1,863 research outputs found


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    This study discusses considerations about the public security professional, with an emphasis on some issues related specifically to the military police. It also focuses on the perspective of national agencies and legislation that regulate such activity. For this purpose, bibliographic and documentary methodological procedures were chosen to support the intended discussions, encompassing the role, identity, rights, and duties of the military police as a public security agent, according to entities responsible for national public security. Thus, it is hoped that, in addition to corroborating the production on the subject, this research can elucidate for the community in general that the Military Police, as an institution, has to ensure public safety and, therefore, the police officer needs to fulfill their duties and have their rights protected.  Este estudio aborda consideraciones sobre el profesional de seguridad pública, con énfasis en algunas problemáticas relacionadas especialmente con el policía militar. También se presta atención a la visión de los organismos y legislación nacionales que regulan dicha actividad. Para ello, se optó por procedimientos metodológicos bibliográficos y documentales que respalden las discusiones pretendidas, que incluyen la función, la identidad, los derechos y deberes del policía militar como agente de seguridad pública, de acuerdo con los organismos responsables de la seguridad pública nacional. Así, se espera que, además de contribuir a la producción sobre el tema, esta investigación pueda esclarecer a la comunidad en general que la Policía Militar, como institución, tiene el deber de velar por la seguridad pública. Por lo tanto, el policía debe cumplir con sus deberes, con sus derechos protegidos.  Este estudo tece considerações sobre o profissional de segurança pública,  com ênfase em algumas problemáticas relacionadas especialmente ao(à) policial militar, atenta-se também à visão dos órgãos e legislação nacionais que regulamentam tal atividade. Para tanto, optou-se por procedimentos metodológicos bibliográficos e documentais que amparem as discussões pretendidas, que a saber englobam a função, a identidade, os direitos e deveres do(da) policial militar enquanto agente de segurança pública, de acordo com órgãos responsáveis pela segurança pública nacional. Assim, espera-se que, além de corroborar com a produção sobre a temática, essa pesquisa possa elucidar à comunidade em geral que a Polícia Militar, enquanto instituição, tem por dever zelar da segurança pública e,  por isso, o(a) policial precisa cumprir seus deveres e ter seus direitos resguardados.  Este estudo tece considerações sobre o profissional de segurança pública,  com ênfase em algumas problemáticas relacionadas especialmente ao(à) policial militar, atenta-se também à visão dos órgãos e legislação nacionais que regulamentam tal atividade. Para tanto, optou-se por procedimentos metodológicos bibliográficos e documentais que amparem as discussões pretendidas, que a saber englobam a função, a identidade, os direitos e deveres do(da) policial militar enquanto agente de segurança pública, de acordo com órgãos responsáveis pela segurança pública nacional. Assim, espera-se que, além de corroborar com a produção sobre a temática, essa pesquisa possa elucidar à comunidade em geral que a Polícia Militar, enquanto instituição, tem por dever zelar da segurança pública e,  por isso, o(a) policial precisa cumprir seus deveres e ter seus direitos resguardados


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    The current study had the objective of identifying and characterizing the landforms that make up the karst area on the surroundings of the Azuis River, found at the city of Aurora do Tocantins, located on the Southwest of the Tocantins State. In order to reach such goal, a geomorphological map was made with a scale of 1:25,000, based on the adaptation of methodological processes from the French and Dutch Schools of Geomorphological Cartography. In general, the observed exokarst features were limestone outcrops, springs, sinks, dolines, uvalas, and poljés. Geomorphological processes responsible for the shape of the terrain were identified, confirming the immense potential for studies about karst systems, as well as about natural attractions.O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e analisar as feições de relevo que integram a área cárstica no entorno do rio Azuis, situada no município de Aurora do Tocantins, região sudeste do estado do Tocantins. A fim de atender tal proposição, foi elaborada uma carta geomorfológica em escala de detalhe (1:25.000) com base na adaptação de procedimentos metodológicos das escolas francesa e holandesa de cartografia geomorfológica. De modo geral, foram verificadas feições exocársticas, como maciços calcários, surgências, sumidouros, dolinas, uvalas e poljés. Processos geomorfológicos responsáveis pela configuração do relevo foram identificados, confirmando o grande potencial para estudos dos sistemas cársticos, bem como dos atrativos naturais

    Análise da estrutura de mercado na cadeia produtiva do leite no período de 1998 a 2008

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    The dairy industry productive chain is among the most important domestic agricultural and cattle raising products, accounting for a significant part of agribusiness. In the last years, this sector has undergone significant structural changes, with increased participation of relatively smaller enterprises and reduced number of larger enterprises in the market. The aim of this work is to understand the dynamics between industry and retail performance and the effect on the prices paid to dairy producers. Specifically, this work aims to calculate the sector’s concentration indexes and causality indexes between the prices paid to the producer, the industry markup and the retail prices. Based on price temporal series, a VAR model was estimated and the Granger causality test was carried out. The results obtained reinforce that there was a decrease in concentration in the sector and the causality tests indicate low oligopsony power in retail and industry.Market concentration, Dairy sector, Granger causality test, Industrial Organization,

    The use of a DNA stabilizer in human dental tissues stored under different temperature conditions and time intervals

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    Objective: The present study evaluated the use of a reagent to stabilize the DNA extracted from human dental tissues stored under different temperature conditions and time intervals. Material and Methods: A total of 161 teeth were divided into two distinct groups: intact teeth and isolated dental pulp tissue. The samples were stored with or without the product at different time intervals and temperature. After storage, DNA extraction and genomic DNA quantification were performed using real-time PCR; the fragments of the 32 samples that represented each possible condition were analyzed to find the four pre-selected markers in STR analysis. Results: The results of the quantification showed values ranging from 0.01 to 10,246.88 ng/μL of DNA. The statistical difference in the quantity of DNA was observed when the factors related to the time and temperature of storage were analyzed. In relation to the use of the specific reagent, its use was relevant in the group of intact teeth when they were at room temperature for 30 and 180 days. The analysis of the fragments in the 32 selected samples was possible irrespective of the amount of DNA, confirming that the STR analysis using an automated method yields good results. Conclusions: The use of a specific reagent showed a significant difference in stabilizing DNA in samples of intact human teeth stored at room temperature for 30 and 180 days, while the results showed no justification for using the product under the other conditions tested

    Avaliação estrutural das opções existentes para implantação de mezaninos metálicos e sua influência na capacidade portante da estrutura de concreto existente

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    Projetos de reforço estrutural requerem um grande cuidado tanto dos projetistas quando dos executores, uma vez que ao fazê-lo, não se deve deteriorar a estrutura já existente, que estiver em boas condições. Neste estudo foram avaliadas as condições da estrutura de um local que, futuramente, seria a Casa de Diversões HOG CLUB, onde três mezaninos seriam instalados para aumentar a sua área útil. Em seguida. local e escolhida a melhor opção para a sua instalação. Enfim, o projeto estrutural dessa implantação foi realizado.Structural reinforcement projects require great care from the designers and from the executors, since by doing so, it should not damage the existing structure that is in good condition. This stu-dy has analyzed the conditions of the structure of a location that in the future would be the HOG CLUB Fun House, where three mezzanines would be installed to increase its service area. Then an evaluation of the influence of these mezzanines at the bearing capacity of the existing concrete structure was held, and the best option for its ins-tallation was chosen. Finally, the structural design of this deployment was made

    Recent Trends in Pharmacological Activity of Alkaloids in Animal Colitis: Potential Use for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic and disrupted inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. IBD have two main conditions, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and have been extensively investigated in recent years. Antibiotics derived from salicylates, steroids, immunosuppressors, and anti-TNF therapy are part of the therapeutic arsenal for IBD. However, very often patients stop responding to treatments over the time. In this context, searching for alternative agents is crucial for IBD clinical management. Natural products derived from medicinal plants are an interesting therapeutic alternative, since several studies have proven effective treatments in animal models of intestinal inflammation. Several naturally occurring compounds are potent antioxidants, both as free radical scavengers and as modulators of antioxidant enzymes expression and activity. A number of natural compounds have also been proved to inhibit the release of proinflammatory cytokines, decreasing the activation of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), which is important to the inflammatory response in IBD. The alkaloids are substances of a very diverse class of plant secondary metabolites; an extensive list of biological activities has been attributed to alkaloids, such as being anticholinergic, antitumor, diuretic, antiviral, antihypertensive, antiulcer, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory. In the present work, studies on the pharmacological activity of alkaloids in experimental models of IBD were reviewed

    Development of a sequential injection system for the determination of nitrite and nitrate in waters with different salinity: Application to estuaries in NW Portugal

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    In this work, a sequential injection methodology for monitoring nitrite and nitrate in estuarine waters without any previous treatment is described. The developed system was applied to the measurement of nitrite and nitrate in estuarine waters of three rivers in the NW Portugal, allowing an automatic, fast (ca 60 h 1) and precise method (relative standard deviation lower than 2%). The procedure was based on the reaction between nitrite, sulfanilamide and N-(1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine dihydrochloride (N1NED), whereas the determination of nitrate resulted from its reduction to nitrite, using an in-line cadmium column, followed by the same reaction. The samples were collected in three locations for each river (Douro, C avado and Ave) covering the lower, middle and upper section of the estuaries. Despite the presence of a salinity gradient, this parameter showed no interference in the accuracy of the determinations. The results obtained for the described method for nitrite were statistically comparable to those obtained by the reference procedure. For the determination of nitrate, recovery tests confirmed that the sequential injection methodology provided good quality results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plasma cell cheilitis: the diagnosis of a disorder mimicking lip cancer

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    Plasma cell cheilitis (PCC) is an inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology that affects the lip. It is characterized histologically by a dense infiltrate of plasma cells with a variety of clinical features. The response to different therapeutic modalities is controversial, especially regarding the effectiveness of corticosteroids. We present a case of a 56-year-old Caucasian man with a painful ulcerated and crusted area in the lower lip, resembling a squamous cell carcinoma or actinic cheilitis. Topical corticosteroid was used for one week, which resulted in partial regression and motivated a biopsy. The histological examination provided the diagnosis of PCC. The patient has been disease-free for six months. We also provide a discussion on the criteria of differential diagnosis and management of this rare condition. See ERRATUM&nbsp

    Biological efficiency of Charolais beef cows of different body sizes

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    This study aimed to evaluate the production, reproductive performance, and productive efficiency of predominantly Charolais cows and their calves (Straightbred, ¾ C, ¼ N) according to body size at calving. Sixty-three cow-calf pairs were used and classified into three weight groups: Light (331.3±5.8 kg), Moderate (385.9±5.3 kg), and Heavy (424.4±6.2 kg). The classes were formed using half standard deviations above or below the average weight of the cows at calving. For each pair, the body weight was evaluated at calving, at weaning (63 days), at the beginning and at end of the reproductive period, and at 9 months for the calves. Pregnancy rates were similar (P > 0.05) between weight groups. The calves did not differ (P > 0.05) in terms of body weight and weight gain from calving until pregnancy diagnosis (210 days). The heavy cows had greater weight variations from 210 days to 270 days than the light cows. The calf production rate (kg calf/cow kept in herds) did not differ between weight groups. However, in relation to the weight of the cows at 210 days, light cows were 11.28% and 13.02% more productive (P < 0.05), than moderate and heavy cows, respectively. Light cows were more efficient than the other classes of cows at calving and at 210 days old. Our simulations showed that there were more kilograms for sale in herds of light cows (53.085 kg) than moderate and heavy cows (52.310 and 52.870 kg, respectively), while maintaining the structures of the herd constant. The size of the Charolais cow did not influence the weight of calves from calving until 7 months of age or their reproductive performance provided they were weaned early. The need for space for the maintenance of the cow-calf pair increased as the weight of the cows increased. In herds with smaller cows, higher numbers and a higher production of weight for sale are observed than in herds with moderate and heavy cows. Light cows were the most efficient at calving and during pregnancy diagnosis at 210 days