119 research outputs found

    Disposicion a pagar de los consumidores por manzanas organicas en la ciudad de Talca

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    64 p.El objetivo principal de este estudio es estimar la disposición a pagar de los consumidores por manzanas orgánicas y las preferencias de estos. Se diseño un cuestionario que fue aplicado a 378 consumidores de la ciudad de Talca, el cual contemplo preguntas demográficas, de comportamiento, actitud y decisión de compra de los consumidores. Se realizaron preguntas directas sobre disposición a pagar un valor marginal por un kilogramo de manzanas orgánicas de la variedad que consumen los clientes y otra pregunta sobre disposición a pagar por un kilogramo de manzanas orgánicas, en los dos casos los montos estaban ya predeterminados por el encuestador, estos datos luego fueron ingresados al software DWEABS y posteriormente analizados. También se aplico el modelo de Análisis Conjunto, el cual nos entrega las preferencias de los consumidores, y para el caso se identificaron cuatro atributos (precio, variedad, método de producción y sabor). En el estudio se determino que la producción orgánica no era el principal factor de preferencia al momento de realizar la compra no así el precio que fue quien obtuvo la mayor preferencia. Es importante destacar que este producto, en el momento de realizar el estudio, no existe en el mercado de la ciudad de Talca

    Heat treatment, microstructure and properties of 75Cr1 steel, for use in heavy loaded elements

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    This study aims to optimize the heat treatment of tool steel 75Cr1 which is used for heavy loaded elements in transmissions. A salt bath was used to quench and temper the steel at different temperatures. Mechanical tests and microstructural characterization were done to define the heat treatment parameters corresponding to the optimal performance of the elements. Optical microscopy, electron back scatter diffraction and x-ray diffraction were used to characterize the microstructure, while tensile tests and toughness tests were employed to determine the mechanical properties after different heat treatments. It was found that the yield strength decreases with increasing annealing temperature and that the toughness decreases with increasing annealing time and temperature. The changes of the mechanical properties are discussed in relation with the thermal treatment and the corresponding microstructures

    Pharmacogenetic implications in the management of metabolic diseases in Brazilian populations

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    Dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity and hypertension are common metabolic diseases. In the last decades, unhealthy lifestyle and aging have leads to an increased incidence of these diseases, increasing morbidity and mortality by cardiovascular causes. The treatment of metabolic diseases includes lifestyle interventions as healthy diet and physical exercise, as well as pharmacological interventions. Several drugs are available for the management of metabolic diseases including among others lipidlowering antidiabetics and antihypertensive drugs. Variability in response to these drugs is influenced by both genetic and non-genetic factors. Polymorphisms in genes related to drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics have been shown to influence drug efficacy and safety. This review is focused on pharmacogenetic studies related to the management of metabolic diseases in samples of the Brazilian population. Associations of variants in drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters, drug target and metabolism-related genes with the efficacy and safety of lipid-lowering, antidiabetic and antihypertensive drugs are described. Most pharmacogenetic studies in Brazil have focused in pharmacological response to a small group of drugs, as statins and some antihypertensives, while there are almost no studies on antidiabetic and antiobesity drugs. Some studies reported significant associations of gene polymorphisms with drug response confirming previous data from other populations, whereas other works did not replicate, which may relay on the genetic admixture of our population. In conclusion, further studies are necessary considering larger sample sizes, new unexplored drugs and more genetic variants to obtain stronger conclusions to explore clinical applications of pharmacogenetic studies in our population

    Proyecto de Software de apoyo para la construcción de propuestas

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    Tesis (Ingeniero en Computación e Informática)El presente informe contiene el desarrollo de PSCP. “Proyecto de software de apoyo para la construcción de propuestas”, este fue elaborado para la empresa VESIA S.A., quien tiene como representante al Sr. Ricardo Astudillo. Empresa que trabaja en construcción de obras civiles. Obras a la cuales postulan en los llamados a licitación ya sean públicos o privados, estos se presentan con una propuesta de la futura obra que contempla plan de actividades, tiempos de operaciones, materiales y recursos involucrados. PSCP surge de la necesidad de la empresa VESIA S.A. para mejorar y apoyar la construcción de propuestas, es por esto que el objetivo principal es permitir disponer de una herramienta que apoye este proceso a licitación de obras civiles. Los requerimientos requeridos para el desarrollo del proyecto, fueron extraídos de la información proporcionada por el cliente a través de reuniones, de los cuales recalcamos sus dos procesos principales que son: El proyecto abarca todo lo que concierne a la construcción de una propuesta, sin tomar en cuenta el control de obras y la cubicación de esta. Las ventajas más importantes que se espera tener son: * Aumentar el personal capacitado para realizar una propuesta, lo que terminaría con la dependencia de una sola persona actualmente. El software busca ser intuitivo y de fácil aprendizaje. * Disminuir el tiempo de elaboración de las propuestas, facilitando su elaboración y disminuyendo los errores que suelen causar mayor pérdida de tiempo. * Aumentar el número de propuestas creadas lo que aumenta la posibilidad de postular a más licitaciones. * Disminuir el costo en la elaboración de propuestas. Tomando en cuenta el costo de horas hombre (personal). 6 PSCP La aplicación será instalada en una red en la oficina principal en donde se realizan mayormente las propuestas, sin embargo también existe la posibilidad de importar contenidos desde oficinas foráneas, como por ejemplo aquellas que estén operando desde faenas, permitiendo poder avanzar en la elaboración de una propuesta

    ADIPOQ and IL6 variants are associated with a pro-inflammatory status in obeses with cardiometabolic dysfunction

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Polymorphisms in genes encoding adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and interleukin-6 (IL6) have been associated with adiposity and obese-related phenotypes. This study investigated the relationship of ADIPOQ and IL6 gene polymorphisms with pro-inflammatory and cardiometabolic markers in obese patients.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud Anthropometric and body composition parameters were measured in 249 Brazilian subjects (30 to 68 yr). Metabolic and inflammatory markers and adipokines were analyzed in blood samples. ADIPOQ rs2241766 (45 T > G) and IL6 rs1800795 (−174G > C) polymorphisms were analyzed by real-time PCR and PCR-RFLP, respectively.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and increased values of waist circumference, body fat, leptin, fibrinogen, IL-1β, hsCRP and TNFα were related to obesity (p < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis showed a positive correlation between BMI and waist circumference, body fat, leptin, fibrinogen, PAI-1, IL-1β, hsCRP and TNFα values (p < 0.001) but not with adiponectin. Obese group had altered metabolic status, resistance to leptin and insulin, and atherogenic and pro-inflammatory profiles. ADIPOQ and IL6 variants were not directely related to obesity, leptin resistance or alterations in cardiometabolic markers. Individuals carrying ADIPOQ 45G allele (TG + GG genotype) had higher IL-6, IL-1β and TNFα levels than TT genotype carriers (p < 0.05). IL6 -174GG genotype was associated with increased IL-1β levels (p = 0.033).\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud Obesity is associated with leptin resistance, cardiometabolic alterations and a pro-inflammatory status. Our results are suggestive that ADIPOQ and IL6 polymorphisms contribute to cardiometabolic risk in obese individuals.FAPESPCAPESCNPqCONICY

    Apolipoprotein E mRNA expression in mononuclear cells from normolipidemic and hypercholesterolemic individuals treated with atorvastatin

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    Abstract\ud \ud \ud \ud Background\ud \ud Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a key component of the lipid metabolism. Polymorphisms at the apoE gene (APOE) have been associated with cardiovascular disease, lipid levels and lipid-lowering response to statins. We evaluated the effects on APOE expression of hypercholesterolemia, APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 genotypes and atorvastatin treatment in Brazilian individuals. The relationship of APOE genotypes and plasma lipids and atorvastatin response was also tested in this population.\ud \ud \ud \ud Methods\ud \ud APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 and plasma lipids were evaluated in 181 normolipidemic (NL) and 181 hypercholesterolemic (HC) subjects. HC individuals with indication for lowering-cholesterol treatment (n = 141) were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4-weeks). APOE genotypes and APOE mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were analyzed by TaqMan real time PCR.\ud \ud \ud \ud Results\ud \ud HC had lower APOE expression than NL group (p < 0.05) and individuals with low APOE expression showed higher plasma total and LDL cholesterol and apoB, as well as higher apoAI (p < 0.05). Individuals carrying ε2 allele have reduced risk for hypercholesterolemia (OR: 0.27, 95% I.C.: 0.08-0.85, p < 0.05) and NL ε2 carriers had lower total and LDL cholesterol and apoB levels, and higher HDL cholesterol than non-carriers (p < 0.05). APOE genotypes did not affect APOE expression and atorvastatin response. Atorvastatin treatment do not modify APOE expression, however those individuals without LDL cholesterol goal achievement after atorvastatin treatment according to the IV Brazilian Guidelines for Dyslipidemia and Atherosclerosis Prevention had lower APOE expression than patients with desirable response after the treatment (p < 0.05).\ud \ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud \ud APOE expression in PBMC is modulated by hypercholesterolemia and the APOE mRNA level regulates the plasma lipid profile. Moreover the expression profile is not modulated neither by atorvastatin nor APOE genotypes. In our population, APOE ε2 allele confers protection against hypercholesterolemia and a less atherogenic lipid profile. Moreover, low APOE expression after treatment of patients with poor response suggests a possible role of APOE level in atorvastatin response.The present study was supported by a grant from FAPESP (Protocol # 2009/15125-8). We thank the volunteers for their participation and physicians and nurses from the Medical Clinics Division of the University Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo for technical support during patient selection. Alvaro Cerda is a recipient of a fellowship from CONICYT-Chile, Mario H. Hirata and Rosario D.C. Hirata were recipients from CNPq-Brazil, and Fabiana D.V. Genvigir, Maria A.V. Willrich and Simone S. Arazi were recipients from FAPESP-Brazil

    Apolipoprotein E mRNA expression in mononuclear cells from normolipidemic and hypercholesterolemic individuals treated with atorvastatin

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a key component of the lipid metabolism. Polymorphisms at the apoE gene (APOE) have been associated with cardiovascular disease, lipid levels and lipid-lowering response to statins. We evaluated the effects on APOE expression of hypercholesterolemia, APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 genotypes and atorvastatin treatment in Brazilian individuals. The relationship of APOE genotypes and plasma lipids and atorvastatin response was also tested in this population.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 and plasma lipids were evaluated in 181 normolipidemic (NL) and 181 hypercholesterolemic (HC) subjects. HC individuals with indication for lowering-cholesterol treatment (n = 141) were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4-weeks). APOE genotypes and APOE mRNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were analyzed by TaqMan real time PCR.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud HC had lower APOE expression than NL group (p < 0.05) and individuals with low APOE expression showed higher plasma total and LDL cholesterol and apoB, as well as higher apoAI (p < 0.05). Individuals carrying ε2 allele have reduced risk for hypercholesterolemia (OR: 0.27, 95% I.C.: 0.08-0.85, p < 0.05) and NL ε2 carriers had lower total and LDL cholesterol and apoB levels, and higher HDL cholesterol than non-carriers (p < 0.05). APOE genotypes did not affect APOE expression and atorvastatin response. Atorvastatin treatment do not modify APOE expression, however those individuals without LDL cholesterol goal achievement after atorvastatin treatment according to the IV Brazilian Guidelines for Dyslipidemia and Atherosclerosis Prevention had lower APOE expression than patients with desirable response after the treatment (p < 0.05).\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud APOE expression in PBMC is modulated by hypercholesterolemia and the APOE mRNA level regulates the plasma lipid profile. Moreover the expression profile is not modulated neither by atorvastatin nor APOE genotypes. In our population, APOE ε2 allele confers protection against hypercholesterolemia and a less atherogenic lipid profile. Moreover, low APOE expression after treatment of patients with poor response suggests a possible role of APOE level in atorvastatin response

    La vid silvestre en México. Actualidades y potencial

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    En ocho capítulos se aborda el estado del arte de la vid silvestre en MéxicoEl estudio de las especies vegetales nativas de México representa un reto que cada día más investigadores mexicanos asumen. Durante muchos años, el apoyo a la investigación pública ha sido mínimo; desde el punto de vista agronómico es insuficiente para avanzar a la velocidad que requiere nuestro país para afrontar problemas de producción y distribución de alimentos. Por esa razón, entre otras, me es grato presentar esta obra que compila parte de los trabajos de la Red de Vid Silvestre patrocinada por el Sistema Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos (sinarefi) dependiente de la sagarpa; trabajos apuntalados por investigadores que sin pertenecer a la red han colaborado en el estudio de las plantas del género Vitis. En este libro se muestra el potencial del país para aprovechar el recurso vid, empleado desde antes de la conquista española por nativos mexicanos que conocían sus bondades. Es necesario continuar el avance en el conocimiento de este recurso, por ello el presente libro pretende invitar a toda persona interesada en contribuir con el rescate y conservación de las vides mexicanas. Los autores y editores, así como las instituciones en donde laboramos y aquellas que patrocinan estas investigaciones, esperamos se cumpla este objetivo y que el lector, alumno, profesor, investigador, público en general, disfrute esta lectura y, sobre todo, se interese en el recurso VitisSEP, SINAREFI, UAEME