883 research outputs found


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    A pesar de la importancia de la investigación en el quehacer universitario, no existe un método que permita gestionarla adecuadamente. Por otro lado, existen modelos de calidad, como el del CONEAU, ABET, ANECA, RIEV, etc., los cuales nos muestran estándares que se deben cumplir para acreditar la calidad en investigación, pero no se tiene una metodología que permita cumplir con dichos criterios, el presente trabajo genera un método que permite a partir de un modelo de calidad, considerando el paradigma del capital intelectual, utilizando el quality function deployment (QFD), con ayuda de los docentes y alumnos de la institución generar un eje del mapa estratégico que contemple las acciones requeridas para cumplir los requerimientos del modelo. El método propuesto se ha implementado en la Universidad Católica de Santa María, UCSM. Finalmente se analizan las ventajas del método implementado

    Uso de la generación de vapores en la determinación de metales traza por técnicas atómicas

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    La generación de vapor es una técnica de introducción de muestra que ha sido empleada para incrementar la sensibilidad en la determinación de los elementos que forman hidruros usando diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas como AAS. (Espectroscopía de Absorción Atómica), AFS (Espectroscopía de Fluorescencia Atómica) o ICPOES (Espectroscopía de Emisión Óptica con fuente de Plasma de Acoplamiento Inductivo). En las últimas décadas la aplicación de la generación de vapor se ha ampliado a nuevos elementos que incluyen metales nobles y de transición. A lo largo de esta tesis los diferentes parámetros que influyen en la generación de vapor de metales nobles y de transición han sido estudiados utilizando: dos técnicas espectroscópicas diferentes, el ICPOES y HRCSAAS (Espectroscopía de Absorción Atómica de Alta Resolución con Fuente Continua); distintos sistemas de introducción de muestra desde un separador de salida forzada a sistema duales de introducción de muestra como el MSIS (Multimode Sample Introduction System) y el CMA (Concomitant Metal Analyzer) y diferentes aditivos incluyendo agentes complejantes, surfactantes y líquidos iónicos. Esto permitió el desarrollo de distintos métodos de análisis. Por último, se inició la investigación para determinar la naturaleza de los vapores generados

    Air pollution: a review of its economic effects and policies to mitigate them

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    La contaminación atmosférica suscita un interés cada vez mayor entre la comunidad científica, los poderes públicos y la población en general, lo que ha llevado a un fuerte aumento en el número de artículos científicos sobre este asunto. Este documento proporciona un resumen de la literatura económica reciente más destacada sobre los efectos de la contaminación atmosférica, las principales lecciones de política que se pueden extraer de ella y las áreas en las que sería especialmente valioso centrar los esfuerzos de investigación. La literatura ha encontrado efectos negativos considerables de la contaminación del aire sobre la salud y la esperanza de vida. También hay alguna evidencia de que la contaminación del aire puede tener efectos negativos no relacionados con la salud, reduciendo la oferta laboral y la productividad, aunque la evidencia no es tan clara en el último aspecto. La literatura también sugiere que los efectos tanto sobre la salud como sobre aspectos no relacionados con ella pueden ser heterogéneos en varias dimensiones; sobre todo respecto a la edad, con efectos más negativos para los más mayores. Finalmente, el documento repasa la literatura sobre las políticas de reducción de la contaminación, como, por ejemplo, zonas de bajas emisiones, reducción de los límites de velocidad o rotación de matrículas. El documento concluye que se necesita más investigación sobre los efectos de las distintas políticas para abordar la contaminación.Air pollution is an increasing cause of concern among the scientific community, policymakers and the general public. This interest has led to a sharp increase in the number of scientific papers on air pollution. This paper provides a summary of the most prominent recent economic literature on the effects of air pollution, the main policy lessons that can be drawn from it, and the areas in which more research would be especially valuable. The literature has found sizable negative effects of air pollution on health and mortality. There is also some evidence that air pollution may have negative non-health effects, reducing labour supply and productivity, although the evidence is more mixed on the latter aspect. The literature also suggests that effects on both health and non-health dimensions may be heterogeneous in a number of dimensions, most prominently age, with more negative effects for the elderly. Finally, more research is needed on which policies to tackle air pollution would be more cost-effective

    Transition towards a sustainable mobility in a suburbanising urban area: The case of Barcelona

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    This article aimsed to address the apparent contradiction between the urban demographic and migratory trends and the transition towards a more sustainable mobility that local and metro-politan governments seek. To that end, it uses the case of Barcelona, and its metropolitan area during the first decades of the 21st century, characterized by suburbanisation and gentrification. Employing demographic, mobility and transport, and air quality statistics, we intended to ana-lyse: a) the spatial demographic trends in the metropolitan area of Barcelona (AMB), particularly regarding the core and periphery population growth or decline; b) trends in daily mobility and how the public and private transport mix has changed; and c) pollution data changes confirming the success or failure of the private vehicle reduction policy. Findings con-firm our initial hypothesis: the slow but steady transition towards sustainable forms of mobility in the core city and the dense contiguous municipalities is counterbalanced by what occurs in the peripheral suburbs. There, the use of private vehicles is still preeminent and growing. Never-theless, the air quality has improved in the most central municipalities of the AMB (for which data are available), even if not all parameters have seen a similar pollution reduction

    Influence of metallic artifact filtering on MEG signals for source localization during interictal epileptiform activity

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    Objective. Medical intractable epilepsy is a common condition that affects 40% of epileptic patients that generally have to undergo resective surgery. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) has been increasingly used to identify the epileptogenic foci through equivalent current dipole (ECD) modeling, one of the most accepted methods to obtain an accurate localization of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). Modeling requires that MEG signals are adequately preprocessed to reduce interferences, a task that has been greatly improved by the use of blind source separation (BSS) methods. MEG recordings are highly sensitive to metallic interferences originated inside the head by implanted intracranial electrodes, dental prosthesis, etc and also coming from external sources such as pacemakers or vagal stimulators. To reduce these artifacts, a BSS-based fully automatic procedure was recently developed and validated, showing an effective reduction of metallic artifacts in simulated and real signals (Migliorelli et al 2015 J. Neural Eng. 12 046001). The main objective of this study was to evaluate its effects in the detection of IEDs and ECD modeling of patients with focal epilepsy and metallic interference. Approach. A comparison between the resulting positions of ECDs was performed: without removing metallic interference; rejecting only channels with large metallic artifacts; and after BSS-based reduction. Measures of dispersion and distance of ECDs were defined to analyze the results. Main results. The relationship between the artifact-to-signal ratio and ECD fitting showed that higher values of metallic interference produced highly scattered dipoles. Results revealed a significant reduction on dispersion using the BSS-based reduction procedure, yielding feasible locations of ECDs in contrast to the other two approaches. Significance. The automatic BSS-based method can be applied to MEG datasets affected by metallic artifacts as a processing step to improve the localization of epileptic foci.Postprint (published version

    A didactical proposal: The leather processing. Tools, elaboration and divulgation

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    El presente trabajo pretende ofrecer una propuesta didáctica que posibilite la difusión del conocimiento científico-histórico que tenemos sobre la Prehistoria de una forma adecuada al público al que va dirigido, utilizando para ello la manufactura del cuero como eje vertebradorThis research pretends to offer a didactical proposal to enable the divulgation of our current scientific-historical knowledge about Prehistory. Our overriding objective will be to adapt that knowledge to the public that is going to receive it, using for that leather processing as key backbon

    Towards an even more spatially diversified city? New metropolitan population trends in the post-economic crisis period

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    After the deep economic crisis that began in 2008, in 2014, Spain started to show signs of recovery, entering the so-called "post-crisis" period. Though it has not yet reached the entire population, economic improvement has had a positive impact on the real estate market, economic activity, and employment. Residential mobility has also increased, but flows have become more unstable and complex. The direction of these flows, the reasons for moving, and the ages and socioeconomic categories of migrants have diversified. These complex "new mobility" patterns are reconfiguring the spatial distribution of the population in Spanish urban areas. On the basis of Continuous Register (Padrón Continuo) microdata, this paper primarily aims to study population changes in the 69 Spanish functional urban areas (FUAs) defined by the National Institute of Statistics (INE)/Eurostat, focusing on their population growth or decline in their centers and peripheries during the crisis (2011-2015) and post-crisis (2015-2019) phases. Then, the paper analyzes the five major Spanish metropolises (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, and Bilbao) in greater depth. The findings confirm the hypothesis that, during the post-crisis period, the population growth of cores and rings and thus the spatial distribution of urban inhabitants have been changing, resulting in the growing demographic heterogeneity of Spanish urban areas that are diversifying both internally and compared to each other