704 research outputs found

    Modelo de rehabilitación ambiental para edificios terciarios: el caso del palacio de congresos Europa de Vitoria-Gasteiz

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    Este artículo presenta el desarrollo y resultados de la primera fase del asesoramiento ambiental que forma parte del proceso de rehabilitación y ampliación del Palacio de Congresos Europa (PEV-G) del Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz, en el marco de las actuaciones que esta ciudad ha decidido emprender como European Green Capital, a partir de haber obtenido este reconocimiento en 2012. Es un desarrollo de Green Building Council España (GBCe) en colaboración con Societat Orgànica (SO) que propone una metodología y unas acciones para abordar un proceso continuo de mejora ambiental para que el edificio, sus actividades y los actores directamente relacionados puedan alcanzar los máximos niveles posibles de sostenibilidad ambiental, atendiendo también a las dimensiones económica y social. A través de diferentes modelos se ha estudiado el edificio existente, así como las hipótesis de ampliación y rehabilitación determinadas por el ayuntamiento en su anteproyecto, empleando la metodología del análisis de ciclo de vida simplificado centrada en los vectores ambientales de energía, agua, materiales y residuos. Se han determinado diferentes opciones de mejora basadas en aspectos pasivos, activos y de gestión del edificio que han permitido establecer los objetivos ambientales a los cuales debe responder el proyecto, rehabilitación, ampliación y uso del PEV-G. Por último, se han redactado los requerimientos que forman parte de los pliegos de licitación del proceso que va del proyecto al edificio acabado, así como el protocolo ambiental a aplicar en las fases aun no ejecutadas. Los trabajos realizados incluyen el desarrollo inicial de una nueva herramienta de certificación de la calidad ambiental de los edificios Verde RH EQ Rehabilitación de Equipamientos, que se suma a las existentes. De la visión, objetivos, metodología y acciones de reducción de impactos ambientales aplicables al PEV-G se ha obtenido un protocolo de actuación válido para ser aplicado en otros equipamientos de Vitoria-Gasteiz, el País Vasco y el resto de España, a ser rehabilitados en el futuro próximo

    Assessment of hydrocarbon pollution in NW Iberian Peninsula using bioaccumulation and molecular biomarkers in Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - SETAC Europe 15th Annual Meeting, Lille, France, May 2005.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH´s) are ubiquitous contaminants in marine environment as a result of uncontrolled spills, river transport, surface runoff and atmospheric deposition. A significant amount of industrial activity including shipping and oil refining is located along the NW Iberian Peninsula coast. The use of exposure biomarkers holds out promise due to the incipient state of the cost-effective methodologies for diagnosis and monitoring of oil pollution. This work presents the preliminary results concerning the identification of a set of biomarkers for an early warning detection of PAH toxicity. The bivalve Mytillus galloprovincialis was selected due to its ubiquitous distribution along coastline, being used as sentinels in pollution monitoring. This species has also an important value. Four locations in the vicinity of industrial wastewater discharges along the NW Iberian coast were selected and compared with a nearby (reference) site for (i) measurements of PAH body burdens and (ii) levels of enzyme activity: catalase (CAT), superoxide-dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), gluthathione S-transferase (GST) and Na+/K+ATPase (ATPase). The results will be discussed on the basis of their potential in providing additional evidence for discriminate between well known polluted and unpolluted sites

    Isotopic liftings of Clifford algebras and applications in elementary particle mass matrices

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    Isotopic liftings of algebraic structures are investigated in the context of Clifford algebras, where it is defined a new product involving an arbitrary, but fixed, element of the Clifford algebra. This element acts as the unit with respect to the introduced product, and is called isounit. We construct isotopies in both associative and non-associative arbitrary algebras, and examples of these constructions are exhibited using Clifford algebras, which although associative, can generate the octonionic, non-associative, algebra. The whole formalism is developed in a Clifford algebraic arena, giving also the necessary pre-requisites to introduce isotopies of the exterior algebra. The flavor hadronic symmetry of the six u,d,s,c,b,t quarks is shown to be exact, when the generators of the isotopic Lie algebra su(6) are constructed, and the unit of the isotopic Clifford algebra is shown to be a function of the six quark masses. The limits constraining the parameters, that are entries of the representation of the isounit in the isotopic group SU(6), are based on the most recent limits imposed on quark masses.Comment: 19 page

    Very special relativity as relativity of dark matter: the Elko connection

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    In the very special relativity (VSR) proposal by Cohen and Glashow, it was pointed out that invariance under HOM(2) is both necessary and sufficient to explain the null result of the Michelson-Morely experiment. It is the quantum field theoretic demand of locality, or the requirement of P, T, CP, or CT invariance, that makes invariance under the Lorentz group a necessity. Originally it was conjectured that VSR operates at the Planck scale; we propose that the natural arena for VSR is at energies similar to the standard model, but in the dark sector. To this end we provide an ab initio spinor representation invariant under the SIM(2) avatar of VSR and construct a mass dimension one fermionic quantum field of spin one half. This field turns out to be a very close sibling of Elko and it exhibits the same striking property of intrinsic darkness with respect to the standard model fields. In the new construct, the tension between Elko and Lorentz symmetries is fully resolved. We thus entertain the possibility that the symmetries underlying the standard model matter and gauge fields are those of Lorentz, while the event space underlying the dark matter and the dark gauge fields supports the algebraic structure underlying VSR.Comment: 19 pages. Section 5 is new. Published version (modulo a footnote, and a corrected typo

    The Metallicity Distribution Functions of SEGUE G and K dwarfs: Constraints for Disk Chemical Evolution and Formation

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    We present the metallicity distribution function (MDF) for 24,270 G and 16,847 K dwarfs at distances from 0.2 to 2.3 kpc from the Galactic plane, based on spectroscopy from the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE) survey. This stellar sample is significantly larger in both number and volume than previous spectroscopic analyses, which were limited to the solar vicinity, making it ideal for comparison with local volume-limited samples and Galactic models. For the first time, we have corrected the MDF for the various observational biases introduced by the SEGUE target selection strategy. The SEGUE sample is particularly notable for K dwarfs, which are too faint to examine spectroscopically far from the solar neighborhood. The MDF of both spectral types becomes more metal-poor with increasing |Z|, which reflects the transition from a sample with small [alpha/Fe] values at small heights to one with enhanced [alpha/Fe] above 1 kpc. Comparison of our SEGUE distributions to those of two different Milky Way models reveals that both are more metal-rich than our observed distributions at all heights above the plane. Our unbiased observations of G and K dwarfs provide valuable constraints over the |Z|-height range of the Milky Way disk for chemical and dynamical Galaxy evolution models, previously only calibrated to the solar neighborhood, with particular utility for thin- and thick-disk formation models.Comment: 70 pages, 25 figures, 7 tables. Accepted by The Astrophysical Journa

    Chiral perturbation theory calculation for pn -> dpipi at threshold

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    We investigate the reaction pn -> dpipi in the framework of Chiral Perturbation Theory. For the first time a complete calculation of the leading order contributions is presented. We identify various diagrams that are of equal importance as compared to those recognized in earlier works. The diagrams at leading order behave as expected by the power counting. Also for the first time the nucleon-nucleon interaction in the initial, intermediate and final state is included consistently and found to be very important. This study provides a theoretical basis for a controlled evaluation of the non-resonant contributions in two-pion production reactions in nucleon-nucleon collisions.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Analysis of landrace cultivation in Europe: A means to support in situ conservation of crop diversity

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    During the last century, the progressive substitution of landraces with modern, high yielding varieties, led to a dramatic reduction of in situ conserved crop diversity in Europe. Nowadays there is limited and scattered information on where landraces are cultivated. To fill this gap and lay the groundwork for a regional landrace in situ conservation strategy, information on more than 19,335 geo-referenced landrace cultivation sites were collated from 14 European countries. According to collected data, landraces of 141 herbaceous and 48 tree species are cultivated across Europe: Italy (107 species), Greece (93), Portugal (45) and Spain (44) hold the highest numbers. Common bean, onion, tomato, potato and apple are the species of main interest in the covered countries. As from collected data, about 19.8% of landrace cultivation sites are in protected areas of the Natura 2000 network. We also got evidence that 16.7% and 19.3% of conservation varieties of agricultural species and vegetables are currently cultivated, respectively. Results of the GIS analysis allowed the identification of 1261 cells (25 km × 25 km) including all the cultivation sites, distributed across all European biogeographical regions. Data of this study constitute the largest ever produced database of in situ-maintained landraces and the first attempt to create an inventory for the entire Europe. The availability of such resource will serve for better planning of actions and development of policies to protect landraces and foster their use