59 research outputs found

    Clinical, anatomopathological manifestations and laboratory findings of COVID-19 in adults: a narative review

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    Introduction: SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of the COVID-19 pandemics can cause anything from asymptomatic infections to several clinical manifestations. This study aims to present signs, symptoms, anatomopathological diagnosis, clinical diagnosis and laboratory findings in patients with COVID-19 in a narrative review. Methods: Narrative review of studies available in PubMed/Medline database about clinical manifestations in adult patients which were published in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Results: 547 articles were found, out of which 450 were excluded and 3 studies were added to the existing ones, totalizing 100 articles that composed the analyzed data. The main signs and symptoms were fever, dry cough, fatigue, dyspnea, pneumonia, headache, myalgia, vomiting, diarrhea, productive cough, acute myocardial injury, coagulopathy and olfactory and taste disorders. Conclusions: The findings suggest a great variety and complexity of Covid-19 clinical presentations indicating that, many differential diagnoses must be considered

    Short-term forecasting of daily COVID-19 cases in Brazil by using the Holt’s model

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    Introduction: We evaluated the performance of the Holt’s model to forecast the daily COVID-19 reported cases in Brazil and three Brazilian states. Methods: We chose the date of the first COVID-19 case to April 25, 2020, as the training period, and April 26 to May 3, 2020, as the test period. Results: The Holt’s model performed well in forecasting the cases in Brazil and in São Paulo and Minas Gerais states, but the forecasts were underestimated in Rio de Janeiro state. Conclusions: The Holt’s model can be an adequate shortterm forecasting method if their assumptions are adequately verified and validated by experts

    Clinical, anatomopathological manifestations and laboratory findings of Covid-19 in adults: a narative review

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    Introduction: SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of the COVID-19 pandemics can cause anything from asymptomatic infections to several clinical manifestations. This study aims to present signs, symptoms, anatomopathological diagnosis, clinical diagnosis and laboratory findings in patients with COVID-19 in a narrative review. Methods: Narrative review of studies available in PubMed/Medline database about clinical manifestations in adult patients which were published in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Results: 547 articles were found, out of which 450 were excluded and 3 studies were added to the existing ones, totalizing 100 articles that composed the analyzed data. The main signs and symptoms were fever, dry cough, fatigue, dyspnea, pneumonia, headache, myalgia, vomiting, diarrhea, productive cough, acute myocardial injury, coagulopathy and olfactory and taste disorders. Conclusions: The findings suggest a great variety and complexity of Covid-19 clinical presentations indicating that, many differential diagnoses must be considered

    Indenizações em obstetrícia: estudo das decisões do Superior Tribunal de Justiça do Brasil de 2004 a 2014

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    This article intends to identify the main reasons of damage caused by obstetric medical practice during childbirth, on the decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice of Brazil. The study analyzed 21 decisions judged between 2004 and 2014 related to legal compensations concerning obstetrics. The criteria for the selection of cases was to search the Supreme Court’s website, for decisions containing descriptors such as: "birth", "medical error"; "doctor"; "patient"; "health professional"; "moral damage"; "property damage"; "SUS"; "Liability" and "compensation for medical error". Rio de Janeiro was the state with the largest number of compensation claims (28.6%) appreciated by the court, followed by São Paulo and Minas Gerais with 14.3%. Among the defendants listed on the demands, 38.1% were doctors and hospitals. It was found that 71% of the alleged malpractices that led to these actions occurred during vaginal delivery and 29% of cases correspond to caesarean section. The main cause of damages reported was the delays in performing delivery, followed by trauma. Although research has shown that the cesarean section poses greater risks to the woman and the fetus, the results obtained from the decisions analyzed by the court showed that damages resulting in irreversible sequelae in unborn children were recurrent in natural birth related cases, suggesting that special attention should be given to obstetric medical training as well as to the understanding of the sociocultural aspects that surround medical indication and choice of the type of childbirth method.  Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar, nas decisões do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), as principais causas dos danos decorrentes da prática médica obstétrica no momento do parto. O estudo analisou 21 decisões julgadas pela corte entre 2004 e 2014 relacionadas a indenizações judiciais na obstetrícia. O critério de seleção dos casos utilizou como método a busca de decisões no site do STJ, cujos descritores foram: "parto", "erro médico"; "médico"; "paciente"; "profissional da saúde"; "dano moral"; "dano material"; "SUS"; "responsabilidade civil" e "indenização por erro médico". O Rio de Janeiro foi o estado com maior número de ações indenizatórias (28,6%) apreciadas pelo STJ, seguido de São Paulo e Minas Gerais, com 14,3% cada um. No tocante aos réus que figuraram no polo passivo das demandas, 38,1% eram médicos e hospitais. Verificou-se que 71% das supostas falhas médicas que originaram as ações ocorreram durante a realização do parto natural, contra 29% dos casos de cesariana. A principal causa dos danos relatados foi a demora na realização do parto, seguida dos traumatismos. Apesar de pesquisas demonstrarem que a cesariana oferece maiores riscos para a parturiente e o feto, os resultados obtidos das decisões judiciais analisadas pelo STJ evidenciaram que os danos que resultaram sequelas irreversíveis no nascituro foram recorrentes nos casos relacionados ao parto natural, sugerindo que atenção especial deve ser dada à formação médica obstétrica, bem como à compreensão dos aspectos socioculturais envolvendo a indicação e a escolha pelo tipo de parto

    Seasonal variation of femoral fractures in the state of São Paulo, Southeast Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of seasonality on femoral fracture incidence among people residing in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Ecological study based on a consecutive series of 216,348 reports of hospital admissions caused by femoral fractures. A Bayesian statistical model was used for time series analysis, considering the monthly average number of events of femoral fractures per day as a dependent variable. RESULTS: Among the female population, significant seasonal effects were observed only for older women, aged 60 years or more. Among younger men (aged less than 20 years) there is not a clear seasonal effect, but among the other age groups there seems to exist a higher number of cases of femoral fractures during the coldest months of the year. CONCLUSIONS: In general, more cases of fractures occur during the coldest months of the year; however, men and women have different patterns of incidence according to each age group

    Community Care Administration of Spinal Deformities in the Brazilian Public Health System

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    OBJECTIVE: Underfunding of the surgical treatment of complex spinal deformities has been an important reason for the steadily growing waiting lists in publicly funded healthcare systems. The aim of this study is to characterize the management of the treatment of spinal deformities in the public healthcare system. METHODS: A cross-sectional study of 60 patients with complex pediatric spinal deformities waiting for treatment in December 2013 was performed. The evaluated parameters were place of origin, waiting time until first assessment at a specialized spine care center, waiting time for the surgical treatment, and need for implants not reimbursed by the healthcare system. RESULTS: Ninety-one percent of the patients lived in São Paulo State (33% from Ribeirão Preto - DRS XIII). Patients waited for 0.5 to 48.0 months for referral, and the waiting times for surgery ranged from 2 to 117 months. Forty-five percent of the patients required implants for the surgical procedure that were not available. CONCLUSION: The current management of patients with spinal deformities in the public healthcare system does not provide adequate treatment for these patients in our region. They experience long waiting periods for referral and prolonged waiting times to receive surgical treatment; additionally, many of the necessary procedures are not reimbursed by the public healthcare system

    Characteristics of cases of tuberculosis coinfected with HIV in Minas Gerais State in 2016

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    This study aimed to characterize the cases of tuberculosis (TB) co-infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Minas Gerais State, Brazil, after the notification sheet modification, and to verify the association between the new variables and the treatment outcome. It is an analytical cross-sectional study with TB/HIV cases notified in the year 2016 to the Brazilian Information System for Notifiable Diseases (Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação). Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, and multiple correspondence analysis were performed to verify the association between the outcome, ageand associated diseases. Of the 180 cases, most were male (75.6%) between 30 and 49 years old (63.3%), mixed ethnicity (black and white) (49.4%), 94.4% had the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and 60.6% had pulmonary TB. The molecular test was not performed at the time of diagnosis in 70.5% of the cases. Homeless people (4.4%) and prisoners (3.9%) featured prominently among the special populations. People between 40 and 49 years old without concurrent diseases were cured in 40.0% of the cases; 18.9% abandoned the treatment due to smoking, drug abuse and mental illness in the age group between 20 and 29 years old. The deaths were associated with the age group between 30 and 39 years old and the occurrence of AIDS. The results have shown that the groups considered vulnerable (drug users, smokers and people with mental illness) abandoned the treatment, the notification upon death from AIDS in adults was late and some treatments were inadequate. The epidemiological surveillance, prevention and assistance strategies towards cases of TB/HIV must be improved in order to achieve the goal of the Brazilian National Plan to end Tuberculosis as a Public Health Problem until 2035 in the state

    Relação entre agentes infecciosos de vulvovaginites e cor da pele

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    CONTEXT AND Objective: Many factors influence occurrences of vulvovaginitis. The aims here were to assess skin color and age-related differences in the vaginal flora and occurrences of vulvovaginitis. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study; tertiary referral hospital (Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba). METHODS: Healthy women who underwent routine outpatient gynecological assessments were assessed for vulvovaginitis and vaginal flora and then divided into whites (n = 13,881) and nonwhites (n = 5,295). Statistical analysis was performed using the X² test, logistic regression and odds ratios. RESULTS: The vaginal microflora was skin-color dependent, with greater occurrence of clue cells, Trichomonas vaginalis and coccobacilli in nonwhite women (p < 0.0001). Döderlein bacilli and cytolytic flora were more prevalent in white women (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.05, respectively). The vaginal microflora was age-dependent within the skin color groups. Among the nonwhite women, clue cells were more prevalent in women aged 21 to 50 years; Trichomonas in women up to 40 years and coccobacili in women between 21 and 40 years (P < 0.05). During the proliferative and secretory phases, the nonwhite women were more likely to present clue cells, Trichomonas, Candida and coccobacilli (OR, proliferative phase: 1.31, 1.79, 1.6 and 1.25 respectively; secretory phase: 1.31, 2.88, 1.74 and 1.21 respectively), while less likely to present Döderlein flora (OR, proliferative phase: 0.76; secretory phase: 0.66), compared with white women, irrespective of age. CONCLUSIONS: There are differences in vulvovaginitis occurrence relating to skin color, which may be associated with variations in vaginal flora.CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Muitos fatores influenciam a ocorrência de vulvovaginites. Os objetivos foram avaliar diferenças relacionadas à cor da pele e idade na flora vaginal e vulvovaginites. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo transversal; hospital de referência terciário (Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, Uberaba). MÉTODOS: Mulheres saudáveis em atendimento de rotina para exames ginecológicos foram divididas em brancas (n = 13.881) e não brancas (n = 5.295) e avaliadas quanto a vulvovaginites e flora vaginal. Para análise estatística, foram utilizados teste X², regressão logística e odds ratio. RESULTADOS: Microflora vaginal foi dependente da cor da pele, com maior ocorrência de "clue cells", Trichomonas vaginalis e bacilos cocoides em não brancas (p < 0,0001); bacilos de Döderlein e flora citolítica foram mais prevalentes em brancas (p < 0,0001 e p < 0,05, respectivamente). Flora vaginal foi dependente da idade nos grupos de cor da pele. Entre não brancas, "clue cells", Trichomonas e bacilos cocoides foram mais prevalentes nas idades: 21 a 50 anos, até 40 anos, e 21 a 40 anos respectivamente (p < 0,05). Durante as fases proliferativa e secretória, mulheres não brancas tiveram maior probabilidade de apresentar "clue cells", Trichomonas, Candida e cocoides (odds ratio, OR - fase proliferativa: 1,31; 1,79; 1,6 e 1,25 respectivamente; fase secretória: 1,31; 2,88; 1,74 e 1,21 respectivamente), e menor chance de apresentarem flora Döderlein (OR - fase proliferativa: 0,76; fase secretória: 0,66) comparadas com brancas, independentemente da idade. CONCLUSÕES: Há diferenças na ocorrência de vulvovaginites relacionadas com a cor da pele, podendo haver associação com variações na flora vaginal.(FAPEMIG) Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerai

    Notificação de eventos adversos: caracterização dos eventos ocorridos em um complexo hospitalar

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    Objetivo: Analisar as notificações de incidentes relacionados à segurança do paciente.Métodos: Estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, baseado nos dados doGerenciamento de Risco de um complexo hospitalar, localizado no noroeste paulista, deagosto/2015 a julho/2016.Resultados: Foram analisadas 4.691 notificações. O enfermeiro foi a categoria profissionalque mais notificou (71%), seguido do médico (8%). O período mais frequente em queocorreram as notificações foi o diurno. Houve diferença significativa da proporção denotificações entre os dias da semana. As notificações foram classificadas por motivo, comdestaque para os medicamentos (17%), seguido de lesões de pele (15%) e flebite (14%). Amaior frequência de notificações ocorreu nas unidades de Internação. Quanto à gravidade 344eventos ocasionaram dano ao paciente, sendo a maioria de intensidade leve (65%).Conclusão: As notificações espontâneas são uma importante fonte de informações eevidenciam a magnitude do problema relacionado aos incidentes em saúde.Palavras-chave: Notificação. Segurança do paciente. Qualidade da assistência à saúde
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