1,204 research outputs found

    Characterizing videos, audience and advertising in Youtube channels for kids

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    Online video services, messaging systems, games and social media services are tremendously popular among young people and children in many countries. Most of the digital services offered on the internet are advertising funded, which makes advertising ubiquitous in children's everyday life. To understand the impact of advertising-based digital services on children, we study the collective behavior of users of YouTube for kids channels and present the demographics of a large number of users. We collected data from 12,848 videos from 17 channels in US and UK and 24 channels in Brazil. The channels in English have been viewed more than 37 billion times. We also collected more than 14 million comments made by users. Based on a combination of text-analysis and face recognition tools, we show the presence of racial and gender biases in our large sample of users. We also identify children actively using YouTube, although the minimum age for using the service is 13 years in most countries. We provide comparisons of user behavior among the three countries, which represent large user populations in the global North and the global South

    Rheo-NMR velocimetry characterisation of PBLG/m-cresol

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    NMR spectroscopy was used to characterise the velocity profile in nematic solutions of poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate) (PBLG) in m-cresol during the application of a simple shear-flow at constant shear-rate values. In this study, the rheo-NMR technique was used that allows an insight over the fluid dynamics during the application of a shear flow in the presence of an external magnetic field, in a perpendicular direction to the shear gradient. Using this Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) based technique, the velocity profile developed inside the system is accessed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Data Collection Methodology to Assess Road Pavement Condition Using GNSS, Video Image and GIS

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    Traffic loads, along with the environment, damage pavement over time. The degradation of pavement quality is reflected in the development of a diversity of pavement distresses, such as cracking, deformation or deterioration. These distresses may occur on the surface and/or in the pavement structure, having a determinant role in pavement’s quality. Aiming to increase the degree of reliability of the pavement distress data and reduce pavement observation time and visual inspection operations cost, this work presents the main steps proposed for a methodology to observe, record and evaluate flexible road pavement distresses to assess the quality of road pavements. This methodology is based on an in-vehicle inspection using GNSS and video image capture devices and in the use of Geographic Information System (GIS). Validation of the proposed methodology was made through a case study by comparing the results obtained on the in-vehicle inspection to those from a traditional visual inspection performed on foot. The similarity of results obtained by the two approaches allowed to conclude about the feasibility of the proposed methodology. Among the main advantages of the proposed methodology a highlight is on the possibility to identify, quantify and locate the most severe pavement distresses through the use of spatial tools available on GIS, producing information maps and reports that can be used in the decision-making process about road pavements rehabilitation and conservation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento de uma família tipográfica

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    O projeto aqui apresentado aborda a produção de uma família de fontes digitais otimizada para textos corridos. Ao todo, foram criadas duas versões extremas, que possuem diferentes espessuras de traço, e gerados mais três desenhos intermediários através de interpolação matemática. Com a inclusão de versões digitalmente inclinadas, produziu-se 10 arquivos individuais no formato ‘OpenType’ utilizáveis em qualquer computador. A intenção principal deste trabalho é ser um material que desperte a curiosidade de designers iniciantes e que possam se aventurar nas letras de maneira produtiva

    Caracterização mecânica de paredes e construções de alvenaria de adobe

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    Mestrado em Engenharia CivilA região de Aveiro, bem como outras regiões da zona costeira do centro de Portugal, é rica em construção em alvenaria de adobe, sendo esta uma das soluções mais utilizadas até ao final da primeira metade do século XX. Grande parte dessas construções manifesta um avançado estado de degradação, sendo necessária uma intervenção generalizada de forma a se poder recuperar esse legado arquitetónico. De forma a se entender melhor o comportamento da alvenaria de adobe, este trabalho pretende contribuir para a compreensão das características mecânicas deste tipo de alvenaria, a partir do desenvolvimento de ensaios laboratoriais que permitam obter dados relativos à calibração de modelos de comportamento mecânico da alvenaria de adobe.The region of Aveiro, as other regions of the coastal area of central Portugal, is rich in constructions made of adobe masonry, being the most common technique until the end of the first half of the 20th century. Most of those buildings suffer from an advanced state of deterioration, requiring an integrated intervention, so that this architectonic legacy can be mantained. In order to better understand the behaviour of adobe masonry, the present study aims to contribute to the understanding of the mechanical characteristics of this type of masonry, by developing laboratorial tests which allow to obtain data for the calibraton of mechanical behaviour models for adobe masonry

    Validation of an indirect data collection method to assess airport pavement condition

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    The authors acknowledge University of Beira Interior, CERIS - Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (ECI/04625), GEOBIOTEC - GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering (GEO/04035) and ASA SA, Cape Verde Airports and Air Safety for support and funding of this study.In this study the authors compare two methods for airport asphalt pavement distress data collection applied on the main runway of Amílcar Cabral international airport, located at Sal Island in Cape Verde. The two methods used for testing were traditional visual inspection (on-foot) and an indirect method using a vehicle equipped with image capture and recording, lasers and geolocation devices (in-vehicle inspection). The aim of this research is to contribute to the validation of the proposed low-cost in-vehicle pavement distress inspection system with semiautomatic data processing in order to be considered in the implementation of the pavement condition assessment component of airport pavement management systems (APMS). This is a particularly important component as from the collected distress data it is possible to assess the condition of the pavements and define intervention strategies. Validation of the indirect data collection method is evaluated by statistical comparison of the collected distress data and pavement condition index (PCI) obtained from both methods. Statistically non-significant differences between the result sets validate the proposed indirect method, however the analysis evidenced two aspects that need improvement in the proposed system, namely the quality of the captured images to identify distresses with lower severity level and inspector training for proper allocation of severity levels during image analysis. This results in significant advantages considering that the total amount of the runway pavement area is inspected. Inspection time is reduced and data collection cost can be reduced. Processing and results visualization on GIS environment allows revaluation of the dataset on the in-vehicle method. Data interpretation and measurements quality control becomes simpler and faster.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório de estágio na AYR consulting: discussão de aspectos relevantes para a tradução

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Tradução, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014Este Relatório tem por objectivo a discussão de questões linguísticas que se levantaram no decurso do estágio profissional realizado na AYR Consulting, cuja realização constitui uma das condições necessárias para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Tradução. As questões tratadas, de carácter lexical, sintáctico e relacionadas com formas de tratamento, têm por base os textos traduzidos durante o referido estágio. A análise casuística, em que recai a parte essencial deste Relatório, é precedida, por um lado, de uma explanação sobre certos aspectos teóricos relacionados com a tradução, com relevância directa para o corpus examinado, e, por outro lado, de uma caracterização dos textos trabalhados, no que à função, tipo e género textual diz respeito. Espera-se, assim, conseguir demonstrar a importância prática de noções de cariz teórico tais como as noções de equivalência, de diferença entre tradução e correspondência, de funções textuais, entre outras, bem como a utilidade de uma descrição, prévia à actividade da tradução, dos textos de partida. O trabalho em questão procura igualmente demonstrar que as características associadas a determinados géneros de texto, nomeadamente as do texto técnico, não são rígidas, admitindo a presença de marcas associadas tradicionalmente a outros géneros. Essa caracterização “híbrida”, por assim dizer, permitirá o uso estratégias de tradução adequadas a cada caso em concreto. No âmbito específico da tradução técnica, o Relatório procura evidenciar a importância do estabelecimento de um critério de escolha das estratégias de procedimentos de transferência lexical a adoptar, bem como a utilidade da construção de glossários. Por fim, salienta-se igualmente o papel, nos textos escritos por falantes nãonativos dessa língua, da interferência da língua materna no próprio texto de partida e das dificuldades que essa interferência pode colocar ao tradutor.Abstract: This report aims to discuss the linguistic issues that arose in the course of the professional internship which took place at AYR Consulting and constitutes one of the requirements for the award of the master’s degree in Translation. The matters discussed, based on the texts translated during the aforesaid internship, were of lexical and syntactic nature and also related to forms of address. The main part of the Report is focused on the case-by-case analysis. This analysis is preceded, on the one hand, by an explanation over certain theoretical aspects related to translation wich are directly relevant to the examined corpus, and, on the other hand, by a description of the texts worked on, as far as textual functions and types are concerned. The purpose is to demonstrate the practical importance of theoretical concepts such as equivalence, the difference between translation and correspondence, textual functions, amongst others, as well as to establish the usefulness that derives from the timely description of the source texts. The work in question also aims to demonstrate that the features associated with certain types of texts, namely the technical text, are not rigid, as they admit features traditionally associated with other types. This hybrid characterisation, so to speak, will allow the use of translation strategies suited for each specific situation. Within the scope of technical translation, this Report intends to illustrate the importance of setting criteria for the choice of strategies concerning procedures of lexical tranference, and of the creation of glossaries. Finally, we highlight the role that interference of the mother tongue plays in the creation of source-texts written by non native speakers, as well as the difficulties that it may pose for the translator

    Migrainous infarction: a rare and often overlooked diagnosis

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    Migraine is a neurological entity and a well-known independent risk factor for cerebral infarction, which mostly afflicts the young female population. Researching focal neurological signs in this subset of the population with the diagnosis of a neurological ischemic event should always take into account the migraine as the etiology or as an associated factor. The etiology of central nervous system (CNS) ischemia is considerable. Migraine, although rare, also may be included in this vast etiological range, which is called migrainous infarction. In this setting, the diagnostic criteria required for this diagnosis is extensive. Herein, we present the case of a female adolescent who submitted to the emergency facility complaining of diplopia, dysarthria, and imbalance, which started concomitantly with a migrainous crisis with aura—a challenging clinical case that required extensive research to address all possible differential diagnose

    Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of Biomass Ashes for Soil Reinforcement and Liner Material

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    Mineralogical and chemical evaluations are necessary to investigate the background and origins of materials. In terms of residues commonly produced around the world, ashes biomass stands out for its high calorific capacity and use for energy production at thermoelectrical facilities. Given current sustainability issues and new demands from society, ashes and soil from pine biomass in the Castelo Branco region were investigated to research possible anthropogenic contaminations, heavy metals among their composition, and their physic-chemical characteristics. These properties can be used to define possible valorisation methods through residue introduction into the soil for its reinforcement and liner application. The results indicated that ashes biomass could help achieve these objectives and could be introduced into the soil, due to its enrichment with pozzolanic minerals and fine granulometry, while having a low-density, which could reduce final weight; however it was considerably different from the original biomass, and contained anthropogenic contaminations and high concentrations of heavy metals. Keywords: biomass ashes, chemical and mineralogical properties, residue valorisation, soil reinforcement, liner materia