18 research outputs found

    Image processing for porous media characterization

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    International audienceIn digital image processing, skeletonization is a valuable technique for the characterization of complex 3D porous media, such as bone, stone and soils. 3D thinning algorithms are usually used to extract one-voxel wide skeleton from 3D porous objects while preserving the topological information. Models based on simplified skeletons have been shown to be efficient in retrieving morphological information from large scale disordered objects at a local level. In this paper, we present a series of 3D skeleton-based image processing techniques for evaluating the micro-architecture of large scale disordered porous media. The proposed hybrid skeleton method combines curve and surface thinning methods with the help of an enhanced shape classification algorithm. Results on two different porous objects demonstrate the ability of the hybrid skeleton method to provide significant topological and morphological information

    A Feature Point Based Image Registration Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Image registration has been widely applied in many fields such as remote sensing, medical image analysis, cartography, computer vision and pattern recognition. The key of image registration is to find the proper transformation of one image to another image so that each point of one image is spatially aligned with its corresponding point of the other. In this paper, we present a rigid feature point based image registration method integrating two techniques. The first is one in which we propose to extract the feature points by using efficiency of the multi-resolution representation data of the nonsubsampled contourlet transform. The second technique exploits the robustness of Genetic algorithms as an optimization method to find the best transformation parameters. The results show the effectiveness of this approach for registering the magnetic resonance images

    Improved VSF Algorithm for Smooth Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Medical Data

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    This paper presents a Modified Variational Splines Fitting (MVSF) algorithm for surface reconstruction using thin plate splines on scattered patches or points of originally smooth surfaces. In particular, a more accurate derivation of the discrete equations for the energy corresponding to the thin plate model is introduced. The results obtained on simulated data show that the proposed algorithm converges faster than the original VSF algorithm. Additionally, we discuss an approach for choosing the algorithm’s parameters using a cross validation technique. Results obtained with the modified algorithm are compared to those using a Frequency Fourier-based 3D Harmonic modelling (3DHM) algorithm and show that the proposed algorithm gives an improved performance under the small sample size condition. The developed model has been successfully applied for real biomedical data; in particular for the reconstruction of left ventricle of human heart

    Chan-Vese based method to segment mouse brain MRI images: application to cerebral malformation analysis in trisomy 21

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    International audienceIn this paper, a semi automatic active contour method based on Chan-Vese model is proposed for the segmentation of mouse brain MR images. First, a 2 œ D strategy is applied on the axial images to segment the 3D volume of interest. The method takes into account the special shape of the object to segment. Moreover, the user defines the limits where to search these contours and also provides an initial contour. This semi automatic method makes that human intervention is limited and the tedious manual handling is greatly reduced. Results have shown that the brain volumes estimated by the method are identical to expert manually estimated volumes. Last but not least, the new method was used in the analysis of the cerebral malformations linked to Trisomy 21: no significant difference of the brain volumes between Tri-somy 21 mice and the control ones were found

    Comparaison locale des surfaces 3D (application à l imagerie médicale)

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    Les travaux prĂ©sentĂ©s dans cette thĂšse concernent la comparaison locale de surfaces mĂ©dicales. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© conduits pour comparer prĂ©cisĂ©ment deux sĂ©quences de surfaces du ventricule gauche du cƓur reconstruites Ă  partir de deux modalitĂ©s d imagerie mĂ©dicale. Les reconstructions de la premiĂšre modalitĂ© (mĂ©decine nuclĂ©aire) ont servi de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour valider de nouvelles reconstructions obtenues par la seconde (Ă©chographie). La contribution thĂ©orique des travaux porte sur deux domaines du traitement de signal et des images : le recalage rigide et la reconstruction de surfaces fermĂ©es. Les travaux menĂ©s sur le recalage de surfaces se limitent au recalage rigide, en particulier Ă  l algorithme Iterative Closest Point (ICP) , puisqu on s attache Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les Ă©carts entre des reconstructions diffĂ©rentes de surfaces identiques. Une variante de l algorithme ICP est proposĂ©e pour amĂ©liorer l appariement de paires de points de correspondance dans les deux ensembles de donnĂ©es Ă  recaler. La recherche vectorielle des distances minimum entre les paires de points est remplacĂ©e par une recherche matricielle, qui assure les propriĂ©tĂ©s d injection nĂ©cessaire pour estimer les paramĂštres de rotation. Les performances de la nouvelle mĂ©thode sont Ă©tudiĂ©es en prĂ©sence de diffĂ©rents types de bruit superposĂ©s aux donnĂ©es. La reconstruction de surfaces 3D incomplĂštes est utilisĂ©e pour comparer et visualiser des donnĂ©es qui prĂ©sentent des Ă©chantillonnages irrĂ©guliers ou des rĂ©solutions diffĂ©rentes. Une nouvelle forme discrĂšte du modĂšle plaque mince de la mĂ©thode de reconstruction basĂ©e sur un ajustement par splines variationnelles (VSF) amĂ©liore la performance de cette mĂ©thode et prend en compte des conditions de pĂ©riodicitĂ© sur les surfaces reconstruites. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont comparĂ©s avec ceux donnĂ©s par une analyse frĂ©quentielle de Fourier. Ces travaux ont Ă©tĂ© complĂ©tĂ©s par la mise en Ɠuvre d une nouvelle mĂ©thode locale basĂ©e sur les splines quasi-interpolant.Les mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour comparer localement diffĂ©rentes surfaces mĂ©dicales : des sĂ©quences de surfaces du ventricule gauche du cƓur, des reconstructions de l enveloppe pulmonaire avec un atlas de rĂ©fĂ©rence, et des surfaces d escarres identiques reconstruites Ă  plusieurs rĂ©solutions par des techniques diffĂ©rentes.ORLEANS-BU Sciences (452342104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Radiographic Biomarkers for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Narrative Review

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    Conventional radiography remains the most widely available imaging modality in clinical practice in knee osteoarthritis. Recent research has been carried out to develop novel radiographic biomarkers to establish the diagnosis and to monitor the progression of the disease. The growing number of publications on this topic over time highlights the necessity of a renewed review. Herein, we propose a narrative review of a selection of original full-text articles describing human studies on radiographic imaging biomarkers used for the prediction of knee osteoarthritis-related outcomes. To achieve this, a PubMed database search was used. A total of 24 studies were obtained and then classified based on three outcomes: (1) prediction of radiographic knee osteoarthritis incidence, (2) knee osteoarthritis progression and (3) knee arthroplasty risk. Results showed that numerous studies have reported the relevance of joint space narrowing score, Kellgren–Lawrence score and trabecular bone texture features as potential bioimaging markers in the prediction of the three outcomes. Performance results of reviewed prediction models were presented in terms of the area under the receiver operating characteristic curves. However, fair and valid comparisons of the models’ performance were not possible due to the lack of a unique definition of each of the three outcomes

    Performance of Radiological and Biochemical Biomarkers in Predicting Radio-Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis Progression

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    Imaging biomarkers permit improved approaches to identify the most at-risk patients encountering knee osteoarthritis (KOA) progression. This study aimed to investigate the utility of trabecular bone texture (TBT) extracted from plain radiographs, associated with a set of clinical, biochemical, and radiographic data, as a predictor of long-term radiographic KOA progression. We used data from the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) Biomarkers Consortium dataset. The reference model made use of baseline TBT parameters adjusted for clinical covariates and radiological scores. Several models based on a combination of baseline and 24-month TBT variations (TBT∆TBT) were developed using logistic regression and compared to those based on baseline-only TBT parameters. All models were adjusted for baseline clinical covariates, radiological scores, and biochemical descriptors. The best overall performances for the prediction of radio-symptomatic, radiographic, and symptomatic progression were achieved using TBT∆TBT parameters solely, with area under the ROC curve values of 0.658 (95% CI: 0.612–0.705), 0.752 (95% CI: 0.700–0.804), and 0.698 (95% CI: 0.641–0.756), respectively. Adding biochemical markers did not significantly improve the performance of the TBT∆TBT-based model. Additionally, when TBT values were taken from the entire subchondral bone rather than just the medial, lateral, or central compartments, better results were obtained

    Atlas-assisted segmentation of cerebral structures of mice

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    International audienceThe segmentation of different cerebral structures of mice is becoming more and more important due to the growing interest in finding small animal models of human diseases. In this work, variational atlases are constructed by manual segmentation of various MRI brain images of reference and trisomy 21 mice. These atlases are then registered to assist the segmentation of fine cerebral structures such as the cerebellum and the hippocampus. A modified Chan-Vese segmentation method is used for the detection of these structures. Global as well as local comparison of the reconstructed surfaces and volumes are hence conducted to better understand the gene involved in the morphological malformations associated to trisomy

    Image processing for the non destructive characterization of porous media. Application to limestones and trabecular bones

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    International audienceDifferent image processing techniques have recently been investigated for the characterization of complex porous media, such as bones, stones and soils. Among these techniques, 3D thinning algorithms are generally used to extract a one-voxel-thick skeleton from 3D porous objects while preserving the topological information. Models based on simplified skeletons have been shown to be efficient in retrieving morphological information from large scale disordered objects not only at a global level but also at a local level. In this paper, we present a series of 3D skeleton-based image processing techniques for evaluating the micro-architecture of large scale disordered porous media. The proposed skeleton method combines curve and surface thinning methods with the help of an enhanced shape classification algorithm. Results on two different porous objects demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to provide significant topological and morphological information