506 research outputs found

    On the evolution of the radio pulsar PSR J1734−3333

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    Recent measurements showed that the period derivative of the ‘hig h-B’ radio pulsar PSR J1734−3333 is increasing with time. For neutron stars evolving with fallback disks, this rotational behavior is expected in certain phases of the long-term evolution. Using the same model as employed earlier to explain the evolution of anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters, we show that the period,the first and second period derivatives and the X-ray luminosity of this source can simultaneously acquire the observed values for a neutron star evolving with a fallback disk. We find that the required strength of the dipole field that can produce the source properties is in the range of 10^12 − 10^13 G on the pole of the neutron star. When the model source reaches the current state properties of PSR J1734−3333, accretion onto the star has not started yet, allowing the source to operate as a regular radio pulsar. Our results imply that PSR J1734−3333 is at an age of ∼3×10^4 −2×10^5years. Such sources will have properties like the X-ray dim isolated neutron stars or transient AXPs at a later epoch of weak accretion from the diminished fallback disk

    Neutron Star Superfluidity, Dynamics and Precession

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    Basic rotational and magnetic properties of neutron superfluids and proton superconductors in neutron stars are reviewed. The modes of precession of the neutron superfluid are discussed in detail. We emphasize that at finite temperature, pinning of superfluid vortices does not offer any constraint on the precession. Any pinning energies can be surmounted by thermal activation and there exists a dynamical steady state in which the superfluid follows the precession of the crust at a small lag angle between the crust and superfluid rotation velocity vectors. At this small lag the system is far from the critical conditions for unpinning, even if the observed precession of the crust may entail a large angle between the figure axis and the crust's rotation velocity vector. We conclude that if long period modulations of pulse arrival times and pulse shapes observed in a pulsar like the PSR B1828-11 are due to the precession of the neutron star, this does not have any binding implications about the existence of pinning by flux lines or the existence of Type II superconductivity in the neutron star.Comment: 21 pages, one figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the NATO-ASI "The Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron Stars" held in Marmaris, Turkey, June 2004, eds. A. Baykal, S.K. Yerli, C. Inam and S. Grebene

    Linking the X-ray timing and spectral properties of the glitching AXP 1RXS J170849-400910

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    Previous studies of the X-ray flux and spectral properties of 1RXS J170849-400910 showed hints of a possible correlation with the spin glitches that occurred in 1999 and 2001. However, due to the sparseness of spectral measurements and the paucity of detected glitches no firm conclusion could be drawn. We retrieved and analysed archival XTE pointings of 1RXS J170849-400910 covering the time interval between January 2003 and June 2006 and carried out a detailed timing analysis by means of phase fitting techniques. We detected two relatively large glitches Delta nu / nu of 1.2 and 2.1 10^-6 occurred in January and June 2005. Interestingly, the occurrence times of these glitches are in agreement with the predictions made in our previous studies. This finding strongly suggests a connection between the flux, spectral and timing properties of 1RXS J170849-400910.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 4 pages; results presented at the INT meeting "The Neutron Star Crust and Surface: Observations and Models" on June 27; referee comments adde

    ROSAT Observations of the Vela Pulsar

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    The ROSAT HRI was used to monitor X-ray emission from the Vela Pulsar. Six observations span 2-1/2 years and 3 glitches. The summed data yield a determination of the pulse shape, and X-ray emission from the pulsar is found to be 12 % pulsed with one broad and two narrow peaks. One observation occurred 15 days after a large glitch. No change in pulse structure was observed and any change in X-ray luminosity, if present, was less than 3 %. Implications for neutron star structure are discussed.Comment: To be publisned in the Astrophysical Journa

    The rigidity of crystalline color superconducting quark matter

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    We calculate the shear modulus of crystalline color superconducting quark matter, showing that this phase of dense, but not asymptotically dense, three-flavor quark matter responds to shear stress like a very rigid solid. To evaluate the shear modulus, we derive the low energy effective Lagrangian that describes the phonons that originate from the spontaneous breaking of translation invariance by the spatial modulation of the gap parameter Δ\Delta. These massless bosons describe space- and time-dependent fluctuations of the crystal structure and are analogous to the phonons in ordinary crystals. The coefficients of the spatial derivative terms of the phonon effective Lagrangian are related to the elastic moduli of the crystal; the coefficients that encode the linear response of the crystal to a shearing stress define the shear modulus. We analyze the two particular crystal structures which are energetically favored over a wide range of densities, in each case evaluating the phonon effective action and the shear modulus up to order Δ2\Delta^2 in a Ginzburg-Landau expansion, finding shear moduli which are 20 to 1000 times larger than those of neutron star crusts. The crystalline color superconducting phase has long been known to be a superfluid -- by picking a phase its order parameter breaks the quark-number U(1)BU(1)_B symmetry spontaneously. Our results demonstrate that this superfluid phase of matter is at the same time a rigid solid. We close with a rough estimate of the pinning force on the rotational vortices which would be formed embedded within this rigid superfluid upon rotation. Our results raise the possibility that (some) pulsar glitches could originate within a quark matter core deep within a neutron star.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figures. v3. Two new paragraphs in Section V (Conclusion); some additional small changes. A paragraph discussing supercurrents added in Section I (Introduction). Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The effect of the neutron star crust on the evolution of a core magnetic field

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    We consider the expulsion of the magnetic field from the super-conducting core of a neutron star and its subsequent decay in the crust. Particular attention is paid to a strong feedback of the distortion of magnetic field lines in the crust on the expulsion of the flux from the core. This causes a considerable delay of the core flux expulsion if the initial field strength is larger than 10^{11} G. It is shown that the hypothesis on the magnetic field expulsion induced by the neutron star spin-down is adequate only for a relatively weak initial magnetic field B≈1011B \approx 10^{11} G. The expulsion time-scale depends not only on the conductivity of the crust, but also on the initial magnetic field strength itself. Our model of the field evolution naturally explains the existence of the residual magnetic field of neutron stars. Its strength is correlated with the impurity concentration in neutron star crusts and anti-correlated with the initial field strengths.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Transcutaneous immunisation assisted by low-frequency ultrasound.

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    Low-frequency ultrasound application is known to increase the skin's permeability to large molecules such as vaccines, and to enable transcutaneous immunisation. Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) - a skin irritant - is often included in the coupling medium at 1% (w/v), as this has been found to enhance skin permeability. In this paper we show, for the first time, the feasibility of low-frequency ultrasound-assisted transcutaneous immunisation in the absence of SDS. Antibody titres were strongly influenced by experimental conditions. SDS presence in the coupling medium increased antibody titres, though a lower concentration of 0.5% (w/v) generated much higher titres than the commonly used 1% (w/v), despite causing less skin damage. A lower ultrasound duty cycle of 10% generated higher antibody titres than a duty cycle of 20%, also despite causing lower skin damage. Such lack of correlation between skin damage and immune responses indicates that enhancement of skin permeability to topically applied antigen (as indicated by changes in skin integrity) was not the main mechanism of low-frequency ultrasound-assisted skin immunisation

    Crystalline Color Superconductivity

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    In any context in which color superconductivity arises in nature, it is likely to involve pairing between species of quarks with differing chemical potentials. For suitable values of the differences between chemical potentials, Cooper pairs with nonzero total momentum are favored, as was first realized by Larkin, Ovchinnikov, Fulde and Ferrell (LOFF). Condensates of this sort spontaneously break translational and rotational invariance, leading to gaps which vary periodically in a crystalline pattern. Unlike the original LOFF state, these crystalline quark matter condensates include both spin zero and spin one Cooper pairs. We explore the range of parameters for which crystalline color superconductivity arises in the QCD phase diagram. If in some shell within the quark matter core of a neutron star (or within a strange quark star) the quark number densities are such that crystalline color superconductivity arises, rotational vortices may be pinned in this shell, making it a locus for glitch phenomena.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX with eps figs. v2: New paragraph on Ginzburg-Landau treatment of LOFF phase in section 5. References added. v3: Small changes only. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Time-Correlated Structure in Spin Fluctuations in Pulsars

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    We study statistical properties of stochastic variations in pulse arrival times, timing noise, in radio pulsars using a new analysis method applied in the time domain. The method proceeds in two steps. First, we subtract low-frequency wander using a high-pass filter. Second, we calculate the discrete correlation function of the filtered data. As a complementary method for measuring correlations, we introduce a statistic that measures the dispersion of the data with respect to the data translated in time. The analysis methods presented here are robust and of general usefulness for studying arrival time variations over timescales approaching the average sampling interval. We apply these methods to timing data for 32 pulsars. In two radio pulsars, PSRs B1133+16 and B1933+16, we find that fluctuations in arrival times are correlated over timescales of 10 - 20 d with the distinct signature of a relaxation process. Though this relaxation response could be magnetospheric in origin, we argue that damping between the neutron star crust and interior liquid is a more likely explanation. Under this interpretation, our results provide the first evidence independent from pulsar spin glitches of differential rotation in neutron stars. PSR B0950+08, shows evidence for quasi-periodic oscillations that could be related to mode switching.Comment: 25 pages, Final journal version (MNRAS

    X-ray enhancement and long-term evolution of swift J1822.3-1606

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    We investigate the X-ray enhancement and the long-term evolution of the recently discovered second "low-B magnetar" Swift J1822.3-1606 in the frame of the fallback disk model. During a soft gamma burst episode, the inner disk matter is pushed back to larger radii, forming a density gradient at the inner disk. Subsequent relaxation of the inner disk could account for the observed X-ray enhancement light curve of Swift J1822.3-1606. We obtain model fits to the X-ray data with basic disk parameters similar to those employed to explain the X-ray outburst light curves of other anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma repeaters. The long period (8.4 s) of the neutron star can be reached by the effect of the disk torques in the long-term accretion phase ((1-3) x 10(5) yr). The currently ongoing X-ray enhancement could be due to a transient accretion epoch, or the source could still be in the accretion phase in quiescence. Considering these different possibilities, we determine the model curves that could represent the long-term rotational and the X-ray luminosity evolution of Swift J1822.3-1606, which constrain the strength of the magnetic dipole field to the range of (1-2) x 10(12) G on the surface of the neutron star
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