261 research outputs found

    Prat de la Riba i les Bases de Manresa

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    Rapte": un tema d'iconografia ignasiana, "El

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    Un llibre d'òbits de Monistrol de Rajadell (Bages)

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    La implicación del Reino de España en la creación y funcionamiento del Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior

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    Treballs finals del Màster "Estudios Internacionales: organizaciones internacionales y cooperación – Colección Memorias MEI", Facultat de Dret, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020. Tutora: Laura Huici SanchoLa creación del Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior como un servicio diplomático europeo supuso un antes y un después con relación a la política exterior de la Unión Europea, pues ésta buscaba una mayor cohesión y coherencia en relación con el conjunto de intereses de los Estados miembros. En esta Memoria abordará cuál fue y es la implicación del Reino de España en el Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior. Analizando aportaciones técnicas españolas a la creación del organismo, el contexto político y la Presidencia española del Consejo en 2010 así como un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo del peso del personal español en el organismo entre otros elementos, podemos determinar que el contexto político y la Presidencia española del Consejo fueron determinantes para una implicación fuerte de España en el servicio, así como que España está bien representada dentro del organismo europeo, en consonancia con sus intereses en política exterior

    Any 1945: El centenari de Verdaguer

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    La imatge de la ciutat

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    Gaudí i la Seu de Manresa

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    Numerical simulation of a 3-D gas-solid fluidized bed: Comparison of TFM and CPFD numerical approaches and experimental validation

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    This paper presents the results of a 3-D numerical simulation of a freely bubbling fluidized bed, based on the Eulerian¿Lagrangian approach, using the software Barracuda (CPFD-Barracuda). The main results obtained were assessed in terms of frequency analysis, bubble pierced length, bubble size, bubble passage frequency and bubble velocity. The results obtained were also compared with experimental data obtained in a 3-D fluidized bed using pressure and optical probes, and with the numerical results using the more common Eulerian-Eulerian approach, implemented in the commercial software Fluent (TFM-Fluent). The results show that CPFD-Barracuda satisfactorily predicts the global behaviour of bubbling beds with a low computational cost, although it computes smaller bubble sizes and lower bubble velocities than TFM-Fluent and experiments. Additionally, the spectra of pressure and particle volume fraction obtained with CPFD-Barracuda resemble those from the experiments and the TFM-Fluent simulations, but with a larger contribution of lower frequencies. The peaks of the pressure spectra from CPFD-Barracuda are close to those from the experiments and the TFM-Fluent simulations, whereas those in the solid volume spectra seem to be underestimated by CPFD-Barracuda. The results also indicate that the particle fraction threshold value chosen to distinguish bubbles contours notably influences the results of the bubble characteristics, especially for TFM-Fluent, whereas CPFD-Barracuda is less sensitive to this threshold value.This work was partially funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Projects ENE2016-78908-R and RTI2018-096664- B-C21 (MICINN, FEDER/UE)) of the Spanish Government, the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha (project SBPLY/17/180501/000412) and the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (RED2018-102431-T)

    Gènesi i mineralització de Pilar de Jaravía (Almeria, España)

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    Al NE de la província d'Almeria, a la localitat de Pulpí, trobem les mines de Pilar de Jaravía; unes mines principalment de ferro que van ser explotades des de mitjans del segle XIX fins a poc més de la meitat del segle XX. Actualment son objecte de col·leccionistes minerals i científics, gràcies al descobriment d'una gran geoda de guix coneguda a nivell internacional. L'orogen Alpí que va afectar al SE de la península va configurar l'estructura geològica de la zona, produint fissures i discontinuïtats per on van poder circular fluids carregats de metalls, impulsats per una font de calor magmàtica. Tot això va donar com a resultat una mineralització, la qual podem dividir en 4 estatges diferents; una primera fase carbonatada, representada per dolomita i siderita; una segona fase, sulfurada, representada per pirita i galena; i una tercera fase, la sulfatada, representada per guix. La quarta fase correspon a una fase supergènica, caracteritzada per la oxidació dels sulfurs, produïda quan aquest jaciment va passar a condicions oxigenades.At the NE of the province of Almeria, in the town of Pulpí, we find the mines of Pilar de Jaravía. These mines mainly contain iron and were exploited since the middle of the XIX century, until a few years after the middle of the XX century. Nowadays these mines are the object of minerals collectors and scientist, thanks to the discovery of a big gypsum geode that is internacionally known. The Alpine orogeny which affected the SE of the Iberian peninsule formed the geological structure of this area, producing fissures and discontinuities which were the way for the flow of some fluids full of metals, and propulsed by a source of magmatic heat. All this resulted in a mineralisation that we can divide in 4 different stages (the three first are hipogenic stages and the last one is a supergenic stage): the first phase is carbonated, and represented by dolomite and siderite; the second phase is sulphurate and represented by pirite and galena; the third phase is sulphated, and represented by gypsum. The fourth phase is supergenic and characterized by the oxidation of sulphides and was preduced when this deposit converted to oxigenate conditions

    Flow and heat transfer analysis of a gas-particle fluidized dense suspension in a tube for CSP applications

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    This work presents a numerical study of the flow of particles in a gas–particle fluidized dense suspension for CSP applications using the Multi-Phase Particle in Cell (MP-PIC) method, implemented in CPFD-Barracuda software. The study covers two different numerical simulations. The first is a cold and isothermal model in which the fluctuations and control of the mass flow of particles ascending along the vertical tube was studied. In the second, a high-temperature boundary condition was imposed on the external surface of the tube and the energy equation was solved. In this second case, the heat transfer coefficient between the inner surface of the tube and the particles was numerically computed. The numerical results in the cold model are highly consistent with experimental data available in the literature (with values up to 150 kg/h and differences of approximately ±10 kg/h) and underline the significant impact of the pressure at the bottom of the bed and of the aeration flow rate on the mass flow of particles. The results of the non-isothermal case present heat transfer coefficients in the range of 300–400 W∕(m2 K) with transient fluctuations during the fluidization process. These fluctuations may be an influence on the mechanical damage of the tube, which is exposed to high levels of concentrated irradiation.This work was partially funded by the project PID2021-127322OB-I00, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa; Project SBPLY/21/180501/000017, funded by the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha and by FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa; Project RED2018-102431-T, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Project 2020-GRIN-28725, funded by Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha