113 research outputs found

    Contemplative disidentification: The dwellings of Teresa de Jesús and the Yogasūtras of Patañjali.

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    El presente trabajo pretende analizar las concurrencias producidas en las distintas gradaciones de la vía contemplativa oriental y la vía contemplativa occidental, centrando su estudio en Las moradas de Teresa de Jesús y los Yogasūtras de Patañjali. En el apartado inicial se distinguirá el proceso de la desidentificación del sujeto de la experiencia que siguen ambos autores mediante la estructuración de las diversas etapas que plantean. Una vez asumido un enfoque comparado que permita establecer analogías y diferencias entre un tipo de camino y otroen los apartados sucesivos, la primera mitad del trabajo se centrará de forma específica en la vivencia mística de Teresa de Jesús así como en el método yóguico de Patañjali con el fin de exponer tanto a los autores como a sus obras. Ello permitirá esbozar relaciones entre sus métodosen la segunda mitad del trabajo desde el proceso pasivo, que no activo, que describen. El objetivoconsiste en atender a las particularidades de la ética y filosofía del Yoga, contrastándolas en el marco occidental con el fin de comprobar si los Yogasūtras son una mística universalmente aplicable, como sostienen algunos estudios.The present work tries to analyze the concurrences produced in the different gradationsof the Eastern contemplative path and the Western contemplativa path, focusing its study on Thedwellings of Teresa de Jesús and the Yogasūtras of Patañjali. In the initial section, the process of disidentification of the subject of experience followed by both authors will be distinguished by structuring the various stages they pose. Once a comparative approach has been assumed thatallows establising analogies and differences between one type of path and another in the successive sections, the first half of the work will focus specifically on the mystical experience of Teresa de Jesús as well as on the yoguic method of Patañjali in order to expose both the authorsand their Works. This will allow outlining relationships between his methods in the second half of the work from the passive process, not active, that they describe. The objetive is to attend to the particularities of the ethics and philosophy of Yoga, contrasting them in the westernframework in order to verify if the Yogasūtras are a universally aplicable mysticism, as some studies maintain.Depto. de Lógica y Filosofía TeóricaFac. de FilosofíaTRUEunpu

    Global characterization and target identification of piRNAs and endo-siRNAs in mouse gametes and zygotes

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    44 p.-1 tab.-10 fig.A set of small RNAs known as rasRNAs (repeat-associated small RNAs) have been related to the down-regulation of Transposable Elements (TEs) to safeguard genome integrity. Two key members of the rasRNAs group are piRNAs and endo-siRNAs. We have performed a comparative analysis of piRNAs and endo-siRNAs present in mouse oocytes, spermatozoa and zygotes, identified by deep sequencing and bioinformatic analysis. The detection of piRNAs and endo-siRNAs in the spermatozoa and revealed also in zygotes, hints to their potential delivery to oocytes during fertilization. However, a comparative assessment of the three cell types indicates that both piRNAs and endo-siRNAs are mainly maternally inherited. Finally, we have assessed the role of the different rasRNA molecules in connection with amplification processes by way of the "ping-pong cycle". Our results suggest that the ping-pong cycle can act on other rasRNAs, such as tRNA- and rRNA-derived fragments, thus not only being restricted to TEs during gametogenesis. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.This work was funded by grants from The European Chemical Industry Council Long-range Research Initiative (CEFIC-LRi), from the MEDDTL (11-MRESPNRPE-9-CVS-072), France, from the CSIC (PIE 201020E016), Spain.Peer reviewe

    El món dels microorganismes a sisè de primària

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    Dins del món dels éssers vius hi ha un grup d'organismes invisibles a l'ull humà anomenats microorganismes. D'aquests éssers vius se'n té poca informació, tot i la seva importància en el funcionament del nostre planeta i en les seves múltiples aplicacions. Aquesta manca d'informació ve donada, en part, per la necessitat de tècniques i instrumental específic per a la seva investigació i per a la seva observació. En aquesta experiència volem mostrar la diversitat d'organismes que constitueixen aquest món microbià i presentarlo als nens a través d'unes sessions teòriques i pràctiques, amb l'èmfasi que es mereixen. En aquest article volem donar-vos el marc de referència del nostre treball al CEIP Escola Bellaterra

    Categorización de las intervenciones del tutor facilitador en abp y su relación con la respuesta del alumnado

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    The modular structure of the Primary Education Degree in which the work has been done implies developing an Interdisciplinary Module Task (IMT) shared by the different courses in each semester. In our case, Problem Based Learning (PBL) was chosen as the methodology to develop the IMT. This work studies, on the one hand, the interventions of four teachers while tutoring groups of various sizes; on the other, the ideas stated by the students during the first tutoring session at the first stage of PBL. This was audio and video-recorded. Different categories have been established to classify the interventions of the tutors, and the number of interventions of each type for each of the tutors has been quantified. The categories for the ideas posed by students have also been identified and the participation of the different students on the categories has been analyzed. The results show that the categories established are suitable for differentiating the interventions of the tutors. Besides, when putting together the types of interventions of the tutors and the ideas posed by students, it can be seen that interventions of dynamization can generate a diversity of ideas from students, and that interventions of a learning type foster the sharing of ideas. Guidelines are proposed to intervene as a facilitating and not leading tutor on a PBL based IMT, so as to foster students’ autonomous learning in an effective way.La estructura modular del Grado de Educación Primaria en el que se ha trabajado supone la realización de una Tarea Interdisciplinar de Módulo (TIM) compartida por las asignaturas que se imparten en cada cuatrimestre. En este caso, para la realización de la TIM se adoptó la metodología Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP). En este trabajo se analizan, por un lado, las intervenciones de cuatro docentes que tutorizan a grupos de diferente tamaño y, por otro, las ideas aportadas por el alumnado, durante la sesión de tutorización de la primera fase del ABP, que fue grabada en audio y vídeo. El análisis ha permitido establecer categorías de intervención y contabilizar su frecuencia para cada tutora o tutor. Se han identificado, también, categorías de ideas del alumnado y su participación en el planteamiento de cada una de ellas. De los resultados obtenidos se puede concluir que las categorías construidas han sido adecuadas para discriminar las intervenciones de los tutores. Además al contrastar los tipos de intervenciones de cada tutora o tutor con las ideas aportadas por el alumnado, se observa que las intervenciones de dinamización generan diversidad de ideas del alumnado, y las de aprendizaje, que éstas se compartan. Se proponen pautas de actuación de tutorización facilitadora no dirigista en una TIM con metodología ABP, con el objetivo de dinamizar e impulsar de manera más eficaz el aprendizaje autónomo del alumnado

    Los organismos de gestión de destino en enoturismo: casos internacionales de éxito

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    La actividad enoturística ha evolucionado en España de forma más lenta que en otras zonas del mundo, entre otras causas por una gestión de destinos de menor éxito en su implementación. Por ello resulta esencial identificar y analizar casos de éxito enoturístico en organismos de gestión de destinos (OGDs) a nivel internacional, permitiendo formular un conjunto de recomendaciones potencialmente extrapolables a desti‑nos enoturísticos españoles. En un ejercicio de benchmarking se mapea una tríada de variables relevantes. En primer lugar, las variables culturales (“Viejo Mundo” y “Nuevo Mundo”); luego, los distintos niveles adminis‑trativos de gestión (nacional‑regional‑local); y en tercer lugar, el aspecto geográfico, con análisis de casos en tres continentes: Francia, Condado de Sonoma (California, EEUU), y Cabo Wineland (Sudáfrica). Con este acopio de datos y un análisis de la situación del enoturismo en España se formulan algunas propuestas de mejora potencialmente aplicables a la gobernanza y gestión en destinos enoturísticos españoles.Wine tourism has developed in Spain at a slower rate than elsewhere, because of a less success‑ful destination management approach among other reasons. In this framework, it is relevant to identify and analyse successful wine tourism destinations worldwide, as their policy and governance practice may be inspiring even for destination management organizations and entrepreneurs in Spain. A benchmark‑ing exercise is thus carried out – taking into consideration cultural and institutional variables as well as geolocation characteristics – for case studies in France, Sonoma County (California, U.S.A.) and Cape Wineland (South Africa). A comparison of best practices there and for wine tourism (enotourism) in Spain permits to enunciate some conclusions and recommendations

    The CH-3Σ+ anion: inelastic rate coefficients from collisions with he at interstellar conditions

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    We present accurate ab initio calculations on several properties of a gas-phase system of interest in the interstellar medium (ISM), where the title molecular anion has been often surmised but not yet confirmed by observations. The CH-3Σ+ constitutes the smallest term in the series of longer anionic polyynes which have been observed in the ISM (e.g., C4H- and several others). Hence, its dynamical behavior in collision with He atoms, one of the most abundant atoms in that environment, can provide quantitative indicators on the changes which can occur in the rotational state population of the title anion when driven by this collision dynamics. We therefore report an accurate evaluation of the full potential energy surface (PES) which acts between the molecular anion in its ground vibrational state and the He atom. The relevant inelastic scattering cross sections and the corresponding inelastic rate coefficients are then computed within a quantum treatment of the collisions. We find that the fairly small values of the final inelastic rate coefficients indicate state-changing processes by collisions to be inefficient paths for modifying the rotational state populations of this anion and therefore to aid its possible observation from direct radiative emission in the microwave regio

    Collision-induced state-changing rate coefficients for cyanogen backbones NCN 3Σ− and CNN 3Σ− in astrophysical environments

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    We report quantum calculations involving the dynamics of rotational energy-transfer processes, by collision with He atoms in interstellar environments, of the title molecular species which share the presence of the CN backbone and are considered of importance in those environments. The latter structural feature is taken to be especially relevant for prebiotic chemistry and for its possible role in the processing of the heterocyclic rings of RNA and DNA nucleobases in the interstellar space. We carry out ab initio calculations of their interaction potentials with He atoms and further obtain the state-to-state rotationally inelastic cross sections and rate coefficients over the relevant range of temperatures. The similarities and differences between such species and other similar partners which have been already detected are analyzed and discussed for their significance on internal state populations in interstellar space for the two title molecular radicalsFAG acknowledges the support of the Computing Center of Innsbruck University where part of the present calculations were carried out. L. G.-S. acknowledges the financial support by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n (Spain) MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033 (Ref. PID2020-113147GA-I00 and PID2021- 122839NB-I00) and C.S-S. further acknowledges the financial support by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n (Spain) Ref. PID2021-122549NB-C2

    Simulation of habituation to simple and multiple stimuli

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    Within the psychological literature there are a number of models that reproduce the defining properties of habituation to a single stimulus. However, most of them do not reproduce the phenomenon of dishabituation shown in empirical studies, consisting in the recovery of a stimulus previously habituated upon the appearance of a novel stimulus. The present work offers a model of habituation which, in addition to reproducing the basic properties of habituation to a stimulus, also does so when more than one stimulus is presented, and thus includes the dishabituation phenomenon. This model consists of two functions, one called “activation” and the other “availability”, and is tested by means of simulation of the responses in the context of different stimulus patterns. The results of the simulation show a good qualitative fit to the empirical results on the phenomena of habituation, including dishabituation. In addition, the model is suitable for inclusion in associative models that reproduce classical conditioning, which will make it possible in the future to incorporate into these the influence that the habituation of each stimulus may have on its association with other stimuli

    Hypoxaemia in Mozambican children < 5 years of age admitted to hospital with clinical severe pneumonia: clinical features and performance of predictor models

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of hypoxaemia among under-five children admitted to hospital with clinical severe pneumonia, and to assess the performance to diagnose hypoxaemia of models based on clinical signs. METHODS: We conducted a hospital-based survey in a district hospital from Southern Mozambique. RESULTS: A total of 825 children were recruited after obtaining an informed consent. The prevalence of hypoxaemia on admission was 27.9%, and 19.8% of these children died (OR compared to non-hypoxaemic children 3.22, 95%CI 1.98 - 5.21, p<0.001). The model with larger area under the ROC curve (AUC-ROC) to predict hypoxaemia included cyanosis or thoracoabdominal breathing or respiratory rate >/= 70 breaths per minute. None of the models performed well when tested in different case scenarios of oxygen availability through mathematical modelling, with over 50% of hypoxaemic children not receiving oxygen even in favourable case scenarios. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical signs alone or in combination are not suitable to diagnose hypoxaemia. The use of pulse oximeters should be strongly encouraged. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Valoración del grado de autonomía funcional de pacientes renales crónicos según índices de Barthel, Lawton y baremo de Ley de Dependencia

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    La dependencia es un estado en el que se encuentran las personas que por razones ligadas a la falta o perdida de autonomía física, psíquica o intelectual, tienen necesidad de asistencia y/o ayudas importantes a fin de realizar las actividades básicas de la vida diaria. La Ley 39/2006, de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de dependencia incluye un baremo mediante el cual se determina el grado y nivel de dependencia de la persona a valorar. En el proceso enfermero, para la valoración del grado de autonomía se utilizan habitualmente instrumentos como los índices de Barthel o Lawton. Se comparan los resultados obtenidos al utilizar como instrumentos de valoración los índices de Barthel, de Lawton y el baremo de la Ley de Dependencia mediante un estudio transversal y prospectivo (octubre 2007- febrero 2008) realizado en la Unidad Nefrológica del Consorcio Hospitalario de Vic (Barcelona) en el que se han incluido todos los pacientes mayores de 65 años, sometidos a programa de hemodiálisis periódica. Se valoró a los pacientes con los índices de Barthel y Lawton; y posteriormente se realizó la valoración utilizando el baremo de la Ley de Dependencia. El análisis de los datos se llevó a cabo con el paquete estadístico SPSS 14.0, para comparar medidas se utilizo la t de Student. Para la posible correlación entre variables se usó el método de regresión simple (Person) y los porcentajes se compararon utilizando el test de McNemar. De 91 pacientes, 52 pacientes (23 hombres) son mayores de 65 (57,14%) de ellos 34 son mayores de 80 años. Según el baremo de la Ley de Dependencia, 32 pacientes son independientes, 16 presentan una dependencia moderada, 6 severa y 1 máxima. Según el índice de Barthel 19 son independientes, 29 presentaban dependencia leve, moderada 4 y severa 1. Según el índice de Lawton 14 eran independientes, 19 tenían una dependencia leve, 15 severa y 4 máxima. El tiempo empleado para la realización del índice de Barthel y el índice de Lawton oscila entre los 2-3 minutos, mientras que el tiempo requerido para el test de la Ley de Dependencia varía entre 10-12 minutos. Las puntuaciones obtenidas con los tres instrumentos son dispares siendo el baremo de la Ley de dependencia el que ofrece unas puntuaciones más restrictivas