo de padecer cáncer de mama

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    [Resumen] Introducción: El 5-10% de los cánceres de mama se relacionan con mutaciones genéticas y el 15-20% adicional de los mismos con agregación familiar. En estas situaciones las mujeres pueden elegir someterse a la mastectomía reductora de hasta un 90% del riesgo de sufrir este tipo de cáncer, aunque supone un fuerte impacto psicológico en cuya reducción la Enfermería puede implicarse significativamente. Objetivos: En esta revisión bibliográfica buscamos recoger la información existente sobre la afectación psicológica que sufren estas mujeres e identificar las mejores estrategias de la Enfermería para disminuirla. Metodología: Se ha llevado a cabo utilizando 9 bases de datos y a través de búsqueda manual. Limitada, con palabras clave a documentos publicados entre el 2006 y el 2016 y elaborados en inglés o español. Resultados: Seleccionamos 13 estudios que muestran cambios en la imagen corporal, la sexualidad y la preocupación por el cáncer en estas pacientes, además de señalar cuántas están satisfechas con la decisión tomada. También seleccionamos 4 guías de práctica clínica, 11 revisiones bibliográficas y 7 artículos de relevancia para este trabajo. Discusión/conclusiones: La satisfacción por esta decisión tomada es tan alta como el fuerte impacto psicológico que esto conlleva, debido a los cambios negativos en su sexualidad, los cambios en su imagen corporal y su feminidad y la preocupación por el cáncer, el estrés y la ansiedad que rodean a este proceso; siendo el rol de la Enfermería esencial para ayudarlas a superar estos cambios.[Resumo] Introdución: O 5-10% dos cancros de mama relaciónanse con mutacións xenéticas e o 15-20% adicional dos mesmos con agregación familiar. Nestas situacións as mulleres poden elixir someterse á mastectomía redutora de ata un 90% do risco de sufrir este tipo de cancro, aínda que supón un forte impacto psicolóxico en cuxa redución a Enfermaría pode implicarse significativamente. Obxectivos: Nesta revisión bibliográfica buscamos recoller a información existente sobre a afectación psicolóxica que sofren estas mulleres e identificar as mellores estratexias da Enfermaría para diminuíla. Metodoloxía: Levouse a cabo utilizando 9 bases de datos e a través da busca manual. Limitada, con palabras clave a documentos publicados entre o 2006 e o 2016 e elaborados en inglés ou español. Resultados: Seleccionamos 13 estudios que amosan cambios na imaxe corporal, a sexualidade e a preocupación polo cancro nestas pacientes, ademais de sinalar cantas están satisfeitas coa decisión tomada. Tamén seleccionamos 4 guías de práctica clínica, 11 revisións bibliográficas e 7 artigos de relevancia para este traballo. Discusión/conclusións: A satisfacción por esta decisión tomada é tan alta como o forte impacto psicolóxico que isto conleva, debido ós cambios negativos na súa sexualidade, os cambios na súa imaxe corporal e na feminidade e a preocupación polo cancro, o estrés e a ansiedade que rodean a este proceso; sendo o rol da Enfermaría esencial para axudalas a superar estes cambios.[Abstract] Introduction: 5-10% of breast cancers are associated with genetic mutations and the additional 15-20% of them with familial aggregation. In these situations, women may choose to undergo a mastectomy to reduce up to 90% of the risk of breast cancer. However, this treatment involves a big psychological impact and Nursing can contribute substantially to its reduction. Objectives: In this review, we want to gather all the available information regarding psychological effects in these women and identify the best strategies that Nursing has to reduce them. Methodology: In order to carry out this review, we used 9 databases and we completed a manual search, using keywords to narrow our results. The documents we studied were published between 2006 and 2016 both in English and Spanish. Results: We select 13 studies that show changes in body image, sexuality and concern about the cancer in these patients. They also the percentage of women that were satisfied with their decision. In addition, we selected 4 clinical practice guidelines, 11 literature reviews and 7 relevant documents to this elaboration. Discussion/conclusions: The satisfaction with the decision is as high as the psychological impact. The reasons are the negative changes in their sexuality, body image and its femininity, and the concern, the stress and the anxiety that this treatment involves. The role of Nursing is essential to help these women overcome the changes.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ENFC). Enfermaría. Curso 2015/2016

    Reseñas de prensa: fuente para el estudio de la recepción de Cervantes en ediciones y traducciones británicas del siglo XVIII

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    In the eighteenth century, the English literary press offered evaluative comments on newly published material. This journalistic activity gives a comprehensive view of the reception of specific works and authors, and has been employed in this study to examine Miguel de Cervantes’s influence upon English literature at that time. From this perspective, this work concentrates on the analysis of book notices published in the literary journals The Monthly Review (1749-1845) and The Critical Review (1756-1817). Particular emphasis has been placed on studying the review comments that document the translations and editions of Cervantes’s works. The aim has been to assess their reception as well as to reconstruct the critical discourse that was produced about Cervantes and his literary production.En el siglo XVIII, la prensa literaria inglesa ofrecía al lector valoraciones críticas sobre las novedades editoriales que salían al mercado. Esta labor periodística, que proporciona una visión sobre la recepción de obras y autores concretos, se ha empleado en este trabajo para estudiar la huella de Miguel de Cervantes en la tradición literaria inglesa en aquella centuria. Desde esta perspectiva, se ha llevado a cabo una recopilación de textos publicados en las revistas especializadas en la revisión de obras impresas The Monthly Review (1749-1845) y The Critical Review (1756-1817), poniendo el foco en los juicios de valor emitidos sobre las traducciones y ediciones de la obra cervantina. El propósito ha sido evaluar la recepción de estos trabajos, así como dar visibilidad al discurso que se articuló en torno a la figura de Cervantes y su producción literaria

    Oscillatory brain activity in the time frequency domain associated to change blindness and change detection awareness

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    Despite the importance of change detection (CD) for visual perception and for performance in our environment, observers often miss changes that should be easily noticed. In the present study, we employed time–frequency analysis to investigate the neural activity associated with CD and change blindness (CB). Observers were resented with two successive visual displays and had to look for a change in orientation in any one of four sinusoid gratings between both displays. Theta power increased widely over the scalp after the second display when a change was consciously detected. Relative to nochange and CD, CB was associated with a pronounced theta power enhancement at parietal-occipital and occipital sites and broadly distributed alpha power suppression during the processing of the prechange display. Finally, power suppressions in the beta band following the second display show that, even when a change is not consciously detected, it might be represented to a certain degree. These results showthe potential of time–frequency analysis to deepen our knowledge of the temporal curse of the neural events underlying CD. The results further reveal that the process resulting in CB begins even before the occurrence of the change itself.This study was supported by two grants from the Spanish MEC (SEJ2007-61397 and PSI2010-21427)

    Vertical asymmetries in pre-attentive detection of changes in motion direction

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    Stimulus localization affects visual motion processing. Vertical asymmetries favouring lower visual field have been reported in event-related potentials (ERPs) and behavioural studies under different attention conditions. However, there are no studies examining such asymmetries to non attended motion changes. The present study investigated whether the asymmetry in processing information from the upper and lower visual fields also affects the automatic detection of motion-direction changes as indexed by visual Mismatch Negativity (vMMN). We recorded vMMN to changes in sinusoidal gratings differing in motion direction presented in the periphery of visual field in three different locations: upper and lower (ULVF), upper (UVF) and lower (LVF) along the vertical meridian. The N2 component elicited to peripheral motion presented lower amplitudes when the UVF was stimulated. The vMMN elicited to infrequent motion-direction changes was present in all stimulation conditions. However, it was reduced to UVF stimulation. These results suggest that the visual system automatically detects motion-direction changes presented at both upper–lower visual fields; however they also indicate that the process is favoured when stimuli are presented in the LVF alone.Study supported by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (grant SEJ2004-01377) and by the Galician Secretaría Xeral de I+D (grant PGIDIT05PXIC21101PN)S

    Bulkcarrier NEOPANAMAX 120.000 TPM

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    [Resumen]: En estos Cuadernos se recoge el proceso completo del proyecto de diseño, construcción y evaluación económica de un buque tipo Bulkcarrier de 120.000 TPM. Su denominación como “Neopanamax” se debe a que sus dimensiones están adaptadas al nuevo Canal de Panamá, inaugurado en 2016.[Resumo]: Nestos Cadernos recóllese o proceso completo do proxecto de deseño, construcción e evaluación económica dun buque tipo Bulkcarrier de 120.000 TPM. A súa denominación como “Neopanamax” débese a que as súas dimensións están adaptadas ao novo Canal de Panamá, inaugurado en 2016.[Abstract]: In this Booklets we did the complete process desing, construction and econimal evaluation of a 120.000 DWT Bulkcarrier Ship. The “Neopanamax” denomination comes from her dimensions, which fits the new Panamá Channel, opening in 2016.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría naval e oceánica. Curso 2017/201