321 research outputs found

    Milk Diets, Grape Cures, and Bananas Galore: An Examination of Past and Present Wellness Culture Turned Sour

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    Professor Jacqueline Alnes, English - Milk Diets, Grape Cures, and Bananas Galore: An Examination of Past and Present Wellness Culture Turned Sou


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    Formative assessment in EFL writing: A case study of pupils´ perceptions of their feedback practice and attitudes to receiving and using feedback

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    Læreres tilbakemeldingspraksis på elevtekster er alltid aktuelt, og i løpet av det siste tiår har den norsk skolen hatt et særlig fokus på formativ vurdering igjennom den statlige satsingen Vurdering for Læring (Utdanningsdirektoratet, 2014). Hensikten med denne studien i engelsk fagdidaktikk har vært å se nærmere på formativ vurdering i skriftlig engelsk gjennom å studere én spesifikk tilbakemeldingspraksis. Kort sammenfattet, innebærer tilbakemeldingspraksisen at elevene får skriftlig tilbakemelding på tekstskriving, der styrker og svakheter skal presiseres innenfor tre hovedområder: språk, innhold og struktur. Sentralt i praksisen er tekstrevisjon og videre utnyttelse med utgangspunkt i den skriftlige tilbakemeldingen. Studien har benyttet et kvalitativt case- studie design, og det empiriske materialet består av dybdeintervju med åtte elever fra to engelskklasser på 10. trinn. Studiet tar utgangspunkt i hvordan elever oppfatter og opplever denne tilbakemeldingspraksisen, og undersøker hvordan elevene mener at de utnytter informasjonen de får fra de skriftlige tilbakemeldingene. Sentrale tema i tillegg til formativ vurdering er elevenes bruk av læringsstrategier og metakognisjon i læringsprosessen. Tidligere forskning innen fremmedspråksdidaktikk i Norge har i liten grad rettet fokus mot elevers bruk av informasjonen fra tilbakemeldinger, og studien bringer dermed et viktig tema til refleksjon og forbedret praksis. Resultatene av studien viser at elevene har tro på tilbakemeldingspraksisen som hjelp i læringsprosessen, men et kriterium er at tilbakemeldingene må være spesifikke. Funnene uttrykker også et behov for mer tydelighet i kommunikasjon av fremovermeldinger. Funnene presiserer behov for tydelighet ikke bare i hva man skal forbedre, men også hvordan man bør gå frem for å klare det, og elevene utrykker et ønske om økt lærerinvolvering i denne prosessen, et funn som igjen kan indikere mangler i deres metakognisjon. Studiens funn antyder at elevene har fokus på sine svakheter i arbeid med tekstrevisjon, og at de hovedsakelig bearbeider tilbakemeldinger som er relatert til det lokale tekstnivå (Hoel, 2000). Disse funnene danner grunnlag for implikasjoner for praksis med hensyn til hvordan tekstskriving og tekstrevisjon blir praktisert. Der i blant er viktigheten av tydeligere kommunikasjon mellom lærer og elever med hensyn til hva skriving og tekstrevisjon innebærer, for å sikre at elevene tilegner seg en mer helhetlig forståelse av målet med tekstrevisjon og hvordan de kan dra nytte av alle aspektene i tilbakemeldingen i videre tekstproduksjon. I tillegg antyder funnene at det er behov for økt fokus på språklæringsstrategier som et verktøy i videre utnyttelse av tilbakemeldinger og tekstskriving.Erfaringsbasert masteroppgave i undervisning med fordypning i engelskVID-MAUENGENGMAU65

    The asymptotic behavior of Casimir force in the presence of compactified universal extra dimensions

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    The Casimir effect for parallel plates in the presence of compactified universal extra dimensions within the frame of Kaluza-Klein theory is analyzed. Having regularized and discussed the expressions of Casimir force in the limit, we show that the nature of Casimir force is repulsive if the distance between the plates is large enough and the higher-dimensional spacetime is, the greater the value of repulsive Casimir force between plates is. The repulsive nature of the force is not consistent with the experimental phenomena.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi model and accelerating expansion

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    I discuss the spherically symmetric but inhomogeneous Lemaitre-Tolman- Bondi (LTB) metric, which provides an exact toy model for an inhomogeneous universe. Since we observe light rays from the past light cone, not the expansion of the universe, spatial variation in matter density and Hubble rate can have the same effect on redshift as acceleration in a perfectly homogeneous universe. As a consequence, a simple spatial variation in the Hubble rate can account for the distant supernova data in a dust universe without any dark energy. I also review various attempts towards a semirealistic description of the universe based on the LTB model.Comment: Invited Review for a special Gen. Rel. Grav. issue on Dark Energy. 17 pages, 3 figure

    Cosmic spherical void via coarse-graining and averaging non-spherical structures

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    Inhomogeneous cosmological models are able to fit cosmological observations without dark energy under the assumption that we live close to the "center" of a very large-scale under-dense region. Most studies fitting observations by means of inhomogeneities also assume spherical symmetry, and thus being at (or very near) the center may imply being located at a very special and unlikely observation point. We argue that such spherical voids should be treated only as a gross first approximation to configurations that follow from a suitable smoothing out of the non-spherical part of the inhomogeneities on angular scales. In this Letter we present a toy construction that supports the above statement. The construction uses parts of the Szekeres model, which is inhomogeneous and anisotropic thus it also addresses the limitations of spherical inhomogeneities. By using the thin-shell approximation (which means that the Israel-Darmois continuity conditions are not fulfilled between the shells) we construct a model of evolving cosmic structures, containing several elongated supercluster-like structures with underdense regions between them, which altogether provides a reasonable coarse-grained description of cosmic structures. While this configuration is not spherically symmetric, its proper volume average yields a spherical void profile of 250 Mpc that roughly agrees with observations. Also, by considering a non-spherical inhomogeneity, the definition of a "center" location becomes more nuanced, and thus the constraints placed by fitting observations on our position with respect to this location become less restrictive.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    CMB anisotropies seen by an off-center observer in a spherically symmetric inhomogeneous universe

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    The current authors have previously shown that inhomogeneous, but spherically symmetric universe models containing only matter can yield a very good fit to the SNIa data and the position of the first CMB peak. In this work we examine how far away from the center of inhomogeneity the observer can be located in these models and still fit the data well. Furthermore, we investigate whether such an off-center location can explain the observed alignment of the lowest multipoles of the CMB map. We find that the observer has to be located within a radius of 15 Mpc from the center for the induced dipole to be less than that observed by the COBE satellite. But for such small displacements from the center, the induced quadru- and octopoles turn out to be insufficiently large to explain the alignment.Comment: 8 pages (REVTeX4), 7 figures; v2: minor changes, matches published versio

    Analytical Estimate of the Effect of Spherical Inhomogeneities on Luminosity Distance and Redshift

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    We provide an analytical estimate of the effect of a spherical inhomogeneity on light beams that travel through it. We model the interior of the inhomogeneity in terms of the Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi metric. We assume that the beam source is located outside the inhomogeneity. We study the relative deviations of travelling time, redshift, beam area and luminosity distance from their values in a homogeneous cosmology. They depend on the ratio Hb=H r_0 of the radius r_0 of the inhomogeneity to the horizon distance 1/H. For an observer located at the center, the deviations are of order Hb^2. For an observer outside the inhomogeneity, the deviations of crossing time and redshift are of order Hb^3. The deviations of beam area and luminosity distance are of order Hb^2. However, when averaged over all possible locations of the observer outside the inhomogeneity, they also become of order Hb^3. We discuss the implications for the possibility of attributing the observed cosmological acceleration to the emergence of large-scale structure.Comment: 11 pages, references added, discussion expande