88 research outputs found

    Interactions between contact lenses and lens care solutions: Influence in optical properties

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    Purpose: Investigate changes in optical properties of contact lenses materials (transmittance and reflectance) and lens care solutions (absorption and fluorescence) resulting from its interaction. Methods: From an experimental study, triplicate measurements of transmittance and reflectance of five contact lenses (Senofilcon A, Lotrafilcon B, Balafilcon A, Comfilcon A, and Omafilcon A), as well as UV-vis absorption and fluorescence of four lens care solutions (LCS) (ReNu MultiPlus, Biotrue, OPTI-FREE PureMoist, and AOSept Plus), were evaluated before and after 8 h, one day and one week in storage. The outcomes were provided by Shimadzu UV3101-PC UV-vis-NIR spectrophotometer equipped with an integrating sphere, between 200-700 nm, and SPEX-Fluorolog 2 FL3-22 spectrofluorometer. Results: All variables exhibited statistically significant differences over time. Comfilcon A showed the lowest ultraviolet radiation (UVR) A & B attenuation. Balafilcon A and Lotrafilcon B displayed a slight suppression of UVR. Senofilcon A was effective in UVR protection and showed less effect on the fluorescence of lens care solutions. Overall, the reflectance decreased after storage (p < 0.05). AOSept Plus absorbance and fluorescence demonstrated lower interactions than multipurpose solutions (MPS), and Lotrafilcon B induced more remarkable changes in optical properties of LCS than the other materials. Conclusion: The findings suggest that optical variables of lens care solutions and contact lenses changed mutually after storage, probably associated with biochemical and biophysical interactions between components and the release of some polymer compounds. These findings can provide additional information about the interaction of CL materials and LCS in clinical behavior.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-Portugal) in the framework of the Strategic Funding of CF-UM-UP (UIDB/04650/2020)

    Avaliação de desempenho financeiro de organizações hospitalares prestadoras de serviços de saúde ao SUS

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Ciências Contábeis e Atuariais, 2018.A presente pesquisa relata uma avaliação de desempenho de hospitais prestadores de serviços ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Analisa 50 hospitais (entre hospitais públicos e privados) em doze estados brasileiros, cujas demonstrações financeiras correspondem ao ano base de 2016. Foram desenvolvidos cinco modelos de análise a partir do estudo de Guerra (2011), utilizando-se diferentes combinações de indicadores financeiros: liquidez corrente, índice geral de endividamento, participação do capital de terceiros, dias de dinheiro em caixa, prazo médio de pagamento e prazo médio de recebimento como inputs; e margem operacional, giro dos ativos e retorno sobre os ativos como outputs. De forma geral, os resultados apresentados corroboram as inferências de Guerra (2011) e Souza et al. (2016), ao constatar que os hospitais com o melhor desempenho possuem mais de 150 leitos e são privados sem fins lucrativos (filantrópicos). Ademais, o perfil da gestão financeira desses hospitais é configurado por pouca dependência do capital de terceiros, alta liquidez dos ativos de curto prazo, baixo índice de endividamento, alta rotatividade dos ativos, margem operacional positiva e razoável retorno líquido dos ativos.The present research reports a performance evaluation of hospitals that provide services to the Unified Health System (SUS). It analyzes 50 hospitals (between public and private hospitals) in twelve Brazilian states, whose financial statements correspond to the base year of 2016. Five models of analysis were developed based on Guerra's (2011) study, using different combinations of financial indicators: current liquidity, general indebtedness index, participation of third-party capital, days cash on hand, average repayment term and average term of receipt as inputs; and operating margin, asset turnover and return on assets as outputs. In general, the results presented corroborate the inferences of Guerra (2011) and Souza et al. (2016), noting that the hospitals with the best performance have more than 150 beds and are private non-profit (philanthropic). In addition, the financial management profile of these hospitals is characterized by low reliance on third-party capital, high liquidity of short-term assets, low indebtedness, high turnover of assets, positive operating margin and reasonable net return on assets

    Ensino da arquitetura no habita da acessibilidade: as exclusões e as diferenças

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    Este trabalho pretende a identificação das questões que a acessibilidade eleva no ensino na Arquitetura. De que forma, está atualmente exposta, com factos e críticas construtivas. É feito o ponto de situação da acessibilidade no país no núcleo da Arquitetura e uma pequena introdução dos diferentes sistemas de ensino internacionais. Na terça parte do trabalho, tendo como objetivo sustentar o restante corpo do texto, é feita questões e inquéritos a universidades nacionais e internacionais, com foco na academia de Arquitetura do ISCTE-IUL.This work aims to identify the issues that accessibility raises in teaching in Architecture. In what way, it is currently exposed, with constructive facts and criticism. The country's accessibility point is made at the core of the Architecture and a small introduction of the different international education systems. In the third part of the work, with the objective of supporting the rest of the text, questions and inquiries are made to national and international universities, focusing on the ISCTE-IUL Architecture Academy

    Modelo de replicação para a preservação de dados em repositórios

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e de Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Neptunomyces aureus gen. et sp. nov. (Didymosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales) isolated from algae in Ria de Aveiro, Portugal

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    A collection of fungi was isolated from macroalgae of the genera Gracilaria, Enteromorpha and Ulva in the estuary Ria de Aveiro in Portugal. These isolates were characterized through a multilocus phylogeny based on ITS region of the ribosomal DNA, beta-tubulin (tub2) and translation elongation factor 1 alpha (tef1-a) sequences, in conjunction with morphological and physiological data. These analyses showed that the isolates represented an unknown fungus for which a new genus, Neptunomyces gen. nov. and a new species, Neptunomyces aureus sp. nov. are proposed. Phylogenetic analyses supported the affiliation of this new taxon to the family Didymosphaeriaceae. Copyright Micael F.M. Gonçalves et al.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Allocation of nutrients during the reproductive cycle of Ophidiaster ophidianus (Echinodermata: Asteroidea)

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    Copyright © 2011 Taylor & Francis.The reproductive cycle of Ophidiaster ophidianus (strictly protected status) from Sa˜o Miguel Island, in the Azorean Archipelago was studied. The reproductive strategy; the energy allocation of each sex during the reproductive cycle and the nutritional condition of the population were analyzed. Gonadal index (GI) showed a clear seasonal pattern with spawning between August and October but histological examination revealed that gamete release can occur throughout the entire year. The pyloric caeca index (PCI) showed little annual variation but with an inverse relationship with the GI. Allocation of energy to the gonads and to the pyloric caeca reflected the seasonal reproductive strategy of this species. Individuals were able to simultaneously develop gonads, pyloric caeca, and quickly regenerate lost arms. There was a major expenditure of energy by females compared to males but, sexual size dimorphism was not observed. The reproductive pattern observed in O. ophidianus combining rich food availability and seawater temperatures characteristic of a temperate zone may be the key to the success of this species in the Azorean oceanic Island.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

    Genomic and metabolomic analyses of the marine fungus Emericellopsis cladophorae: insights into saltwater adaptability mechanisms and its biosynthetic potential

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    The genus Emericellopsis is found in terrestrial, but mainly in marine, environments with a worldwide distribution. Although Emericellopsis has been recognized as an important source of bioactive compounds, the range of metabolites expressed by the species of this genus, as well as the genes involved in their production are still poorly known. Untargeted metabolomics, using UPLC- QToF–MS/MS, and genome sequencing (Illumina HiSeq) was performed to unlock E. cladophorae MUM 19.33 chemical diversity. The genome of E. cladophorae is 26.9 Mb and encodes 8572 genes. A large set of genes encoding carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), secreted proteins, transporters, and secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters were identified. Our analysis also revealed genomic signatures that may reflect a certain fungal adaptability to the marine environment, such as genes encoding for (1) the high-osmolarity glycerol pathway; (2) osmolytes’ biosynthetic processes; (3) ion transport systems, and (4) CAZymes classes allowing the utilization of marine polysaccharides. The fungal crude extract library constructed revealed a promising source of antifungal (e.g., 9,12,13-Trihydroxyoctadec-10-enoic acid, hymeglusin), antibacterial (e.g., NovobiocinA), anticancer (e.g., daunomycinone, isoreserpin, flavopiridol), and anti-inflammatory (e.g., 2’-O-Galloylhyperin) metabolites. We also detected unknown compounds with no structural match in the databases used. The metabolites’ profiles of E. cladophorae MUM 19.33 fermentations were salt dependent. The results of this study contribute to unravel aspects of the biology and ecology of this marine fungus. The genome and metabolome data are relevant for future biotechnological exploitation of the species.DATA AVAILABILTY STATEMENT : This Whole-Genome Shotgun project has been deposited in the GenBank database under the accession number JAGIXG000000000. The genome raw sequencing data and the assembly reported in this paper is associated with NCBI BioProject: PRJNA718178 and BioSample: SAMN18524397 within GenBank. The SRA accession number is SRR14127580. Data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article and its supplementary information files.The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.http://www.mdpi.com/journal/jofBiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog
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