125 research outputs found

    Proceso de resolución de contratos de concesión en la DGPPC por redistribución de señales televisivas sin autorización del MTC, 2020

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar la gestión del proceso vigente y la mejora respecto al proceso de resolución de contratos de concesión en la DGPPC por redistribución de señales televisivas sin autorización del MTC, 2020. La metodología empleada fue básica con enfoque cualitativo descriptivo; asimismo el diseño de la investigación fue por objetivos, de naturaleza no experimental, en la aplicación de técnica como la recolección de datos en entrevistas y el uso de cuestionarios. Los resultados evidenciaron el estado situacional del proceso, advirtiendo que es necesario la aplicación de la mejora en el proceso de resolución de contratos de concesión en la DGPPC por redistribución de señales televisivas sin autorización del MTC, 2020; toda vez, como la implementación de mecanismos innovadores que conlleven a la celeridad y resolución de contratos de forma óptima. Se concluye que existen deficiencias en el proceso de resolución de contratos de concesión en la DGPPC por redistribución de señales televisivas sin autorización del MTC, 2020, las cuales deben ser mejoradas para el desarrollo óptimo del proceso

    Development and evaluation of a search filter to identify prognostic factor studies in Ovid MEDLINE.

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    Background: Systematic reviews (SRs) are valuable resources as they address specific clinical questions by summarizing all existing relevant studies. However, finding all information to include in systematic reviews can be challenging. Methodological search filters have been developed to find articles related to specific clinical questions. To our knowledge, no filter exists for finding studies on the role of prognostic factor (PF). We aimed to develop and evaluate a search filter to identify PF studies in Ovid MEDLINE that has maximum sensitivity. Methods: We followed current recommendations for the development of a search filter by first identifying a reference set of PF studies included in relevant systematic reviews on the topic, and by selecting search terms using a word frequency analysis complemented with an expert panel discussion. We evaluated filter performance using the relative recall methodology. Results: We constructed a reference set of 73 studies included in six systematic reviews from a larger sample. After completing a word frequency analysis using the reference set studies, we compiled a list of 80 of the frequent methodological terms. This list of terms was evaluated by the Delphi panel for inclusion in the filter, resulting in a final set of 8 appropriate terms. The consecutive connection of these terms with the Boolean operator OR produced the filter. We then evaluated the filter using the relative recall method against the reference set, comparing the references included in the SRs with our new search using the filter. The overall sensitivity of the filter was calculated to be 95%, while the overall specificity was 41%. The precision of the filter varied considerably, ranging from 0.36 to 17%. The NNR (number needed to read) value varied largely from 6 to 278. The time saved by using the filter ranged from 13–70%. Conclusions: We developed a search filter for OVID-Medline with acceptable performance that could be used in systematic reviews of PF studies. Using this filter could save as much as 40% of the title and abstract screening task. The specificity of the filter could be improved by defining additional terms to be included, although it is important to evaluate any modification to guarantee the filter is still highly sensitive.post-print1282 K

    Moving forward on u-healthcare: A framework for patient-centric

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    Delivering remote healthcare services without deteriorating the ‘patient experience’ requires building highly usable and adaptive applications. Efficient context data collection and management make possible to infer extra knowledge on the user’s situation, making easier the design of these advanced ubiquitous applications. This contribution, part of a work in progress which aims at building an operative AmI middleware, presents a generic architecture to provide u-healthcare services, to be delivered both in mobile and home environments. In particular, we address the design of the Context Management Component (CMC), the module that takes context data from the sensing layer and performs data fusion and reasoning to build an aggregated ‘context image’. We especially explain the requirements on data modelling and the functional features that are imposed to the CMC. The resulting logical multilayered architecture -composed by acquisition and fusion, inference and reasoning levels- is detailed, and the technologies needed to develop the Context Management Component are finally specifie

    1,2-Diaryl(3-pyridyl)ethanone Oximes. Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding Networks Revealed by X-ray Diffraction

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    The synthesis of a set of 1-aryl-2-aryl(3-pyridyl)ethanones 1-5 and thecorresponding ketoximes 6-9 is reported. Structural studies of oximes 6, 7 and 9 wereperformed in solution using 1H-NMR and in the solid state by X-ray crystallography,providing evidence of H-bonding networks. The crystal packing was controlled byhomomeric intermolecular oxime···oxime H-bond interactions for 6 and cooperativeoxime···N(pyridyl) and CH/π interactions for 7 and 9. Keywords: Oximes; ethanones; hydrogen bonds; self-assembly; X-ray diffraction crystalograph

    Efficacy, safety and patient reported outcomes (PROS) in adult patients with atopic dermatitis treated with dupilumab at week-52 in usual clinical practice

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    P15 Background: Dupilumab, an anti-interleikin-4-receptor-a monoclonal antibody, is a new treatment for atopic dermatitis in adults. Objective: To evaluate – at week 52 – patient reported outcomes, satisfaction, efficacy and safety, with dupilumab in adult patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis refractory to the usual treatments previously performed under conditions of usual clinical practice. Methods: Twelve patients were enrolled. Patients from our hospital, under routine clinical practice, were treated with subcutaneous dupilumab 300 mg every 2 weeks. The outcomes were evaluated at baseline, week 4, 8, 12, 16, 28 , 40 and week 52. The variables evaluated were: itch, difficulty to sleep, previous stressful life events, severity (SCORAD), anxiety and depression symptoms (HADS), quality of life (DLQI, EQ5D3L), satisfaction, adherence to the treatment, efficacy and safety. Results: At week 52 significant improvement was observed in severity, itch, difficulty to sleep, anxiety and depression symptoms, and quality of life. Satisfaction with dupilumab compared to previous treatments was significantly higher in all aspects assessed. No significant dupilumab-induced laboratory abnormalities were noted, and adverse events were mild and transient. Conclusions: Dupilumab used under routine clinical practice for 52 weeks improved atopic dermatitis signs and symptoms, with a good safety profile and patient satisfaction

    Role of the Multidrug Resistance Efflux Pump MexCD-OprJ in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Quorum Sensing Response

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    Multidrug efflux pumps constitute a category of antibiotic resistance determinants that are a part of the core bacterial genomes. Given their conservation, it is conceivable that they present functions beyond the extrusion of antibiotics currently used for therapy. Pseudomonas aeruginosa stands as a relevant respiratory pathogen, with a high prevalence at hospitals and in cystic fibrosis patients. Part of its success relies on its low susceptibility to antibiotics and on the production of virulence factors, whose expression is regulated in several cases by quorum sensing (QS). We found that overexpression of the MexCD-OprJ multidrug efflux pump shuts down the P. aeruginosa QS response. Our results support that MexCD-OprJ extrudes kynurenine, a precursor of the alkyl-quinolone signal (AQS) molecules. Anthranilate and octanoate, also AQS precursors, do not seem to be extruded by MexCD-OprJ. Kynurenine extrusion is not sufficient to reduce the QS response in a mutant overexpressing this efflux pump. Impaired QS response is mainly due to the extrusion of 4-hydroxy-2-heptylquinoline (HHQ), the precursor of the Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal (PQS), leading to low PQS intracellular levels and reduced production of QS signal molecules. As the consequence, the expression of QS-regulated genes is impaired and the production of QS-regulated virulence factors strongly decreases in a MexCD-OprN P. aeruginosa overexpressing mutant. Previous work showed that MexEF-OprJ, another P. aeruginosa efflux pump, is also able of extruding kynurenine and HHQ. However, opposite to our findings, the QS defect in a MexEF-OprN overproducer is due to kynurenine extrusion. These results indicate that, although efflux pumps can share some substrates, the affinity for each of them can be different. Although the QS response is triggered by population density, information on additional elements able of modulating such response is still scarce. This is particularly important in the case of P. aeruginosa lung chronic infections, a situation in which QS-defective mutants are accumulated. If MexCD-OprJ overexpression alleviates the cost associated to triggering the QS response when un-needed, it could be possible that MexCD-OprJ antibiotic resistant overproducer strains might be selected even in the absence of antibiotic selective pressure, acting as antibiotic resistant cheaters in heterogeneous P. aeruginosa populations

    An Environmental Science and Engineering Framework for Combating Antimicrobial Resistance

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    On June 20, 2017, members of the environmental engineering and science (EES) community convened at the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Biennial Conference for a workshop on antimicrobial resistance. With over 80 registered participants, discussion groups focused on the following topics: risk assessment, monitoring, wastewater treatment, agricultural systems, and synergies. In this study, we summarize the consensus among the workshop participants regarding the role of the EES community in understanding and mitigating the spread of antibiotic resistance via environmental pathways. Environmental scientists and engineers offer a unique and interdisciplinary perspective and expertise needed for engaging with other disciplines such as medicine, agriculture, and public health to effectively address important knowledge gaps with respect to the linkages between human activities, impacts to the environment, and human health risks. Recommendations that propose priorities for research within the EES community, as well as areas where interdisciplinary perspectives are needed, are highlighted. In particular, risk modeling and assessment, monitoring, and mass balance modeling can aid in the identification of “hot spots” for antibiotic resistance evolution and dissemination, and can help identify effective targets for mitigation. Such information will be essential for the development of an informed and effective policy aimed at preserving and protecting the efficacy of antibiotics for future generations

    Use of organic fertilizers in solar photo-Fenton process as potential technology to remove pineapple processing wastewater in Costa Rica

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    Background: This work studied the use of the organic fertilizers DTPA-Fe and EDDS-Fe as iron chelates for solar driven photo-Fenton process at natural pH. This process was proposed to investigate its performance on removing a mixture of agrochemicals (propiconazole, imidacloprid and diuron) from pineapple processing wastewater to obtain a suitable effluent to be reused in the agricultural sector. Methods: Experiments were carried out in a solar simulator with a stirred cylindric photoreactor, with a volume of 150 mL and controlled temperature (20°C). The first set of experiments was carried out with ultrapure water to determine optimal iron and H2O2 concentrations. The second was performed with simulated wastewater of pineapple processing. Results: The optimized operational conditions for both iron complexes were 10 mg L-1 of Fe (III) and 25 mg L-1 of H2O2, since more than 80% of micropollutants (MP) (at an initial concentration of 1 mg L-1 of each compound) were removed in only 20 min with both DTPA-Fe and EDDS-Fe. The effect of organic matter and inorganic salts on radicals scavenging and chelates stability was also investigated in the experiments performed with synthetic pineapple processing wastewater. The results disclosed differences depending on the iron complex. Nitrites were the principal component influencing the tests carried out with EDDS-Fe. While carbonates at low concentration only significantly affected the experiments performed with DTPA-Fe, they were the major influence on the MPs removal efficiency decrease. In contrast, the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ only influence on this last one. Finally, the results of phytotoxicity disclosed the suitability of treated effluent to be reused in the agricultural sector. Conclusions: This work demonstrated that solar powered photo-Fenton catalysed by iron fertilizer EDDS is a suitable technology for depolluting water streams coming from pineapple processing plants at circumneutral pH, and its subsequent reuse for crop irrigation