1,701 research outputs found

    The Spirit of Education: Politics and Pedagogy in Plato, Rousseau, Dewey and Freire

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    Education has long been romanticized by political thinkers for its supposed power to shape ideal selves and societies. This dissertation examines the history of political thought on education and contends that citizens are principally educated through socialization by law, culture, and institutions. Revealing the limits of utilitarian visions of education as subject formation, this dissertation ultimately argues against the excessive idealization of education as a means of realizing individual and collective projects of becoming. It argues for a revaluation of education as a truth-seeking activity for all ages.In “Molding Citizens: Plato’s Question,” I offer a rereading of Plato’s body of work through the lens of education. Against common readings, I contend that Socrates was less a model teacher and more a model student who forced Plato to grapple with whether good citizens are the products of good teachers and with whether education as a truth-seeking activity is antithetical to that civic end. I show how Plato maintained that good citizenship is not primarily the result of a teacher’s lessons, but of the law, culture, and institutions that structure lifelong association. I further demonstrate how he considered whether the socialization that determines becoming could be intentionally designed and perfected. In “Cultivating Man: Rousseau’s Experiment,” I argue that Rousseau saw a critical problem with Plato’s model because association will only produce ideal persons and citizens if and when a given society is already ideal. In response, Rousseau offered his Emile as an experiment in limiting socialization at the individual level in order to create a new ideal who might resist the toxic effects of a non-ideal society. Against common readings, I contend that Rousseau did not advocate molding persons toward predetermined models. Instead, he suggested cultivating the potential of each individual through a personalized and inimitable educational program of anti-socialization. Rousseau also put his theory into practice by creating curated fictional worlds for his readers, writing novels that provided ideal, private, and imagined experiences of socialization. In “Developing Liberal Democrats: Dewey’s Synthesis,” I reveal how Dewey sought to harmonize the apparent tensions between Plato and Rousseau by generating a democratic theory of education still embraced by contemporary political theorists today. Following Hegel, Dewey maintained that educators need not choose between educating for the individual and educating for society because each could be perfected through the other. Analyzing his conception of education as growth, I show that although Dewey claimed to embrace an idea of education that has no end and is lifelong, he ultimately relied on a necessarily progressive view of education that placed excessive, undue hope on the institution of the school. I demonstrate how in relegating all education to the service of society, Dewey owed more to Plato than is typically realized, and that because he did not adequately recognize the value of individuals understood as separable from their contribution to social progress, he further foreclosed the possibility of education as a purely private or solitary truth-seeking activity. In “Realizing the Revolution: Freire’s Critical Pedagogy,” I introduce political theorists to Paulo Freire, a pedagogue whose reception in the United States as a founder of critical pedagogy made him a giant in the field of education studies but obscured his contributions to political thought. Whereas Plato, Rousseau, and Dewey each stressed the power and importance of ongoing socialization from childhood, Freire took a different approach, suggesting that one’s interpretation of experience is more important to becoming than experience itself. Taking adult education as his starting point, Freire suggested that what society needed was not a theory of learning for children, but rather a theory of unlearning for adults that would result in concrete action against all oppression in society. Valuing neither stability nor incremental progress, Freire redefined education as a praxis that prompts critical consciousness and radical change. For him, education could never and should never aspire to be neutral or separate from becoming and the realization of ideals. Finally, in “Living to Learn: An Alternative,” I conclude by defending education as a truth-seeking activity separable from projects of individual and collective becoming. Having examined how each thinker resolves or struggles with the tension between these two “spirits” of education, usually in favor of becoming, I argue for a reassessment of education as an intrinsically valuable practice of truth-seeking to be enjoyed by children but most especially by adults within and outside the boundaries of the school

    Feasibility and Perception of a Diet and Exercise Intervention Delivered via Telehealth to Firefighters

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    Introduction: Firefighters have a high risk of cardiovascular incidence due to their poor health, fitness, and dietary habits. The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of a diet and exercise intervention within firefighters delivered exclusively via telehealth to help reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, the firefighters’ perception of their health was assessed. Methods: Fifteen firefighters participated in a six-week Mediterranean diet and a functional circuit exercise intervention with pre- and post-fitness testing and survey completion. The firefighters had weekly video calls with their telehealth coach. Results: Self-assessed health improved with the intervention from an average of 5.9 to 7.9 out of 10. Both weight and BMI significantly decreased with the intervention. Overall, firefighters had high adherence to both portions of the intervention. Discussion: Telehealth interventions may be efficacious in improving firefighter fitness levels and overall health as firefighters saw positive health and fitness improvements. &nbsp

    De scroll em scroll, o TikTok conquista o mundo da música e os artistas independentes conquistam o TikTok

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    O objetivo dessa monografia é entender como artistas independentes podem se apropriar da linguagem própria do TikTok para fazer as divulgações de seus trabalhos dentro da plataforma, visto que essa se mostra um espaço de surgimento e consolidação de tendências no mundo da música. Para isso, foi feito um estudo de caso qualitativo do perfil do artista Matheus Who, buscando entender como ele usa a linguagem do TikTok e como esses conteúdos se relacionam com o que se sabe sobre o funcionamento dos algoritmos da plataforma com o auxílio dos estudos de Tarleton Gillespie acerca das dimensões dos algoritmos.São Cristóvão, S

    Avaliação visual da estrutura e macrofauna edáfica em sistemas de uso do solo no subtrópico brasileiro

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    Orientador: Profª. Drª. Karina Maria Vieira Cavalieri PolizeriCoorientador: Prof. Dr. George Gardner BrownCoorientador: Prof. Dr. Robson André ArmindoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência do Solo. Defesa: Curitiba, 04/09/2015Inclui referências : f. 35-42Resumo: O manejo aplicado ao solo pode acarretar em mudanças em sua estrutura e afetar a distribuição e abundância da macrofauna edáfica, sendo o objetivo deste estudo avaliar a estrutura do solo, assim como a macrofauna edáfica, em diferentes sistemas de uso na região dos Campos Gerais, Paraná. O experimento consistiu em sete sistemas de uso do solo: sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta (ILPF), sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP), campo nativo pastejado (CNP), lavoura em sistema de plantio direto (PD), plantio florestal de Eucalyptus dunnii (FP), floresta nativa (FN) e campo nativo não pastejado (CN). Para avaliação da estrutura foi utilizado o método "Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure" (VESS). Posteriormente, foi empregado o método "Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility" (TSBF) com modificações, para amostrar a macrofauna edáfica. Em média, nenhum sistema de uso apresentou estrutura degradada, porém foram detectadas camadas que apontam degradação da estrutura nos sistemas ILP, ILPF, CNP, PD e CN. Os sistemas FN e CNP apresentaram melhor estrutura, respectivamente, com notas VESS de 1,6 e 1,9, também apresentando os melhores resultados de diversidade da macrofauna, e o sistema CNP apresentou a maior densidade de indivíduos por metro quadrado. Os sistemas ILP e CN apresentaram a pior qualidade estrutural dos sistemas estudados, com notas 2,7 e 2,6, respectivamente. O grupo Formicidae apresentou a maior frequência de indivíduos por metro quadrado em todos os tratamentos. A melhor qualidade estrutural apresentou maior diversidade de grupos da macrofauna, maior frequência de engenheiros do ecossistema e abundância de indivíduos por metro quadrado. PALAVRAS CHAVE: Avaliação visual da estrutura do solo, macroinvertebrados, diversidade, manejo do solo.Abstract: The management applied to the soil can result in changes in soil structure and affect the distribution and abundance of soil macrofauna, then the aim of this study was to evaluate the soil structure, as well as soil macrofauna in different land use systems in the Campos Gerais region, Paraná, Brazil. The experiment consisted of seven land use systems: crop-livestock-forest integration system (ILPF), crop-livestock integration system (ILP), native grazed field (CNP), no-till system (PD) forest planting Eucalyptus dunnii (FP), native forest (FN) and do not grazed native pasture (CN). To evaluate the soil structure was used "Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure" method (VESS). Later, the method "Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility" (TSBF) with modifications was used to sample the soil macrofauna. On average, no land use system presented soil structure deterioreted, but they were detected layers that indicate degradation of soil structure in ILP, ILPF, CNP, PD and CN systems. The FN and CNP systems showed better structure, respectively, with VESS scores 1.6 and 1.9, also presenting the best range of macrofauna results, and the CNP system had the highest density of individuals.m-2. The ILP and CN systems had the worst structural quality scores among the studied land use systems, 2.7 and 2.6, respectively. The Formicidae group showed the higher frequency of individuals.m-2 for all treatments. The best structural quality showed greater diversity of macrofauna groups, higher frequency of ecosystem engineers and abundance of individuals. m-2. Key-words: Visual assessment of soil structure, macroinvertebrates, diversity, soil management

    Investigação pré-clínica de parâmetros comportamentais e bioquímicos do diabetes mellitus tipo 1 como fator de risco para esquizofrenia

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, da Universidade do extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC, para obtenção do título de Mestre em Ciências da Saúde

    Adoção à brasileira: análise de direitos sucessórios em casos de multiparentalidade

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    The main objective of this work is to analyze the succession law in the legal institute of affiliation in cases of multiparentality. Specifically, we will approach the situations where occurs the so called “Brazilian way adoption” and the possibility of succession of both biological and socio-affective parents, without the two kinds of paternity overlapping one another. However, before focusing into the main theme, considerations will be made about adoption since the beginning of times, as well as the current procedure for adopting and the “Brazilian way adoption”. Therefore, will be analyzed the changes that the law has been suffering constantly as the recognition of the form of bond between parents and children, being on socioaffective or biological relations. Also, is analyzing the influence that currently exists in the formation of family entities due to socioaffectivity. Thus, will be appreciated the current jurisprudential understanding for purposes of succession in cases where the ultiparentality has been configured.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo principal analisar o direito sucessório no instituto jurídico da filiação em casos de multiparentalidade. Especificamente abordaremos as situações onde ocorre a adoção à brasileira e a possibilidade de sucessão tanto dos pais biológicos como socioafetivo, sem que uma paternidade se sobreponha a outra. Contudo, antes de adentrar afundo no tema principal serão realizadas considerações sobre a adoção desde os primórdios dos tempos, bem como o atual procedimento para realizar a adoção e ainda a adoção à brasileira. Para tal será analisada as modificações que o direito vem sofrendo constantemente como o reconhecimento da forma de vinculo entre os pais e filhos, quais sejam, socioafetivos ou biológicos. Analisando ainda a influência existente atualmente na formação das entidades familiares devido à socioafetividade. Bem como também será apreciado o entendimento jurisprudencial atual, para fins de sucessão em casos onde se tem configurada a multiparentalidade

    Predominance of KPC-3 in a Survey for Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Portugal

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    Free PMC Article: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4432220/Among the 2,105 Enterobacteriaceae tested in a survey done in Portugal, 165 were nonsusceptible to carbapenems, from which 35 (26 Klebsiella pneumoniae, 3 Escherichia coli, 2 Enterobacter aerogenes, and 3 Enterobacter cloacae isolates and 1 Klebsiella oxytoca isolate) were confirmed to be carbapenemase producers by the presence of 30 Tn4401d-blaKPC-3, 4 intI3-blaGES-5, and one intI1-blaVIM-2 gene, alone or in combination with other bla genes. The dissemination of blaKPC-3 gene carried by an IncF plasmid suggests lateral gene transfer as a major mechanism of dissemination.V. Manageiro was supported by grant SFRH/BPD/77486/2011 from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisbon, Portugal. J. Almeida was supported by grant BRJ-SUB/01/2012 from the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal. R. A. Bonomo was supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under awards R01 AI100560 and R01 AI063517, and by the Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs, the Veterans Affairs Merit Review Program, and the Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center VISN 10. We thank the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) for project grant PEst-OE/AGR/UI0211/2011-2014, Strategic Project UI211- 2011-2014

    Análisis de la estabilidad al deslizamiento profundo de las presas de hormigón a gravedad cimentadas en suelo, en los sistemas fluviales de derivación

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    El presente trabajo de titulación abarca una investigación de presas de hormigón a gravedad cimentadas en suelo, en el cual se parte con indicadores de corte del suelo de cimentación para suelos arcillosos y además para un universo de alturas de presas, tratando de obtener el escenario menos favorable para realizar el análisis al deslizamiento profundo. En primer lugar se realizó el análisis hidráulico para distintas alturas de presas, iniciando en presas de 5m, mediante su altura y con bases referenciales de indicadores de corte para suelos arcillosos, se procedió a determinar las condiciones hidráulicas de operación en presas de hormigón con vertido incorporado, las cuales son determinar si es necesario realizar obras de disipación de energía, siendo en el presente estudio necesarias, se realizó el dimensionamiento de un pozo y una losa de disipación. Debido a que el presente estudio se basa en presas de hormigón cimentadas en suelo, se realiza la construcción del perfil teórico triangular con la finalidad de conservar la base de dicho perfil, posteriormente a la obtención de este perfil, se procede a determinar el perfil tipo Creager para conservar su estructura. Una vez obtenido la sección trasversal de la presa con vertido incorporado, las fuerzas actuantes en ella y la combinación a la cual se la someterá, se procede a realizar un análisis tanto de estabilidad como de resistencia. Mediante lo anteriormente expuesto se optó por ampliar la estructura de la presa realizando así tres distintos esquemas. Con la obtención de distintos esquemas, distintas alturas de presas y distintas combinaciones de fuerzas, se realizó el análisis al deslizamiento profundo con la ayuda del método de superficies cilíndricas, en el cual se debe tomar puntos aleatoriamente y se traza una superficie de falla circular para la obtención del menor factor de seguridad al deslizamiento profundo.The ongoing degree work encompasses a gravity weir dam foundation to the ground, which starts with shear indicators of the foundation for clayey grounds and also for a different kind of weir dam heights, trying to obtain the least favorable scenario to perform the analysis of a deep-seated landslide. First, the hydraulic analysis was carried out for a different dam heights, starting at 5m, using different height and with reference bases of the shear for clayey grounds, We calculate and determinate the process of hydraulic conditions of the weir dam, which are to determine if it necessary to incorporate energy dissipation works, being necessary in the current study, We proceed to determine the sizing of a well and a dissipation slab. Since the current study is based on weir dam foundation to the ground, we proceed with the scheme of the triangular elementary profile, with the intended purpose to preserve the base of the triangular elementary profile. Subsequently the result of triangular elementary profile we determine the weir Creager profile to obtain its structure. When we obtain the transversal section of the weir dam, the acting forces and the combination which are going to be inflicted, we proceed to make both stability and resistance analysis. As result of the previous calculations, we proceed to extend the structure of the weir dam by carrying out three different schemes. As results of different schemes, heights of weir dams and forces combinations, performing the deep landslide sliding analysis, with the help of circular-cylindrical planes in which random points are taken and circular failure surface is plotted to obtain the lowest deep-seated landslide safety factor