702 research outputs found

    Formation of magnetic minerals at hydrocarbon-generation conditions

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    In this paper, we report the pyrolysis and formation of magnetic minerals in three source rock samples from the Wessex Basin in Dorset, southern England. The experimental conditions in the laboratory recreated the catagenesis environment of oil source rocks. Magnetic analysis of both the heated and the unheated samples at room temperature and at very low-temperatures (5 K), coupled with transmission electron-microscopy imaging and X-ray analysis, revealed the formation of nanometre-sized (<10 nm), magnetic particles that varied across the rock samples analysed, but more importantly across the pyrolysis temperature range. Magnetic measurements demonstrated the formation of these magnetic minerals peaked at 250 °C for all rock samples and then decreased at 300 °C before rising again at 320 °C. The newly formed magnetic minerals are suggested to be primarily pyrrhotite, though magnetite and greigite are also thought to be present. The sizes of the magnetic minerals formed suggest a propensity to migrate together with oil potentially explaining the magnetic anomalies observed above and within oil fields

    Water buffalo production in the Brazilian Amazon Basin: a review

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    The Brazilian Amazon has witnessed, in the last decades, an increase in the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) inventory, with interesting productivity results. As the Brazilian Amazon contains the main water buffalo population in the Americas, the aim of this work is to review its most relevant production systems and some peculiarities about meat and milk production in this territory. The opening section describes the Amazon Basin, the most common water buffalo breeds, a brief history of the local livestock farming beginning in 1644. Also, it presents how water buffaloes gradually replaced bovine herds, especially where the latter had a lower productive performance. The use of extensive or more intensified models is pointed out and the ecosystems in which buffaloes are raised are detailed since native or cultivated pastures can be used in floodplains or drylands. Buffalo raising is favored in the Amazon due to the climate, soil, genetic variability of forages, animal adaptability, and physical space. Thus, it is clear that buffaloes have a high potential for meat and milk production and are an alternative in the use of altered areas of the Amazon; and, in the recent past, the low profitability of buffalo farming in traditional production systems in the Amazon was the reason which made this activity economically unattractive. Most recent technologies as outdoor confinements and silvopastoral systems are pointed out as more suitable regarding land-use policies, and buffalo farming for meat and milk production fits perfectly in this context, with productivity and beneficial socioeconomicinfo:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Granitos shoshoníticos do nordeste do Brasil: características petrográficas e químicas

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    Avaliação do stress parental em mães de crianças com perturbação de hiperatividade com défice de atenção

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    Introdução: Pretendeu-se identificar os níveis de stress nas mães de crianças e adolescentes com perturbação de hiperatividadecom défice de atenção e verificar se existe uma associação entre o stress percecionado por estas mães e o funcionamento familiar.Métodos: Foram utilizados o índice de stress parental, versão reduzida, que caracteriza o stress parental total de acordo comtrês dimensões (dificuldade parental, interação pais / criança e criança difícil), e a escala de avaliação da adaptabilidade e coesãofamiliar, que classifica as famílias em equilibradas, meio-termo ou extremas.Resultados: Participaram neste estudo 89 mães. Obtiveram-se valores médios no questionário índice de stress parental acimado percentil 85 (valor de cutoff) nas subescalas interação disfuncional criança-pais, criança difícil e no valor de stress total.Verificou-se ainda que havia uma forte correlação entre stress total e as três subescalas, isto é, mães com níveis mais elevadosde stress tendem a ter uma maior perceção de dificuldade parental, de interação disfuncional com a criança e de criança difícil.Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o tipo de família (equilibrada versus meio-termo ou extrema,ou monoparental versus nuclear) e o stress parental.Discussão: Concluiu-se que as mães das crianças com perturbação de hiperatividade com défice de atenção apresentam elevadosníveis de stress, o qual parece advir fundamentalmente das características da criança, que é percecionada como sendouma criança difícil, e de uma interação disfuncional entre os pais e a criança. Não parece haver relação entre o nível de stressexperienciado por estas mães e a funcionalidade ou organização da famíli

    Glaucofana xistos de Canindé-Ceará e a geosutura senador Pompeu

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    Statistical Mechanics in the Extended Gaussian Ensemble

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    The extended gaussian ensemble (EGE) is introduced as a generalization of the canonical ensemble. The new ensemble is a further extension of the Gaussian ensemble introduced by J. H. Hetherington [J. Low Temp. Phys. {\bf 66}, 145 (1987)]. The statistical mechanical formalism is derived both from the analysis of the system attached to a finite reservoir and from the Maximum Statistical Entropy Principle. The probability of each microstate depends on two parameters β\beta and γ\gamma which allow to fix, independently, the mean energy of the system and the energy fluctuations respectively. We establish the Legendre transform structure for the generalized thermodynamic potential and propose a stability criterion. We also compare the EGE probability distribution with the qq-exponential distribution. As an example, an application to a system with few independent spins is presented.Comment: Revtex 4, 8 pages, 8 figure

    ICAM-1 expression on immune cells in chronic villitis

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    AbstractIntroductionICAM-1 expression on the villous syncytiotrophoblast (ST) is believed to participate in migration of maternal cells into the inflamed villi regardless of villitis etiology. However, its expression on immune cells in chronic villitis (CV) has yet to be analyzed. ICAM-1 induces cell–cell adhesion allowing intercellular communication, T cell-mediated defense mechanism, and inflammatory response.Material and methods21 cases of CV (all without an identifiable etiologic agent) and 3 control placentas were analyzed using ICAM-1, and for immune cells CD45, CD3 and CD68. These cells were subdivided according to their location in inflamed villi: a) within the inflamed villi and b) outside forming perivillous aggregates.ResultsLarge amounts of CD45, CD3 and CD68 were found within the inflamed villi and forming perivillous aggregates attached to areas of trophoblastic loss. Inflamed villi usually showed ICAM-1+ ST. The majority of immune cells surrounding areas of trophoblastic rupture presented marked expression of ICAM-1. In contrast, a small number of immune cells within the inflamed villi exhibited ICAM-1 expression. Only some (<5%) inflamed villi without trophoblastic rupture and with ICAM-1+ ST presented adherence of immune cells.DiscussionIn inflamed villi of chronic villitis, the level of ICAM-1 expression on immune cells depends on their location: high in number of cells in the perivillous region and low within the villi. The strongest expression of ICAM-1 on immune cells attached to areas of trophoblastic rupture suggests that the loss of trophoblast can lead to an amplification of the inflammatory response

    The Differentiation and Promotion of Students’ Rights in Portugal

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    This investigation includes a differential study (Study 1) and a quasi-experimental research (Study 2). In Study 1, the objective was to establish to what extent students’ rights existed and analyse the differentiation between students’ rights with Portuguese and immigrant mothers, throughout school years. The sample consisted of 537 students with Portuguese and immigrant mothers, distributed by different school years (7th, 9th and 11th grades). The Children’s Rights Scale (Hart et al., 1996; Veiga, 2001) was used. In Study 2, the purpose was to analyse the effects on students’ rights of the use by teachers of a communicational intervention program, supervised by school psychologists. The sample involved 7th and 9th grade students, in a total of four classes, two forming the experimental groups (n = 36) and two the control groups (n = 43); as in Study 1, the Children’s Rights Scale was used. The results indicated the effectiveness of the communicational intervention program on students’ rights and are consistent with previous studies. An implication is that psychologists and teachers, working together and taking a human rights perspective, may develop an important role in projects to promote the students’ rights
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