1,091 research outputs found

    Computational prediction of Short Linear Motif candidates in the proteome of the Apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a unicellular parasite of the Apicomplexan family with the unique ability to infect a wide spectrum of warm-blooded animals, including mammals and birds. Host infection is established by distinct secreted proteins that interact with the cellular machinery and signaling networks of the host cells, hijacking their immune response and subverting cellular processes to their advantage. Short linear motifs (SLiMs) are small functional modules within protein sequences known to mediate protein-protein interaction between parasite and host proteins. By integrating SLiM information with sequences, structural, and experimental data I developed a computational pipeline to identify motif candidates relevant for T. gondii infection. Among these candidates, I identified motifs in microneme, rhoptry, and dense granule proteins that potentially link them to processes like cell attachment, nuclear targeting and cytoskeleton rearrangements. As a proof of concept, the protein-protein interaction of a group of motif candidates related to the innate immune response were tested experimentally in collaboration with the EMBL Protein expression and purification facility. This provided proof of binding and affinity measurements for some of them, and showed that the pipeline is able to identify true binding motifs. Taken together, I developed a computational pipeline that can potentially predict motif candidates relevant for T. gondii infection and provide a resource for further experimental validation and understanding of parasite infection


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    El objetivo de este artículo, es analizar el modelo financiero Empréstito de Cuota Nivelada, como un instrumento que facilita la participación directa del público inversionista, en el financiamiento de inversiones de capital en Nicaragua, tanto del sector público como privado. La investigación es tipo documental argumentativa y constituye un aporte académico en la aplicación de las Matemática

    A Machine Learning Approach for Studying the Comorbidities of Complex Diagnoses

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    The study of diagnostic associations entails a large number of methodological problems regarding the application of machine learning algorithms, collinearity and wide variability being some of the most prominent ones. To overcome these, we propose and tested the usage of uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP), a very recent, popular dimensionality reduction technique. We showed its effectiveness by using it on a large Spanish clinical database of patients diagnosed with depression, to whom we applied UMAP before grouping them using a hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis. By extensively studying its behavior and results, validating them with purely unsupervised metrics, we show that they are consistent with well-known relationships, which validates the applicability of UMAP to advance the study of comorbidities

    Representación de la diversidad sexual en el filme “La otra familia”.

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    Se compone de tres capitulos, en el primero trata sobre los antecedentes de la homosexualidad en México, asi como su participación en el cine, en el segundo capitulo se expone el marco teórico, finalmente en el tercer capitulo se analizá el filme "la otra familia"

    Naturaleza jurídica de la libertad de expresión y el derecho a la información en la sociedad democrática

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    Esta investigación se centra en el estudio de la naturaleza jurídica de la libertad de expresión y el derecho a la información desde una perspectiva jurídica y constitucional. En una primera fase se hace una revisión del contexto histórico en el que surge la libertad de expresión, analizando su proyección en las Declaraciones de Derechos del siglo XVIII. Posteriormente se aborda la definición de la libertad de expresión como derecho fundamental en la Constitución española de 1978, con la finalidad de definir su significado en relación con otros derechos como honor, intimidad o propia imagen. También se investiga la libertad de información y la profesionalización del periodismo en las sociedades democráticas. Por último, se realiza un estudio jurídico y científico sobre la libertad de expresión en diversos países e instituciones internacionales desde una perspectiva en Derecho comparado

    Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale: Evidence of Construct Validity in Argentinians

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    Suicide is a global public health problem. The goal of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the measurement of suicide severity based on the Columbia suicide severity rating scale. We worked with a sample of 516 Argentinean adults, aged 18 to 75. The fit of a measurement model that differentiates between the various degrees of suicidal severity was verified. The specified model returns fit values above the suggested cut-off points, both for the occurrence and frequency indicators. The internal consistency indices from the composite reliability coefficient also show values above the cut-off points for both occurrence and frequency. Finally, evidence of construct validity was obtained from the relationship with external variables. The results are consistent with the theory, showing stronger effects of hopelessness on suicidal ideation compared to suicide attempts. Overall, evidence of construct validity for the measurement of suicidal severity is presented, a contribution that is essential in remedying the lack of studies on suicide in the region and promoting prevention strategies.Depto. de Psicobiología y Metodología en Ciencias del ComportamientoFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu

    Perfiles de lectura en adolescentes con síndrome de X frágil y síndrome de Down.

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    Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) and Down Syndrome (DS) read better than expected for their mental age. We have measured three basic reading skills (word recognition, phonological awareness, and reading comprehension), and two standard intellectual and verbal measures: the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Tests. The tests were applied to 16 adolescents classified as FXS (M = 14.74 years old, SD = 4.03) and 16 adolescents classified as DS (M = 15.59 years old, SD = 2.35). For comparison purposes, the reading tests were also applied to a typical develop group of 70 children aged between 4.8 and 7.0 years (M = 6.11, SD = 0.71).  Children with DS and FXS exhibited verbal skills superior to their cognitive development, especially in the FXS group. In reading performance, FXS showed a reading level corresponding to 5/6 their age, and for SD 6/7 of the equivalent reading age, however, both groups exhibited a similar reading performance in the three reading skills measured, when nonverbal mental age was controlled.Las personas con síndrome de X frágil (FXS) y con síndrome de Down (DS) leen mejor de lo esperado para su edad mental. Hemos medido tres habilidades básicas de lectura (reconocimiento de palabras, conciencia fonológica y comprensión de lectura), y dos medidas estándar intelectual y verbal: Escalas McCarthy de capacidades de los niños y los Peabody Picture Vocabulary Tests. Las pruebas se aplicaron a 16 adolescentes clasificados como FXS (M = 14.74 años, DT = 4.03) y 16 adolescentes clasificados como DS (M = 15.59 años, SD = 2.35). Para fines de comparación, las pruebas de lectura también se aplicaron a un grupo de desarrollo normal de 70 niños de entre 4.8 y 7 años (M = 6.11, DT = 0.71). Los niños con DS y FXS mostraron habilidades verbales superiores a su desarrollo cognitivo, especialmente en el grupo FXS. En el rendimiento de lectura, FXS mostraron un nivel de lectura correspondiente a 5/6 de su edad, y para SD 6/7 de la edad de lectura equivalente; sin embargo, ambos grupos mostraron un rendimiento de lectura similar en las tres habilidades de lectura medidas, cuando la edad mental no verbal fue controlada