245 research outputs found

    Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere‐Thermosphere coupling at Jupiter using a three‐dimensional atmospheric general circulation model

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    Jupiter's upper atmosphere is ∼700 K hotter than predicted based on solar extreme ultraviolet heating alone. The reason for this still remains a mystery and is known as the “energy crisis.” It is thought that the interaction between Jupiter and its dynamic magnetosphere plays a vital role in heating its atmosphere to the observed temperatures. Here, we present a new model of Jupiter's magnetosphere‐ionosphere‐thermosphere‐coupled system where we couple a three‐dimensional atmospheric general circulation model to an axisymmetric magnetosphere model. We find that the model temperatures are on average ∼60 K, with a maximum of ∼200 K, hotter than the model's two‐dimensional predecessor making our high‐latitude temperatures comparable to the lower limit of observations. Stronger meridional winds now transport more heat from the auroral region to the equator increasing the equatorial temperatures. However, despite this increase, the modeled equatorial temperatures are still hundreds of kelvins colder than observed. We use this model as an intermediate step toward a three‐dimensional atmospheric model coupled to a realistic magnetosphere model with zonal and radial variation

    OPTIMIST: A new conflict resolution algorithm for ACT-R.

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    Several studies have suggested recently that a more dynamic conflict resolution mechanism in the ACT-R cognitive architecture (Anderson & Lebiere, 1998) could improve the decision-making behaviour of cognitive models. This part of ACT-R theory is revisited and a new solution is proposed. The new algorithm (OPTIMIST) has been implemented as an overlay to the ACT-R architecture, and can be used as an alternative mechanism. The operation of the new algorithm is tested in a model of the classical Yerkes and Dodson experiement of animals' learning. When OPTIMIST is used, the resulting model fits the data better than the previous model (e.g. R2 (R squared) increases from .85 to .93 in one example)

    Micrometeoroid infall onto Saturn’s rings constrains their age to no more than a few hundred million years

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    There is ongoing debate as to whether Saturn’s main rings are relatively young or ancient— having been formed shortly after Saturn or during the Late Heavy Bombardment. The rings are mostly water-ice but are polluted by non-icy material with a volume fraction ranging from ∼0.1 to 2%. Continuous bombardment by micrometeoroids exogenic to the Saturnian system is a source of this non-icy material. Knowledge of the incoming mass flux of these pollutants allows estimation of the rings’ exposure time, providing a limit on their age. Here we report the final measurements by Cassini’s Cosmic Dust Analyzer of the micrometeoroid flux into the Saturnian system. Several populations are present, but the flux is dominated by low-relative velocity objects such as from the Kuiper belt. We find a mass flux between 6.9 · 10−17 and 2.7 · 10−16 kg m−2s−1 from which we infer a ring exposure time ≲100 to 400 million years in support of recent ring formation scenarios

    Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere coupling at Jupiter using a three-dimensional atmospheric general circulation model

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    Jupiter's upper atmosphere is ∼700 K hotter than predicted based on solar extreme ultraviolet heating alone. The reason for this still remains a mystery and is known as the “energy crisis.” It is thought that the interaction between Jupiter and its dynamic magnetosphere plays a vital role in heating its atmosphere to the observed temperatures. Here, we present a new model of Jupiter's magnetosphere‐ionosphere‐thermosphere‐coupled system where we couple a three‐dimensional atmospheric general circulation model to an axisymmetric magnetosphere model. We find that the model temperatures are on average ∼60 K, with a maximum of ∼200 K, hotter than the model's two‐dimensional predecessor making our high‐latitude temperatures comparable to the lower limit of observations. Stronger meridional winds now transport more heat from the auroral region to the equator increasing the equatorial temperatures. However, despite this increase, the modeled equatorial temperatures are still hundreds of kelvins colder than observed. We use this model as an intermediate step toward a three‐dimensional atmospheric model coupled to a realistic magnetosphere model with zonal and radial variation

    Exercise promotes angiogenesis and improves beta-adrenergic receptor signalling in the post-ischaemic failing rat heart.

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    We investigated whether exercise training could promote angiogenesis and improve blood perfusion and left ventricular (LV) remodelling of the post-myocardial infarction (MI) failing heart. We also explored the contribution of ameliorated beta-adrenergic receptor signalling and function on the overall improvement of cardiac contractility reserve induced by exercise.Adult Wistar male rats were randomly assigned to one of four experimental groups. Sham-operated and post-MI heart failure (HF) rats were housed under sedentary conditions or assigned to 10-weeks of a treadmill exercise protocol. At 4 weeks after MI, sedentary HF rats showed LV eccentric hypertrophy, marked increase of LV diameters associated with severely impaired fractional shortening (14 +/- 5\%), increased LV end diastolic pressure (20.9 +/- 2.6 mmHg), and pulmonary congestion. In addition, cardiac contractile responses to adrenergic stimulation were significantly blunted. In trained HF rats, exercise was able to (i) reactivate the cardiac vascular endothelial growth factor pathway with a concurrent enhancement of myocardial angiogenesis, (ii) significantly increase myocardial perfusion and coronary reserve, (iii) reduce cardiac diameters, and (iv) improve LV contractility in response to adrenergic stimulation. This latter finding was also associated with a significant improvement of cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor downregulation and desensitization.Our data indicate that exercise favourably affects angiogenesis and improves LV remodelling and contractility reserve in a rat model of severe chronic HF