235 research outputs found

    Integral use of sugarcane vinasse for biomass production of actinobacteria: Potential application in soil remediation

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    The use of living actinobacteria biomass to clean up contaminated soils is an attractive biotechnology approach. However, biomass generation from cheap feedstock is the first step to ensure process sustainability. The present work reports the ability of four actinobacteria, Streptomyces sp. M7, MC1, A5, and Amycolatopsis tucumanensis, to generate biomass from sugarcane vinasse. Optimal vinasse concentration to obtain the required biomass (more than 0.4 g L−1) was 20% for all strains, either grown individually or as mixed cultures. However, the biomass fraction recovered from first vinasse was discarded as it retained trace metals present in the effluent. Fractions recovered from three consecutive cycles of vinasse re-use obtained by mixing equal amounts of biomass from single cultures or produced as a mixed culture were evaluated to clean up contaminated soil with lindane and chromium. In all cases, the decrease in pesticide was about 50% after 14 d of incubation. However, chromium removal was statistically different depending on the preparation methodology of the inoculum. While the combined actinobacteria biomass recovered from their respective single cultures removed about 85% of the chromium, the mixed culture biomass removed more than 95%. At the end of the reused vinasse cycle, the mixed culture removed more than 70% of the biological oxygen demand suggesting a proportional reduction in the effluent toxicity. These results represent the first integral approach to address a problematic of multiple contaminations, concerning pesticides, heavy metals and a regionally important effluent like vinasse.Fil: Aparicio, Juan Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; ArgentinaFil: Benimeli, Claudia Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; Argentina. Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino; ArgentinaFil: Almeida, César Américo. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Polti, Marta Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Colin, Veronica Leticia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucuman. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiologicos; Argentin

    Neurobiological bases of intertemporal choices: A comprehensive review

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    Intertemporal choices (ICs) are choices that involve trade-off between costs and benefits that take place at differ ent moments in time. The aim of this article is to present a comprehensive literature review on neurobiological bases of IC. We present the functional models of IC and data from neuroimaging studies, namely ALE analysis. With this paper we intended to show the presence of immediate value preference beyond that predicted by a single-parameter exponential discounting model and its mapping to the dual-systems model for brain function. Studies indicate that individuals tend to show inconsistent preferences depending on the time until the rewards are available and support a perspective that intertemporal evaluation reflects neural mechanisms that differ from other forms of choice, although associated value signals are later represented in the context of a common reward system. The IC induces activations in a “nuclear network” and auxiliary areas including inferior prefrontal cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, temporo-parietal cortex, and peri-splenial posterior cingulate. The network of areas sensitive to value is comprised of several regions that include ventral striatum, medial prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and anterior insula. Evidence from neuroimaging and EEG studies corroborates that choices are determined by a dual evaluation system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Talent management in law firms

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    Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2017Talent management has been addressed both in the literature and by practitioners as the differentiator for meeting the new-millennium requests. Following this trend, law firms have been implementing talent management for supporting the building of a workforce ready to deal with fast-changing markets. Since the new millennium, law firms have been immersed in a cut-throat competitive environment. The rules of lawyering have been altered. The lawyers’ job profile have broadened from legal skills towards business development and managerial skills that do not fit their profiles. Articles, seminars and books have widely spread, unveiling the importance of managing talent in law firms, but the definition of talent management and even the talent concept remain unclear. The majority of firms have adopted the exclusive approach to talent, fitting in the traditional up or-out career model, that prioritizes the role of a small group of more talented lawyers for the firms’ success; but other firms have engaged in more inclusive approaches that value the talents of all lawyers. Empirical evidences for assistant such an option are not available. A gap may be found between the recognized importance of talent management for law firms’ sustainability and the lack of empirical evidences for supporting practitioners. Aiming at contributing for filling the identified gap, this thesis proposes to clarify the talent concept and to support the building of practices for the identification and management of talent in law firms. Alongside with talent management, legal profession theory frames the research setting. The role of lawyering in law firms is addressed in this thesis. Law firms are knowledge intensive organizations composed by knowledge workers who own the means of production. Knowledge is found among law firms’ most important assets, besides client and reputation. Law firms rely on lawyers’ knowledge to provide advisory services to clients. Differently from commercial organizations, law firms have a partnership model. Partners are the owners, managers and producers, which impacts the career features. Career is core to the business model. The career path, defined only by the firm and followed by the lawyers, configures a climber type. Most lawyers join the firm as intern aiming to climb the career ladder towards a partnership that is restricted to a 10% minority. The majority of lawyers leave the firm by own initiative or are counselled out, because different career configurations are not available. For gathering evidences from law firms, this project includes four empirical studies. The first one consists of a pilot study aiming at undercover talent management state of the art in law firms. Five questions were answered by 29 European and Latin American countries. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the responses. Results confirmed the importance of talent management for law firms and the value indorsed to high performers. The lack of consensus regarding the talent concept emerged in the answers as well as the lack of talent identification methods. Scarce information regarding lawyers’ career preferences emerged too. This information in conjugation with the literature review provided the basis for establishing the research questions. The talent concept, skills for career success, high performers and peers’ profiles, talent identification methods, and career in law firms, are the five main topics explored in the three papers comprised in the project. Talent management was addressed from different and complementary perspectives in the papers: the first and second papers evidenced talent as a construct with substantive existence and addressed the building of methods for talent identification and prediction. The first one – A new approach to talent management in law firms: Integrating performance appraisal and assessment center data – proposed and confirmed the adjustment of a new approach to talent identification that consists of averaging performance appraisal and assessment center ratings for differentiation of lawyers according to overall talent, and in-depth identification of lawyers’ talents, according to the three broad dimensions of lawyers’ profile (hard skills, soft skills and productivity). Sixty-one senior lawyers from a Portuguese law firm were comprised in the sample. Evidence of both a general performance factor and two additional factors were verified using principal component analysis, and varimax rotation verified the three broad factors with job profile’s three broad areas. Predictive validity of assessment centers in relation to performance appraisal was verified with pearson correlation. Comparisons between assessment center and performance appraisal ratings were analysed using paired-sample t-tests and a kernel density function. The second paper – Is talent stable enough to be predicted? A longitudinal study of lawyers’ appraisals – suggested and confirmed the stability of performance rankings over time. A longitudinal design was applied for examining 8 years of appraisal ratings in a sample of 140 lawyers from a Portuguese law firm. Principal component analysis revealed the substantive existence of talent and statistical analysis confirmed stability of performance rankings, in particular among senior, and more tenured lawyers. A recursive feedforward neural network was developed to model and simulate performance rankings over time, thus enabling talent prediction. At last, the third paper – High performers are not superheroes: Bridging exclusive and inclusive talent management approaches for law firm sustainability –, examined the attributes required for lawyers’ career success in law firms in relation with the high performers and peers’ profiles. A broad array of competencies for a lawyer’s career success was revealed to be necessary, whereas high performers have a narrow focus on legal skills, being demystified as superheroes. Their peers add value too by focusing on quality, and having more adaptable mindsets and more relational approaches. In this study 358 participants from 12 law firms of 12 countries were enrolled. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the importance of competencies and abilities for career success and independent sample t-tests assessed the attributes that distinguished high performers from peers. Hierarchical regression verified that innovation is the best predictor of high performance in law firms. A definition and a framework for talent management that bridges the exclusive with the inclusive approaches are proposed taking in the findings of the project: Talent management in law firms consists of the identification and management of a diverse pool of talent, integrating the most talented individuals and the talents of the workforce, thus contributing for business readiness and sustainability. For achieving such result it is proposed to define the firm competency framework according to the business setting. Stakeholders of law firms such as universities, the Bar and clients should be welcomed to provide inputs. Innovation is proposed to incorporate the framework. Performance rankings during the junior level is upheld. Identification of the most talented for the lawyering role as well as the identification of each lawyers’ talents is proposed by averaging appraisal ratings with assessment center ratings. The use of the neural networks is proposed from the middle professional level onwards, when performance rankings are more stable. Talent prediction may prevent the redundant process of appraising lawyers every year against the same profile for ranking purposes. Time spared in the process may be reinvested in career planning and feedback. Personality questionnaires and ability tests may provide additional information for promoting awareness, which is critical to engage lawyers in career self-management. The proposed framework does not impose a law firm’s business model revision. Law firms have a successful model that encompasses allure and prestige. Talent management must support the business model by incorporating added value both for the firms and lawyers. By using the proposed framework law firms may benefit from mapping and forecasting the talent need for business readiness, while lawyers may benefit from a more individualized approach to their talents and careers: different job profiles that lead to different career paths is upheld, according to each one’s profile. The integration of other professionals beyond lawyers in the firms’ talent pool is also suggested. Career self management may be the trigger for successful implementation of talent management in law firms. Organizational psychologists may contribute for this implementation

    Lichens as biomonitors at indoor environments of primary schools

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    A biomonitoring study, using transplanted lichens Flavoparmelia caperata, was conducted to assess the indoor air quality in primary schools in urban (Lisbon) and rural (Ponte de Sor) Portuguese sites. The lichens exposure period occurred between April and June 2010 and two types of environments of the primary schools were studied: classrooms and outdoor/courtyard. Afterwards, the lichen samples were processed and analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) to assess a total of 20 chemical elements. Accumulated elements in the exposed lichens were assessed and enrichment factors (EF) were determined. Indoor and outdoor biomonitoring results were compared to evaluate how biomonitors (as lichens) react at indoor environments and to assess the type of pollutants that are prevalent in those environments

    Estudo radiológico e ecográfico do ombro doloroso com uma análise económica

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    A dor no ombro é uma queixa frequente na população em geral, com uma prevalência que varia entre 5 e 47% e que apresenta dificuldades semiológicas e de imagem para o diagnóstico definitivo(1) . O principal grupo muscular responsável pela movimentação do ombro é a coifa dos rotadores (supra-espinhoso, infra-espinhoso, subescapular e redondo menor) com inserção no úmero, facilita a estabilidade articular e movimenta o ombro. Existem diferentes causas de dor no ombro, que incluem as lesões da coifa dos rotadores: o tendão bicipital, a bursa subacromial-subdeltoideia e a articulação acromioclavicular(1)(2)(3) . A radiografia simples do ombro é o primeiro e principal exame para orientar no diagnóstico. As radiografias convencionais são bastante uteis no diagnostico da dor em casos de síndrome do impacto do tipo extrínseco primário(4) . A ecografia é um exame dependente do operador, que requer uma longa aprendizagem e formação, pelo que o sucesso depende da experiencia do operador, e o diagnostico é feito em tempo real, e não a partir de imagens estáticas(1) . A elaboração deste projecto reforça a ideia que a radiografia convencional complementada pelo estudo ecográfico é muito sensível nesta patologia. Ambas as técnicas complementadas, numa primeira linha, nos cuidados primários, estabelece a relação entre dor e função do ombro e determina alterações morfológicas (5) . A imagem por ecografia pode ser considerada como uma ferramenta de triagem diagnostica para melhorar a gestão de pacientes, nos cuidados de saúde primários, para decidir a terapêutica a utilizar(6) . Dado que actualmente essencialmente Médicos executam ecografia, na maioria das vezes os pacientes ficam pela realização de Radiografia, ou aguardam bastante tempo pela realização de Ecografia, ficando assim com lacunas no diagnóstico. Como tal, pretende-se provar que sendo estas duas técnicas imagiológicas realizadas pelo Técnico de Radiologia(TR) haverá beneficio para o utente assim como para as próprias instituições de saúde, aproveitando o recurso aos equipamentos existentes. Num cenário de escassez de recursos quer materiais quer humanos, não possível satisfazer todas as necessidades da sociedade pelo que é necessário fazer as escolhas adequadas. “ É neste contexto que assume importância a avaliação económica de programas de saúde que consiste numa analise comparativa de programas ou investimentos alternativo ( Drummond et al, 1997)(7) … A economia da saúde é a aplicação do conhecimento económico ao campo das ciências da saúde. Na economia da saúde, os recursos são limitados, mas as necessidades humanas são ilimitadas e é preciso escolher o que fazer e o que não fazer. A aplicação da análise económica na área da saúde e a tomada de decisões, particularmente no que diz respeito a meios complementares de diagnostico e terapêutica (MCDT) é ainda hoje, altamente controvérsi

    Comparison of indoor air quality during sleep in smokers and non-smokers' bedrooms: a preliminary study

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    People spend one third of their life sleeping, but the bedroom, as a specific micro-environment, is often neglected when assessing human exposure to air pollutants. However, exposure during sleep may be significant in the long-term to the integrated individual exposure. This study aimed to assess the exposure during sleep, focusing on a multi-pollutant approach (comfort parameters, carbon dioxide - CO2, carbon monoxide - CO, formaldehyde (CH2O), total volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter - PM2.5 and PM10 - and ultrafine particles, particle number concentrations - PNC - and lung deposited surface area - LDSA). For that, the air quality during sleep (in real conditions) was monitored using real-time devices in 12 bedrooms of urban (Lisbon and Vila Franca de Xira) and rural (Ponte de Sor) areas of Portugal for one night. Volunteers were smokers and non-smokers. Considering the Portuguese legislation for indoor air quality (IAQ), 67% of the bedrooms registered CO2 levels above the limit value, while CH2O, VOC, PM10 and PM2.5 thresholds were exceeded in 30, 100, 36, and 45% of cases, respectively. Regarding ultrafine parameters, LDSA and PNC ranged from 7.3 to 95.2 μm2/cm3 and from 0.6 to 4.8 × 103/cm3, respectively. Even with no smoking indoors, smokers' bedrooms were found to have significant higher levels of CO, CH2O, PM2.5, PM10 and LDSA than non-smokers' bedrooms, showing the effect of thirdhand smoke, exhalation of pollutants after smoking and infiltration on the degradation of the air quality in the bedroom. A recent new model of real-time monitor was also used for a wide set of IAQ parameters. Its performance to measure PM2.5 and CO2 was assessed, showing its applicability in real conditions. Although often neglected, these micro-environments should be considered in the integrated individual exposure to air pollutants and further studied. MAIN FINDINGS OF THE WORK: Several pollutants (CO2, PM, VOCs and CH2O) exceeded the guidelines during sleep; smokers are exposed to higher levels of CO, CH2O, PM, and LDSA than non-smokers while sleeping.publishe

    Lung-deposited dose of particulate matter from residential exposure to smoke from wood burning

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    Residential settings are of utmost importance for human exposure, as it is where people spend most of their time. Residential wood combustion is a widespread practice known as a source of indoor particulate matter (PM). Nevertheless, research on the risks of exposure associated with this source is scarce, and a better understanding of respiratory deposition of smoke particles is needed. The dosimetry model ExDoM2 was applied to determine the deposited dose of inhalable particulate matter (PM10) from residential biomass combustion in the human respiratory tract (HRT) of adults and children. The dose was estimated using PM10 exposure concentrations obtained from a field campaign carried out in two households during the operation of an open fireplace and a woodstove. Simultaneously, PM10 levels were monitored outside to investigate the outdoor dose in a rural area strongly impacted by biomass burning emissions. Indoors, the 8-h average PM10 concentrations ranged from 88.3 to 489 μg m-3 and from 69.4 to 122 μg m-3 for the operation of the fireplace and the woodstove, respectively, while outdoor average PM10 concentrations ranged from 17.3 to 94.2 μg m-3. The highest amount of the deposited particles was recorded in the extrathoracic region (68-79%), whereas the deposition was much lower in the tracheobronchial tree (5-6%) and alveolar-interstitial region (16-21%). The total dose received while using the fireplace was more than twofold the one received in the room with a woodstove and more than 10 times higher than in the absence of the source. Overall, indoor doses were higher than the ones received by a subject exposed outdoors, especially at the alveolar-interstitial region. After 24 h of exposure, it was estimated that approximately 35 to 37% of the particles deposited in the HRT were transferred to the gastrointestinal tract, while approximately 2.0-2.5% were absorbed into the blood. The results from exposure and dose of indoor particles gathered in this work suggest that homeowners should be encouraged to upgrade the wood burning technology to reduce the PM levels inside their residences. This study also provides biologically relevant results on the lung deposition of particles from residential biomass burning that can be used as a reference for future research.publishe

    The impact of COVID-19 confinement measures in the Air Quality in an urban-industrial zone in Portugal

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    Comunicação oral apresentada em 25th International Clean Air and Environment Conference CASANZ 2021, 17-21 de maio 2021, onlineThis work aims to evaluate the temporal evolution of the concentrations of pollutants PM10, NO2 and O3, from 2001 to 2020, and to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the levels of these atmospheric pollutants, in an urban-industrial zone (Paio Pires-Seixal, Portugal). The results showed that a significant improvement in air quality resulted from the large restriction of anthropogenic activities that occurred due to the pandemic, namely the March-May 2020 lockdown. The mean concentrations of PM10, NO2 and O3 in 2020 were compared with the average concentrations measured from 2014 to 2019. The most expressive reduction in NO2 (-43.9%, p=0.000) was found in April 2020, when a very expressive PM10 reduction was also registered (- 40.0%, p=0.000) and significant reductions of both pollutants were found in the months thereafter.N/

    Indoor school environment: easy and low cost to assess inorganic pollutants

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    Total particulate matter (TPM) was passively collected inside two classrooms of each of five elementary schools in Lisbon, Portugal. TPM was collected in polycarbonate filters with a 47 mm diameter, placed inside of uncovered plastic petri dishes. The sampling period was from 19 May to 22 June 2009 (35 days exposure) and the collected TPM masses varied between 0.2 mg and 0.8 mg. The major elements were Ca, Fe, Na, K, and Zn at μg level, while others were at ng level. Pearson′s correlation coefficients above 0.75 (a high degree of correlation) were found between several elements. Soil-related, traffic soil re-suspension and anthropogenic emission sources could be identified. Blackboard chalk was also identified through Ca large presence. Some of the determined chemical elements are potential carcinogenic. Quality control of the results showed good agreement as confirmed by the application of u-score test

    O Balanced Scorecard nos Municípios

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    Nas últimas décadas foram sendo cada vez mais complexos e múltiplos os interesses coletivos cuja satisfação e prossecução o Estado foi assumindo, daí resultando não só uma enorme sobrecarga de serviços públicos, com custos inerentes elevados, como também, muitas vezes, uma diminuição da eficiência e eficácia no funcionamento dos diversos organismos e entidades da Administração Pública. Neste contexto foram sendo implementados diferentes modelos de gestão pública, com o propósito de melhorar a satisfação dos interesses coletivos através da alteração das regras de funcionamento da própria Administração Pública. No âmbito da denominada “Nova Gestão Pública” que, em geral, preconiza a aplicação à Administração Pública de práticas de gestão próximas das usadas no setor privado, designadamente empresarial, o enfoque na eficiência e nos resultados das organizações públicas, bem como na satisfação do cidadão-cliente, conduziu à necessidade de as entidades monitorarem o seu desempenho em diversos níveis através de indicadores associados a objetivos. Assim, o Balanced Scorecard passou também a ser adotado no contexto da Administração Pública. Partindo duma apresentação geral do Balanced Scorecard, este artigo descreve como este veio a ser introduzido na Administração Pública e adaptado para os municípios em particular, apresentando um exemplo de aplicação em Portugal