9 research outputs found

    KIAA1109 Variants Are Associated with a Severe Disorder of Brain Development and Arthrogryposis.

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    Whole-exome and targeted sequencing of 13 individuals from 10 unrelated families with overlapping clinical manifestations identified loss-of-function and missense variants in KIAA1109 allowing delineation of an autosomal-recessive multi-system syndrome, which we suggest to name Alkuraya-Kučinskas syndrome (MIM 617822). Shared phenotypic features representing the cardinal characteristics of this syndrome combine brain atrophy with clubfoot and arthrogryposis. Affected individuals present with cerebral parenchymal underdevelopment, ranging from major cerebral parenchymal thinning with lissencephalic aspect to moderate parenchymal rarefaction, severe to mild ventriculomegaly, cerebellar hypoplasia with brainstem dysgenesis, and cardiac and ophthalmologic anomalies, such as microphthalmia and cataract. Severe loss-of-function cases were incompatible with life, whereas those individuals with milder missense variants presented with severe global developmental delay, syndactyly of 2nd and 3rd toes, and severe muscle hypotonia resulting in incapacity to stand without support. Consistent with a causative role for KIAA1109 loss-of-function/hypomorphic variants in this syndrome, knockdowns of the zebrafish orthologous gene resulted in embryos with hydrocephaly and abnormally curved notochords and overall body shape, whereas published knockouts of the fruit fly and mouse orthologous genes resulted in lethality or severe neurological defects reminiscent of the probands' features.This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the Additional Link above to access the full-text via the publisher's site

    Transcriptomic and immunohistochemical approaches identify HLA-G as a predictive biomarker of gestational choriocarcinoma resistance to monochemotherapy

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    International audienceObjective: Using a transcriptional approach on tissue samples, we sought to identify predictive biomarkers of post molar malignant transformation, and of choriocarcinoma chemosensitivity to mono- (methotrexate or actinomycin D) or polychemotherapy [EMA(Etoposide, Methotrexate, Actinomycin D)-CO(Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine) and EMA-EP(Etoposide, Cisplatine)] regimens.Methods: We studied the expression of a 760-gene panel (PanCancer Pathway) related to oncogenesis and immune tolerance in tissue samples of complete hydatidiform moles and gestational choriocarcinoma.Results: We did not identify any differentially expressed gene between moles with post molar malignant transformation in choriocarcinoma (n = 14) and moles with remission (n = 20). In monochemoresistant choriocarcinoma (n = 34), four genes (HLA-G, COL27A1, IL1R2 and GLI3) had a significantly reduced expression and one (THEM4) had an increased expression [FDR (false discovery rate) adjusted p-value ≤ 0.05] when compared to monochemosensitive choriocarcinoma (n = 9). The proportion of trophoblast cells and the intensity of immunohistochemical HLA-G expression were reduced in monochemoresistant choriocarcinoma (p < 0.05). In polychemoresistant choriocarcinoma (n = 20) we did not identify differentially expressed genes with an FDR adjusted p-value ≤ 0.05 when compared to polychemosensitive choriocarcinoma (n = 15). Gene pathway analysis revealed a predicted activation of IFN ᵞ in monochemoresistant choriocarcinoma and inhibited IL2 and TNF in polychemoresistant choriocarcinoma. The main biological functions predicted to be altered in chemoresistant choriocarcinoma were related to immunological homeostasis and leukopoiesis.Conclusion: HLA-G is a strong candidate gene to predict choriocarcinoma resistance to monochemotherapy and that further studies are required to implement its routine quantification in the decision process for the management of gestational choriocarcinoma

    Transcriptomic Characterization of Postmolar Gestational Choriocarcinoma

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    International audienceThe human placenta shares properties with solid tumors, such as rapid growth, tissue invasion, cell migration, angiogenesis, and immune evasion. However, the mechanisms that drive the evolution from premalignant proliferative placental diseases—called hydatidiform moles—to their malignant counterparts, gestational choriocarcinoma, as well as the factors underlying the increased aggressiveness of choriocarcinoma arising after term delivery compared to those developing from hydatidiform moles, are unknown. Using a 730-gene panel covering 13 cancer-associated canonical pathways, we compared the transcriptomic profiles of complete moles to those of postmolar choriocarcinoma samples and those of postmolar to post-term delivery choriocarcinoma. We identified 33 genes differentially expressed between complete moles and postmolar choriocarcinoma, which revealed TGF-β pathway dysregulation. We found the strong expression of SALL4, an upstream regulator of TGF-β, in postmolar choriocarcinoma, compared to moles, in which its expression was almost null. Finally, there were no differentially expressed genes between postmolar and post-term delivery choriocarcinoma samples. To conclude, the TGF-β pathway appears to be a crucial step in the progression of placental malignancies. Further studies should investigate the value of TGF- β family members as biomarkers and new therapeutic targets

    Practical guidelines of the EOTTD for pathological and genetic diagnosis of hydatidiform moles

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    Hydatidiform moles are rare and thus most pathologists and geneticists have little experience with their diagnosis. It is important to promptly and correctly identify hydatidiform moles given that they are premalignant disorders associated with a risk of persistent gestational trophoblastic disease and gestational trophoblastic neoplasia. Improvement in diagnosis can be achieved with uniformization of diagnostic criteria and establishment of algorithms. To this aim, the Pathology and Genetics Working Party of the European Organisation for Treatment of Trophoblastic Diseases has developed guidelines that describe the pathological criteria and ancillary techniques that can be used in the differential diagnosis of hydatidiform moles. These guidelines are based on the best available evidence in the literature, professional experience and consensus of the experts' group involved in its development.</p