213 research outputs found


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    Objective: To review the effect of the diet type on the composition of fatty acids in cow milk.  Design/methodology/approach: The present study consisted in conducting a search of scientific articles in SCOPUS and ScienceDirect using the keywords: fatty acids, polyunsaturated, origin, diet, oils, fats. Results: Cow milk contains beneficial unsaturated fatty acids for the consumer. Rumen acid (CLA, C18:2 c9t11) has the potential of reducing carcinogenesis, and preventing atherosclerosis and diabetes. Food products from ruminants are naturally rich in CLA. Animal diet manipulation has been the main focus to modify the fatty acids profile and to increase the content of C18:2 c9t11 in milk. Study limitations/implications: Fat in milk typically contains a high proportion of saturated (70-75%), monounsaturated (20-25%) and small amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (5%); less than 40% of saturated fatty acids are considered unhealthy; however, cardiovascular diseases may be reduced by the intake of desirable fatty acids derived from ruminant products. Findings/conclusions: The metabolism of lipids in the diet of ruminants plays an important role. All the sources of variation that influence the lipid concentration in the plant and the diet will influence the contribution of the substrate to the rumen and its hydrogenation process, and therefore, the lipid profile of the milk.Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sobre el efecto del tipo de alimentación sobre la composición de ácidos grasos en leche de vaca. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: El presente trabajo consistió en realizar una búsqueda de artículos científicos en SCOPUS y ScienceDirect con las palabras clave ácidos grasos, poliinsaturados, origen, alimentación, aceites, grasas. Resultados: La leche de vaca contiene ácidos grasos insaturados benéficos para el consumidor. El ácido ruménico (CLA, C18:2 c9t11), ha sido identificado como un ácido graso capaz de reducir la carcinogénesis, prevenir la aterosclerosis y la diabetes. Los productos alimenticios provenientes de los rumiantes son naturalmente ricos en CLA. La manipulación de la dieta del animal ha sido el foco para modificar el perfil de ácidos grasos e incrementar el contenido de C18:2 c9t11 en leche. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: La grasa en leche típicamente contiene una alta proporción de ácidos grasos saturados (70-75%), monoinsaturados (20-25%) y cantidades pequeñas de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (5%); menos de 40% de los ácidos grasos saturados son considerados poco saludables; no obstante, las enfermedades cardiovasculares podrían ser reducidas por el consumo de ácidos grasos deseables en los productos de rumiantes. Hallazgos/conclusiones: El metabolismo de los lípidos en la dieta del rumiante juega un importante papel. Todas las fuentes de variación que influyan en la concentración de lípidos de la planta y de la dieta, influirán en el aporte del sustrato para el rumen y en su proceso de hidrogenación, y por tanto el perfil lipídico de la leche

    Propuesta de un manual de organización del Restaurante Bar "El Asador de Aranda".

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    Para cualquier empresa o institución, el orden, la disciplina y la organización son factores vitales para lograr el éxito y alcanzar los objetivos y metas que se hayan planteado. En las empresas del ramo turístico, la ausencia o deficiencia en cualquiera de los elementos antes mencionados impacta directamente de forma negativa en múltiples aspectos del negocio, pero principalmente en la satisfacción del cliente. Restaurantes, hoteles, balnearios, servicio de banquetes, visitas guiadas, etc., se encuentran, junto con los servicios médicos y hospitalarios entre los negocios en los cuales el contacto con el usuario es más cercano e inmediato

    Mejoramiento en avena: resistencia genética a pulgón

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    La avena, con una superficie sembrada estimada en 1.400.000 ha, se utiliza como integrante de mezclas forrajeras o verdeos, modalidad de uso que representa más del 70% de dicha superficie. El pulgón verde , schizaphis graminum (rond), la plaga de mayor incidencia en los cereales de invierno, afecta especialmente siembras tempranas de verdeo, tal como ocurre en avena. El control de este áfido es posible mediante el logro de variedades con resistencia genética, la utilización de dichas variedades, disminuye notablemente las pérdidas de producción, resulta compatible con otras estrategias de control biológico, cultural e incluso químico. Simplifica el manejo, reduce costos y resulta acorde con los actuales criterios de sustentabilidad: sistemas productivos de bajos insumos, que limiten el impacto ambiental. Objetivo: obtención de cultivares con resistencia genética al pulgón verde, que incluyan además cualidades agronómicas, como rendimiento en pasto y en grano, sanidad y calidad.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Percepción del estado de salud bucal de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes en tratamiento por drogodependencia.

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    Objective: to determine the oral health status perception of adolescents and young adults in drug dependence treatment. Material and Method: a qualitative research model was proposed. The theoretical sample by saturation consisted of adolescent population and young adults hospitalized in the Portal Amarillo center (the National Drug Information and Reference Center, Montevideo, Uruguay). Inclusion criteria: a) being between 15 and 24 years old. b) being in treatment for drug abuse. Exclusion criteria: a) non-lucid patients. b) non-collaborating patients. Results: participants considered oral health as having clean, white and aligned teeth; and oral disease as the presence of caries, bleeding gums and communicable diseases; chewing, aesthetics and taste were seen as altered functions. Before becoming drug consumers, oral hygiene was regular, after meals and as instructed; once addiction began, hygiene was very irregular at best (if they remember to do it), and without reinforcement of the instruction. Prior to drug consumption, participants were students or held a job; they had a good family life, with a partner or in search of one. After consumption, they report self-marginalization, loss of contact with partners and children, isolation from the family and social discrimination. Addiction makes it difficult for them to access dental care, except in urgent situations. Conclusions: Young people in treatment for drug dependence are aware that addiction damages oral health, deteriorating aesthetics, affecting oral functions, self-esteem and quality of life.Objetivo: conocer la percepción de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes vinculados al consumo abusivo de drogas a partir de la situación de dependencia. Materiales y Métodos: se planteó un modelo de investigación cualitativo. La muestra teórica por saturación fue población adolescente y adulta joven que se asistió en régimen de internación en el Portal Amarillo. Criterios de inclusión: a) tener entre 15 y 24 años. b) estar en tratamiento por consumo de drogas. Criterios de exclusión: a) pacientes no lúcidos. b) pacientes no colaboradores. Resultados: los participantes refieren como salud bucal tener los dientes limpios, blancos y alineados; como enfermedad caries, sangrado de encías y enfermedades transmisibles; y como funciones alteradas la masticación, la estética y el gusto. Antes de la situación de dependencia la higiene bucal era regular, después de las comidas y con instrucción recibida, a partir de la dependencia la higiene fue muy irregular, si se acordaban y sin refuerzo de la instrucción. Previo al consumo eran individuos integrados al estudio o al trabajo, con vida familiar ordenada, con pareja o en procura de tenerla; posteriormente al consumo relatan automarginación con pérdida de contacto con la pareja e hijos, aislamiento de la familia y discriminación social. El consumo dificulta el acceso a la atención odontológica, excepto en situaciones de urgencia. Conclusion: Las personas jóvenes en tratamiento por dependencia a las drogas perciben el deterioro de su salud bucal a partir de la situación de consumo, alterando la estética, las funciones orales, la autoestima y la calidad de vida

    Fatty acid profile and in vitro rumen fermentation characteristics of maize silage augmented with canola silage

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    The objective was to investigate the effect of replacing maize silage (MS) with canola silage (CS) on the chemical composition and fatty acid (FA) profile of total mixed rations (TMR) containing these silages, and on in vitro rumen fermentation and methane production from them. The canola (Brassica napus var. Monty) was cultivated on a small-scale agricultural farm and harvested at 148 days after sowing. Maize silage in a TMR was replaced with 0%, 15%, 25%, and 35% CS to make the rations CS0, CS15, CS25, and CS35, respectively. Proximate analyses of the rations were evaluated in a completely randomized design. The results showed that linolenic acid increased linearly with the level of CS, primarily at the expense of linoleic acid. In vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) was similar among treatments. However, in vitro neutral detergent fibre digestibility (IVNDF) decreased linearly (P <0.05) when the CS proportion increased in the TMR. The lowest ammonia nitrogen content (P <0.05) was observed in CS35. The soluble fraction (A) increased (P <0.05) when the CS increased in the TMR from 0% to 35%. In vitro methane (CH4) production was lowest with CS25 and CS35, decreasing 34% and 23.9%, respectively, compared with CS0. Linolenic acid had a negative correlation with IVNDF (r = -0.94; P <0.05). The IVDMD and methane production were positively correlated (r = 0.60) (P <0.05). In conclusion, 25% and 35% augmentation of MS with CS in a TMR was an important source of linolenic acid (C18:3) and decreased in vitro methane production

    Percepción del estado de salud bucal de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes en tratamiento por drogodependencia

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    Objective: to determine the oral health status perception of adolescents and young adults in drug dependence treatment. Material and Method: a qualitative research model was proposed. The theoretical sample by saturation consisted of adolescent population and young adults hospitalized in the Portal Amarillo center (the National Drug Information and Reference Center, Montevideo, Uruguay). Inclusion criteria: a) being between 15 and 24 years old. b) being in treatment for drug abuse. Exclusion criteria: a) non-lucid patients. b) non-collaborating patients. Results: participants considered oral health as having clean, white and aligned teeth; and oral disease as the presence of caries, bleeding gums and communicable diseases; chewing, aesthetics and taste were seen as altered functions. Before becoming drug consumers, oral hygiene was regular, after meals and as instructed; once addiction began, hygiene was very irregular at best (if they remember to do it), and without reinforcement of the instruction. Prior to drug consumption, participants were students or held a job; they had a good family life, with a partner or in search of one. After consumption, they report self-marginalization, loss of contact with partners and children, isolation from the family and social discrimination. Addiction makes it difficult for them to access dental care, except in urgent situations. Conclusions: Young people in treatment for drug dependence are aware that addiction damages oral health, deteriorating aesthetics, affecting oral functions, self-esteem and quality of life.Objetivo: conocer la percepción de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes vinculados al consumo abusivo de drogas a partir de la situación de dependencia. Materiales y Métodos: se planteó un modelo de investigación cualitativo. La muestra teórica por saturación fue población adolescente y adulta joven que se asistió en régimen de internación en el Portal Amarillo. Criterios de inclusión: a) tener entre 15 y 24 años. b) estar en tratamiento por consumo de drogas. Criterios de exclusión: a) pacientes no lúcidos. b) pacientes no colaboradores. Resultados: los participantes refieren como salud bucal tener los dientes limpios, blancos y alineados; como enfermedad caries, sangrado de encías y enfermedades transmisibles; y como funciones alteradas la masticación, la estética y el gusto. Antes de la situación de dependencia la higiene bucal era regular, después de las comidas y con instrucción recibida, a partir de la dependencia la higiene fue muy irregular, si se acordaban y sin refuerzo de la instrucción. Previo al consumo eran individuos integrados al estudio o al trabajo, con vida familiar ordenada, con pareja o en procura de tenerla; posteriormente al consumo relatan automarginación con pérdida de contacto con la pareja e hijos, aislamiento de la familia y discriminación social. El consumo dificulta el acceso a la atención odontológica, excepto en situaciones de urgencia. Conclusion: Las personas jóvenes en tratamiento por dependencia a las drogas perciben el deterioro de su salud bucal a partir de la situación de consumo, alterando la estética, las funciones orales, la autoestima y la calidad de vida

    Habilidades sociales en niños de Primaria

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    Social skills are a set of behaviors that allow the individuals feelings, desires and opinions according to the situation. This article presents a social skills program that takes place in a primary school to see the success of this implementation in a group of children at the age of 9 to 10 years-old. The variables that can influence the education aimed at social skills were analyzed with measures that help to evaluate behavior, violence and self-esteem. The instruments used were the Children Assertive Behavior Scale (CABS), the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Self-Esteem in Childhood (EDINA) and the Questionnaire on Violence and Harassment (life in school). The results indicate that a change was achieved in the “violence” variable, since a decrease in the aggressive behaviors of the children was observed, after implementing the social skills program, using the influence of the values, mainly respect, to make participants not performed violence to their partners, as well as applying teamwork and no discrimination. It is important to note that the implementation of social skills programs, in children, helps to reduce aggressive behaviors and develop positive attitudes, throughout their growth in the educational, family and social environment.ningun

    Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Components in an Urban Mexican Sample: Comparison between Two Classifications

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    Background. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) components in an urban Mexican sample. Methods. A total of 854 subjects were included. Anthropometric, blood pressure measurements, clinical data, and overnight fasting blood samples were obtained from all subjects. Results. In accordance with definitions by the American Heart Association/ National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (AHA/NHLBI) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the prevalence of MS among participants was 59.7 and 68.7%, respectively. The prevalence of MS was higher in women and in individuals older than 45 years of age. More than 40% of the subjects fulfilled four criterions of MS according to both definitions. Conclusions. There was a high prevalence of MS components in an urban Mexican sample. Therefore, strong strategies had to be developed for early detection of MS and its components to prevent DMT2 and atherothrombotic complications in these patients

    Estudio sobre salud bucal en afrodescendientes de Montevideo

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    El tráfico transatlántico de esclavos hasta la abolición de dicha condición en nuestro país, junto a la discriminación racial y profundización de la brecha en materia de acceso a derechos entre personas de origen afro y no afro, trajo consecuencias en la población afrodescendiente

    Catalytic conversion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) over Pd-Ru/FAU zeolite catalysts.

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    We present this study on FAU-type zeolites were prepared varying the Si/Al ratio (4, 5 and 6) and crystallization time (4, 6 and 8 h) to produce a highly pure and homogeneous material with enhanced surface area values. Bimetallic Pd-Ru and Pt-Ru (0.5 wt.% of each metal) were impregnated onto the zeolites matrix by the incipient wetness impregnation method. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen physisorption, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Scattering Electronic Microscopy (SEM), Scattering and Transmission Microscopy (STEM), temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), temperature-programmed desorption (TPR) and Inductively Couples Plasma- Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). Results indicated that using lower Si/Al ratios favored the catalytic activity. Also, the longest crystallization time had a positive effect on surface area, homogeneous particle size distribution and crystallinity. The catalytic performance in the esterification of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) to produce 5-acetoxymethylfurfural (AcMF) was investigated. The maximum 5-HMF conversion of 87.28 % was achieved using pure zeolite with relation Si/Al = 5, and 8 h of crystallization. Pd-Ru supported onto same zeolite showed a conversion of 84.22 %. The highest selectivity towards AcMF of 71.29 % with pure zeolite Si/Al = 5 and 8 h of crystallization was achieved, followed by Pd-Ru/FAU with Si/Al = 5 and 8 h of crystallization, achieving 60.42 %. Finally, results shown that the interaction between the properties of zeolitic support and the metallic species, specifically Pd, had a positive effect in the catalytic process the pristine zeolite showed improved catalytic characteristics related to its acid strength