175 research outputs found

    LawV : towards an ontology-based visual modeling language in the legal domain

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    There has been an increase use of Domain-Specific Visual Modeling Language (DSVML) as a means of improving models’ comprehensibility and, consequently, stakeholders’ productivity. Combining the benefits of DSVMLs and of an ontological approach for designing and evaluating DSVMLs, we present, in this paper, the first-steps towards an ontology-based DSVML in the legal domain called LawV. The main purpose of LawV is to provide for a visual symbolic representation for legal statements. LawV has been built by applying an ontology-based language engineering method called PoNTO-S and UFO-L, a legal core ontology. To evaluate LawV, we instantiate a judicial case selected from the database of Appeal Court of the Esp ́ırito Santo State in Brazil

    Uma Ontologia de Referência para Autorização Orçamentária e Execução da Despesa Pública

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    Dados de execução da despesa pública são os principais dados disponibilizados pelos portais de informação governamentais e atraem o interesse da sociedade no controle dos gastos públicos. Apesar disso, o consumo e análise desses dados, tanto por sistemas computacionais quanto pelos cidadãos, têm sido dificultados pela falta de padronização na estruturação dos dados, bem como pela alta complexidade do domínio (técnico e especializado). A fim de mitigar esses problemas, propõe-se neste trabalho uma Ontologia de Referência para a autorização orçamentária e execução da Despesa Pública federal (ORDP), integrando os estágios desde a autorização da programação orçamentária até o pagamento de despesas pelos órgãos da administração pública. O desenvolvimento de ORDP baseou-se em um método sistemático de Engenharia de Ontologia. Foram definidos propósito, escopo, requisitos e modularização de ORDP. ORDP foi modelada utilizando uma linguagem de representação bem fundamentada, assim como foram definidos axiomas para capturar regras de domínio. A aplicabilidade da ontologia é demonstrada através de seu uso na integração de dados sobre execução da despesa pública do governo federal extraídos do Portal da Transparência e dados sobre autorização orçamentária obtidos de um sistema de informação federal

    Fertilization with monoammonium phosphate in the production of Formosa ‘Tainung-01’ papaya in the potiguar semiarid

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    The achievement of good productivity and quality of fruits is directly associated with a balanced fertilization, in which phosphate fertilizers have an important role in the agricultural production system. In this context, this work aimed to evaluate the effect of doses of monoammonium phosphate in ground fertilization and associated with the topdressing in the production of the Formosa “Tainung-01” papaya. The experimental design was in complete randomized blocks, in an split plots outline, having as main factor four fertilizer doses in ground fertilization (0; 80; 160, and 250 kg ha-1 of monoammonium phosphate [MAP]) and, as a sub-portion, two fertilizers in topdressing (20 kg ha-1 of Cosmofert® + 45 kg ha-1 of MAP” and “90 kg ha-1 of MAP). The harvesting began in the eighth month and extended until the 12th month after transplanting of the seedlings. All fruits of five plants per experimental unit were collected and classified. The number of fruits, the production per plant, the yield, and the percentage of marketable fruits were evaluated. The ground fertilization with the monoammonium phosphate did not influence the production of Formosa 'Tainung-01' papaya fruits exclusively destined to the domestic market. When the production is destined to the external market, a dosage of 74.0 kg ha-1 of monoammonium phosphate can be used in ground fertilization.The achievement of good productivity and quality of fruits is directly associated with a balanced fertilization, in which phosphate fertilizers have an important role in the agricultural production system. In this context, this work aimed to evaluate the effect of doses of monoammonium phosphate in ground fertilization and associated with the topdressing in the production of the Formosa “Tainung-01” papaya. The experimental design was in complete randomized blocks, in an split plots outline, having as main factor four fertilizer doses in ground fertilization (0; 80; 160, and 250 kg ha-1 of monoammonium phosphate [MAP]) and, as a sub-portion, two fertilizers in topdressing (20 kg ha-1 of Cosmofert® + 45 kg ha-1 of MAP” and “90 kg ha-1 of MAP). The harvesting began in the eighth month and extended until the 12th month after transplanting of the seedlings. All fruits of five plants per experimental unit were collected and classified. The number of fruits, the production per plant, the yield, and the percentage of marketable fruits were evaluated. The ground fertilization with the monoammonium phosphate did not influence the production of Formosa 'Tainung-01' papaya fruits exclusively destined to the domestic market. When the production is destined to the external market, a dosage of 74.0 kg ha-1 of monoammonium phosphate can be used in ground fertilization

    Análise técnica e econômica de diferentes sistemas de transplantio de café (Coffea arabica L.)

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    Coffee is a prominent crop in Brazil, so much that in recent years, coffee crop has undergone major changes such as the introduction of mechanization in different operations previously performed manually, and if the transplant operation using machinery has become an viable alternative for farmers enabling increased operational capacity. The trial was carried out in Nazareno- MG, aiming to conduct a technical and economic analysis of different systems of transplanting. This work was carried out employing mechanized assembly used for the realization of transplanting of cultivar Catuaí IAC 144. The time required to perform various operations in different sets of mechanized systems evaluated and their fixed and variable costs, and determined the operating performance were analyzed. Based on the results obtained, the system of mechanized transplanting showed higher technical and economic viability in relation to others. The depreciation, repairs and maintenance and fuel consumption are the components of costs that most affect the operating cost occurs in systems where use of machinery with greater intensity.O café é uma cultura de destaque no Brasil, tanto que nos últimos anos, a cafeicultura passou por grandes modificações como a introdução da mecanização em diferentes operações, antes realizadas manualmente. No caso da operação de transplanti, a utilização de máquinas tem se mostrado uma alternativa viável aos produtores possibilitando aumento da capacidade operacional. O trabalho foi conduzido no município de Nazareno-MG, objetivando-se realizar uma análise técnica e econômica de diferentes sistemas de transplantio. Dessa forma, para a realização do estudo, empregaram-se conjuntos mecanizados utilizados para a realização do transplantio da cultivar Catuaí IAC 144. Foram analisados os tempos necessários para a realização de diversas operações dos conjuntos mecanizados nos diferentes sistemas avaliados, seus respectivos custos fixos e variáveis e os respectivos parâmetros de desempenho operacional. Com base nos resultados obtidos o sistema de transplantio mecanizado apresentou maior viabilidade técnica e econômica em relação aos demais. A depreciação e o consumo de combustível são os componentes de custos que mais afetam no custo operacional dos sistemas em que ocorre uso de maquinário com maior intensidade

    Forage Intake and Nitrogen Retention in Wethers Fed Ryegrass Haylage Supplemented with Maize Silage

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    Many decision support tools have been developed to predict herbage intake with herbivore ruminants indoors (Faverdin 1992) or at grazing, both using short-term (Baumont et al. 2004) or daily scale input variables (Heard et al. 2004; Delagarde et al. 2011). However, the ingestive and digestive interactions when diets with more than one type of forage are used have not been sufficiently studied. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of maize silage supplementation to wethers receiving ryegrass haylage on OM intake, OM digestibility, microbial protein synthesis and N retention

    Predicting the geographic distribution of Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) and visceral leishmaniasis in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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    To understand the geographic distribution of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Brazil, both the climatic niches of Lutzomyia longipalpis and VL cases were analysed. Distributional data were obtained from 55 of the 79 counties of MS between 2003-2012. Ecological niche models (ENM) of Lu. longipalpis and VL cases were produced using the maximum entropy algorithm based on eight climatic variables. Lu. longipalpis showed a wide distribution in MS. The highest climatic suitability for Lu. longipalpis was observed in southern MS. Temperature seasonality and annual mean precipitation were the variables that most influenced these models. Two areas of high climatic suitability for the occurrence of VL cases were predicted: one near Aquidauana and another encompassing several municipalities in the southeast region of MS. As expected, a large overlap between the models for Lu. longipalpis and VL cases was detected. Northern and northwestern areas of MS were suitable for the occurrence of cases, but did not show high climatic suitability for Lu. longipalpis . ENM of vectors and human cases provided a greater understanding of the geographic distribution of VL in MS, which can be applied to the development of future surveillance strategies

    Projetos de Poços: um Estudo de Caso na Bacia Sergipe-Alagoas

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    A exploração de petróleo tem atingido regiões cada vez mais profundas, fazendo-se necessária a realização de um estudo aprofundado de geopressões para se evitar problemas durante a perfuração de um poço. Assim, o trabalho apresentado em tela faz uma comparação das geopressões na bacia Sergipe-Alagoas, utilizando correlações empíricas calibradas para o Golfo do México com o que foi medido durante a perfuração. Para o estudo das pressões de subsuperfície foram utilizados dados de dois poços fornecidos pela Empresa Z, sendo calculados os gradientes de pressão de sobrecarga, poros e fratura. Os resultados foram comparados com os dados da perfilagem e Repeated Formation Test. Foi observado que algumas equações precisam de um ajuste fino e outras, de ajustes mais rigorosos. Com isso, este estudo pretende fomentar outras discussões que possibilitem a construção de pesquisas acerca da calibração das constantes relacionadas à bacia Sergipe-Alagoas


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    The objectives of this study were to compare the clinical effects and glycemia induced by medetomidine and xylazine in healthy cats and to demonstrate the reversal of the effects by atipamezole. A prospective blinded randomized experimental trial was used with twenty-four healthy adult cats. The animals were allocated into 4 groups of 6 animals each to receive by intramuscular route (IM): Group M (medetomidine - 50 μg/ kg); Group X (xylazine - 1.1 mg/kg); Group MA (medetomidine - 50 μg/kg and 60 minutes later atipamezole - 0.2 mg/kg); Group XA (xylazine - 1.1 mg/kg and 60 minutes later atipamezole - 0.2 mg/kg). Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, systolic arterial pressure, electrocardiogram, intraocular pressure, degree of sedation were measured at 0, 30, 60, 120 and 180 minutes, and the serum glucose concentration was measured at 0, 60, 120 and 180 minutes. The xylazine at a dose of 1.1 mg/kg and medetomidine at a dose of 50 μg/kg (both intramuscular) induced hypothermia, decreased heart rate, respiration and blood pressure and also 1st-degree A-V block in some cats, but it did not interfere significantly with intraocular pressure. The medetomidine induced a more pronounced hypothermia, sedation and hyperglycemia than xylazine in cats. The atipamezole was an excellent antagonist of the effects induced by medetomidine and xylazine in cats. Also, it did not interfere with the intraocular pressure values

    Clinical and manometric evaluation of women with chronic anal fissure before and after internal subcutaneous lateral sphincterotomy

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a evolução clínica e manométrica de mulheres com fissura anal crônica submetidas à esfincterotomia lateral interna subcutânea. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo com oito pacientes. A avaliação inicial foi realizada por meio de questionários, exame físico e manometria anorretal na semana anterior ao procedimento cirúrgico. Durante o período pós-operatório, as pacientes foram avaliadas clinicamente a cada 15 dias, até a cicatrização completa. Os questionários e a manometria anorretal foram repetidos 1 mês e 3 meses após a operação. Foi avaliado o tempo para cicatrização da fissura, as alterações manométricas e as complicações decorrentes do procedimento. RESULTADOS: Todas as pacientes apresentavam hipertonia esfincteriana interna no período pré-operatório. Após 3 meses da operação, as pressões de repouso e o comprimento do canal anal funcional diminuíram de modo estatisticamente significante. Houve redução das queixas de prurido e sangramento. A cicatrização completa da fissura ocorreu em sete pacientes. A mediana do tempo de cicatrização foi de 45 dias. Não houve complicações decorrentes do procedimento. Uma paciente apresentou incontinência transitória para flatos. CONCLUSÕES: A esfincterotomia lateral interna subcutânea proporcionou melhora clínica e diminuição das pressões de repouso dos esfíncteres anais em mulheres com fissura anal crônica.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate clinical and manometric parameters of chronic anal fissure females undergoing lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS). METHODS: A total of eight women with chronic anal fissure who underwent LIS were included in this study. The preoperative assessment was performed one week before surgery and included general and anorectal examination, anorectal manometry, and Jorge Wexner questionnaire. The post operative follow up was made every 15 days until complete healing. Jorge Wexner questionnaires and anorectal manometry were repeated at 1 month and 3 months after the surgery. Time to healing, manometric changes and complications were assessed. RESULTS: All patients had preoperative increased anal resting pressure. The resting pressures and anal canal length were significantly decreased 3 months after surgery. Patients' complaints of itching and bleeding were also reduced. Fissures healed in 7 patients and median healing time was 45 days. No complications were observed due to the procedure. One patient had transient incontinence to flatus. CONCLUSION: Lateral internal sphincterotomy provided clinical improvement and reduced resting pressure of the internal anal sphincter in women with chronic anal fissure