1,498 research outputs found

    O secretariado e a modernização da administração pública: a implementação de serviços eficientes

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    O presente artigo pretende evidenciar a necessária mudança de paradigma no que se refere à capacidade de um profissional qualificado em secretariado, no mundo contemporâneo, bem como à necessária abrangência dos seus conhecimentos e das suas competências. Pretende-se ainda apresentar um projeto de implementação do Balcão Único de Atendimento (BUA) na Câmara Municipal de Moimenta da Beira, no sentido de adequar os seus serviços ao atual paradigma competitivo, que exige da Administração Pública uma postura moderna e dinamizadora que incremente a melhoria constante dos seus serviços, de forma a responder às exigências de eficiência, eficácia, transparência e qualidade dos seus clientes

    Years of life lost associated with COVID-19 deaths in Portugal: two years of pandemic

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    Abstract publicado em. Eur J Public Health. 2023 Oct; 33(Suppl 2):ckad160.701. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.701Background: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Portuguese population is still underexplored. Therefore, the characteriza tion of years of life lost (YLL) due to this epidemic may provide relevant data for establishing effective strategies in future epidemics. The aim of this study was to calculate YLL associated with COVID-19 deaths in Portugal between 2020 and 2022. Methods: This was an observational, cross-sectional study. Data on the average resident population and life expectancy at birth by age group and sex were obtained from Statistics Portugal (INE) and GBD 2019 standard life-table, respectively. Data on COVID-19 deaths were extracted from the Directorate-General of Health’s (DGS) reports. YLL was calculated as the number of COVID-19 deaths multiplied by standard life expectancy at the age of death, globally, by sex and age group. YLL was calculated by 100,000 population and age-standardized. Results: Between 2020 and 2022, 3413013 cases of COVID-19 were reported in Portugal, of which 21342 (0.6%) eventually died of the disease. The number of deaths by sex was similar globally or by age group. Globally, the YLLs estimated for COVID-19 in Portugal were 309383,8. YLLs were higher for males than for females for most age groups except of age groups 10-19 yrs (76.56 vs 153.11) and > 80 yrs (58710.88 vs 68491.44). YLLs age-standardized also showed a steady increase as we progressed in the age group [from 3.25 (0-9 yrs) to 885.54 (>80 yrs)], in which from the 50-59 yrs age group onwards we observed a steeper slope of increase in YLLs. Conclusions: COVID-19 has had a major impact on mortality rates in Portugal, with this impact being greater in the older population, especially in people aged over 70 years. Also, males presented higher YLLs than females, with this difference increasing substantially as age increases. These insights can be useful in terms of public health as the disease progresses to an endemic phase.Key messages: - COVID-19 has had a major impact on mortality rates in Portugal; - Calculating YLLs associated with COVID-19 in Portugal provides relevant data for establishing effective strategies in future epidemics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brucellosis: the evolution of the disease in Portugal over two decades

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    Background: Human and animal health are closely linked, with this relationship being a potential source of diseases to humans, with brucellosis being a classic example. Several prevention strategies have been successfully implemented to control brucellosis, but monitoring the disease is an essential instrument for early implementation of prevention measures, in order to mitigate any damage that an increase in cases may have on the human and animal population. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize the evolution of notified cases of human brucellosis in Portugal between 1998-2018. Methods: Retrospective observational study that included all reported cases of human brucellosis in Portugal, between 1998 and 2018 (last official public data available). Data was collected from reports made available by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS). Descriptive statistics (frequencies mean, median, proportions) by sex, age and geographic location were performed using Microsoft Excel® software. Results: Between 1998 and 2018, 3752 cases of brucellosis were reported in Portugal, the majority of which were male (n=2298, 61.2%), aged between 15 and 54 years (n=1870; 49.8%). With the exception of 2011, the number of cases reported in males was systematically higher than in females. The regions with the most reported cases are the North (n=1298; 34.6%) and Center (n=1323; 35.3%) of Portugal. The highest number of reported cases were recorded in North region (13 of the 21 years studied). The highest number of reported cases was observed in 1998 (n=817), while the lowest was observed in 2017 (n=16). The number of cases decreased substantially between 1998 and 2004 (variation of -82.6%), with this decline being interrupted by a small increase in cases in 2005. From 2005 onwards, the number of cases resumed its downward trend, although with some fluctuations and in a less pronounced way until 2018. Conclusion: In the last two decades, the number of reported cases of human brucellosis has decreased significantly. The improvement of the notification system, socioeconomic changes and animal brucellosis eradication programs are determining factors for this decrease. However, brucellosis is not eradicated in Portugal; therefore, the surveillance of human cases is essential to develop timely strategies for controlling brucellosis, not only at human level but also at animal and environmental levels.N/

    potential strategy for assessing health care policies

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Public Health Association. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) causes pressure on healthcare resources, especially in terms of hospital admissions, despite being considered an ambulatory care-sensitive condition for which timely and effective care in ambulatory setting could prevent the need for hospitalization. Our objectives were to describe the spatial and temporal variation in pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) hospitalizations, identify critical geographic areas at municipality level and characterize clusters of PTB hospitalizations to help the development of tailored disease management strategies that could improve TB control. METHODS: Ecologic study using sociodemographic, geographical and clinical information of PTB hospitalization cases from continental Portuguese public hospitals, between 2002 and 2016. Descriptive statistics, spatiotemporal cluster analysis and temporal trends were conducted. RESULTS: The space-time analysis identified five clusters of higher rates of PTB hospitalizations (2002-16), including the two major cities in the country (Lisboa and Porto). Globally, we observed a -7.2% mean annual percentage change in rate with only one of the identified clusters (out of six) with a positive trend (+4.34%). In the more recent period (2011-16) was obtained a mean annual percentage change in rate of -8.12% with only one cluster identified with an increase trend (+9.53%). CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that space-time clustering and temporal trends analysis can be an invaluable resource to monitor the dynamic of the disease and contribute to the design of more effective, focused interventions. Interventions such as enhancing the detection of active and latent infection, improving monitoring and evaluation of treatment outcomes or adjusting the network of healthcare providers should be tailored to the specific needs of the critical areas identified.publishersversionpublishe

    Modelo de saúde socioemocional : avaliação da saúde mental positiva em adolescentes

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    O presente trabalho objetivou traduzir e adaptar, para o português brasileiro, um instrumento de screening da saúde mental positiva de jovens, o Social and Emotional Health Survey – Secondary, e verificar evidências de validade. Além da adaptação, foi realizada uma revisão narrativa sobre o modelo de saúde socioemocional, que o fundamenta. Este pressupõe a interação entre 12 indicadores de saúde mental (autoeficácia, autoconsciência, persistência, suporte escolar, suporte familiar, suporte dos pares, regulação emocional, empatia, regulação comportamental, otimismo, entusiasmo e gratidão). Estes agrupam-se em quatro domínios e a sua co-ocorrência é denominada covitalidade. Na versão adaptada do instrumento, este modelo foi o que melhor ajustou-se aos dados. O instrumento mostrou evidências de validade para ser utilizado para screening em escolas.Social and Emotional Health Survey - Secondary, and to verify validity evidences. In addition to the adaptation, a narrative review was carried out on the socio-emotional health model, which supports it. This presupposes the interaction between 12 indicators of mental health (self-efficacy, self-awareness, persistence, school support, family support, peer support, emotional regulation, empathy, behavioral regulation, optimism, enthusiasm, and gratitude). These indicators are grouped into four domains and their co-occurrence is denominated covitality. In the adapted version of the instrument, this model was the one that best fit the data. The instrument showed validity evidences to be used for screening in schools

    Prevalência de Marcadores de Hepatites Víricas numa População Universitária

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    INTRODUÇÃO As hepatites permanecem um problema de saúde pública à escala mundial, apresentando grande impacto económico e social. Existem várias causas de hepatite, sendo as mais conhecidas as provocadas por vírus das hepatites A, B, C e E. Alguns destes vírus partilham formas de transmissão, como o VHB e VHC em que a transmissão sexual e parentérica são as formas mais frequentes, e o VHE e VHA, onde a transmissão fecal-oral é a principal forma de disseminação. A vacina está disponível para o VHA e VHB, mas apenas a vacina contra o VHB integra, desde o ano 2000, o PNV. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência de anticorpos contra as hepatites A, B, C e E num grupo de estudantes universitários e avaliar o seu enquadramento no padrão epidemiológico nacional. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS Entre Janeiro e Abril de 2012, foram recolhidas e estudadas 70 amostras de soro para anticorpos VHA (Total/IgM), VHB (anti-HBs), VHC (Total) e VHE (IgG/IgM), no Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge. RESULTADOS De entre as 70 amostras estudadas, 12 (17%) foram positivas para VHA total (todas VHA IgM negativas), 63 (90%) apresentavam o marcador serológico anti-HBs, e nenhuma das amostras avaliadas apresentou título de anticorpos detetável contra VHC. Quatro (5.7%) amostras revelaram a presença de VHE IgG mas em nenhuma foi detetada VHE IgM. CONCLUSÕES A prevalência da infeção por VHA foi inferior à descrita em outros estudos, para a mesma faixa etária, reforçando a tendência decrescente desta infeção em Portugal. Em 10% (n=7) das amostras não foi detetado anti-HBs, situação que pode significar uma não resposta à vacina (apesar desta induzir proteção em 95-99% dos casos) ou que a resposta imunológica ficou abaixo do limiar de deteção dos imunoensaios. A ausência de resultados positivos para o VHC está de acordo com os dados epidemiológicos existentes em Portugal, que apontam para uma seroprevalência de 1.5% na população saudável. Em relação à hepatite E, apesar de outros estudos apresentarem uma prevalência de 4.2%, no presente trabalho esta foi superior (5.7%). Estudos envolvendo outros grupos populacionais serão necessários para melhor conhecer a real prevalência destas hepatites em Portugal

    Bruxismo em crianças com dentição mista : a propósito de um caso clínico

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    bruxismo é um hábito parafuncional do sistema estomatognático caraterizado pelo ato de ranger ou apertar os dentes, o qual pode ocorrer durante o sono, sendo neste caso, denominado de bruxismo noturno. É mais comum na infância, pouco comum nos adultos e de ocorrência reduzida em idosos. Tem etiologia multifatorial e segundo a Classificação Internacional das Desordens do Sono, pode estar associado a parassonias, caraterizando-se por diferentes graus de excitação, como enurese noturna, falas durante o sono, sono agitado e sonambulismo. Aquando no período de dentição decídua o bruxismo apresenta-se como uma caraterística fisiológica associada ao desenvolvimento dos ossos da face, no entanto a partir do momento em que surge a dentição mista, transição para a dentição permanente, esse fenómeno deverá começar a tornar-se menos evidente. Quando o bruxismo noturno infantil persiste na sua duração pode ser considerado patológico, criando danos severos que podem inclusivamente originar disfunção da articulação temporomandibular. O bruxismo noturno infantil pode ter repercussões algo nefastas nas crianças, nomeadamente na forma de desgaste dentário, desgaste físico diurno e alterações comportamentais, por isso é de extrema importância a deteção precoce do bruxismo em crianças por parte dos profissionais de saúde. Sendo necessário um tratamento pluridisciplinar para a remoção do hábito parafuncional. A visita de uma criança à Clínica Universitária levantou a questão da existência de bruxismo noturno em crianças com dentição mista associado a parassonias. A presente monografia pretende alertar para a importância da deteção precoce do bruxismo como parassonia. Foi adotado um questionário, realizado aos pais, sobre os hábitos noturnos das crianças e avaliado até que ponto o bruxismo está presente nas crianças com dentição mista.Bruxism is a parafunctional habit of stomatognathic system characterized by the act of grinding or clenching the teeth, which can occur during sleep, called night bruxism. It is more common in children, uncommon in adults and reduced occurrence in the elderly. Have a multifactorial etiology and the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, associate bruxism with parasomnias, and characterized him by varying degrees of excitement, like bedwetting, speech during sleep, restless sleep and sleepwalking. During the primary dentition, bruxism is presented as a physiological feature associated with the development of facial bones, however from the moment it emerges mixed dentition, the transition to permanent dentition, this phenomenon should start to become less evident. When the night bruxism persists in it can be considered pathological, creating severe damage that can even lead to temporomandibular joint disorders. Night bruxism in children may have repercussions, particularly in the form of tooth wear, daytime wear physical and behavioral changes, so it is extremely important to early detection of bruxism in children by physicians. To remove the parafunctional habit is require multidisciplinary treatment. The visit of a child in to the University Clinic raised the question of existence of night bruxism in children with mixed dentition associated with parasomnias. This thesis aims to draw attention to the importance of early detection of bruxism as parasomnia. Was used a questionnaire conducted among parents about the nocturnal behaviors of children and assessed the extent to which bruxism is present in children with mixed dentition

    The Fault in our stars: the tragic consecrated – redefinitions of death in the John Green narrative

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    O presente artigo busca tratar das representações da morte e suas aplicações na obra de John Green intitulada The Fault In Our Stars (2012), com o objetivo de problematizar a ideia maniqueísta ocidental que se tem do assunto. Para tanto, fez-se necessário um estudo histórico-filosófico dos valores atribuídos à morte e seus símbolos que desenvolvem representações paradoxais desta que, conclui-se, sublima a própria existência e a vida.This article seeks to deal with representations of death and its applications in the book of John Green titled "The Fault In Our Stars" (2012), with the purpose of discuss the Western manichean idea that people have about the subject. Thus, it was necessary a historical-philosophical study of values attributed to death and its symbols that develop paradoxical representations of this, which, in conclusion, sublimates the existence and the life