1,468 research outputs found

    On the galloping instability of two-dimensional bodies having elliptical cross sections.

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    Galloping, also known as Den Hartog instability, is the large amplitude, low frequency oscillation of a structure in the direction transverse to the mean wind direction. It normally appears in the case of bodies with small stiffness and structural damping, when they are placed in a flow provided the incident velocity is high enough. Galloping depends on the slope of the lift coefficient versus angle of attack curve, which must be negative. Generally speaking this implies that the body is stalled after boundary layer separation, which, as it is known in non-wedged bodies, is a Reynolds number dependent phenomenon. Wind tunnel experiments have been conducted aiming at establishing the characteristics of the galloping motion of elliptical cross-section bodies when subjected to a uniform flow, the angles of attack ranging from 0° to 90°. The results have been summarized in stability maps, both in the angle of attack versus relative thickness and in the angle of attack versus Reynolds number planes, where galloping instability regions are identified

    Half-metallic finite zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes from first principles

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    10 pages, 15 figures.-- PACS nrs.: 73.22.-f, 75.75.+a, 72.80.Rj, 85.75.-d.Density-functional calculations predict half-metallicity in zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes of finite length with the two ends saturated with hydrogen. We have analyzed the change of the α- and β-spin electronic gaps under the influence of an electric field applied along the nanotube axis. The half-metallic behavior, in which the electronic gap is zero for one spin flavor and nonzero for the other, is obtained for a critical electric field of 3.0/w V/Å, where w is the length of the nanotube. This critical field is the same as that predicted for graphene nanoribbons. By a detailed analysis of the spin structure of the ground state, we show the relevance of the edge states, electronic states spatially localized at the carbon atoms of the nanotube boundaries, on the on-set of half-metallicity, and on the magnetic properties of the finite semiconducting zigzag nanotubes.Research supported by MEC of Spain (Projects No. MAT2005-06544-C03-01, No. MAT2005-06544-C03-03, No. FIS2004-06490-C03-00, and MONACEM), by Junta de Castilla y León (Project No. VA039A05), by Basque Government (Project No. IE05-151) under the ETORTEK Program (NANOMAT), and by the European Network of Excellence NANOQUANTA (Grant No. NM4-CT-2004-500198).Peer reviewe

    Cutting edge: Regulation of exosome secretion by the integral MAL protein in T cells

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    Exosomes secreted by T cells play an important role in coordinating the immune response. HIV-1 Nef hijacks the route of exosome secretion of T cells to modulate the functioning of uninfected cells. Despite the importance of the process, the protein machinery involved in exosome biogenesis is yet to be identified. In this study, we show that MAL, a tetraspanning membrane protein expressed in human T cells, is present in endosomes that travel toward the plasma membrane for exosome secretion. In the absence of MAL, the release of exosome particles and markers was greatly impaired. This effect was accompanied by protein sorting defects at multivesicular endosomes that divert the exosomal marker CD63 to autophagic vacuoles. Exosome release induced by HIV-1 Nef was also dependent on MAL expression. Therefore,MAL is a critical element of the machinery for exosome secretion andmay constitute a target for modulating exosome secretion by human T cells. The Journal of Immunology, 2015, 195: 810–814.Peer Reviewe

    Raman phonons as a probe of disorder, fluctuations and local structure in doped and undoped orthorhombic and rhombohedral manganites

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    We present a rationalization of the Raman spectra of orthorhombic and rhombohedral, stoichiometric and doped, manganese perovskites. In particular we study RMnO3 (R= La, Pr, Nd, Tb, Ho, Er, Y and Ca) and the different phases of Ca or Sr doped RMnO3 compounds as well as cation deficient RMnO3. The spectra of manganites can be understood as combinations of two kinds of spectra corresponding to two structural configurations of MnO6 octahedra and independently of the average structure obtained by diffraction techniques. The main peaks of compounds with regular MnO6 octahedra, as CaMnO3, highly Ca doped LaMnO3 or the metallic phases of Ca or Sr doped LaMnO3, are bending and tilt MnO6 octahedra modes which correlate to R-O(1) bonds and Mn-O-Mn angles respectively. In low and optimally doped manganites, the intensity and width of the broad bands are related to the amplitude of the dynamic fluctuations produced by polaron hopping in the paramagnetic insulating regime. The activation energy, which is proportional to the polaron binding energy, is the measure of this amplitude. This study permits to detect and confirm the coexistence, in several compounds, of a paramagnetic matrix with lattice polaron together with regions without dynamic or static octahedron distortions, identical to the ferromagnetic metallic phase. We show that Raman spectroscopy is an excellent tool to obtain information on the local structure of the different micro or macro-phases present simultaneously in many manganites.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Reparación de lesiones del cartílago articular de la rótula de conejos con injertos libres de pericondrio costal y periostio tibial: Estudio histológico comparativo

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    El propósito del presente, estudio experimental es comparar la capacidad condrogénica de injertos libres de pericondrio y periostio en lesiones que afectan a todo el espesor del cartílago articular rotuliano. Para ellos, se eligieron 18 conejos adolescentes de Nueva Zelanda con un peso comprendido entre los 2400 y 3600 gramos, a los que se realizó una lesión de 6 mm de diámetro y 3 mm de espesor en la superficie articular de la rótula, y se distribuyeron de modo aleatorio en tres grupos: control, tratados con injerto libre de pericondrio (PC) y tratados con injerto libre de periostio (PO). Todos los animales fueron sacrificados a las 8 semanas y las preparaciones histológicas fueron evaluadas con arreglo a una escala que concede una puntuación de 0 a 17 puntos. En el análisis estadístico, las diferencias encontradas han sido, en todos los casos, entre el control y los grupos tratados, para ninguna de las variables se ha podido demostrar diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos PC y PO.The purpose of this experimental study was to compare the chondrogenic capacity of both perichondrium and periosteal free grafts in lesions affecting all the articular chondral thickness of the patella. A total of 18 white New Zeland rabbits with a weight ranging from 2.4 to 3.6 kg were operated. A chondral lesion o f 6 mm of diameter and 3 mm in depth was performed at the articular surface on the patella. The lesion was repair with either a perichondrium (6 animals) or a periosteal free grafts (6 animals). In other 6 animals, the control group, the lesion was not repaired. All animals were killed 8 weeks after surgery. Histological studies were performed using a modified O'Discoll's scale. Statistically significant differences were found between the control group and the two groups in which the lesions were repaired, but not between lesions treated with perichondrium and periosteal grafts

    Disorder induced phase segregation in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 manganites

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    Neutron powder diffraction experiments on La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 over a broad temperature range above and below the metal-insulator transition have been analyzed beyond the Rietveld average approach by use of Reverse Monte Carlo modelling. This approach allows the calculation of atomic pair distribution functions and spin correlation functions constrained to describe the observed Bragg and diffuse nuclear and magnetic scattering. The results evidence phase separation within a paramagnetic matrix into ferro and antiferromagnetic domains correlated to anistropic lattice distortions in the vicinity of the metal-insulator transition.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. Figure 1 replace

    Perceived stress in dentists and dental students of Latin America and the Caribbean during the mandatory social isolation measures for the covid-19 pandemic : a cross-sectional study

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    This study aims to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically considering the mandatory social isolation measures implemented, on the perceived stress of a sample of dentists and dental students from Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the associated sociodemographic and pandemic-related variables. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with a sample of 2036 dentists and dental students (1433 women). For the main outcome, the 14-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14) was used. The survey also questioned sociodemographic aspects, questions on the COVID-19 pandemic, health variables, and habits. Descriptive, bivariate, and multivariate analyses (linear regression) were applied to observe the factors associated with perceived stress. The PSS-14 mean score was 24.76 (±11.76). Hierarchical regression models showed significant variables associated with the PSS-14 scores: income level during mandatory social isolation, having older adults under care during mandatory social isolation, self-perceived level of concern regarding COVID-19, self-perceived health, Coffee consumption during mandatory social isolation. In general terms, the pandemic has influenced the personal, social, labor, and everyday life of dental staff and affected the mental health of this population specifically when perceived stress is considered. Public policies, strategies, and mental health surveillance systems are required for this population

    An essential role for the MAL protein in targeting Lck to the plasma membrane of human T lymphocytes

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    The MAL protein is an essential component of the specialized machinery for apical targeting in epithelial cells. The src family kinase Lck plays a pivotal role in T cell signaling. We show that MAL is required in T cells for efficient expression of Lck at the plasma membrane and activation of IL-2 transcription. To investigate the mechanism by which MAL regulates Lck targeting, we analyzed the dynamics of Lck and found that it travels to the plasma membrane in specific transport carriers containing MAL. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicated an association of MAL with Lck. Both carrier formation and partitioning of Lck into detergent-insoluble membranes were ablated in the absence of MAL. Polarization of T cell receptor for antigen (TCR) and microtubule-organizing center to immunological synapse (IS) were also defective. Although partial correction of the latter defects was possible by forced expression of Lck at the plasma membrane, their complete correction, formation of transport vesicles, partitioning of Lck, and restoration of signaling pathways, which are required for IL-2 transcription up-regulation, were achieved by exogenous expression of MAL. We concluded that MAL is required for recruitment of Lck to specialized membranes and formation of specific transport carriers for Lck targeting. This novel transport pathway is crucial for TCR-mediated signaling and IS assembly

    La Basílica de Pátzcuaro en Pátzcuaro, México: su innovador sistema estructural en la fachada y cubierta

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    La basílica de Pátzcuaro es el único vestigio del magno proyecto catedralicio que en el S. XVI concibiera Vasco de Quiroga para la diócesis de Michoacán, es en el último tercio de este siglo que la estructura material de la ex catedral y como producto de solicitaciones sísmicas que se dan a través de tres siglos, el edificio presenta modificaciones en su estructura, presentándose las finales en el S. XIX. La vulnerabilidad sísmica obedece a una obra de fábrica de considerable luz, las intervenciones realizadas en el periodo comprendido de 1850 y 1872, básicamente en la fachada y cubierta, muestran la aplicación de los conocimientos de la época, la singularidad de la cubierta de la basílica, consiste en ser el primer edificio histórico que presenta apoyos discontinuos entre la estructura de madera y la corona del muro, interacción que le otorga un comportamiento elástico resultando en un factor de amortiguamiento ante solicitaciones sísmicas. Una singularidad lo constituye la interacción entre la estructura de madera y el mecanismo de apoyo en la corona del muro como una adecuación de la viga de Winkler.5.- Patrimonios Urbano, Rural, Industrial y Religioso. Cementerios Patrimoniales. Técnicas de Evaluación, Limpieza, Reparación y Conservación. Intervenciones en construcciones con patologías estructurales y aplicación de refuerzos

    Organic carbon and environmental quality of riverine and off-shore sediments from the Gulf of Cádiz, Spain

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    6 páginas, 2 figuras, 3 tablas, 14 referencias.-- [email protected] we show that heavy metal geoaccumulation is apparent in the Tinto and Odiel estuary and, at a lower magnitude, in off-shore sediments. Values above probable effects level (PEL) are recorded for As, Cu, Hg, Pb and Zn in the Tinto and Odiel estuary, for As and Hg in the associated off-shore sediments and for As in the Guadiana River. Significant correlations were found between total organic carbon (TOC) and Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn in the Tinto and Odiel estuary, and Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg and As in the Guadiana River. PCA analysis differentiated the three studied locations.Peer reviewe