48 research outputs found
Las comunidades vegetales sobre calizas del Macizo del Espigüete (León-Palencia)
Este trabajo pretende realizar un análisis del comportamiento y las particularidades adaptativas de las comunidades vegetales sobre medios calcáreos en el macizo del Espigüete (León-Palencia).This paper analyzed the vegetation data from a field survey conducted in the Espigüete massif
(León-Palencia), Spain, to reveal the features of mountainous vegetation growing and biological
strategies in calcareous areas of Cantabrian mountains (Central-eastern area)
Clima y vegetación del sector centro-oriental de la cordillera Cantábrica
Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Geograía. Fecha de lectura: 16-2-200
Una aproximación a la caracterización climática de un sector de la montaña central cantábrica
An rapprochement to the climatic characterization of a sector in the cantabrian central mountain. This article deals a climatic characterization of a mountain massif group included in Cantabrian central mountain. As starting point are utilized rainfall and thermal normalized data obtained of the SIGA (Service of Agrarian Geographical Information) and the data of 25 poles of measurement snow thickness (EHRIN program). The information treated using statistical techniques (multivariate and Cluster analysis) in order to modelling spatially the results with a geographical information system. In the paper are analyzed the different variables that intervene, their validity and their relation with the elements that resulted determinants in their explanation: altitude, latitude, longitude, aspect, slope or distance to the watershed or to the sea.Una aproximación a la caracterización climática de un sector de la montaña central cantábrica. Se plantea una caracterización climática de un conjunto de macizos incluidos en la montaña central cantábrica. Como punto de partida se utilizan los datos térmicos y pluviométricos normalizados (39 y 38 estaciones respectivamente) obtenidos del SIGA (Servicio de Información Geográfico Agrario) y los de 25 pértigas de medición de espesor nival (Programa EHRIN). La información se trató mediante técnicas estadísticas de análisis multivariado y de análisis cluster con el fin de modelizar espacialmente los resultados mediante un sistema de información geográfica. En el trabajo se analizan las diferentes variables que intervienen, su validez y su relación con los elementos que resultaron determinantes en su explicación: altitud, latitud, longitud, orientación, pendiente o distancia a la divisoria de aguas y al mar
Las comunidades vegetales sobre calizas del Macizo del Espigüete (León-Palencia)
Este trabajo pretende realizar un análisis del comportamiento y las particularidades adaptativas de las comunidades vegetales sobre medios calcáreos en el macizo del Espigüete (León-Palencia).This paper analyzed the vegetation data from a field survey conducted in the Espigüete massif
(León-Palencia), Spain, to reveal the features of mountainous vegetation growing and biological
strategies in calcareous areas of Cantabrian mountains (Central-eastern area)
Long-term evolution of cold air pools over the Madrid basin
Cold air pools (CAPs) are one of the most severe weather conditions experienced across many basins worldwide, related to episodes of extreme cold temperatures, poor air quality, and disruption of transportation networks. This
study offers a basic climatology of CAPs in the southern Spanish Plateau and
investigates its evolution since 1961 and their links with local, synoptic, and
large-scale climate variability. It is based on the comparison of meteorological
records from two stations, one in the Sistema Central Range (Navacerrada,
1,894 m asl) and another at the plain (Madrid-Barajas, 609 m asl). Accuracy
and representativeness of both locations to depict the spatial and temporal variability of CAPs was also tested. CAPs days (defined as the simultaneous occurrence of a daily minimum temperature difference above 0.1 C between both
stations) were found to occur year-round, but the most frequent and intense
occur in winter (NDJ). Some typical features of CAPs, such as local mesoscale
processes (katabatic and anabatic flows) in connection with synoptic (advection of mid-troposphere warm air masses during high-pressure regimes) and
hemispheric (a positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation) variability
were also observed, leading to a sheltered boundary layer at the bottom of
southern Spanish Plateau, decoupled from the free troposphere. By night,
CAPs have maintained both their frequency and intensity, which means that
the frequency of extremely cold nights on the plain has remained relatively stable (despite global warming). By day, an enhanced warming of the highelevation site has increased the temperature difference between the mountains
and the plain during CAP daysSecretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Grant/Award Number: CGL2016-80154-
Las fresnedas trasmochadas del piedemonte del Sistema Central en Madrid (España): cambios y usos actuales
Se pretende analizar y comparar la evolución de los aprovechamientos de diferentes
fresnedas trasmochadas de Fraxinus angustifolia en el piedemonte de la Sierra de
Guadarrama (Madrid, España). En este sector de la Península Ibérica el espacio forestal
ha sufrido intensas transformaciones que han modificado la superficie de la masa
arbolada. En ocasiones las variaciones no han afectado a la extensión superficial
arbolada sino a su funcionalidad productiva. Este es el caso de las especies ubicadas en
los sectores más productivos de fosas y depresiones del centro peninsular. Los fresnos
han sido y siguen siendo formaciones silvopratenses productivas que, en el caso de
Madrid, constituyen uno de los paisajes de mayor interés cultural y natural de la
Península, pese a que la presión urbanística, el productivismo intensivo y la
desaparición de la ganadería tradicional y de los canales de trasmisión de la cultura
silvoganadera, hayan generado una disminución progresiva de las prácticas productivas
tradicionales. En este trabajo realizamos una aproximación a la evolución histórica de la
funcionalidad de las fresnedas mediante fuentes históricas que nos remontan a
Ordenanzas de siglos pretéritos y enlazan, en un intento de comparación, con las fuentes
digitales disponibles desde mediados del siglo XX. El objetivo final estriba en
reconocer el interés que implica el mantenimiento de las fresnedas como un paisaje
tradicional productivoThe aim of this work is to analyze and compare the evolution of the different harvested
fresnedas of Fraxinus angustifolia in the piedmont of the Sierra de Guadarrama
(Madrid, Spain). In this sector of the Iberian Peninsula the forest space has undergone
intense transformations that have modified the surface of the wooded mass. Sometimes
the variations have not affected the surface extension of the tree but its productive
functionality. This is the case of species located in the most productive areas of pits and
depressions of the peninsular center. The ash trees have been and continue to be
productive silvopratensian formations that, in the case of Madrid, constitute one of the
landscapes of greater cultural and natural interest of the Peninsula, despite the fact that
urban pressure, intensive productivism and the disappearance of traditional livestock
And of the transmission channels of silvoganadera culture, have generated a progressive
decrease of the traditional productive practices. In this work we make an approximation
to the historical evolution of the functionality of the fresnedas through historical sources
that go back to Ordinances of previous centuries and link, in an attempt of comparison,
with the digital sources available since the middle of the 20th century. The ultimate goal is to recognize the interest in maintaining fresnedas as a traditional productive
Pollard Forest of <em>Fraxinus angustifolia</em> in the Centre of Iberian Peninsula: Protection and Management
The activity of pollarding Fraxinus angustifolia L. is one of the most singular in the Guadarrama piedmont, Madrid. This treatment generates a patrimonial landscape of great interest and identity. The main aims of this work are to determine the surface covered by Fraxinus angustifolia L.; its conservation state and structure; the main variables that influence its distribution; and the elaboration of a typology. We start with the historical construction of these forests (from the eleventh century until the present moment). Some of them are excellent examples of pollard forests, thanks to the traditional regulations based on regional codes and byelaws and on a rational exploitation from some owners. Then, we analyse the physical determinants of this forest distribution. We establish a typology in which we consider the surface soil moisture, accompanying species, slope, morphostructural unit and type of property. Fraxinus angustifolia L. is, due to its narrow dependence of the existence of water, an indicator species of climate change and therefore vulnerable to the increase in temperatures and its consequences. Furthermore, its value as cultural heritage and the need for its conservation for its silvicultural values are highlighted
Wilderness Network Conservation in the Cantabrian Region of Northern Spain
Natura 2000 is a pan-European network whose principal aim is to conserve the European
spaces of greatest natural interest. Its effectiveness is analyzed in a specific sector in Spain, namely
the Atlantic Region, through an exhaustive division and assessment by area. This article considers
questions related to the impact on the spaces included within the network, providing specific examples
associated with the fauna, flora, and the territorial agroecostructures. Alternatives and
communication possibilities are suggested for those spaces excluded from the network, but which
have a key role as nodes for interchange and connection of biodiversity
La isla de calor urbano de Madrid durante la ola de calor de julio 2015
Este trabajo analiza la isla de calor urbana de Madrid durante julio de 2015. Los registros históricos de temperatura confirman que siguió el patrón de anteriores eventos: número elevado de días muy cálidos, pero sin alcanzar records absolutos, y noches muy cálidas. El fenómeno de la isla de calor atmosférica estuvo presente casi todas las noches con una notable magnitud (entre 2-4ºC); por el contrario, durante las horas diurnas se registró una isla de frescor relativamente suave (< 1ºC). Las imágenes de satélite revelan que el campo térmico superficial experimentó idéntico ciclo diario, estrechamente ligado a los usos del terreno, con la formación de una isla de calor nocturna de una magnitud similar a la atmosférica, y una isla de frescor diurna igual de potente. La correlación entre la evolución temporal de ambas manifestaciones, al igual que el contraste especial durante la noche más cálida, revela un comportamiento similar durante las horas nocturnas, lo cual ofrece perspectivas interesantes para la integración de ambas variables en estudios aplicados.This paper analyzes Madrid´s Urban Heat Island, comparing air and land surface temperature records during July 2015. The long-term analysis of temperature records from Retiro confirms a long spell of very warm days, without diurnal breaking records, but very hot nights. The atmospheric UHI was a permanent feature, reaching 2-4ºC on average; by day, a “cool” island was also detected, but weaker. Satellite images reveal an identical daily cycle, closely related to land uses, the “diurnal cool island” becoming as intense as the nocturnal UHI. The temporal correlation among both UHI´s in two selected locations, as well as its spatial structure during the warmest night shows good agreement, offering interesting perspectives for the integration of both variables in applied studies
The analysis of urban fluvial landscapes in the centre of Spain, their characterization, values and interventions
River areas are undoubtedly among the most valuable territorial areas in Europe, not only in terms of their eco-landscape and use but also, culturally. However, there is currently a sharp reduction in the extension and increase of deterioration of riverbanks around the world. A substantial part of losses and deterioration are associated with the artificialization of the territories, derived mainly from a less than respectful urbanization around these landscapes. Urban and periurban riverbanks are landscapes in expansion due to the continuous growth of built-up spaces. Therefore, they should be areas of preferential consideration, especially in territories with a marked tendency to dryness, like the centre of the Iberian Peninsula. This article aims to contribute to our understanding of these spaces through the study of four distinct cases in the centre of the peninsula, in particular: the river Manzanares running through the city of Madrid, the river Tagus in Toledo and running through Talavera de la Reina, and the river Henares in Guadalajara. Three of the four urban water courses analyzed are zones of special interest for waterfowl: they sustain a winter population that varies between 745 and 1529 birds and they provide a home to some globally threatened species. The density of the riparian birds is also very high during winter, these values oscillating between a mean of 141.16 and 240.12 birds/10 ha. It should be noted that the diversity of this group of birds in the four regions studies is also high (H > 2.4 nats). The article also examines the interventions and the urban planning criteria applied to these urban and peri-urban river spaces, inferring the need to reassess urban planning in river areas to ensure it is compatible with their operation, values and possible uses