1,666 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Internal Markers for Estimating Duodenal Digesta Flow in Ruminants: Acid Detergent Fibre and Lignin Disappearance at the Lower Gastrointestinal Tract

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    Most of published studies carried out for estimating organic matter (OM) rumen digestibility (OMRD) use research an-imals fitted with simple t-type cannulas and an external or internal marker for estimating the duodenal digesta flow. Compared to external, the internal markers have the advan-tage of occurring naturally in diet and, consequently, they flow intimately associated with digesta (Titgemeyer 1997). Porter and Singleton (1971a) reported from a study with sheep fitted with re-entrant duodenal cannula that lignin degradation takes place entirely in the stomach. Thus, in digestibility studies where total faeces output is measured, duodenal digesta flow may be estimated based on both faeces output and the ratio of lignin concentration in faeces and in duodenal digesta. However, sulphuric acid lignin (ADL) is present in low concentrations in duodenal digesta and the precision of duodenal flow estimates is usually compromised. This study evaluated the disappearance at the lower gastrointestinal tract and, consequently, the po-tential use of acid detergent fibre (ADF), in comparison with ADL, as an internal marker for estimating duodenal digesta flow in cattle

    Nuclear microenvironments modulate transcription from low-affinity enhancers

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    Transcription factors bind low-affinity DNA sequences for only short durations. It is not clear how brief, low-affinity interactions can drive efficient transcription. Here, we report that the transcription factor Ultrabithorax (Ubx) utilizes low-affinity binding sites in the Drosophila melanogaster shavenbaby (svb) locus and related enhancers in nuclear microenvironments of high Ubx concentrations. Related enhancers colocalize to the same microenvironments independently of their chromosomal location, suggesting that microenvironments are highly differentiated transcription domains. Manipulating the affinity of svb enhancers revealed an inverse relationship between enhancer affinity and Ubx concentration required for transcriptional activation. The Ubx cofactor, Homothorax (Hth), was co-enriched with Ubx near enhancers that require Hth, even though Ubx and Hth did not co-localize throughout the nucleus. Thus, microenvironments of high local transcription factor and cofactor concentrations could help low-affinity sites overcome their kinetic inefficiency. Mechanisms that generate these microenvironments could be a general feature of eukaryotic transcriptional regulation

    Nonatobase: A Database For Polychaeta (annelida) From The Southwestern Atlantic Ocean.

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    Networks can greatly advance data sharing attitudes by providing organized and useful data sets on marine biodiversity in a friendly and shared scientific environment. NONATObase, the interactive database on polychaetes presented herein, will provide new macroecological and taxonomic insights of the Southwestern Atlantic region. The database was developed by the NONATO network, a team of South American researchers, who integrated available information on polychaetes from between 5°N and 80°S in the Atlantic Ocean and near the Antarctic. The guiding principle of the database is to keep free and open access to data based on partnerships. Its architecture consists of a relational database integrated in the MySQL and PHP framework. Its web application allows access to the data from three different directions: species (qualitative data), abundance (quantitative data) and data set (reference data). The database has built-in functionality, such as the filter of data on user-defined taxonomic levels, characteristics of site, sample, sampler, and mesh size used. Considering that there are still many taxonomic issues related to poorly known regional fauna, a scientific committee was created to work out consistent solutions to current misidentifications and equivocal taxonomy status of some species. Expertise from this committee will be incorporated by NONATObase continually. The use of quantitative data was possible by standardization of a sample unit. All data, maps of distribution and references from a data set or a specified query can be visualized and exported to a commonly used data format in statistical analysis or reference manager software. The NONATO network has initialized with NONATObase, a valuable resource for marine ecologists and taxonomists. The database is expected to grow in functionality as it comes in useful, particularly regarding the challenges of dealing with molecular genetic data and tools to assess the effects of global environment change. Database URL: http://nonatobase.ufsc.br/.2014bau00

    8-(3-phenylpropyl)-1,3,7-triethylxanthine is a synthetic caffeine substitute with stronger metabolic modulator activity

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    Caffeine is one of the most worldwide consumed methylxanthines. It is well-known for its thermogenic and cell metabolism modulating effects. Based on methylxanthines' chemical structure, 8-(3-phenylpropyl)-1,3,7-triethylxanthine (PTX) is a novel adenosine antagonist with higher receptor affinity than caffeine. Therefore, we hypothesized that PTX metabolic effects could be stronger than those of caffeine. For that purpose, murine 3T3-L1 cells were cultured in the presence of increasing doses of PTX or caffeine (0.1, 1, 10 and 100 μM) for 24 h. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by reduction of tetrazolium salt (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release. Cell metabolites released to the culture medium were identified and quantified by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR). Cellular oxidative profile was also evaluated. Our results showed that PTX displayed no signs of cytotoxicity at all studied concentrations. When compared with caffeine, PTX increased glucose, pyruvate, and glutamine consumption, as well as lactate, alanine, and acetate production. Additionally, PTX decreased protein oxidation, thus protecting against oxidative stress-induced damage. These results illustrate that PTX is a stronger and less cytotoxic caffeine substitute with potential applications as metabolic modulator and a good candidate for novel drug design.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transcriptional responses of Candida glabrata biofilm cells to fluconazole are modulated by the carbon source

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    The datasets generated in this study are available at public repositories or from the corresponding author upon request. The raw RNA-seq data in fastq format, as well as the processed data have been deposited in NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus and are accessible through GEO Series accession number GSE121074.Candida glabrata is an important human fungal pathogen known to trigger serious infections in immune-compromised individuals. Its ability to form biofilms, which exhibit high tolerance to antifungal treatments, has been considered as an important virulence factor. However, the mechanisms involving antifungal resistance in biofilms and the impact of host niche environments on these processes are still poorly defined. In this study, we performed a whole-transcriptome analysis of C. glabrata biofilm cells exposed to different environmental conditions and constraints in order to identify the molecular pathways involved in fluconazole resistance and understand how acidic pH niches, associated with the presence of acetic acid, are able to modulate these responses. We show that fluconazole treatment induces gene expression reprogramming in a carbon source and pH-dependent manner. This is particularly relevant for a set of genes involved in DNA replication, ergosterol, and ubiquinone biosynthesis. We also provide additional evidence that the loss of mitochondrial function is associated with fluconazole resistance, independently of the growth condition. Lastly, we propose that C. glabrata Mge1, a cochaperone involved in iron metabolism and protein import into the mitochondria, is a key regulator of fluconazole susceptibility during carbon and pH adaptation by reducing the metabolic flux towards toxic sterol formation. These new findings suggest that different host microenvironments influence directly the physiology of C. glabrata, with implications on how this pathogen responds to antifungal treatment. Our analyses identify several pathways that can be targeted and will potentially prove to be useful for developing new antifungals to treat biofilm-based infections.This study was supported by the Portuguese National Funding Agency for Science, Research, and Technology FCT (grant PTDC/BIAMIC/5184/2014). R.A. received FCT Ph.D fellowship (PD/BD/113813/2015). We gratefully acknowledge Edinburgh Genomics for RNA-Seq library preparation and sequencing. The work on CBMA was supported by the strategic programs UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) and UID/BIA/04050/2019. The work on CEB was supported by PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013, from FCT, “BioHealth-Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality”, Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000027, co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2–O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER and the project “Consolidating Research Expertize and Resources on Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology at CEB/IBB”, Ref. FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462. The work in Aberdeen was also supported by the European Research Council through the advanced grant “STRIFE” (C-2009-AdG-249793), by the UK Medical Research Council (MR/M026663/1) and by the Medical Research Council Center for Medical Mycology and the University of Aberdeen (MR/N006364/1). The work at KU Leuven was supported by the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) through a short-term fellowship awarded to R.A. and by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO; WO.009.16N). We thank Beatriz Herrera-Malaver for technical assistance with the GC-MS analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nuclear microenvironments modulate transcription from low-affinity enhancers

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    Transcription factors bind low-affinity DNA sequences for only short durations. It is not clear how brief, low-affinity interactions can drive efficient transcription. Here, we report that the transcription factor Ultrabithorax (Ubx) utilizes low-affinity binding sites in the Drosophila melanogaster shavenbaby (svb) locus and related enhancers in nuclear microenvironments of high Ubx concentrations. Related enhancers colocalize to the same microenvironments independently of their chromosomal location, suggesting that microenvironments are highly differentiated transcription domains. Manipulating the affinity of svb enhancers revealed an inverse relationship between enhancer affinity and Ubx concentration required for transcriptional activation. The Ubx cofactor, Homothorax (Hth), was co-enriched with Ubx near enhancers that require Hth, even though Ubx and Hth did not co-localize throughout the nucleus. Thus, microenvironments of high local transcription factor and cofactor concentrations could help low-affinity sites overcome their kinetic inefficiency. Mechanisms that generate these microenvironments could be a general feature of eukaryotic transcriptional regulation

    YAP/TAZ-Dependent Reprogramming of Colonic Epithelium Links ECM Remodeling to Tissue Regeneration

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    Tissue regeneration requires dynamic cellular adaptation to the wound environment. It is currently unclear how this is orchestrated at the cellular level and how cell fate is affected by severe tissue damage. Here we dissect cell fate transitions during colonic regeneration in a mouse dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis model, and we demonstrate that the epithelium is transiently reprogrammed into a primitive state. This is characterized by de novo expression of fetal markers as well as suppression of markers for adult stem and differentiated cells. The fate change is orchestrated by remodeling the extracellular matrix (ECM), increased FAK/Src signaling, and ultimately YAP/TAZ activation. In a defined cell culture system recapitulating the extracellular matrix remodeling observed in vivo, we show that a collagen 3D matrix supplemented with Wnt ligands is sufficient to sustain endogenous YAP/TAZ and induce conversion of cell fate. This provides a simple model for tissue regeneration, implicating cellular reprogramming as an essential element

    High throughput simultaneous assay of atenolol and chlortalidone in combined dose tablets by liquid chromatography and capillary zone electrophoresis

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    New fast liquid chromatographic and capillary zone electrophoresis methods were developed and validated for simultaneous determination of atenolol and chlortalidone in combined dose tablets. The reversed phase HPLC method was carried out on a CN LiChrosorb® (125 x 4 mm, 5 μm) column. The CZE method was carried out on an uncoated fused-silica capillary of 30 cm x 75 μm i.d. with 25 mmol L-1 sodium tetraborate, pH 9.4. The total analysis time was <6 and <2.5 min for HPLC and CZE methods, respectively. Both methods can be used for stability studies as well.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire