183 research outputs found


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    The Covid19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the education. The implementation of the school management function has changed in the methods and focus of activities. The implementation of the principal's leadership function includes Plan, Do, Check, Action activities in various aspects of school management. The role of school principals was very dominant in assessing the academic and health processes of schools during the Covid-19 pandemic. An alternative way that must be done to ensure quality is education supervision. Supervision is carried out by the principal, aims to record and evaluate teacher performance. The supervision that will be used in SDN Bener 01 is constructive supervision. This supervision technique provides input and direction to the teacher. This research was conducted in January-March 2021. The research site was SDN Bener 01, Saradan District, Madiun Regency with the target of 8 teachers. The result of academic supervision is that in general there has been an increase in teachers' academics in learning during the Covid19 pandemic. The percentage of teachers with the minimum criteria is good as much as 100%. Several aspects, the teacher got very good results. The results showed that the facilities and infrastructure as well as the implementation of health protocols at SDN Bener 01 were categorized as Very Good

    Implementation of Thematic Learning Curriculum 2013; Multi Site Study at MIN 2 Kediri and MIN 1 Kediri City

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    Abstract This paper intends to answer the implementation of thematic learning in the 2013 curriculum. In addition, the authors examine the factors that support and obstruct the implementation of thematic learning in the 2013 curriculum. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative using interview, observation and documentation techniques. The research was conducted at 2 MIN in Kediri City. The results of the first study, Thematic Learning has a very important role in increasing students’ attention, learning activities, and understanding of the material being studied, because learning is more student-centered, provides direct experience to students, the separation of subjects is not very clear, presents concepts from various Subjects in a learning process, are flexible, learning outcomes can develop according to student interests and needs. Thematic learning to be successful is carried out by taking the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation. Second, the supporting factors include: (a) infrastructure, (b) the existence of a remedial teaching program, (c) the existence of training on the 2013 curriculum, (d) teacher creativity, (e) use of appropriate methods, (f) the existence of ice breaking in learning. meanwhile, inhibiting factors in the implementation of thematic learning in the 2013 curriculum include: (a) internal students, (b) teachers do not understand the 2013 curriculum, (c) teachers are less creative in collaborating learning methods, (d) lack of parental support, ( e) less supporting infrastructure, and (f) no previous training


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    Government agency is collective designation which includes work unit and organizational unit of ministries or departments, non-departmental government institution, secretariat of state high institution, and other central and regional government agencies; including state-owned enterprises, state-owned legal entities, and regional-owned enterprises. One of the very effective models in improving the quality of performance of an agency is by using the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. This research was conducted with the aim of: 1) measuring the performance of XYZ Government Agency so that their performance consistency can be monitored and 2) finding out the opportunities and obstacles in measuring the performance of XYZ Government Agency by using the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award (MBNQA) criteria. The type of this research is descriptive research that uses XYZ Government Agency as the research object. The measurement conducted in this research applies the Malcolm Baldrige method. The findings showed that the criteria with the highest percentage score is operation (39.8%) and the lowest percentage score is strategy (35.1%). The total score is 377.5 from a maximum score of 1000 points. It showed that the performance of XYZ Government Agency is at the level of “initial growth” (scale point of 376-475

    Peningkatan Partisipasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran IPS Melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Word Square Pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Bantengan Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan partisipasi belajar mata pelajaran IPS melalui strategi pembelajaran Word Square pada siswa kelas V semester genap SD Negeri 2 Bantengan tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas). Penelitian ini dilakukan dua kali siklus dan dua kali pertemuan pada tiap siklusnya. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas V SD Negeri 2 Bantengan Kecamatan Karanggede Kabupaten Boyolali Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014. Siswa Kelas V berjumlah 26 siswa. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah partisipasi belajar dan strategi pembelajaran Word Square. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan metode tes. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis data kualitatif dengan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan partisipasi belajar melalui strategi pembelajaran Word Square yang meliputi 3 aspek indikator partisipasi belajar, yaitu : keaktifan siswa dalam mengajukan pertanyaan pra siklus 3,84%, kemudian 7,69% pada siklus I pertemuan 1 menjadi 23,07%, pada siklus I pertemuan 2 mengalami peningkatan pada siklus II pertemuan 1 dari 46,15% menjadi 53,85% pada siklus II pertemuan 2. Indikator keaktifan siswa dalam menjawab pertanyaan pra siklus 15,38%, kemudian 30,77% pada siklus I pertemuan 1 menjadi 38,46%, pada siklus I pertemuan 2 mengalami peningkatan pada siklus II pertemuan 1 dari 50% menjadi 61,53% pada siklus II pertemuan 2. Indikator nilai hasil ulangan > 65 pra siklus 38,46%, kemudian 57,69% pada siklus I pertemuan 1 menjadi 69,23%, pada siklus I pertemuan 2 mengalami peningkatan pada siklus II pertemuan 1 dari 76,92% menjadi 96,15% pada siklus II pertemuan 2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan penerapan strategi pembelajaran Word Square dapat meningkatkan partisipasi belajar IPS pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 2 Bantengan Kecamatan Karanggede Kabupaten Boyolali tahun ajaran 2013/2014


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    Kawasisan basa sajrone pendhidhikan kudu disinaoni, salah sijine kawasisan basa yaiku kawasisan nyemak. Kawasisan nyemak sajrone pasinaon basa Jawa ana ing materi nyemak crita rakyat kanggo kelas VII SMP. Ing SMPN 2 Wli ngi, Blitar pamulangan kawasisan nyemak crita rakyat butuh dikembangake. Adhedhasar angket kebutuhan siswa nuduhake asil rata - rata angket kebutuhan siswa saka 3 sampel 2,45 kagolong kurang njangkepi kompetensi, saengga dibutuhake pengembangan medhia pasina on. Medhia animasi flash minangka medhia kang trep karo karakteristik siswa sajrone analisis angket kebutuhan siswa. Underan panliten iki ana telu yaiku (1) k epriye p e ngembangan medhia animasi flash (2) k epriye asile uji coba kelayakan medhia animasi flash tumrap kawasisan nyemak crita rakyat ing kelas eksperimen (3) k epriye tanggapane siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Wlingi, Blitar. Ancase panliten iki yaiku (1) ngandharake asil p e ngembangan medhia animasi flash , (2) ngandharake asil uji coba kelayakan medhia animas i flash tumrap kawasisan nyemak crita rakyat ing kelas eksperimen, (3) ngandharake tanggapane siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Wlingi, Blitar. Panliten iki ditindakake kanggo ngasilake prodhuk yaiku medhia animasi flash, banjur diuji kelayakane. Langkah pengembangan medhia nggunakake konsep Sugiyono yaiku nganalisis kebutuhan siswa, nglumpukake dhata kanggo isi medhia, desain prod h uk, pangetrapan desain, validasi medhia , revisi medhia, uji coba prodhuk , revisi , lan prodhuksi. Populasi ing panliten iki siswa kelas VII SMPN 2 Wlingi, Blitar taun 2015/2016. Sampel kang nggunakake teknik sampling purposive ing panliten eksperimen iki ana telu yaiku kelas VII A kelas kontrol, kelas VII E kelas eksperimen, lan kelas VII I kelas uji instrumen. Ing proses pengembangan medhia, desain medhia kang wis ditrepake banjur divalidasi . Asil validasi medhia antuk 66,8% kagolong apik. Asil validasi materi antuk 83% kagolong apik banget. R eliabilitas instrumen ing kelas uji instrumen dinyatakake reliabe l antuk asil 0,425 , instrumen layak digunakake. Asil pasinaon pretes t - posttest siswa saka pangetungan t itung kelas eksperimen 5,19 > t tabel (0,05, db=31) =2,04. Pambandhing biji pretes t - posttest kelas eksperimen lan kelas kontrol t itung = 2,11 > t tabel =2,00. A sil biji afektif kelas eksperimen lan kontrol yaiku 90,62 % lan 83,33%. Pambeda antarane kelas eksperimen lan kelas kontrol yaiku t tes 2,11 > t tabel 2,00. D hata asil pasinaon siswa kasebut nuduhake yen medhia layak digunakake. Tanggapan siswa tumrap panganggone medhia animasi flash apik. Asil angket respon siswa kelas VII I kelas uji instrumen antuk 79,78% kagolong apik. Asil angket respon siswa kelas VII E kelas eksperimen antuk 79,53% kagolong apik. Dadi bisa didudut yen panli ten iki nrima hipotesis pengembangan medhia animasi flash mangaribawani undhaking kawasisan nyemak crita rakyat. Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Medhia Animasi Flash , Kawasisan Nyemak Crita Rakyat

    Pengujian Week-four, Monday, Friday Dan Earnings Management Effect Terhadap Return Saham

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    The Purpose of this research was to know the empirical impact of days of the weekeffect to daily stock return. It used data of LQ-45 manufacturing companies listed during 2006in Indonesian Stock Exchange and was analyzed using multiple regression through originwithout intercept and dummy variables. The findings were: 1) there was impact in days of theweek effect phenomenon with stock price, it meant the lowest return was on Monday and thehighest return was on Friday; 2) there was no significantly positive impact between week-foureffect with stock price. It meant liquidity could not influence trading activity; 3) there was nosignificantly positive impact between Friday effect and stock price and 4) there was nosignificantly positive impact between Earnings Management effect and stock price. It meantEarnings Management in April could not influence daily stock return


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    Perkembangan pendidikan desain interior menghendaki adanya penyampaian karya kepada pengguna desain (klien desain) yang dapat dipahami secara lugas, tepat, sesuai dengan gagasan perancang maupun tuntutan pengguna desain interior. Rancanganrancangan yang ada dalam benak mahasiswa sering rancu dan akhirnya tidak tersampaikan dengan baik kepada para pendidik desain atau kepada pengguna desain interior, meskipun secara fisik tampilan karya mengagumkan. Hal ini disebabkan karena cara mahasiswa memaparkan karya lewat presentasi yang kurang tepat, sehingga gagasan-gagasan yang ada menjadi tumpul, imajinasi yang tak tersampaikan, akhirnya desain menjadi mentah dan terlihat tidak terarah dan tidak bertujuan. Peranan pendidik dan pendidikan desain interior adalah mengolah dan mengarahkan potensi positif calon desainer, dalam hal ini mahasiswa desain interior, untuk dapat melakukan langkah-langkah strategis dalam mempresentasikan karya-karyanya sesuai dengan konsep, imajinasi, dan tuntutan pengguna desain. Kata kunci : presentasi desain, pendidikan, desain interior. ABSTRACT The development of interior design education obliges the presence of a message delivered to the design client that can be understood clearly and occurately, according to the designer’s idea or to the user’s demand. The design schemes that are accumulated in the student’s mind are often muddled up and as a result, the message is poorly delivered to the design educator or the interior design user, although physically, the design appears to be astonishing. The same is the case when the students introduce their design work trough a poor presentation that hence causes their ideas to seem dull, their imagination not delivered and finally the design becomes raw and appears to be in the wrong direction or aim. The role of an educator and interior design education is to prepare and guide a design candidate, in this case the interior student, to develop a positive capability to be able to apply strategical step in presenting design work accurately according to the concept, imagination as well the demand of the design user. Key words: design presentation, education, interior design


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    Tradisi Tironan yaitu salah satu tradisi yang menggunakan teori folklor, teori yang digunakan yaiku teorifolklor setengah lisan yang bermakna folklor tersebut wujudnya campuran antara unsur lisan dan bukan lisan. TradisiTironan di dusun Ngapus, desa Sumberharjo, kecamatan Sumberrejo dilaksanakan setiap tiba hari lahir jawa (weton)orang yang akan dibuatkan tiron atau tumpeng/ambeng.Penelitian ini membahas tentang (1) awal mula terjadinya tradisi tironan di dusun Ngapus,(2) ubarampe danmakna yang terkandung didalam tradisi tironan dusun Ngapus,(3) tata laku tradisi tironan dusun Ngapus,(4) carapelestarian tradisi tironan dusun Ngapus, (5) penilaian masyarakat terhadap adanya tradisi tironan di dusun Ngapus.Tujuan tradisi tironan dusun Ngapus yaitu membahas tentang awal mula terjadinya tradisi tironan dusun Ngapus,ubarame dan juga makna, tata laku tradisi tironan, cara pelestrian dan juga pendapat masyarakat mengenai tradisitironan di dusun Ngapus.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.Metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif ini digunakan dengan menimbang data yang dihasilkan berupa datadeskriptif, yaitu kata-kata berupa tulisan atau lisan dari informan dengan cara melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi.Analisis data dilaksanakan dengan cara memberi interpretasi disetiap bentuk data.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tradisi tironan termasuk tradisi di dusun Ngapus yang masih dipercayaoleh masyarakat untuk menumbuhkan rasa syukur dan memohon pertolongan kepada Allah SWT dengan cara lewatdo‟a setiap waktu hari lahir perhitungan Jawa (weton) tiba atau sebulan sekali. Pelaksanaan tradisi tironan ini dilakukandengan cara runtut dari awal persiapan, acara inti, dan akhir. Tradisi ini menggunakan alat dan bahan yang berupaubarampe yang mempunyai makna sendiri-sendiri. Cara pelestarian tradisi ini yaitu dengan cultural experience dancultural knowladge. Terakhir yaitu pendapat masyarakat mengenai TT ini terbentuk menjadi dua golongan, yaitugolongan setuju dan golongan tidak setuju adanya TT.Kata kunci: tradisi, kebudayaan, tironan, folklo

    Determinant Factors of Energy Consumption Savings in Urban Households

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    Based on urban homes' typical features and socioeconomic characteristics, this experimental research examined consumer behavior patterns regarding energy efficiency and the factors influencing energy saving. This research investigated the idea of "nudge" with power conservation. This research used the word "Nudge" in the chosen architectural scheme to reduce residential power use to prevent the rebound effect. We found that 'nudged' households could lower their power usage costs by utilizing societal norms. The "Nudge" criteria we included discussed general knowledge of energy saving and the usage of societal norms that encourage replacing conventional lighting with energy-efficient ones. In this research, sixty-two homes were chosen and given a "nudge" over three months. The homes' sizes must range from 40 to 200 square meters and have had current electrical accounts for at least a year. This research in Bantul was intended to investigate the impact of "home energy reporting" and how social norms, curtailment, and energy conservation practices differ depending on shared traits like the home's features and the owner's socioeconomic status. According to this research, "social norms and curtailments" can lower home power usage, resulting in electricity cost savings of up to 16.305 percent for three months compared to typical consumption. On the savings that were realized, there was no rebound impact. Keywords: rebound effect, household energy efficiency, social norms, nudge, saving behavio
