43 research outputs found


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    Os acidentes domésticos têm-se revelado como uma das principais causas dos atendimentos, internamentos, incapacidades e óbitos em crianças, nos vários países e tem contribuído, de forma considerável, para manter elevada a taxa de morbi-mortalidade infantil. O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar os acidentes domésticos que vêm acontecendo em crianças dos 0 aos 9 anos de idade atendidos no HBS no período de Janeiro a Outubro de 2012.Para isso foram analisadas 1665 fichas de atendimento de crianças dos 0 aos 9 anos de idade que sofreram acidentes neste período, dos quais 1074 foram quedas, 308 ferimentos não especificados, 165 corpos estranhos, 42 intoxicação, 41 queimaduras e 35 casos de mordeduras. Os resultados demonstram que a maioria das vítimas é do sexo masculino. Diante destes dados é preciso que sejam tomadas medidas e realizados programas de prevenção de acidentes com crianças para que estes mesmos acidentes diminuem

    ONGD: o papel da comunicação no seu conhecimento e reconhecimento

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    Dissertação de mestrado apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.A identidade é a forma como a organização se reconhece e também como é reconhecida pelos seus públicos, é o elemento central de diferenciação em relação às demais instituições a actuar no mesmo ramo. A partir da correlação estabelecida entre a identidade e sua influência na formação da imagem corporativa, poder-se-á proceder a uma reflexão acerca da importância desses conceitos no desenvolvimento das estratégias de comunicação nas organizações, assim como, salientar o papel das Relações Públicas na manutenção da reputação corporativa e sua contribuição na consolidação da identidade organizacional. Este estudo terá por base as Organizações não Governamentais para o Desenvolvimento (ONGD), instituições sem fins lucrativos que actuam em três áreas: I) - Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento, II) - Ajuda Humanitária e de Emergência e III) – Educação para o Desenvolvimento. Em Portugal, a actividade destas organizações está regulamentada pela Lei 66/98, de 14 de Outubro, que define o seu estatuto. Pretende-se, então, verificar quais os métodos de divulgação utilizados, conhecer a política de comunicação das organizações seleccionadas, se existe, se é considerada aquando de um novo projecto e analisar o reconhecimento das acções conduzidas pelo Terceiro Sector na área do Desenvolvimento.ABSTRACT: Identityis the way that anorganization recognizes and is recognized by its publics, it is the central element of differentiation from others institutions that act in the same activity. From the correlation between identity and its influence on the corporate image,we will need to think about the importance of these concepts in developingcommunication strategies on theorganizations, as well as highlightingthe role of Public Relations in the maintenance of corporate reputation and its contribution to the consolidation of organizational identity.This study is based on the Non-Governmental Organizations for Development (NGO), nonprofit institutionswhich act in three areas: I) -Development Cooperation, II) -Humanitarian and Emergency and III) -Education for development. In Portugal, the activity of these organizations is regulated by Law 66/98 of 14 October, which defines its status.The aim is to verify the methods of divulgation used,to know the communication policy of the selected organizations, whether, if it is considered when a new project and analyze the recognition of actions taken of the Third Sector in the Development domain

    The Role of Gravity Mechanotransduction in Regulating Stem Cell Tissue Regenerative Potential at the Single Cell Expressome Level

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    Gravity is an omnipresent force on Earth, and all living organisms have evolved under the influence of constant gravity. Mechanical forces generated by gravity are potent modulators of stem cell based tissue regenerative mechanisms, inducing cell fate decisions and tissue specific commitment. A novel mechanical unloading investigation assessed the formation, morphology, and gene expression of embryoid bodies (EB), a transitory cell model of early differentiation. After 15 days of spaceflight, the mechanotransduction-null EB cells showed upregulated proliferative mechanisms while differentiation cues were silenced

    The Omics of Stem Cell Mediated Regeneration: A Pilot Single Cell RNA-Seq Study of Mechanotransduction

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    Mechanical forces are potent modulators of stem cell based tissue regenerative mechanisms, inducing cell fate decisions and tissue specific commitment. A unique platform for investigating mechanotransduction is spaceflight, where microgravity and altered fluid mechanics provide a loading-null experimental condition. Seminal investigations of regenerative capacity in a wholly regenerative species, the newt model, and in a variety of totipotent and adult stem cell populations have demonstrated the detrimental effects of unloading on maintenance of stem cell based regeneration. Of particular interest is the observation that unloading interferes with the transition of stem cell pools from proliferative state to differentiation commitment. In this work we sought to test the hypothesis that gravity mechanotransduction regulates stem cell tissue regenerative processes by modulating stem cell proliferation and differentiation fates at specific cell cycle stages. To do this, clonally-derived ESCs were plated on a collagen matrix and expanded for 36 hours before re-plating on a non-adherent culture dish in the absence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) to form spheroid aggregate EBs. After formation, the EBs were transferred to a collagen matrix coated culture dishes and given 4 days to allow implantation and outgrowth. In parallel, totipotent ESCs were plated 24 hours before mechanical stimulation on collagen matrix culture dishes in the presence of LIF to maintain totipotency and serve as un-differentiation committed controls. The EBs and ESCs were then subjected to either a 60 minute pulse of gravity (static loading) or 60 minutes of cyclic stretch (dynamic loading) mechanotransduction. Six hours post-stimulation, we used a 10X Genomics Single Cell controller to generate bar-coded single cell Illumina libraries and sequenced expressomes for 5,000 static loaded cells, representative of a change in gravity mechanotransduction, 5,000 dynamic loaded cells, representative of tissue loading associate with physiologic function, and 5,000 unstimulated 1g control cells. The comparison of these 3 libraries by cluster assignment based on like gene expression patterns show substantial alteration in cluster geometry due to mechanical loading. Specifically the mechanically loaded EB outgrowth cells to retain potency markers (PAX6, SOX2, CD34) and suppress early commitment markers (Dhh, VCAN, Igf1). Whereas the EBs cultured under the non-stimulated conditions display clear departure from the ESC expressome with lineage commitment markers upregulated and several tissue specific markers being expressed (BMP "early musculoskeletal development, Mesp1" early cardiovascular cell lineage). These markers are not seen in the mechano-stimulated cultures or the totipotent ESC cultures. Comparison of like clusters between our experimental conditions revealed an array of regenerative and stem cell genes are significantly mechano-regulated. Of particular importance CDKN1a/p21, a gene shown by previous investigation of our research team to be significantly upregulated in unloading, was suppressed in the static and dynamic loaded EBS. In addition to CDKN1a/p21 many genes related to cell cycle and transitory differentiation markers had elevated expression in the mechano-stimulated EBs, but surprisingly these trends were not observed in the ESC cultures. This study is the first of its kind investigating for mechano-signaling and mechano-regulated pathways, and has alr

    Combined use of chitosan and olfactory mucosa mesenchymal stem/stromal cells to promote peripheral nerve regeneration in vivo

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    Peripheral nerve injury remains a clinical challenge with severe physiological and functional consequences. Despite the existence of multiple possible therapeutic approaches, until now, there is no consensus regarding the advantages of each option or the best methodology in promoting nerve regeneration. Regenerative medicine is a promise to overcome this medical limitation, and in this work, chitosan nerve guide conduits and olfactory mucosa mesenchymal stem/stromal cells were applied in different therapeutic combinations to promote regeneration in sciatic nerves after neurotmesis injury. Over 20 weeks, the intervened animals were subjected to a regular functional assessment (determination of motor performance, nociception, and sciatic indexes), and after this period, they were evaluated kinematically and the sciatic nerves and cranial tibial muscles were evaluated stereologically and histomorphometrically, respectively. The results obtained allowed confirming the beneficial effects of using these therapeutic approaches. The use of chitosan NGCs and cells resulted in better motor performance, better sciatic indexes, and lower gait dysfunction after 20 weeks. The use of only NGGs demonstrated better nociceptive recoveries. The stereological evaluation of the sciatic nerve revealed identical values in the different parameters for all therapeutic groups. In the muscle histomorphometric evaluation, the groups treated with NGCs and cells showed results close to those of the group that received traditional sutures, the one with the best final values. The therapeutic combinations studied show promising outcomes and should be the target of new future works to overcome some irregularities found in the results and establish the combination of nerve guidance conduits and olfactory mucosa mesenchymal stem/stromal cells as viable options in the treatment of peripheral nerves after injury.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalence of depression and associated factors in women covered by Family Health Strategy

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    Objective To assess the prevalence of depression and its associated factors in women aged 20 to 59 years at some areas with the coverage of Family Health Strategy in a city located at Zona da Mata Mineira. Methods It is a cross-sectional study with women aged 20-59 enrolled in two Primary Health Care Units making use of a questionnaire containing socio-demographic variables, social support, self-assessment of general health status, lifestyle, morbidity and women’s health. Depression was evaluated according to Patients Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Results From 1,958 women included in this analysis, 28,5% are aged 30-39; 15,4% did not finish High School; 54,5% do not work or have never worked and 44,2% defined themselves as not white. Factors associated with depression episodes in the population studied: lower educational background, currently having a job, previous diagnosis of psychiatric disorders. Protective factors which were observed: being married or living with a partner, practicing physical activities in a regular basis and reporting positive self-assessed health. Conclusion The results of this study reveal a prevalence of depression of 19.7% in women aged 20 to 59 years covered by the Family Health Strategy, pointing to the need for special care in primary health care for women with low schooling, who work, have mental illness, and do not exercise so that they can reduce suffering and promote health. It was observed a significant gap related to managing specific tools designed to screening depressive episodes in primary care.Objetivo Avaliar a prevalência de depressão e os fatores associados em mulheres de 20 a 59 anos de áreas cobertas pela Estratégia de Saúde da Família de município da Zona da Mata Mineira. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com mulheres de 20 a 59 anos cadastradas em duas Unidades de Saúde da Família, que utilizou um questionário contendo variáveis sociodemográficas, apoio social, autoavaliação de estado de saúde, estilo de vida, morbidade e saúde da mulher. O desfecho depressão foi avaliado segundo o Patients Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Resultados Das 1.958 mulheres incluídas nesta análise, 28,5% encontram-se na faixa etária entre 30 e 39 anos; 15,4% não concluíram o ensino elementar; 54,5% não trabalham ou nunca trabalharam; 44,2% declararam não ser da raça branca. Fatores associados à ocorrência de depressão na população estudada: possuir baixa escolaridade, trabalhar atualmente e ter doença mental prévia. Como fatores de proteção observaram-se: ser casada ou viver com companheiro, realizar atividades físicas regularmente e relatar autoavaliação positiva de saúde. Conclusão Os resultados deste estudo revelam prevalência de depressão de 19,7% nas mulheres de 20 a 59 anos de áreas cobertas pela Estratégia de Saúde da Família, apontando para a necessidade de um cuidado especial na atenção primária à saúde às mulheres com baixa escolaridade, que trabalham, apresentam doença mental e não praticam exercícios físicos, de modo que se possa reduzir o sofrimento e promover a saúde. Ressalta-se a lacuna na utilização de instrumentos de rastreamento dos casos de depressão na atenção primária

    Alimentos alternativos utilizados para codornas de corte: revisão

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    In coturniculture nutrition is the factor that most burdens production costs, thus studies with the use of foods alternative to corn and soybean meal, has grown considerably throughout Brazil, due to the great potential of agroindustry production of parents who generates numerous co-products or by-products that have sufficient nutritional quality to be placed in the rations without interfering with the performance or quality of the final product, making it possible to reduce the polluting potential of these co-products when discarded inappropriately. In this context, the aim of this review is to address some alternative foods that are used in the feeding of cutting quails, as well as their effects on zootechnical performance in the different stages of breeding of these birds and also their effects on the quality of the final product. To perform this review, an analysis of scientific studies that used alternative foods in diets of quail was made, showing their effects. It can be concluded that various alternative foods such as acerola residue, licuri bagasse, guava meal, crambe meal, passion fruit residue, cashew nut meal, soybean husk and fodder palm meal can be used to feed meat-type quails, assisting in the reduction of diet costs without influence on the zootechnical characteristics.En coturnicultura  la nutrición es el factor que más carga los costos de la producción, de esta manera, los estudios con  el uso de alimentos alternativos al maíz y salvado de soja, ha crecido considerablemente en todo Brasil, debido al gran potencial de producción agroindustrial del país que genera numerosos coproductos o subproductos que tienen suficiente calidad nutricional para ser colocados en las raciones sin interferir en el rendimiento o la calidad producto, lo que permite reducir el potencial contaminante de estos coproductos cuando se desechan incorrectamente.  En este contexto, el objetivo es abordar algunos alimentos alternativos que se utilizan en la alimentación de codornices de corte, así como sus efectos en  el rendimiento zootécnico en las diferentes etapas de la cría de estas aves y también sus efectos en la calidad del producto final. Para realizar esta revisión, se realizó un análisis de estudios científicos que utilizaron alimentos alternativos en las dietas de codorniz, mostrando sus efectos. Se puede concluir que varios alimentos alternativos como los residuos de acerola, el bagazo de licuri, la harina de guayaba, la harina de crambe, los residuos de maracuyá, la harina de anacardos, la cáscara de soja y la harina de palma forrajera pueden usarse para alimentar codornices de engorda, ayudando a reducir los costos de la dieta sin influencia en las características zootécnicas.Na coturnicultura a nutrição é o fator que mais onera os custos de produção, deste modo, estudos com a utilização alimentos alternativos ao milho e farelo de soja, tem crescido consideravelmente em todo o Brasil, devido ao grande potencial de produção agroindustrial do pais que gera inúmeros coprodutos ou subprodutos que possuem qualidade nutricional suficiente para serem colocados nas rações sem interferir no desempenho ou na qualidade do produto final, possibilitando reduzir o potencial poluidor destes coprodutos quando descartados de forma inadequada. Neste contexto, objetiva-se com está revisão abordar alguns alimentos alternativos que são utilizados na alimentação de codornas de corte, assim como seus efeitos sobre o desempenho nas diferentes fases de criação destas aves e também seus efeitos sobre a qualidade do produto final. Para a realizar esta revisão foi feita análise de trabalhos científicos que utilizaram alimentos alternativos em rações de codornas de corte, evidenciando os seus efeitos. Podendo concluir que diversos alimentos alternativos como resíduo de acerola, bagaço de licuri, farelo de goiaba, farelo de crambe, resíduo do maracujá, farelo da castanha do caju, casca de soja e o farelo da palma forrageira podem ser utilizados na alimentação de codornas de corte, auxiliando na redução dos custos da dieta sem influência sobre as características zootécnicas