63 research outputs found

    Carcass characteristics and cost benefits of two broiler strains as affected by duration of feed withdrawal at finisher phase

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    The present study was undertaken to examine the before and post-slaughter characteristics of two broiler strains under feed withdrawal regime during the hot weather conditions. 180 day-old broiler chicks comprising 90 chicks each of Arbor Acre and Ross 308 were procured from reputable hatchery, and were raised for four weeks before being distributed randomly to three groups of feed withdrawal regime. The treatments are: T1= ad libitum (control), T2= 8-12noon feeding (morning) and T3= 12noon-4pm feeding (afternoon). Each treatment was replicated thrice with 10 birds per replicate. At 49th day, three birds per treatment were randomly taken after starving them overnight for carcass evaluation. Analysed data showed that there was no significant effect of strain on live weight, carcass and non-carcass traits regardless of feed restriction employed. But Arbor Acre recorded higher net profit than Ross308 in terms of cost of production on strain basis. With regard to duration of feed withdrawal, dressed weight, eviscerated weight, carcass weight and back weight were significantly affected by the feeding regime imposed on the birds. Birds on ad libitum and afternoon feeding groups had higher and superior mean values to morning group. This implies that feeding birds in the afternoon under favourable conditions and improved management practices is beneficial and economically viable and profitable

    Cancers Primitifs Oto-Rhino-Laryngologiques Et Cervico-Maxillo-Faciaux De L’enfant: Aspects ÉpidĂ©miologiques Et Histopathologiques

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    Objective: Have a view on child’s head and neck cancers in a reference centre in Togo. Methodology: It was a descriptive retrospective study about the cancers diagnosed among children under 15 years in head and neck department of Sylvanus Olympio Teaching Hospital of LomĂ© in Togo from 1st January 2005 to 31 December 2014. The pieces were analysed in the pathological anatomy laboratory of the same teaching Hospital. Results: The child’s head and neck cancers represented 0.8 % of the whole ENT tumours and 5.5% of head and neck cancers. The average age was 8 years ± 4.7 ranging from 3 months to 15 years. The male sexe was predominant in 15 cases. The frequent location was ganglions, followed by oral cavity (gingivo-maxillary location and gingivo-mandibular location) in respectively 13 and 6 cases. The sinus, rhinopharynx, and larynx locations were found in 01 case of each cancer. In terms of histopathology, there were 21 cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of which 09 cases of Burkitt’s and 01 case of inferior lip neuroblastoma. Conclusion: Child’s head and neck cancers are scarce in Togo and dominated by malignant primitive cervical adenopathy

    Broadcast spawning coral <i>Mussismilia hispida</i> can vertically transfer its associated bacterial core

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    The hologenome theory of evolution (HTE), which is under fierce debate, presupposes that parts of the microbiome are transmitted from one generation to the next [vertical transmission (VT)], which may also influence the evolution of the holobiont. Even though bacteria have previously been described in early life stages of corals, these early life stages (larvae) could have been inoculated in the water and not inside the parental colony (through gametes) carrying the parental microbiome. How Symbiodinium is transmitted to offspring is also not clear, as only one study has described this mechanism in spawners. All other studies refer to incubators. To explore the VT hypothesis and the key components being transferred, colonies of the broadcast spawner species Mussismilia hispida were kept in nurseries until spawning. Gamete bundles, larvae and adult corals were analyzed to identify their associated microbiota with respect to composition and location. Symbiodinium and bacteria were detected by sequencing in gametes and coral planula larvae. However, no cells were detected using microscopy at the gamete stage, which could be related to the absence of those cells inside the oocytes/dispersed in the mucus or to a low resolution of our approach. A preliminary survey of Symbiodinium diversity indicated that parental colonies harbored Symbiodinium clades B, C and G, whereas only clade B was found in oocytes and planula larvae [5 days after fertilization (a.f.)]. The core bacterial populations found in the bundles, planula larvae and parental colonies were identified as members of the genera Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Ralstonia, Inquilinus and Bacillus, suggesting that these populations could be vertically transferred through the mucus. The collective data suggest that spawner corals, such as M. hispida, can transmit Symbiodinium cells and the bacterial core to their offspring by a coral gamete (and that this gamete, with its bacterial load, is released into the water), supporting the HTE. However, more data are required to indicate the stability of the transmitted populations to indicate whether the holobiont can be considered a unit of natural selection or a symbiotic assemblage of independently evolving organisms

    Expansion of Agriculture in Northern Cold-Climate Regions: A Cross-Sectoral Perspective on Opportunities and Challenges

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    Agriculture in the boreal and Arctic regions is perceived as marginal, low intensity and inadequate to satisfy the needs of local communities, but another perspective is that northern agriculture has untapped potential to increase the local supply of food and even contribute to the global food system. Policies across northern jurisdictions target the expansion and intensification of agriculture, contextualized for the diverse social settings and market foci in the north. However, the rapid pace of climate change means that traditional methods of adapting cropping systems and developing infrastructure and regulations for this region cannot keep up with climate change impacts. Moreover, the anticipated conversion of northern cold-climate natural lands to agriculture risks a loss of up to 76% of the carbon stored in vegetation and soils, leading to further environmental impacts. The sustainable development of northern agriculture requires local solutions supported by locally relevant policies. There is an obvious need for the rapid development of a transdisciplinary, cross-jurisdictional, long-term knowledge development, and dissemination program to best serve food needs and an agricultural economy in the boreal and Arctic regions while minimizing the risks to global climate, northern ecosystems and communities

    Les lymphangiomes kystiques cervico-faciaux en pratique O.R.L. au Togo

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    (Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé: 2001 5(1): 251-254

    Les nodules thyroidiens: Aspects epidemiologiques, cliniques et therapeutiques a propos de 84 cas colliges au service d'Orl du Chu-Tokoin de Lome de 1988 A 2000

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    The Thyroid nodules are organized anatomic structures, more or less distincly delimited of normal thyroid parenchyma. This study has been retrospectively carried out from January 1st 1988 to December 31st, 2002 in the ORL Departement of CHU-Tokoin of LomĂ©. The objective of this work is to: determine the epidemiological factors; - bring out the clinical aspects; and analyse the therapeutic modalities of the thyroid nodules; what allowed to draw the following facts. The thyroid nodules have accounted for 56% of the surgical thyroid pathologies. A marked female predominancy (90.46% of cases) has been noticed with a sex-ratio of 9.5%. The average age was 36 years with extremes going from 6 to 66 years. Among 75 patients (89. 29% of cases), the disease has been asymptomatic outside the nodule. Nine (9) patients (10.71% of cases) has been consulted within the context of the disease complications. The appearance of the nodule coincided with the pregnancy in 23.81% of cases. The predilection seat of the nodules has been at the lobe level: 33.33% of cases for the right lobe and 25.01% for the left one. Nodules have been of liquid echostructure (49.35%), mixed (27.27%) and solid (20.78%). Nodules have been mild in 92.86% of cases and malignant in 7.14% of cases. The histological study has shown 88.09% of adenomas, 7.15% of carcinomas, 3.57% of cysts and 1.1% of Throiditis of Hashimoto. Thyroidectomy practised in all the patients has been dominated by a unilateral lobo-isthmectomia (55.96%). Immediate post-operative effect have been simples in 94.05% of cases and complicated in 5.95% of cases. Thyroid nodules are frequent in TOGO and affect in 90.46% of cases women. It is an ailment of the young men. The scan detects the non-palpable nodules. The treatment is a surgical one. The post-operative prognosis is good. Les nodules thyroĂŻdiens sont des structures anatomiques organisĂ©es, dĂ©limitĂ©es plus ou moins nettement du parenchyme thyroĂŻdien normal.Cette Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©trospective menĂ©e du 1er janvier 1988 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2000 dans le service d’ORL du CHU-Tokoin de LomĂ©. Ce travail a eu pour buts : de dĂ©terminer les facteurs Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, de relever les aspects cliniques et d’analyser les modalitĂ©s thĂ©rapeutiques des nodules thyroĂŻdiens et Ă  permis de dĂ©gager les faits suivantsLes nodules thyroĂŻdiens ont reprĂ©sentĂ© 56% des pathologies thyroĂŻdiennes chirurgicales. Une nette prĂ©dominance fĂ©minine (90,46% des cas) a Ă©tĂ© notĂ©e avec une sex-ratio de 9,5. L’ñge moyen a Ă©tĂ© de 36 ans avec des extrĂȘmes allant de 6 Ă  66 ans. Chez 75 patients (89,29% des cas) la maladie a Ă©tĂ© asymptomatique en dehors du nodule. Neuf patients (10,71% des cas) ont consultĂ© dans le cadre de complications de la maladie. L’apparition du nodule a coĂŻncidĂ© avec la grossesse dans 23,81% des cas. Le siĂšge de prĂ©dilection des nodules a Ă©tĂ© lobaire : 33,33% des cas pour le lobe droit et 25,01% pour le lobe gauche. Les nodules ont Ă©tĂ© d’échostructure liquidienne (49,35%), mixte (27,27%) et solide (20,78%). Les nodules ont Ă©tĂ© bĂ©nins dans 92,86% des cas et malins dans 7,14% des cas. L’étude histologique a montrĂ© 88,09% d’adĂ©nomes, 7,15% de carcinomes, 3,57% de kystes et 1,19% de thyroĂŻdite de Hashimoto. La thyroĂŻdectomie pratiquĂ©e chez tous les patients a Ă©tĂ© dominĂ©e par une lobo-isthmectomie unilatĂ©rale (55,96%). Les suites opĂ©ratoires immĂ©diates ont Ă©tĂ© simples dans 94,05% des cas et compliquĂ©es dans 5,95% des cas.Les nodules thyroĂŻdiens sont frĂ©quents au Togo et affectent dans 90,46% des cas des femmes. C’est une affection du sujet jeune. L’échographie dĂ©tecte les nodules non palpables. Le traitement est chirurgical. Le pronostic post-opĂ©ratoire est bon

    Unusual bronchial foreign body in a child

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    Bronchial foreign bodies are a frequent vital emergency in children. The nature of these bodies is often influenced by the socio-cultural and educational habits of the populations studied. We report the case of a 12-year-old adolescent who inhaled a compass arm and presented a vague foreign body aspiration. Pulmonary x-ray localized the body in the right main bronchus. The rigid bronchoscopy under general anesthesia allowed the extraction of this foreign body.Keywords: bronchial foreign body, unusual foreign body, chil

    Treatment with a coinducer of the heat shock response delays muscle denervation in the SOD1-G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Religiosity is deemed essential for humans, especially when humans entered the elderly. Increased relationship with their religion will improve the health and psychological well-being of the elderly. The purpose of this study is to conduct psychometric analysis of the religiosity scale based on the context of Islamic religion. The sample consisted of 205 elderly with aged criteria above 60 years. This scale was developed based on the multi-dimensional structure of religiosity theory, are: the ideological (acceptance of the belief system); the feeling (subjective and emotional religious experience as an expression of personal religiousness); the ritualistic (participation in religious activities and practices); the intellectual (knowledge of the belief system); and the consequential (ethical consequences of the belief system). The measurement method with reliability test uses Cronbach’s alpha and internal validity measurement using corrected item-total correlation and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results show that the scale has consistency and has items that are feasible to explain the variables of religiosit

    Traumatismes cranio-faciaux par coups et blessures volontaires au chu Sylvanus Olympio de Lome

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    Objectif : dĂ©terminer les motifs et moyens d’agression, les lĂ©sions cranio-faciales occasionnĂ©es et le lieu du rĂšglement du diffĂ©rend des traumatismes par coups et blessures volontaires.MĂ©thodologie : Ă©tude prospective rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le service d’ORL et de chirurgie cervicomaxillo-faciale du CHU Sylvanus Olympio chez des patients reçus pour coups et blessures volontaires, du 1er janvier au 31 dĂ©cembre 2017RĂ©sultats : les traumatismes par coups et blessures volontaires ont reprĂ©sentĂ© 16,19% de l’ensemble des traumatismes cranio-faciaux soit 103 patients. L’ñge moyen Ă©tait de 27 ans avec des extrĂȘmes de 13 et 64 ans. La sex-ratio Ă©tait de 1,64. Dans 67,96% des cas, l’agressĂ© ne connaissait pas son agresseur. Trente et deux patients (31,07%) Ă©taient agressĂ©s pour insulte et vingt et six patients (25,24%) lors du vol de leur moto. La gifle (30,10%) le gourdin (23,30%) et le coup de poing (23,30%) Ă©taient les moyens d’agression les plus utilisĂ©s. Le gourdin Ă©tait le moyen le plus utilisĂ© pour les vols de moto. La perforation tympanique (17 cas), l’ecchymose de la joue (17 cas) Ă©taient les lĂ©sions les plus frĂ©quentes. La fracture des os propres du nez (7/22) Ă©tait la fracture la plus rencontrĂ©e. La prise en charge a Ă©tĂ© ambulatoire dans 88 cas (85,43%). Le diffĂ©rend a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©glĂ© Ă  la police (46,60%), Ă  la gendarmerie (17,47%), Ă  la justice&nbsp; (6,80%) et Ă  l’amiable (29,12%).Conclusion : Les traumatismes cranio-faciaux par coups et blessures volontaires sont une rĂ©alitĂ© dans notre contexte et imposent une Ă©tude d’évaluation des taux d’incapacitĂ©s et de prĂ©judices rĂ©ellement appliquĂ©s dans les certificats mĂ©dicaux dans notre pratique. Mots-clĂ©s : traumatisme cranio-facial ; coups et blessures volontaires ; agression. &nbsp; English title: Cranio-facial trauma by intentional assault and battery at Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital in Lome Objective: to determine the motives and means of aggression, the craniofacial lesions caused and the place of settlement of the dispute of injuries by intentional assault and battery. Methodology: prospective study performed in the ENT and cervico-maxillofacial surgery department of Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital in patients admitted for intentional assault and battery, from January 1st to December 31st, 2017. Results: trauma caused intentional assault and battery accounted for 16.19% of all craniofacial injuries, ie 103 patients. The average age was 27 years old with extremes of 13 and 64 years old. The sex ratio was 1.64. In 67.96% of the cases, the assaulted did not know his aggressor. Thirty-two patients (31.07%) were assaulted for insult and twenty-six patients (25.24%) during motocycle theft. The slap&nbsp; (30.10%) the club (23.30%) and the punch (23.30%) were the most used means of aggression. The club was the most used means for motorcycle theft. Tympanic perforation (17 cases), cheek bruise (17 cases) were the most frequent lesions. Fracture of the bones of the nose (7/22) was the most common fracture. The management was outpatient in 88 cases (85.43%). The dispute was settled by the police (46.60%), the gendarmerie (17.47%), the court (6.80%) and amicably (29.12%). Conclusion: Craniofacial trauma by voluntary injury is a reality in our context and requires a study to assess the rates of disability and harm actually applied in medicalcertificates in our practice. Keywords: craniofacial trauma; intentional assault and battery; aggression.&nbsp

    Les corps etrangers des fosses nasales: Extraction par la pince d'halsteaD

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    Foreign bodies (Fb) of nasal fossae are frequent mainly among children. This prospective study carried out in ORL department of CHU Tokoin from January 1st to January 31st is aimed at determining the frequency and the nature of nasal fossae’s foreign body and at assessing the extraction by means of Halstead pliers. It comes out of this study that:- Foreign bodies of nasal fossae account for 0.9% of consultation at ORL department.Patient’s age varied from 9 months to 8 years with an average age of 3 years. Children below 5 years are the most affected with 76.45 % of cases; with a light male predominance (52.94 %). The right nasal fossae and the space above the head of the lower turbinate bones were the preferred seats with 70.59 % and 58.82 % of cases respectively.Non-organic foreign bodies accounted for 68.63 % of cases and among these latest, chaek accounted for 28.57 %, foam 17.14 %, pearls 14.29 %. - Among organic bodies (30.37 %) maize grains accounted for 56.25 %) of cases. - Most of our patients consulted after the incident only four (4) patients consulted for rhinorrhoea and/or for a unilateral cacosmy. - Foreign bodies extraction was carried out by means of Halstead pliers without clips among 50 patients, with 5 cases of lesion of the nasal mucous membrane; we had to resort to general anaesthesia to a patient with later foreign back of foreign bodies.- This method can be advised in areas under equipped with health equipment. Les corps Ă©trangers (CE) des fosses nasales sont frĂ©quents surtout chez les enfants. Cette Ă©tude prospective menĂ©e dans le service d’ORL du CHU Tokoin du 1 janvier au 31 janvier 2001 a pour but de dĂ©terminer la frĂ©quence et la nature des CE des fosses nasales et d’évaluer l’extraction Ă  l’aide de la pince d’ Halstead. Il ressort de cette Ă©tude que :Les corps Ă©trangers des fosses nasales reprĂ©sentent 0,94 % des consultations ORL du service. L’ñge des patients a variĂ© de 9 mois Ă  8 ans avec un Ăąge moyen de 3 ans. Les enfants de moins de 5 ans sont les plus consernĂ©s avec 76,47 % des cas ; avec une lĂ©gĂšre prĂ©dominance masculine (52,94 %). La fosse nasale droite et l’espace situĂ© au dessus de la tĂȘte du cornet infĂ©rieur ont Ă©tĂ© les siĂšges de prĂ©dilection avec respectivement 70,59 % et 58,82 % des cas. Les corps Ă©trangers non organiques ont reprĂ©sentĂ© 68,63 % des cas et parmi ces derniers la craie a reprĂ©sentĂ© 28,57 %, la mousse 17,14 % et les perles 14,29 %. Parmi les corps organiques (30,37 %) les graines de maĂŻs ont reprĂ©sentĂ© 56,25 % des cas. La plupart de nos patients ont consultĂ© aprĂšs l’incident. Seuls 4 patients ont consultĂ© pour une rhinorrhĂ©e et ou une cacosmie unilatĂ©rale. L’extraction du CE a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e par la pince d’Halstead sans griffe chez 50 patients, avec 5 cas de lĂ©sion de la muqueuse nasale ; nous avons eu recours Ă  l’anesthĂ©sie gĂ©nĂ©rale chez un patient avec refoulement postĂ©rieur du CE. Cette mĂ©thode peut ĂȘtre conseillĂ©e dans des rĂ©gions sous Ă©quipĂ©es en matĂ©riel sanitaire
