612 research outputs found

    Banned Birds

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    The dietary prohibitions in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 represent one of the most detailed textual overlaps in the Pentateuch between the Priestly material and Deuteronomy. This is especially the case for the birds: their identities are shrouded in mystery and the reasons for their prohibition debated. Peter Altmann attempts to break this impasse by setting these flyers within the broader context of birds and flying creatures in the Ancient Near East. His investigation considers the zooarcheological data on birds in the ancient Levant, iconographic and textual material on mundane and mythic flyers from Egypt and Mesopotamia, as well as studying the symbolic functions of birds within the texts of the Hebrew Bible itself

    Regulation and technology innovation: A comparison of stated and formal regulatory barriers throughout the technology innovation process

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    Regulation is often mentioned as a barrier to technology innovation in various industries. Delayed market entry, stifled creativity, added activities and resource requirements are some frequently mentioned barriers. The study presented here explored various claims of regulation acting as a barrier to technology innovation. The findings suggest that formal statutory requirements only partly explain why regulation is perceived as a technology innovation barrier. Findings further indicate several discrepancies between stated and formal regulatory barriers and suggest that the majority of the stated barriers emerge within the organization during operationalization and the technology innovation process

    Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) domain I from S. cerevisiae is required but not sufficient for inter-species complementation

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    Ethanolamine phosphoglycerol (EPG) is a protein modification attached exclusively to eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A). In mammals and plants, EPG is linked to conserved glutamate residues located in eEF1A domains II and III, whereas in the unicellular eukaryote Trypanosoma brucei, only domain III is modified by a single EPG. A biosynthetic precursor of EPG and structural requirements for EPG attachment to T. brucei eEF1A have been reported, but nothing is known about the EPG modifying enzyme(s). By expressing human eEF1A in T. brucei, we now show that EPG attachment to eEF1A is evolutionarily conserved between T. brucei and Homo sapiens. In contrast, S. cerevisiae eEF1A, which has been shown to lack EPG is not modified in T. brucei. Furthermore, we show that eEF1A cannot functionally complement across species when using T. brucei and S. cerevisiae as model organisms. However, functional complementation in yeast can be obtained using eEF1A chimera containing domains II or III from other species. In contrast, yeast domain I is strictly required for functional complementation in S. cerevisia

    Abrahams Enkel in Spanien : Muslime, Christen und Juden in einer Zeit des Umbruchs (1150 - 1250)

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    Die Besonderheit der mittelalterlichen Geschichte Spaniens gegenüber derjenigen der anderen europäischen Länder liegt darin, dass hier zwei Geschichten ineinandergreifen. Nämlich die des christlichen Abendlandes und die der islamischen Welt. Hinzu kommt das spanische Judentum, dem ob seiner einzigartigen Bedeutung durchaus die „Merkmale einer eigenen Geschichte“ zuerkannt werden kann. Muslime, Christen und Juden lebten auf der iberischen Halbinsel nebeneinander, miteinander und immer wieder auch gegeneinander. Sie alle bekannten sich zu dem Einen Gott, der bereits mit Noah (Gen 9,8f) und Abraham (Gen 17,4) einen Bund geschlossen und Moses sein „Grundgesetz“ für menschliches Zusammenleben übermittelt hatte. Dass dieses Zusammenleben dennoch oft so schwierig war, hat vielerlei Gründe, unter denen die unterschiedliche religiös-kulturelle Entwicklung eine herausragende Rolle gespielt haben dürfte. Das erste Kapitel gibt eine geraffte Darstellung der politischen Entwicklung Spaniens im hohen Mittelalter, wobei die Zeit von der Mitte des 12. bis zur Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts in etwa der Periode almohadischer Präsenz in al-Andalus entspricht, und der „Rückfall“ Sevillas an die Christen (1248) als ein gewisser Endpunkt angesehen werden kann. Die Almohaden bilden die letzte Gruppe der aus dem Norden Afrikas nach Spanien gekommenen Anhänger des Propheten, mit ihnen endet die etwa 500 Jahre währende Dominanz des Islam im Süden der iberischen Halbinsel. Für die Reconquista brachte die Schlacht von Las Navas de Tolosa 1212 den endgültigen Durchbruch, auch wenn es noch fast drei Jahrhunderte dauern sollte, bis die letzte muslimische Herrschaft auf iberischem Boden ihr Ende fand. Für das christliche Spanien markiert die Epoche zwischen 1150 und 1250 eine Zeitenwende mit ungeahnten Auswirkungen. Kastilien konnte seine Vormachtstellung entscheidend ausbauen, die Weichen für das Katholische Spanien waren gestellt. Die jüdische Bevölkerung hatte keinen direkten Anteil am politischen Geschehen, ihr blieb nichts anderes übrig, als sich an die sich wandelnden Verhältnisse anzupassen. Das sogenannte „Goldene jüdische Zeitalter“ war bereits Vergangenheit, die massiven Verfolgungen und Vertreibungen des 14. bzw. 15. Jahrhunderts lagen noch in weiter Ferne. Jüdische Mitwirkung in der Gesellschaft beschränkte sich auf andere Felder, wovon im einzelnen noch die Rede sein wird. Das zweite Kapitel ist dann dem eigentlichen Anliegen dieser Arbeit gewidmet, denn es soll um Fragen der Religion gehen, wie sie sich unter den besonderen Umständen und Gegebenheiten jener Zeit stellten. In Anbetracht der ungemeinen Themenfülle ist es mir nicht leicht gefallen, eine Auswahl zu treffen. Ich habe mich deshalb für ein zweigleisiges Vorgehen entschieden: Zum einen werden mit al-Ghazzali, Maimonides und Petrus Alfonsi religiöse Vordenker jener Zeit vorgestellt, deren Wirkmächtigkeit bis in unsere heutige Zeit reicht, wobei allerdings nicht daran gedacht ist, in diesem Zusammenhang komplizierte kontrovers-theologische Fragen zu erörtern. Zum anderen sollen ein Stück praktizierte Religionskultur und ihre Sonderentwicklungen im spanischen Hochmittelalter aufgezeigt werden. Hier wird deutlich werden, wie eng religiöse Vorstellungen und Herrschaftsanspruch sowohl bei Muslimen als auch bei Christen miteinander verknüpft waren. Im dritten Kapitel stehen die sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse sowie die Situation der jeweiligen Minderheiten im Vordergrund. Konflikte mit religiösem Hintergrund sollen aufgezeigt, auf Gemeinsamkeiten verwiesen werden. Den Anspruch von Konfliktforschung kann diese Arbeit jedoch naturgemäß nicht für sich reklamieren. Für den Historiker gilt die Pyrenäenhalbinsel des Hochmittelalters als Kulturkontaktzone ersten Ranges. Hier fand ein Wissenstransfer ohnegleichen zwischen den drei Kulturen statt, wobei dessen Hauptrichtung zweifelsohne orientalisch-okzidental war. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit kann darauf allerdings nicht näher eingegangen, das Thema Kulturaustausch allenfalls nur kurz gestreift werden

    Differences in physical match performance and injury occurence before and after the COVID-19 break in professional European soccer leagues: a systematic review

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    Purpose. Due of the Covid-19 pandemic, matches and soccer-specific training were suspended for several weeks, matches after resumption were congested, and substitutions per team and game increased from three to five. Therefore, the aim of this review was to examine possible differences in physical match performance and injuries between before and after the Covid-19 induced break of matches and training in professional male European soccer leagues during the 2019/2020 season. Methods. A systematic search identified all scientifically peer-reviewed publications involving elite male soccer players competing in the European leagues which reported physical match performance variables such as total running distance and running distance at different speed zones and/or injury parameters pre and post Covid-19 induced break. Results. In total, 11 articles were included, which were coming from German Bundesliga, Polish Ekstraklasa, Croatian HNL, Spanish La Liga, and Italian Serie A. In all studies investigating the German Bundesliga, most parameters of physical match performance remained unaffected (0.08 ≤ p ≤ 0.82; -0.15 ≤ ES 0.15), while studies investigating the Polish Ekstraklasa (p ≤ 0.03; -0.27 ≤ ES -0.18), Croatian HNL (p ≤ 0.04; -1.42 ≤ ES ≤ 1.44), Spanish La Liga (p ≤ 0.017; -0.32 ≤ ES ≤ 5.5), and Italian Serie A (p ≤ 0.014; -1.01 ≤ ES 0.24) showed a decrease in most parameters of physical match performance after the Covid-19 break. Injury rates where only investigated by studies targeting the German Bundesliga and Italian Serie A. In the majority of studies (3 out of 4 studies), there occurred no difference in injuries between pre and post Covid-19 break (p > 0.05; ES = N/A). Conclusion. Results indicate that Bundesliga teams maintained physical match performance during the 9-weeks break in matches and 3-weeks break in group training, whereas a longer match and group training interruption up to 15 weeks and 8 weeks, respectively, in the other leagues appeared to lead to a decreased physical match performance. Regarding injuries, we speculate that the increase of substitutions from 3 to 5 substitutions per game might prevent an increase in injury occurrence during matches. The underlying studies’ results provide hints for possible upcoming unexpected interruptions with respect to optimal physical preparations for the resumption of matches and a congested schedule to maintain physical match performance, or for possible rule changes such as 5 instead of 3 substitutions to avoid physical overload during congested match schedules

    Rust 1

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    Antiviral activity of the EB peptide against zoonotic poxviruses

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The EB peptide is a 20-mer that was previously shown to have broad spectrum <it>in vitro </it>activity against several unrelated viruses, including highly pathogenic avian influenza, herpes simplex virus type I, and vaccinia, the prototypic orthopoxvirus. To expand on this work, we evaluated EB for <it>in vitro </it>activity against the zoonotic orthopoxviruses cowpox and monkeypox and for <it>in vivo </it>activity in mice against vaccinia and cowpox.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>In yield reduction assays, EB had an EC<sub>50 </sub>of 26.7 μM against cowpox and 4.4 μM against monkeypox. The EC<sub>50 </sub>for plaque reduction was 26.3 μM against cowpox and 48.6 μM against monkeypox. A scrambled peptide had no inhibitory activity against either virus. EB inhibited cowpox <it>in vitro </it>by disrupting virus entry, as evidenced by a reduction of the release of virus cores into the cytoplasm. Monkeypox was also inhibited <it>in vitro </it>by EB, but at the attachment stage of infection. EB showed protective activity in mice infected intranasally with vaccinia when co-administered with the virus, but had no effect when administered prophylactically one day prior to infection or therapeutically one day post-infection. EB had no <it>in vivo </it>activity against cowpox in mice.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>While EB did demonstrate some <it>in vivo </it>efficacy against vaccinia in mice, the limited conditions under which it was effective against vaccinia and lack of activity against cowpox suggest EB may be more useful for studying orthopoxvirus entry and attachment <it>in vitro </it>than as a therapeutic against orthopoxviruses <it>in vivo</it>.</p

    Phrenic nerve palsy during ablation of atrial fibrillation using a 28-mm cryoballoon catheter: predictors and prevention

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    Purpose: The purposes of this study were to determine whether predictors of phrenic nerve palsy (PNP) exist and to test whether a standardized ablation protocol may prevent PNP during cryoballoon (CB) ablation using the 28mm CB. Methods: Three-dimensional (3D) geometry of the pulmonary veins (PV) and their relationship to the superior vena cava (SVC) was analyzed. Phrenic nerve (PN) stimulation was performed during ablation of the right-sided PVs with a 28-mm CB. The freezing cycle was immediately terminated in case of loss of PN capture. Results: Sixty-five patients (age, 58 ± 11years; ejection fraction, 0.59 ± 0.06; left atrial size, 40 ± 5mm) with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation were included. No persistent PNP was observed. Transient PNP occurred in 4 of 65 patients (6%). PN function normalized within 24h in all four patients. A short distance between the right superior PV and the SVC was significantly associated with PNP, but left atrial and 3D PV anatomy were not. Low temperature early during the freezing cycle (<−41°C at 30s) predicted PNP with a sensitivity and a specificity of 100 and 98%, respectively. Conclusion: The anatomical relationship between the right superior PV and the SVC is a preprocedural predictor for the development of transient PNP, and low temperature early during ablation at the right superior PV is a sensitive warning sign of impending PNP. Despite the use of the 28mm CB, transient PNP occurred in 6% of patients undergoing CB ablatio

    Zampanolide, a Microtubule-Stabilizing Agent, Is Active in Resistant Cancer Cells and Inhibits Cell Migration.

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    Zampanolide, first discovered in a sponge extract in 1996 and later identified as a microtubule-stabilizing agent in 2009, is a covalent binding secondary metabolite with potent, low nanomolar activity in mammalian cells. Zampanolide was not susceptible to single amino acid mutations at the taxoid site of β-tubulin in human ovarian cancer 1A9 cells, despite evidence that it selectively binds to the taxoid site. As expected, it did not synergize with other taxoid site microtubule-stabilizing agents (paclitaxel, ixabepilone, discodermolide), but surprisingly also did not synergize in 1A9 cells with laulimalide/peloruside binding site agents either. Efforts to generate a zampanolide-resistant cell line were unsuccessful. Using a standard wound scratch assay in cell culture, it was an effective inhibitor of migration of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and fibroblast cells (D551). These properties of covalent binding, the ability to inhibit cell growth in paclitaxel and epothilone resistant cells, and the ability to inhibit cell migration suggest that it would be of interest to investigate zampanolide in preclinical animal models to determine if it is effective in vivo at preventing tumor growth and metastasis