121 research outputs found

    Perspectivas de los profesionales de enfermería de cuidados intensivos sobre las visitas abiertas en la UCI = Intensive care nursing professional´s perpectives abour ICU open visits.

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    Introducción: Tradicionalmente, las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos han tenido unos horarios de visita restringidos. Diversos estudios han demostrado la importancia cubrir las necesidades que presentan los familiares y así mejorar la calidad en la atención y satisfacción de los pacientes y sus familias. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la opinión de los profesionales de enfermería de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos polivalente del Hospital Central de Asturias respecto a los efectos de la visita abierta en el paciente, en la familia y en la actividad diaria de los profesionales, así como sus aportaciones a la actual política de visitas abiertas. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal, descriptivo, mediante muestreo discrecional no probabilístico. La muestra estuvo formada por profesionales de enfermería de la citada Unidad. Se les entregó un cuestionario con 26 ítems, además una pregunta abierta para evaluar las sugerencias de los profesionales. Resultados: Participaron en el estudio 101 profesionales de enfermería, de los 120 que trabajan en la Unidad a estudio. El 75,2% manifiestan que el equipo de enfermería tiene que posponer o modificar su trabajo debido a la presencia de la familia y el 89,9% que su presencia produce una carga física y psíquica al personal. El 80% piensa que la visita agota a la familia y el 84,2% que la familia se siente obligada a permanecer con el paciente. El 94% opinan que el efecto de la presencia de la familia depende del paciente y de la familia. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los profesionales tiene una opinión negativa hacia la política de visitas abiertas, mostrando cierta reticencia a la hora de flexibilizar los horarios de visita; aunque admiten que un horario sin restricciones en este tipo de unidades supone cierto grado de beneficio para el paciente y la familia

    Costing of actions to safeguard vulnerable Mexican households with young children from the consequences of COVID-19 social distancing measures

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    COVID-19 has imposed unprecedented challenges to society. As the pandemic evolves, the social distancing measures that have been globally enforced, while essential, are having undesirable socioeconomic side effects particularly among vulnerable populations. In Mexico, families who depend upon informal employment face increased threats to their wellbeing, and households who in addition have young children may face long-term consequences. The Mexican government has not yet taken actions, but a coalition of non-governmental organizations is advocating in partnership with academic institutions for social protection actions such as a cash transfer and basic services subsidies for families with young children, subsisting from the informal sector economy. To facilitate governmental action, we estimated the costs for implementation of these recommendations. The methodology used could be replicated in other countries facing similar challenges

    Belt separation system under slat in fattening pig housing: Effect of belt type and extraction frequency

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    The efficiency of manure separation by a conveyor belt under a partially slatted floor for fattening pigs was determined for two types of belts, a flat belt with an incline of up to 6° transversely and a concave belt with an incline of up to 1° longitudinally. A 31.20% and 23.75% dry matter content of the solid fraction was obtained for the flat and concave belt, respectively. The flat belt was more efficient at 6° than other slope angles. The residence time of the manure on the two belt types influenced the separation efficiency from a live weight of 63.00 kg upwards. The quantity of residue produced with this system was reduced to 25–40% with respect to a pit system under slat. This could mean a remarkable reduction in costs of storage, transport and application of manure

    Metamorphosis of a Commodity Plastic like PVC to Efficient Catalytic Single-Chain Nanoparticles

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    We perform the conversion of a commodity plastic of common use in pipes, window frames, medical devices, flexible hoses, etc. like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs). SCNPs are versatile, protein-mimetic soft nano-objects of growing interest for catalysis, sensing, and nanomedicine, among other uses. We demonstrate that the metamorphosis process -as induced through metal-free click chemistry- leads to well-defined, uniform SCNPs that are stable during storage in the solid state for months. All the conversion process (from PVC isolation to PVC-SCNPs synthesis) can be run in a green, dipolar aprotic solvent and involving, when required, a simple mixture of ethanol and water (1/1 vol.) as non-solvent. The resulting PVC-SCNPs are investigated as recyclable, metalloenzyme-mimetic catalysts for several representative Cu(II)-catalyzed organic reactions. The method could be valid for the metamorphosis and valorization of other commodity plastics in which it is feasible to install azide functional groups in their linear polymer chains.We gratefully acknowledge Grant PID2021-123438NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe”, Grant TED2021-130107A-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU/PRTR” and Grant IT-1566-22 from Eusko Jaurlaritza (Basque Government)

    Comparison of Dry Mater Content of Pig Faeces in Two Belt Separation Systems

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    The average production of slurry per animal per day lies between 3 and 7 kg during a period of swine fattening. Spain is the world’s fourth largest producer of pork. The size of farms and their density are growing faster and faster. Therefore, slurry management is becoming an environmental problem due to air and soil pollution. Separating faeces and urine improves waste management and reduces the levels of environmental pollution. Since 1999 different systems aimed at this separation have been developed. In 2001, Vazquez et al. designed and patented a new integrated system for waste management in pig housing, based on a special, adjustable floor conveyor belt under a partial slat, to avoid slurry production. A fullsize system has been built and installed at the Pig Welfare Laboratory, a pig fattening facility for a maximum of 240 animals located in Madrid, Spain. The separation system is based on the direct harvest of faeces and urine by means of a belt placed under the partial slats of the pen. Two types of belt were made for two types of handling. One of them is a flat belt of 0.6 m x 14 m with the possibility of up to 8° slope side to side and up to 2° lengthways. The other is a conventional belt with longitudinal inclination from 0º to 8º. The aim of this study was to analyze the performance of both belts comparing the characteristics of solids collected during a fattening period. Every fortnight samples of 250 cm3 were taken and the percentage of dry matter was measured. This assessment took into account the interior and exterior temperatures registered in the laboratory. This study shows the technical feasibility of the patented system. Keywords. Environmental, Swine, Manure, Separation system, Belt

    Gizarte hezitzaileen praktika profesionalaren testuinguru instituzionala

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    HAURBABESA LANBIDE ikerketa taldea (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU eta Gizarte Hezitzaileen Euskadiko Elkargoa) Idoia Fernández, Jesus Otaño, Maite Arandia. Josebe Alonso, Nerea Agirre, Arantza Remiro, Nekane Beloki eta Arantxa Uribe-Etxeberriak osatua.Jarraian aurkeztuko den lan honetan babesgabetasun egoeran dauden haur eta gazteen eremuan diharduten profesionalengan jarriko da arreta. Gizarte errealitate berriak direla eta, Gizarte Hezkuntzako profesionalen esku hartze esparrua konplexua eta aldakorra da; gizarte hezitzaileek konplexutasun honi aurre egin behar izaten diote praktika profesional anitzak garatuz. Baina paradoxikoki, praktika hauek ez dira behar bezala bildu, aztertu, teorizatu eta berreraiki hezkuntza izaera duen produkzio zientifikoaren parametroetatik. Gizarte Hezitzaileen praktikaren gaineko ikerketa esanguratsua izango bada, beharrezkoa da lehendabizi era sakonean ekintza profesionala gauzatzen deneko testuingurua aztertzea. Testuinguru horren gainean zehaztapenak egitea lan zaila da, ordea, sare konplexu eta korapilatsuen aurrean aurkitzen baikara. Babesgabetasun egoeran dauden haur eta gazteekiko arreta Estatu mailako nahiz Autonomia mailako legediek bermatzen dute eta herrialde eta udalerrietako administrazioek aurrera eramaten dute. Arreta eta zerbitzu sarea zabala eta konplexua da: izaera publiko eta pribatua duten zerbitzuak daude eta gainera, asistentzia, heziketa eta/edo terapiaz lotutako funtzioak elkarrekintzan aurki ditzakegu.Laburbilduz, testuinguru honetan administratiboki izaera ezberdina duten erakundeak aurkitu ditzakegu, gizarte eragile diferenteak, figura profesional ugari eta subjektu mota ezberdinei zuzenduriko esku hartzeak. Beraz, errealitate anitza, konplexua eta zailtasunez beterikoa dugu aurrez aurre. Lan honen bidez gizarte hezitzaileen praktika profesionala ulertu eta hausnarketa egiteko beharrezkoa den testuinguru honen gaineko ekarpena egin nahi dugu, era alderatuan Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko (EAE) herrialdeak aztertuz. Lan honek gizarte hezkuntzako eta unibertsitateko profesionalez osatutako ikerketa taldeak burututako lanaren zati bat islatzen du

    Toward Long-Term-Dispersible, Metal-Free Single-Chain Nanoparticles

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    We report herein on a new platform for synthesizing stable, inert, and dispersible metal-free single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs) via intramolecular metal-traceless azide–alkyne click chemistry. It is well known that SCNPs synthesized via Cu(I)-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) often experience metal-induced aggregation issues during storage. Moreover, the presence of metal traces limits its use in a number of potential applications. To address these problems, we selected a bifunctional cross-linker molecule, sym-dibenzo-1,5-cyclooctadiene-3,7-diyne (DIBOD). DIBOD has two highly strained alkyne bonds that allow for the synthesis of metal-free SCNPs. We demonstrate the utility of this new approach by synthesizing metal-free polystyrene (PS)-SCNPs without significant aggregation issues during storage, as demonstrated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. Notably, this method paves the way for the synthesis of long-term-dispersible, metal-free SCNPs from potentially any polymer precursor decorated with azide functional groups.We gratefully acknowledge Grant PID2021-123438NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; “ERDF A way of making Europe”, Grant TED2021-130107A-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; Unión Europea “NextGenerationEU/PRTR” and Grant IT-1566-22 from Eusko Jaurlaritza (Basque Government)

    Radium-223 for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer with asymptomatic bone metastases progressing on first-line abiraterone acetate or enzalutamide: A single-arm phase II trial

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    Bone metastases; Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancerMetástasis óseas; Cáncer de próstata metastásico resistente a la castraciónMetàstasis òssies; Càncer de pròstata resistent a la castració metastàticPurpose The paper aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 223Ra in patients who progressed after first-line androgen deprivation therapy. Patients and methods EXCAAPE (NCT03002220) was a multicentre, single-arm, open-label, non-controlled phase IIa trial in 52 patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and asymptomatic bone metastases who have progressed on abiraterone acetate or enzalutamide, up to six doses of 223Ra (55 kBq/kg of body weight per month). The primary end-point was radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS). Secondary end-points included rPFS based on androgen receptor splice variant 7 (AR-V7) expression in circulating tumour cells (CTCs), overall survival, and safety. Results Median rPFS was 5.5 months (95% CI 5.3–5.5). Median rPFS of patients with AR-V7(−) CTCs was longer than that of patients with AR-V7(+) CTCs (5.5 versus 2.2 months, respectively; P = 0.056). Median overall survival was 14.8 months (95% CI 11.2–not reached) and was significantly greater for AR-V7(−) patients than for AR-V7(+) patients (14.8 months versus 3.5 months, respectively; P < 0.01). 223Ra was well tolerated; anaemia and thrombocytopenia were the most common grade 3/4 adverse events (5.8% and 11.5%, respectively). Conclusions 223Ra seems to be a reasonable treatment for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer and asymptomatic bone metastases progressing on novel hormonal therapy and had an acceptable safety profile.The study was conceived and designed by Joan Carles in collaboration with Medica Scientia Innovation Research (MEDSIR). MEDSIR, as legal sponsor of the study, is responsible for compliance with all clinical and regulatory procedures and adherence to the study protocol. MEDSIR had a role in study design, collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data and writing of the report. Bayer Inc. funded the study and provided 223Ra. The funder of the study had no role in data collection, management, data analysis, data interpretation, writing of the report, or decision to submit the manuscript for publication. All authors had full access to the data used to prepare the manuscript and participated in writing, editing, and/or critically reviewing the manuscript. The manuscript was written with editorial support from a medical writer, funded by MEDSIR. The corresponding author had final responsibility for the decision to submit for publication

    Advances in the Multi-Orthogonal Folding of Single Polymer Chains into Single-Chain Nanoparticles

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    The folding of certain proteins (e.g., enzymes) into perfectly defined 3D conformations via multi-orthogonal interactions is critical to their function. Concerning synthetic polymers chains, the “folding” of individual polymer chains at high dilution via intra-chain interactions leads to so-called single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs). This review article describes the advances carried out in recent years in the folding of single polymer chains into discrete SCNPs via multi-orthogonal interactions using different reactive chemical species where intra-chain bonding only occurs between groups of the same species. First, we summarize results from computer simulations of multi-orthogonally folded SCNPs. Next, we comprehensively review multi-orthogonally folded SCNPs synthesized via either non-covalent bonds or covalent interactions. Finally, we conclude by summarizing recent research about multi-orthogonally folded SCNPs prepared through both reversible (dynamic) and permanent bonds.This research was funded by Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia -Programa Red Gipuzkoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2019-, grant number 2019-CIEN-000050-01; Basque Government, grant number IT-1175-19; and MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, grant number PGC2018-094548-B-I00