140 research outputs found
Comparison of Various Devices Used in the Evaluation of Vertical Jump Height
This study aimed to compare force plate, motion analysis, and mobile application methods for calculating vertical jump height. Twenty-nine male college students (age: 22.4 ± 1.0 years; height: 178.1 ± 6.2cm; body weight: 71.2 ± 8.0 kg) voluntarily participated in the study. Two countermovement jumps (CMJ) with 1-minute intervals on a force platform (BERTEC 4060-10) were performed. The countermovement jump performances were captured using an iPhone 11 (Apple Inc., USA). The experimental setup involved using three high-speed cameras, specifically the My Jump 2 and SIMI Motion 7.5. Obtained results from hip displacement (HD) data with motion analysis system showed that participants had significantly lower vertical jump height calculated from motion capture (p = 0.01; -8.3 ± 3.86, 95%CI; MyJump2-SIMI_HD = 1.24/3.30). It was also found that calculations from left and right foot displacement were higher than My Jump 2 results (95%CI; MyJump2-SIMI_RF = 0.66/2.93) and 95%CI (MyJump2-SIMI_LF) = (-0.63/2.65). In contrast, force plate calculations, known as the gold standard in the literature, were very similar to My Jump (95%CI; MyJumpII-FP) = (2.38/4.01). The findings indicate that the My Jump 2, used for assessing vertical jump height, may be a reliable alternative for determining vertical jump height instead of setting up gold standard methods. Individuals' athletic performance abilities and birth, gender, and sports preferences should be considered. Finally, when coaches or sports scientists intend to measure CMJ, My Jump 2 application can be recommended as a laboratory application as well as a practical and valid measurement method, especially for field applications
Growth, tolerance and safety outcomes with use of an extensively hydrolyzed casein-based formula in infants with cow’s milk protein allergy
ObjectiveTo evaluate growth, tolerance and safety outcomes with use of an extensively hydrolyzed casein-based formula (eHCF) in infants with cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA).MethodsA total of 226 infants (mean ± SD age: 106.5 ± 39.5 days, 52.7% were girls) with CMPA who received eHCF comprising at least half of the daily dietary intake were included. Data on anthropometrics [weight for age (WFA), length for age (LFA) and weight for length (WFL) z-scores] were recorded at baseline (visit 1), while data on infant feeding and stool records, anthropometrics and Infant Feeding and Stool Patterns and Formula Satisfaction Questionnaires were recorded at visit 2 (on Days 15 ± 5) and visit 3 (on Days 30 ± 5).ResultsFrom baseline to visit 2 and visit 3, WFA z-scores (from −0.60 ± 1.13 to −0.54 ± 1.09 at visit 2, and to −0.44 ± 1.05 at visit 3, p < 0.001) and WFL z-scores (from −0.80 ± 1.30 to −0.71 ± 1.22 at visit 2, and to −0.64 ± 1.13 at visit 3, p = 0.002) were significantly increased. At least half of infants never experienced irritability or feeding refusal (55.7%) and spit-up after feeding (50.2%). The majority of mothers were satisfied with the study formula (93.2%), and wished to continue using it (92.2%).ConclusionsIn conclusion, eHCF was well-accepted and tolerated by an intended use population of infants ≤ 6 months of age with CMPA and enabled adequate volume consumption and improved growth indices within 30 days of utilization alongside a favorable gastrointestinal tolerance and a high level of parental satisfaction
Body Composition and Kinematic Analysis of the Grab Start in Youth Swimmers
The purposes of this study were to compare the kinematic variables in youth swimmers during the grab start between sexes and to investigate the relationship between body composition and kinematic variables of the participants. Six female (Mage = 13.71 ± 0.49 yrs) and seven male (Mage = 14.00 ± 1.07 yrs) swimmers participated in this study. All participants were required to perform grab start tests in random order (three trials by each participant), while the best attempt was analyzed. Nineteen kinematic parameters consisting of block time, flight time, flight distance, total time, total distance, horizontal and vertical displacement of the center of mass (CM) at take-off, horizontal and vertical displacement of the CM at entry, height of take-off and entry, relative height of take-off, horizontal and vertical velocity of the CM at take-off, horizontal and vertical velocity of the CM at entry, angle of take-off, angle of entry and angle of knee at block were analyzed. Out of the 19 evaluated kinematic parameters, a statistical difference between the female and male group was found only in the total distance. Therefore, both female and male groups are considered as only one group and merged after analyzing the results. Statistical analysis showed positive and negative correlations between horizontal / vertical velocity of CM at take-off and several kinematic variables (e.g. angle of entry (rhorizontal = -.868, p=.000 / rvertical = .591, p=.02), total distance (rhorizontal = .594, p=.02 / rvertical = .54, p=.04), and height of take-off (rvertical = .888, p=.000), respectively). On the other hand, positive and negative correlations were found between somatotype components and several kinematic variables (e.g. horizontal displacement of CM at entry (rendomorphy = -.626, p=.013), angle of entry (rmesomorphy = -.686, p=.005 / rectomorphy = .52, p=.047), total distance (rendomorphy = -.626, p=.012), and height of take-off (rendomorphy = -.633, p=.011 / rectomorphy = .515, p=.05)). In conclusion, results show that in order to be successful at grab start performance, a swimmer should target to get higher horizontal velocity of CM at take-off and optimize the angle of take-off so this movement form supplies more total distance to the swimmer. Coaches should consider improving start performance and adding start training to regular training sessions. Moreover, youth male and female swimmers can participate together in the grab start trainin
Regional Development Agencies, Foundational and Operational Problems in Turkey
Bu çalısmada, bölgesel kalkınmanın kurumsal yapısı olan bölgesel kalkınma
ajansları ile Türkiye'de kurulus ve isleyis sorunları incelenmistir. Dünyada, bölgesel
ekonomik potansiyeli harekete geçirilerek kalkınmanın saglanması için faaliyet
gösteren bölgesel kalkınma ajansları, ülke içindeki bölgeler arası farklılıkların
giderilmesi açısından da önemli görevler icra etmektedir.
Türkiye'de tarihsel süreç dikkate alınarak kalkınma çabaları tetkik edildiginde
pek çok ilerlemeye karsın bölgesel dengesizliklerin hâlâ var oldugu görülmektedir.
Cumhuriyet'in ardından ülke geneline yayılan bir kalkınma çabası vardır. Planlı
dönem sonrasında ise dünyadaki egilimlerle paralel olarak farklı uygulamalar söz
konusudur. Bununla beraber hedeflenen sonuçlara ulasılamamıstır.
Türkiye'nin kalkınma ajansları tecrübesi 1990'lı yılların baslarına
dayanmaktadır. Bölgesel kalkınmanın kurumsal düzeyde ele alınmasına duyulan
ihtiyaç ve Avrupa Birligi sürecindeki gereklilikler sebebiyle 2006 yılında çıkarılan 5449
sayılı Kanun ile kalkınma ajanslarının yasal zemini olusturulmustur. Avrupa Birligi'nin
istatistikî bölge birimleri sınıflandırması esas alınarak olusturulan bölgelerde
kurulması öngörülen ajanslar ilk olarak iki pilot bölgede kurulmustur. Buradan elde
edilecek tecrübelerle ajans yapılarının olgunlastırılması ve ardından ülkeye yayılması
düsünüldügü hâlde mahkeme kararları geregi süreç kesintiye ugramıstır. Ancak
ajansların yapılarında ve görev alanlarında bazı degisikliklerin yapılması da
gereklidir.Regional development agencies which are institutional structure of
regional development, and foundational and operational problems in Turkey
are analyzed in this study. Regional development agencies contribute to
activate economic potential for development; also as significant missions
eliminate regional disparities in the country.
Taking the consideration of historical process of development attempts
in Turkey, it can be seen that there are still regional imbalances. After the
establishment of the Republic, there was development attempt scoping all of
the country. Moreover, there have been different practices parallel to
worldwide patterns after the development plans. Nevertheless, the expected
results could not have been achieved.
Experiences of development agencies in Turkey started in the early
1990s. Code No. 5449, which was enacted due to necessity of institutional
level of regional development and the European Union accession process in
2006, provided legal basis for development agencies. Pilot agencies were
established in two regions based on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for
Statistics of the European Union. It was planned that the structure of
agencies would be improved after gaining experiences from these pilot
agencies; however, judicial decisions have interrupted the process. On the
other hand, there is need for several changes in the structures and functions
of the agencies as well
An Evaluation of the Announcement and Advertisement Tax Practices of the Municipalities
anemonAnnouncement and Advertisement Tax is a municipal revenue but also it has an extra-fiscal purpose which is decreasing the density of signboards in the city. There has been not a separate article in the literature analyzing the dual functions, the subject, the coverage and tariff, the share in the municipal revenue, the division of collection authority between the district municipality and the metropolitan municipality in the metropolitan area of the Announcement and Advertisement Tax. These issues are analyzed via review of the regulations, court orders and budget realizations of the municipalities. Therefore, the problems arising in practice are determined. Consequently, several suggestions developed such as tariffs and taxable events should be updated, municipalities should have the power to determine the tariff, and the district municipality should be the collection authority in the metropolitan area.İlan ve Reklam Vergisi’nin bir belediye geliri olmanın yanı sıra kentte tabela yoğunluğunu azaltmak gibi mali olmayan bir amacı da vardır. İlan ve Reklam Vergisi’nin bu iki işlevini, konusunu, kapsamını ve tarifesini, belediye gelirleri içindeki yerini, tahsil etme yetkisi açısından büyükşehir belediyeleri ve büyükşehir ilçe belediyeleri arasındaki durumunu inceleyen müstakil bir çalışmaya literatürde rastlanmamıştır. Sayılan bu hususlar mevzuat taraması, mahkeme kararları ve belediyelerin bütçe gerçekleşme sayıları üzerinden bu makalede incelenerek uygulamada karşılaşılan sorunlar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak makalede kanundaki tarifelerin ve vergiyi doğuran olayların güncellenmesi, belediyelere tarife belirleme yetkisi verilmesi ve büyükşehirlerde bu vergiyi toplama yetkisinin tamamen ilçe belediyelerine bırakılması önerilmektedir.63210
Türkiye’de Kentsel Toplu Taşıma Hizmeti Arzının Düzenlenmesi
KitapOtobüs ve minibüsle kentsel toplu taşıma en önemli yerel kamu hizmetlerinden birisidir. Türkiye'de özel kesim lastik tekerli toplu taşıma hizmetinde önemli paya sahip olmuştur. Ancak güncel toplu taşıma mevzuatı belediyelerin ihtiyacını karşılayamamaktadır. Özel işleticiler piyasaya yeni girişleri engelleyen düzenlemeler sebebiyle iktisadi bakımdan rant kollayıcısı durumuna gelmiştir. Kentsel rantın özel kesime aktarılması da refah kaybına ve kamu kaynaklarının israfına yol açmaktadır. Hizmet kalitesini artırmak ve evrensel hizmet sunmak isteyen belediyeler ya yüksek yatırım maliyetine katlanmak zorunda kalmakta veya özel işleticilerin direnişiyle karşılaşmaktadır. Bu kitapta Avrupa tecrübesinden esinlenerek lastik tekerli toplu taşıma hizmeti için yeni bir model önerilmektedir. Bir geçiş döneminin ardından özel işleticilerin toplu taşıma hizmeti sunmasına dayanan modele göre piyasaya giriş kolaylaştırılmalıdır ve rekabetçi ihaleler esas olmalıdır. Böylece mevcut sistemin mahzurları giderilecek ve kamu kaynakları verimli kullanılacaktır
Abandoned object detection using thermal and visible band image fusion Termal ve görünür bant i̇mgeleri kullanilarak terk edilen nesne tespiti
Packages that are left unattended in public spaces are a security concern and timely detection of these packages is important for prevention of potential threats. However continuous surveillance of such places is difficult. Therefore, it is important to aid operators with automatic detection of abandoned items. Most of the methods define abandoned items as items newly added to the scene and stayed stationary for a predefined time. Hence other stationary objects, such as people sitting on a bench, are also detected as suspicious objects resulting in a high number of false alarms. These false alarms could be prevented by discriminating suspicious items as living/nonliving objects. In this paper, a system using a thermal camera in addition to a visible band camera is proposed. By analysis of information from different cameras, people and the objects left behind can be detected separately to reduce the false alarm rate
Comparative kinematic analysis of the snatch lifts in elite male adolescent weightlifters
The purpose of the study was to compare the linear kinematics of the barbell and the angular kinematics of the lower limb during the snatch lifts of two different barbell weights in elite male adolescent weightlifters. In the national team level, nine elite male adolescent weightlifters participated in the study. The snatch lifts were recorded by two video cameras under competitive conditions in preparation period before the European Junior Championship (Sony MiniDv PAL- 50 field/s) and the two heaviest successful lifts were selected for kinematic analysis. The little toe, ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder on the body and one point on the barbell were digitized using Ariel Performance Analysis System (APAS, San Diego, CA, USA). Significant decreases were found in the maximum barbell height, the relative power output during the second pull, and the maximum vertical velocity of the barbell during the second pull of the heaviest lift (p < 0.05). Maximum extension velocity of the hip joint significantly increased during the first pull of the heaviest lift (p < 0.05). As the mass of the barbell increased, the maximum vertical velocity and the maximum height of the barbell and relative power output during the second pull decreased in the heaviest lift performed by adolescent weightlifters. Coaches should pay attention to assistant exercises to increase explosive strength during the second pull with maximum strength in male adolescent weightlifters. © Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
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