343 research outputs found

    La autopublicación, un nuevo paradigma en la creación digital del libro

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    Self-publishing is the publication of any book or other media by the author of the work, without the intervention of a third party established or publisher. The author is responsible for controlling the whole process, including design (covered indoor), formats, pricing, distribution, marketing and public relations. Authors can do it all themselves or outsource all or part of the process in companies that offer these services. The aim of this paper is analyze the phenomenon of self-publishing in the new digital environment. An analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of self-publishing systems, data are provided in the publishing world and reflects the main players in this market remains a vanity press to attend directly in the publishing market with unprecedented bestsellers

    Descriptive statistical analysis of vegetable oil combustion in a commercial burner to establish optimal operating conditions

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    Producción CientíficaThis article studies the combustion of refined sunflower, virgin sunflower and virgin rapeseed oils in a low-pressure auxiliary air fluid pulverization burner in order to establish the optimal operating conditions. The influence of varying the type of vegetable oil, fuel flow rate and secondary airflow rate in the combustion process was analyzed. These three factors are independent in the combustion process, which means having to carry out numerous assays, combining the various factors with one another. Given the amount of variables to be optimized and the existence of three factors, a statistical approach is adopted to help interpret the results obtained and to evaluate how each factor influences the combustion results. Optimal combustion is determined based on three criteria, minimum pollutant emissions (CO, NOx and CxHy), maximum combustion performance, and minimum excess air. The result of this study showed that airflow was the principal factor affecting emissions, whereas for combustion performance, both factors (airflow and fuel flow) were determinant. In general, admissible combustion performances were obtained, with CO and NOx emissions below permitted levels. The best combustion performance was achieved under conditions of maximum fuel flow and minimum airflow rates.Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA272P18

    Spanish electronic Book Market: distribution and sales platforms, business models and digital reading

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    [EN] In accordance with known international data publishing industry, the ebook’s phenomenon is becoming further strong and solid. In The United States (US), from where are setting trends in the electronic book market development, from January to August 2010 sales increased 193% over the same period last year. According to the Association of American Publishers (AAP) report, "Sales of books (not including academics) for the period January to August 2010 amounted to 2910 million dollars. The e-book sales reached 9.03% of the total, compared to 3.31% throughout 2009”. In addition, this report revealed a parallel decrease phenomenon in print-book sales. In Spain, with data from the Ministerio de Cultura and published in the Boletín del Observatorio del Libro y la Lectura in December 2010, the domestic electronic publishing reached 12,839 new e-book titles, meaning 97.8% of digital and other publishing media materials and 16.0% of whole book’s production in Spain (Ministerio de Cultura, 2010). Over the same period last year, the electronic publishing has increased 40.1%. With regard to the grow experienced, in the Foro Internacional para Contenidos Digitales (FICOD 2009) held in Madrid in November 2009 the experts predicted deep changes in business models relating to print-books and digital publishing.

    Diseño de procesadores educativos: alternativas de diseño multiciclo

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    La implantación de los nuevos planes de estudio en las carreras universitarias de informática ha incentivado a los autores al diseño de procesadores educativos, con el fin de que los alumnos los puedan implementar en el laboratorio y estudiar su funcionamiento. Este trabajo se ha visto recompensado no sólo por una mayor asistencia y motivación de los alumnos al laboratorio, sino aprendizaje de la asignatura. Implementar un procesador, aunque sólo sea con una herramienta de simulación digital y poder observar qué líneas de control se activan y cómo circulan los datos entre las unidades funcionales de la máquina implementada por ellos mismos es una de las mayores satisfacciones que obtiene un estudiante cuando cursa la asignatura de Estructura de Computadores I (ECI), que se imparte en el segundo cuatrimestre del primer curso en las titulaciones de Ingeniero Técnico de Informática de Sistemas, Ingeniero Técnico en Informática de Gestión e Ingeniero en Informática. En [1] se presentan distintas alternativas de diseño de la unidad de control del procesador, como el control monociclo, el multiprogramado, y el multiciclo. Los dos primeros ya han sido abordados por los autores en publicaciones recientes así como libros de texto [2]. En el presente trabajo se aborda el diseño de la tercera alternativa, debido a los excelentes resultados pedagógicos obtenidos con los trabajos precedentes

    Statistical study of combustion characteristics and optimal operation factor determination in an emulsion burner fuelled with vegetable oils

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    This work experimentally investigates the combustion characteristics of refined soya, sunflower and rapeseed vegetable oils and, by means of statistical techniques, determines the optimal operating factors of an emulsion burner to obtain the best combustion performance and low pollutant emissions. Given the high dimensionality of the study, the PCA provides a descriptive study of the variables involved in the combustion process and of the physicochemical properties of the vegetable oils so as to establish the correlations between them. ANOVA was then performed to identify which factors (type of vegetable oil, fuel flow, and airflow), as well as any possible interactions, have the greatest impact on the combustion results (performance as well as CO2, CO, NOx, CxHy and SOx emissions). ANOVA results showed that almost all of the factors and their interactions were significant, which makes it essential to analyse the interaction plots to see the optimal combinations of levels. This study showed that fuel flow rate was quite an important factor affecting combustion characteristics, that the type of vegetable oil influenced CxHy emissions, and that the airflow rate displayed no clear trend. Furthermore, the best combustion performance coupled with pollutant emissions that were below the lowest limits established by current legislation were achieved for a combination of maximum fuel flow and minimum airflow rates, with soya exhibiting the best performance. In general, good combustion performances were obtained with extremely low NOx emissions, and SOx emissions were not detected in any of the combustion experiments performed.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, grant MTM2017-86061-C2-1-P, and by Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER, grant VA005P17 and VA002G18

    Statistical Study of Combustion Characteristics and Optimal Operation Factor Determination in an Emulsion Burner Fueled with Vegetable Oils

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    This work experimentally investigates the combustion characteristics of refined soya, sunflower, and rapeseed vegetable oils and, by means of statistical techniques, determines the optimal operating factors of an emulsion burner to obtain the best combustion performance and low pollutant emissions. Given the high dimensionality of the study, principal component analysis provides a descriptive study of the variables involved in the combustion process and of the physicochemical properties of the vegetable oils so as to establish the correlations between them. ANOVA was then performed to identify which factors (type of vegetable oil, fuel flow, and airflow), as well as any possible interactions, have the greatest impact on the combustion results (performance as well as CO2, CO, NOx, CxHy, and SOx emissions). The ANOVA results showed that almost all of the factors and their interactions were significant, which makes it essential to analyze the interaction plots in order to see the optimal combinations of levels. This study showed that fuel flow rate was quite an important factor affecting combustion characteristics, that the type of vegetable oil influenced CxHy emissions, and that the airflow rate displayed no clear trend. Furthermore, the best combustion performance coupled with pollutant emissions below the lowest limits established by the current legislation were achieved for a combination of maximum fuel flow and minimum airflow rates, with soya exhibiting the best performance. In general, good combustion performances were obtained with extremely low NOx emissions. SOx emissions were not detected in any of the combustion experiments performed.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, grant MTM2017-86061-C2-1-P, and by Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León and FEDER, grant VA005P17 and VA002G18

    Assessment of natural ventilation strategy to decrease the risk of COVID 19 infection at a rural elementary school

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    Natural ventilation in low-budget elementary schools is the main focus to ensure the health and comfort of its occupants, specifically when looking at the global pandemic related to SARS-COV-2. This paper presents an experimental and novel study of natural ventilation in a public elementary school (Los Zumacales), with a particularly low economic budget. The study was carried out during the winter months of the Covid 19 pandemic. The school is located in the rural area of Castilla y León (North-Western Spain) far from high traffic roads. In this study, a methodology of measuring CO2 concentration was applied in nine classrooms in a school. The experimental study shows the level of natural ventilation in each classroom, expressed in Air Changes per Hour (ACH), using the Decay CO2 concentration method. The method is proven by comparing the experimental values of the obtained ACH with those determined by the most powerful methods to achieve appropriate ventilation levels. Thus, ensuring health protection protocol in rural schools, against the COVID 19 pandemic. Harvard guide and Spanish regulations (RITE), two widely recognized methods have been used together with the experimentally obtained standard by Rey et al. Only one classroom showed a value lower than 3 indicating poor ventilation. In this study, the degree of thermal comfort in the nine classrooms were also analyzed according to the EN15251 standard. An average indoor temperature of approximately 19 °C was obtained, and the relative humidity was stable and correct according to Spanish regulations. In addition, the risk of infection in each classroom was estimated following the international method recommended by the federation of European Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA). The probability of infection in all the cases studied was less than 14%.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBU

    La lectura colaborativa y caza de libros: practicando el Bookcrossing y el ebookcrossing

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    [ES] Bookcrossing , consiste en la práctica de dejar libros en cualquier lugar público con el objetivo de que sean recogidos por cualquier persona interesada en los mismos. La filosofía que subyace a esta práctica es la liberación de las obras con la finalidad de que sean acogidas por cualquier lector que después habrá de hacer lo mismo con la obra liberada o con otra de su propiedad. El proyecto responde a la regla de las “3 eRRes” que consiste en read (leer) un buen libro; register (registrarlo) en la base de datos y release (liberarlo) para que alguien más lo pueda leer. Los usuarios suelen dar el libro a un amigo, dejarlo en un banco de un parque o en una cafetería o donarlo a alguna asociación, entre otras opciones. Con la llegada de los libros electrónicos la posibilidad de articular sistemas como Bookcrossing pudieran parecer dificultadas por las limitaciones de préstamo que impone el DRM, sin embargo se han desarrollado servicios similares como EbookFling.com. Se trata de una red social de clientes de libros electrónicos que pueden prestar y pedir prestado libros electrónicos. El sistema facilita el préstamo directo de los libros electrónicos entre los usuarios del Kindle y del Nook. Cada lector puede acceder a millones de personas con las que compartir sus lecturas, más allá de los amigos o conocidos. Además, el préstamo es gratuito. El prestatario puede leer el libro durante 14 días en el dispositivo que lo ha descargado, al final de ese periodo el libro desaparece del dispositivo del lector prestatario y se “autodevuelve “al dispositivo del que lo prestó; sea este un teléfono móvil un ordenador o un Ipad de Apple