143 research outputs found

    Docencia universitaria y TIC. Materiales en línea para la formación en Cmap Tools.

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    En estas páginas presentamos una serie de materiales creados en un proyecto de elaboración de material de formación del profesorado universitario convocado por el Servicio de Formación Permanente de la Universitat de València. El objetivo fundamental del proyecto ha sido la creación de materiales en línea para aprender el funcionamiento del software libre Cmap Tools, elaborado por el Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC). Los materiales de formación, desarrollados en la primera parte del proyecto, han consistido básicamente en la creación de vídeo tutoriales que muestran el procedimiento de descarga, instalación y las distintas utilidades del software y su aplicación a la docencia universitaria. Se han elaborado con licencia Creative Commons y se encuentran alojados en el repositorio de objetos digitales Mmedia de la Universitat de València. These pages present a series of materials created in a project to develop training materials faculty convened by the Lifelong Learning Service of the University of Valencia. The main objective of the project was the creation of online materials to learn the operation of Cmap Tools free software developed by the Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC). The training materials developed in the first part of the project have largely resulted in the creation of video tutorials showing the process of downloading, installing and various software utilities and their application to university teaching. Have been developed with Creative Commons license and are housed in the repository of digital objects Mmedia of the University of Valencia

    Materiales de formación online sobre el uso del software CMAP TOOLS aplicado a la docencia universitaria

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    En estas páginas vamos a hablar de los resultados obtenidos en un proyecto de elaboración de material de formación del profesorado universitario desarrollado en el Departament de Didàctica i Organització Escolar de la Universitat de València durante el curso 2010/2011, gracias a la concesión de un proyecto de creación de materiales didácticos digitales del Servei de Formació Permanent (SFP) de la Universitat de València. El objetivo fundamental en este trabajo ha sido la creación de materiales on line para aprender el funcionamiento del software libre Cmap Tools, elaborado por el Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC)

    Graphene oxide electrodeposited electrode enhances start-up and selective enrichment of exoelectrogens in bioelectrochemical systems

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    15 p.This study seeks to assess the impact that the anodic electrodeposition of graphene oxide (GO) has on the start-up process and on the development of microbial communities on the anode of BESs. The GO electrodeposited electrodes were characterised in abiotic conditions to verify the extent of the modifcation and were then transferred to a bioelectrochemical reactor. Results showed that the modifed electrode allowed for a reduced start-up time compared to the control electrode. After three months, high throughput sequencing was performed, revealing that electrochemically reduced graphene oxide acts as a selective agent toward exoelectrogenic bacteria as Geobacter. Overall, this study shows that GO modifed electrodes enhance bioflm build up in BES. This research was possible thanks to the financial support of the ‘Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad’ project ref: CTQ2015-68925-R, cofinanced by FEDER funds. Ana Sotres thanks the regional ‘Junta de Castilla y León’ for the postdoctoral contract associated with project ref: LE060U16, cofinanced by FEDER fundsS

    Amplitud térmica extrema anual en la Argentina en el período 1965 - 2000

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    p.173-178Se analiza la variación que manifestó la amplitud térmica extrema anual en la Argentina en los últimos 35 años del Siglo XX, a través de la tendencia de las temperaturas máximas y mínimas absolutas anuales. Con excepción de la Región Mesopotámica, en las cuales la variación es nula o poco positiva, el resto del territorio manifiesta una variación en disminución, que alcanza su mayor expresión (-5,6°C) en la parte centro - occidental de la Pradera Pampeana. Es posible, que esta variación esté asociada al aumento de las cantidades anuales de precipitación en el mismo período

    Bioelectrochemical Systems for Energy Valorization of Waste Streams

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    Bioelectrochemical systems (BES) encompass a group of technologies derived from conventional electrochemical systems in which the electrodic reactions are directly or indirectly linked to the metabolic activity of certain types of microorganisms. Although BES have not yet made the leap to the commercial scale, these technologies hold a great potential, as they allow to valorize different liquid and gas waste streams. This chapter is devoted to exploring some of the possibilities that BES offer in the management and valorization of wastes. More specifically, it focuses on analyzing practical aspects of using BES for energy valorization of wastewaters and CO2-rich streams. Here, it is shown how BES can compete, in terms of energy usage, with conventional wastewater treatment technologies by exploiting the energy content of some of the chemicals present in the wastewater. Moreover, it explores how BES could enable using wastewater treatment plants as load regulation system for electrical grids. It also includes some insights on the capability of BES to recover valuable products such as fertilizers form wastes, a feature that allows this technology to promote energy efficiency in the fertilizers industry, and a sector that demands substantial amounts of energy in our world today. Finally, some of the most relevant scale-up experiences in the field are also covered

    Cultural Studies in Latin America: “Packaged Cuba”

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    The new information and communication technologies (ICT) have both changed the ways of practicing journalism and the lifestyles of the global society. In this context, media have been considered important diffusion instruments of the values and dominant ideology. In turn, evidence of the dominance of the “cultural industry” of the United States in Latin America increased. In Cuba, with the triumph of the Revolution in January 1959, the media landscape changed against western ideological hegemony, and with the help of media, the ICAIC and the ICRT, the new government defended the revolutionary ideas through control of the cultural industry. The new political strategies covered all systems in Cuba, adopting a speech aimed at maintaining revolutionary ideas and, subsequently, socialist ideals. Nowadays, the communicational, journalistic, technological and digital scenario in Cuba depends, more than ever before in the revolutionary stage, on the current political landscape “post-Castro” due to the ratification of Miguel Díaz-Canel as its new president and the period of constitutional renewal between August 13 and November 15, 2018. A new context, where the alternative consumption of cultural, informative and entertainment products is a visible phenomenon in Cuban society, and the Paquete Semanal (weekly package) is the best exponent, is the greatest challenge that the revolutionary ideology in Cuba has faced

    A semi-pilot microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) for hydrogen production and pig-slurry valorization

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    The amounts of slurry and manure produced each year are steadily rising as a result of an increasing demand for livestock products, which are expected to almost double by 2050 [1]. This two byproducts of farm-activity are commonly used as a fertilizer for crops production. However, their direct disposal may also overcome soils capacity to absorb nutrients in some areas [2], thus giving to rise to health and environmental issues. This demands the use of feasible and efficient waste management technologies that help to limit the impact of these wasteThis project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 66812

    La utilización de las temperaturas máxima y mínima diarias para la estimación de la disponibilidad de horas de frío

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    p.261-264Desde hace más de treinta años en la Argentina se dispone de cartas de horas de frío (HF), u horas por debajo de 7ºC, confeccionadas sobre estimaciones basadas en valores climáticos normales. La estimación diaria del número de horas de frío presenta la ventaja, sobre los métodos basados en valores climáticos, de poder conocer la variabilidad de este elemento bioclimático. Se evaluaron dos métodos para la estimación de la cantidad de horas de frío utilizando las temperaturas máxima y mínima diarias. El primero asume una variación lineal de la temperatura entre la mínima y la máxima. El segundo se basó en el modelo de Farton y Logan para la marcha diaria de la temperatura. Ambos métodos fueron aplicados para la estimación del número de horas de frío en 10 observatorios de la Región Chaco-Pampeana-Litoral sobre la serie 1961-1998. El segundo método es el que presenta estimaciones más insesgadas, y en similares desviaciones típicas del error relativo medio

    Bioinspired decision-making for a socially interactive robot

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    Nowadays, robots and humans coexist in real settings where robots need to interact autonomously making their own decisions. Many applications require that robots adapt their behavior to different users and remember each user’s preferences to engage them in the interaction. To this end, we propose a decision making system for social robots that drives their actions taking into account the user and the robot’s state. This system is based on bio-inspired concepts, such as motivations, drives and wellbeing, that facilitate the rise of natural behaviors to ease the acceptance of the robot by the users. The system has been designed to promote the human-robot interaction by using drives and motivations related with social aspects, such as the users’ satisfaction or the need of social interaction. Furthermore, the changes of state produced by the users’ exogenous actions have been modeled as transitional states that are considered when the next robot’s action has to be selected. Our system has been evaluated considering two different user profiles. In the proposed system, user’s preferences are considered and alter the homeostatic process that controls the decision making system. As a result, using reinforcement learning algorithms and considering the robot’s wellbeing as the reward function, the social robot Mini has learned from scratch two different policies of action, one for each user, that fit the users’ preferences. The robot learned behaviors that maximize its wellbeing as well as keep the users engaged in the interactions.The research leading to these results has received funding from the projects: Development of social robots to help seniors with cognitive impairment (ROBSEN), funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (DPI2014-57684-R); and RoboCity2030-III-CM, funded by Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU (S2013/MIT-2748).Publicad

    Eudragit® L100/chitosan composite thin bilayer films for intravaginal pH-responsive release of Tenofovir

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    [EN] The high rate of HIV new infections and AIDS-related deaths each year make prevention tools still necessary today. Different dosage forms – including films – for vaginal administration of antiretroviral drugs have been developed for this purpose. Six batches of Tenofovir-loaded films were formulated based on Eudragit® L100 (EL100) and chitosan, containing triethyl citrate and glycerol. In all the cases films structured in two layers – the upper layer mainly attributed to EL100 and the lower layer to chitosan – were revealed by SEM. A higher content in EL100 and plasticizers improves the mechanical properties and control over drug release in the vaginal medium without affecting mucoadhesion. The EL100-based layer acts as a structuring agent that controls Tenofovir release for days in the vaginal medium while it occurs in a few hours in the presence of seminal fluid. Bilayer films with the highest tested content of EL100 and plasticizers would be the most suitable as vaginal microbicides as they are easier to administer due to their excellent mechanical properties and they offer more comfortable posology and enhanced protection against HIV during intercourse due to their pH-responsive release of Tenofovir.This work was supported by the Spanish Research Agency and the European Regional Development Fund (AEI/FEDER, UE) [MAT2016-76416-R]