362 research outputs found

    Factors associated with delayed entry into HIV medical care after HIV diagnosis in a resource-limited setting: Data from a cohort study in India

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    Studies from sub-Saharan Africa have shown that a substantial proportion of patients diagnosed with HIV enter into HIV medical care late. However, data from low or middle-income countries outside Africa are scarce. In this study, we investigated risk factors associated with delayed entry into care stratified by gender in a large cohort study in India. 7701 patients were diagnosed with HIV and 5410 entered into care within three months of HIV diagnosis. Nearly 80% entered into care within a year, but most patients who did not enter into care within a year remained lost to follow up or died. Patient with risk factors related to having a low socio-economic status (poverty, being homeless, belonging to a disadvantaged community and illiteracy) were more likely to enter into care late. In addition, male gender and being asymptomatic at the moment of HIV infection were factors associated with delayed entry into care. Substantial gender differences were found. Younger age was found to be associated with delayed entry in men, but not in women. Widows and unmarried men were more likely to enter into care within three months. Women belonging to disadvantaged communities or living far from a town were more likely to enter into care late. The results of this study highlight the need to improve the linkage between HIV diagnosis and HIV treatment in India. HIV programmes should monitor patients diagnosed with HIV until they engage in HIV medical care, especially those at increased risk of attrition

    Fine root traits in adult trees of evergreen and deciduous taxa from low and high elevation in the Alps

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    Based on evidence for herbaceous plants we expected that trees become more efficient in terms of soil exploration by roots and, thus, produce longer and finer roots (higher specific root length, SRL) with increasing elevation. We tested this hypothesis in situ by excavating roots of eight tree taxa, all belonging to genera found frequently in both lowland and high elevation sites. Across three treeline, one montane and four lowland sites from elevations ranging from 320 masl to 2,235 masl, no elevational differences were found in SRL for both broadleaved and conifer tree species. Irrespective of the elevation preference of a species, SRL of evergreen conifers was significantly lower than that of deciduous species. However, there is an increase in total root length for a given 3rd order root diameter with elevation in the broad-leaved taxa. Our findings clearly demonstrate that a high SRL is not an essential attribute of trees growing in a cold high elevation climate in temperate regions, but there is some indication that fine roots get longer as elevation increase

    Microphysics of the school

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    Genero eta nazio identitateak Katalina Eleizegiren antzezlanetan

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    383 p. ; P.315-383: "Erauso Kateriñe" antzezlanaren edizioa dago.Doktorego tesi honen helburua Katalina Eleizegiren antzezlanetako euskal emakumearen irudiak aztertzea da eta XX. mendeko, bere garaiko, irudikapen femenino hegemonikoekin konparatzea. Bere pertsonaia femeninoen bidez genero eta nazio identitateen mugak nola gainditzen dituen ikusiko dugu eta hori desberdindu ditugun bi garaitan aztertuko dugu: Nazioaren ohorez eta Autoexilioa. Lehen garaian Donostian bizi izan zen, familaren etxean, eta lehiaketa literarioak irabazi zituen bere lehen hiru antzezlanekin, honen ondorioz antzeztu eta argitaratu zituzten. Bere pertsonaia nagusiak arketipo manikeo izatetik urrun daude, emakumeen dualtasunak irudikatzen dituzte Gilbert eta Gubar ikertzaileen The madwoman in the attic lanari jarraiki. Hau eginez, protagonistaren irudia osatzen zuen, emakume eredugarria (tradizionala, bertutetsua eta kristaua), kanonetik irteten ziren beste emakume batzuekin: sorginak, pobreak, zaharrak edo pinpirinak. Bere drama historikoak xede abertzale eta kristauarekin idazten zituen, euskal nazioaren iraganaren, tradizioaren eta historiaren eraikuntzan parte hartuz. Bigarren garaian Lizarrara joan zen bakarrik bizitzera eta ez zen ia irteten bere gelatik. Urte hauetan ez zuen antzezlanik aurkeztu lehiaketetan, eta beraz, ez ziren argitara eman orduan idatzitakoak. Haietako bat izan zen Katalina Erausoren bizitzan oinarrituta idatzi zuen drama historikoa aztertu dugu, (Erauso Kateriñe izenburua ipini zion moja-soldadua izan zenari buruzko antzezlanari). Garai horretan ohikoa zen emakume idealaren irudia zentrotik mugitu zuen pertsonaia historiko honen hautua egitean. Hau eginez alde batetik ordura arte euskal kulturan baztertuta zegoen erreferentzia historikoa berreskuratu zuen eta bestetik “euskal emakume” izateko beste era bat proposatu zuen, hau da, genero eta nazio identitateak bestela bizitzeko modu desberdinak daudela ikusarazi zuen, agentziazio, autonomia eta autoritate ez-ohiko eredu bat eman zien 1960ko hamarkadako ikusentzule euskaldunei. Hortaz, gorputza bizitzeko modu desberdinak erakutsi zituen pertsonaia transgenero bat emanez (bestela esanda, pertsonaia ez-arauemailea) eta trantsizioa aurkeztu zigun norbanakoaren zoriona eta askatasuna lortzeko bide gisa. Euskal emakumeen historian zeharreko ohitura eta usadioak ezagutarazi zituen emakumeak euskal tradizioan eta kulturan kokatuz (tradizo zenbaiten ondorio kaltegarriak ezkutatu gabe). Eta emakumeen arteko adiskidetasunari ere tarte bat egin zion balore positibo gisa, eta maitasunaren alde pasionalari sufrimendu iturri eta zama gisa emakumeentzat. Honekin guztiarekin bere antzezlan eta pertsonaiekin erresistentzia egin zion euskal emakumearen eredu hegemonikoari, marimutil estigmari ere aurre egin zion eta auzitan jarri zituen binarismoa eta diskriminazio generiko-sexuala.The aim of this research is to analize the images of basque women in the plays written by Katalina Eleizegi and to compare them with the hegemonic representation of her time (20th century). We will see how does she go beyond the limits of gender and nation identities with her female characters and in wich way does she do it in the different two periods of her life and work: Nazioaren ohorez (in the name of the nation) y Autoexilioa (autoexilium). In the first period she lived in San Sebastián (Guipuzcoa) in her family´s house and she won literary competitions with her first three plays. They were staged, and after this published. Her main characters weren´t arquetipal, as it used to be in her time, they represented women´s dualities as Gilbert and Gubar propose in their book The madwoman in the attic. Doing this Eleizegi completed the main character´s image, exemplary woman, (traditional, virtuous and catholic), with another type of women who were out of the canon; witches, poor, old or vain girls. She wrote her historical drama with a nationalistic and christian purpouses working in the construction of the narration of the basque nation, history, tradition and past. In the second period she moved to Estella (Navarra) away from her famaily to life alone and she almost didn´t leave her room to go out. She didn´t took part in any contest and that´s why she didn´t get published what she wrote in that time. We have analized the historical drama she wrote then based on the life of Catalina de Erauso, the Lietenant Nun. Choosing this historical character she displaced the female ideal of this epoque, which uses to be the main character in the plays of this time. Doing this she recovered a historical reference forgotten by the basque culture besides of postuling other way of being “basque women” or living gender and nation identities in an other way. She gave an example of agency, autonomy and authority to the basque women who attended this play in the 60´s. So, she discovered different ways of living our body providing us with a transgender character (a non-ruled one, in other words) and she shows us transition as a path to reach personal hapiness and freedom. She uncovered the customs of the basque women in history and situated basque women in basque tradition and culture (without hidding the negative consequences for women of some traditions). She also spoke about friendship among women as a positive value and love´s pasion as a burden and source of grief and sacrifice or women. She resists against the hegemonic way of being a basque woman, she confront the butch estigma and put into cuestion tne binarism and the gender and sexual discrimination with her work and her characters

    The meaning and evolution of the term "coeducation" with the turn of the century: the case of the schools of Vitoria-Gasteiz

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    El término coeducación se suele utilizar cuando se habla de perspectiva de género o feminista en educación o al situar este tema en la escuela. Sin embargo, parece que en ciertos ámbitos la coeducación es un tema del pasado, algo que ya se ha superado en educación. Por esta razón cuando se habla de ello hay personas que cuestiona la necesidad de tratar estos temas como parte del currículum, ya que creen que es solo la familia la que debe transmitir este tipo de valores, y sin embargo, hoy en día aún no se ha logrado llegar a una escuela coeducativa. Este estudio pretende comprender cómo se entiende el término coeducación y cuál ha sido su evolución. La presente investigación relata un estudio diagnóstico centrado en 30 centros escolares de Vitoria-Gasteiz, en el que a través de cuestionarios a profesorado y grupos de discusión con familias, profesorado y alumnado. Se trata de un estudio de caso que recoge diferentes concepciones sobre la coeducación en los centros de la ciudad. Los resultados aportados constatan que es necesaria una actualización conceptual, ya que este término sigue asociado a la escuela mixta y a un concepto de igualdad basado en un sistema binario, y no se relaciona con otras opciones más recientes relacionadas con la feminización del conocimiento, la revisión de la masculinidad o la visibilización y la valoración de la diversidadAs we speak about gender perspective or feminism in education or at the school, people use the coeducation concept. In some areas it seems like coeducation was an ancient subject, an acquired matter in education. For this reason when it comes to talking about it there are people who question the need to treat these issues as part of the curriculum, since they believe that it is only the family that should transmit this type of values, and yet today they still do not have managed to reach a coeducational school. However, we have not reached a coeducative school yet. That is why this research pretends to know how this concept is understand and which has been its evolution. In the present article the reader will find a diagnosis made in 30 schools in Vitoria-Gasteiz. In those schools has been done focus groups with families, teachers and students, and we have found different ways of looking to this term, coeducation. It is a case study that gathers different conceptions about coeducation in the city. We have concluded that an update is needed for this concept, since it is still related to the mixed school (girls and boys studying together), and to the idea of equality based on a binary social system. Thus, it is not related to more recent ideas, as the feminization of knowledge, the revision of the hegemonic masculinity, or the visibilization and valuation of the diversit

    Entry, Retention, and Virological Suppression in an HIV Cohort Study in India: Description of the Cascade of Care and Implications for Reducing HIV-Related Mortality in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

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    HIV treatment, care, and support programmes in low- and middle-income countries have traditionally focused more on patients remaining in care after the initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) than on earlier stages of care. This study describes the cumulative retention from HIV diagnosis to the achievement of virological suppression after ART initiation in an HIV cohort study in India. Of all patients diagnosed with HIV, 70% entered into care within three months. 65% of patients ineligible for ART at the first assessment were retained in pre-ART care. 67% of those eligible for ART initiated treatment within three months. 30% of patients who initiated ART died or were lost to followup, and 82% achieved virological suppression in the last viral load determination. Most attrition occurred the in pre-ART stages of care, and it was estimated that only 31% of patients diagnosed with HIV engaged in care and achieved virological suppression after ART initiation. The total mortality attributable to pre-ART attrition was considerably higher than the mortality for not achieving virological suppression. This study indicates that early entry into pre-ART care along with timely initiation of ART is more likely to reduce HIV-related mortality compared to achieving virological suppression

    Gorputza eta generoa. Euskal kulturan eta literaturan

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    I. Hitzaurrea. II. Marko teoriko kontzeptuala: Gorputzaren (hitz) gakoa(n). Ekintza eta pentsamendurako paradigma bat: Meri Torras (UAB). III. Kulturari SO: Generoa, gorputza eta kultur identitate bizituaren analisia, euskaltasuna berrirakurtzeko ahaleginean: Mari Luz Esteban (EHU). IV. Bertsolaritzan: Emakume bertsolariak: bertsotik bertsora, hanka puntetan: J. Miren Hernández (EHU). V. Poesian: Emakume gorputzak eta gorputz emakumetuak: Leire Bilbao eta Miren Agur Meaberen gorputz poetikoen arteko elkarrizketa bat: Kattalin Miner (EHU). VI. Narrazioan: - Lau katu dira? Gorputza eta desira euskal emakume idazle garaikideen lanetako ahots subalternoetan eta bitarteko espazio identitarioetan: Amaia Álvarez Uria (EHU). - Gorputz jipoituak, genero indarkeriaren sinekdokea literaturan: Gema Lasarte (EHU). VII. Bi proposamen didaktiko: - Deseraiki dezagun generoa harremanak eraldatzeko. Genero performatibitatea eta botere harremanak euskal narratiba garaikidean: Amaia Alvarez Uria (EHU). - Begiradak literatura gorpuzten: Iholdi eta Xola: Gema Lasarte (EHU). VIII. Egileen inguruan

    Effect of Formula Feeding and Breastfeeding on Child Growth, Infant Mortality, and HIV Transmission in Children Born to HIV-Infected Pregnant Women Who Received Triple Antiretroviral Therapy in a Resource-Limited Setting: Data from an HIV Cohort Study in India

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    We describe a programme for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV that provided universal antiretroviral therapy (ART) to all pregnant women regardless of the CD4 lymphocyte count and formula feeding for children with high risk of HIV transmission through breastfeeding in a district of India. The overall rate of HIV transmission was 3.7%. Although breastfeeding added a 3.1% additional risk of HIV acquisition, formula-fed infants had significantly higher risk of death compared to breastfed infants. The cumulative 12-month mortality was 9.6% for formula-fed infants versus 0.68% for breastfed infants. Anthropometric markers (weight, length/height, weight for length/height, body mass index, head circumference, mid-upper arm circumference, triceps skinfold, and subscapular skinfold) showed that formula-fed infants experience severe malnutrition during the first two months of life. We did not observe any death after rapid weaning at 5-6 months in breastfed infants. The higher-free-of HIV survival in breastfed infants and the low rate of HIV transmission found in this study support the implementation of PMTCT programmes with universal ART to all HIV-infected pregnant women and breastfeeding in order to reduce HIV transmission without increasing infant mortality in developing countries

    Irakaslegaien ahozko gaitasunen diagnostikorako egitasmoa

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