32 research outputs found


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    Foramen mandibulae, ramus mandibulae'nın orta kısmının arkasında bulunur, içinden nervus alveolaris inferior ve damarlar geçer. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, foramen mandibulae'nın morfometrik ölçümlerinin ve lokalizasyonunun belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma 102 kuru mandibula'da yapıldı (204 taraf). Foramen mandibulae'larda altı ayrı morfometrik ölçüm yapıldı. Foramen mandibulae ile caput mandibulae, ramus mandibulae'nın arka kenarı, ramus mandibulae'nın ön kenarı, corpus mandibulae'nın alt kenarı, incisura mandibulae ve angulus mandibulae arası uzaklıklar ölçüldü. Bulgular: Foramen mandibulae ile caput mandibulae, ramus mandibulae'nın arka kenarı, ramus mandibulae'nın ön kenarı, corpus mandibulae'nın alt kenarı, incisura mandibulae'nın en derin noktası ve angulus mandibulae'nın en çıkıntılı noktası arası ortalama uzaklıklar sırasıyla, sağda 41,73 ± 3,97 mm; 14,32 ± 2,09 mm; 12,86 ± 2,46 mm; 29,51 ± 3,93 mm; 23,65 ± 3,38 mm; 22,80 ± 4,32 mm ve solda 41,36 ± 4,37 mm; 14,59 ± 2,13 mm; 12,77 ± 1,90 mm; 26,39 ± 4,05 mm; 24,18 ± 3,02 mm; 22,18 ± 3,90 mm olarak ölçüldü. Sağ ve sol taraf karşılaştırmasında foramen mandibulae ile incisura mandibulae'nın en derin noktası ve foramen mandibulae ile angulus mandibulae'nın en çıkıntılı noktası arası uzaklıkların ortalama değerleri anlamlı bir fark gösterdi. Sonuç: Foramen mandibulae'nın lokalizasyonu, mandibular anestezide, ağız içi girişimlerde, dentofasyal deformitelerin restorasyonunda ve maksillofasyal cerrahide önemlidir. Mandibular sinirin hasarından kaçınmak için bu bölge anatomisinin iyi bilinmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, foramen mandibulae'nın morfometrik anatomisini ve lokalizasyonunu tanımlamaya çalıştık. Bu bilgilerden diş hekimliğinde, ağız içi, maksillofasyal cerrahide yararlanılabilir. Mandibular foramen is located just posterior to the middle of the ramus of mandible which transmits the inferior alveolar nerve and vessels. Objective of this study is to determine the localization and morphometric measurements of mandibular foramen. Material and methods: This study was conducted on 102 dry mandibles (204 sides). Six morphometric measurements were taken from mandibular foramen. The tances between mandibular foramen and head of mandible, posterior margin of ramus of mandible, anterior margin of ramus of mandible, inferior margin of mandibular body, the deepest point of mandibular notch and the most prominent point of mandibular angle were measured. Results: The average distances between mandibular foramen and head of mandible, mandibular foramen and posterior margin of ramus of mandible, mandibular foramen and anterior margin of ramus of mandible, mandibular foramen and inferior margin of mandibular body, mandibular foramen and the deepest point of mandibular notch and mandibular foramen and the most prominent point of mandibular angle were 41.73 ± 3.97 mm; 14.32 ± 2.09 mm; 12.86 ± 2.46 mm; 29.51 ± 3.93 mm; 23.65 ± 3.38 mm; 22.80 ± 4.32 mm on the right side and 41.36 ± 4.37 mm; 14.59 ± 2.13 mm; 12.77 ± 1.90 mm; 26.39 ± 4.05 mm; 24.18 ± 3.02 mm; 22.18 ± 3.90 mm on the left side, respectively. The correlation between distance of mandibular foramen - the deepest point of mandibular notch and mandibular foramen- the most prominent point of mandibular angle on the left and right side were showed significant difference. Conclusion: The localization of mandibular foramen is important in mandibular anesthesia, oral procedures, restoration of dentofacial deformities and maxillofacial surgery. It is necessary to know this anatomic area for avoiding to damage mandibular nerve. In this study, we tried to determine the localization and morphometric anatomy of mandibular foramen. These information may be helpful for oral procedures, maxillofacial surgery and dentistry

    Fuzzy multi-criteria decision making for carbon dioxide geological storage in Turkey

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    The problem of choosing the best location for CO2 storage is a crucial and challenging multi-criteria decision problem for some companies. This study compares the performance of three fuzzy-based multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, including Fuzzy TOPSIS, Fuzzy ELECTRE I and Fuzzy VIKOR for solving the carbon dioxide geological storage location selection problem in Turkey. The results show that MCDM approach is a useful tool for decision makers in the selection of potential sites for CO2 geological storage

    Ektakrom (E-6) film banyoları

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    Ektakrom (E-6) film banyoları

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    Eye injuries at a tertiary health center in the west Black Sea region, Turkey [Batı Karadeniz bölgesinde üçüncü basamak bir saglık merkezindeki göz yaralanmaları]

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    Background We aimed to investigate the clinical aspects and visual prognosis in eye injury and to constitute data in the west Black Sea region in Turkey for national statistics. Methods A retrospective analysis of 281 eye trauma cases admitted to the Emergency Department of Zonguldak Karaelmas University Hospital between 2001 and 2010 was performed. Results A majority of eye injuries (42.7%) affected individuals aged 30 to 50 years. The most frequent cause of injury in the rural areas was wooden objects. The most frequent cause of injury in males aged 30 to 50 years was work-site injuries. Corneal-scleral lacerations were found to be the most serious injuries with regard to initial and final visual acuities. Conclusion Eye injuries are still the most common and preventable cause of blindness. Simple precautions and public education might prevent this health problem, which causes economic and labor force loss and psychological problems. One of the basic precautions would be raising public awareness on wearing a seat belt inside the car and protective eyeglasses at the work site and while working in rural areas