128 research outputs found

    Derived variants at six genes explain nearly half of size reduction in dog breeds

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    Selective breeding of dogs by humans has generated extraordinary diversity in body size. A number of multibreed analyses have been undertaken to identify the genetic basis of this diversity. We analyzed four loci discovered in a previous genome-wide association study that used 60,968 SNPs to identify size-associated genomic intervals, which were too large to assign causative roles to genes. First, we performed fine-mapping to define critical intervals that included the candidate genes GHR, HMGA2, SMAD2, and STC2, identifying five highly associated markers at the four loci. We hypothesize that three of the variants are likely to be causative. We then genotyped each marker, together with previously reported size-associated variants in the IGF1 and IGF1R genes, on a panel of 500 domestic dogs from 93 breeds, and identified the ancestral allele by genotyping the same markers on 30 wild canids. We observed that the derived alleles at all markers correlated with reduced body size, and smaller dogs are more likely to carry derived alleles at multiple markers. However, breeds are not generally fixed at all markers; multiple combinations of genotypes are found within most breeds. Finally, we show that 46%–52.5% of the variance in body size of dog breeds can be explained by seven markers in proximity to exceptional candidate genes. Among breeds with standard weights <41 kg (90 lb), the genotypes accounted for 64.3% of variance in weight. This work advances our understanding of mammalian growth by describing genetic contributions to canine size determination in non-giant dog breeds

    Substructures in the Keplerian disc around the O-type (proto-)star G17.64+0.16

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    We present the highest angular resolution (̃20 × 15 mas-44 × 33 au) Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) observations that are currently possible of the proto-O-star G17.64+0.16 in Band 6. The Cycle 5 observations with baselines out to 16 km probe scales &lt; 50 au and reveal the rotating disc around G17.64+0.16, a massive forming O-type star. The disc has a ring-like enhancement in the dust emission that is especially visible as arc structures to the north and south. The Keplerian kinematics are most prominently seen in the vibrationally excited water line, H2O 55, 0-64, 3 Îœ2 = 1 (Eu = 3461.9 K). The mass of the central source found by modelling the Keplerian rotation is consistent with 45 ± 10 M☉. The H30α (231.9 GHz) radio-recombination line and the SiO (5-4) molecular line were detected at up to the ̃10σ level. The estimated disc mass is 0.6 - 2.6 M☉ under the optically thin assumption. Analysis of the Toomre Q parameter in the optically thin regime indicates that the disc stability is highly dependent on temperature. The disc currently appears stable for temperatures &gt; 150 K; this does not preclude that the substructures formed earlier through disc fragmentation. Data cubes of the source are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz- bin/qcat?J/A+A/627/L6

    Patterns of geohelminth infection, impact of albendazole treatment and re-infection after treatment in schoolchildren from rural KwaZulu-Natal/South-Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Geohelminth infection is a major health problem of children from rural areas of developing countries. In an attempt to reduce this burden, the Department of Health of the province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) established in 1998 a programme for helminth control that aimed at regularly treating primary school children for schistosomiasis and intestinal helminths. This article describes the baseline situation and the effect of treatment on geohelminth infection in a rural part of the province. METHODS: Grade 3 schoolchildren from Maputaland in northern KZN were examined for infections with hookworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, and Trichuris trichiura, treated twice with 400 mg albendazole and re-examined several times over one year after the first treatment in order to assess the impact of treatment and patterns of infection and re-infection. RESULTS: The hookworm prevalence in the study population (83.2%) was considerably higher than in other parts of the province whereas T. trichiura and especially A. lumbricoides prevalences (57.2 and 19.4%, respectively) were much lower than elsewhere on the KZN coastal plain. Single dose treatment with albendazole was very effective against hookworm and A. lumbricoides with cure rates (CR) of 78.8 and 96.4% and egg reduction rates (ERR) of 93.2 and 97.7%, respectively. It was exceptionally ineffective against T. trichiura (CR = 12.7%, ERR = 24.8%). Re-infection with hookworm and A. lumbricoides over 29 weeks after treatment was considerable but still well below pre-treatment levels. CONCLUSION: High geohelminth prevalences and re-infection rates in the study population confirm the need for regular treatment of primary school children in the area. The low effectiveness of single course albendazole treatment against T. trichiura infection however demands consideration of alternative treatment approaches

    The feedback of an HC HII region on its parental molecular core: The case of core A1 in the star-forming region G24.78+0.08

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    Context: G24.78+0.08 is a well known high-mass star-forming region, where several molecular cores harboring OB young stellar objects are found inside a clump of size ≈1 pc. This article focuses on the most prominent of these cores, A1, where an intense hypercompact (HC) HII region has been discovered by previous observations. Aims: Our aim is to determine the physical conditions and the kinematics of core A1, and study the interaction of the HII region with the parental molecular core. Methods: We combine ALMA 1.4 mm high-angular resolution (≈0.â€Čâ€Č2) observations of continuum and line emission with multi-epoch Very Long Baseline Interferometry data of water 22 GHz and methanol 6.7 GHz masers. These observations allow us to study the gas kinematics on linear scales from 10 to 104 au, and to accurately map the physical conditions of the gas over core A1. Results: The 1.4 mm continuum is dominated by free-free emission from the intense HC HII region (size ≈1000 au) observed to the North of core A1 (region A1N). Analyzing the H30α line, we reveal a fast bipolar flow in the ionized gas, covering a range of LSR velocities (VLSR) of ≈60 km s−1. The amplitude of the VLSR gradient, 22 km s−1 mpc−1, is one of the highest so far observed towards HC HII regions. Water and methanol masers are distributed around the HC HII region in A1N, and the maser three-dimensional (3D) velocities clearly indicate that the ionized gas is expanding at high speed (≄200 km s−1) into the surrounding molecular gas. The temperature distribution (in the range 100–400 K) over core A1, traced with molecular (CH3OCHO, 13CH3CN, 13CH3OH, and CH3CH2CN) transitions with level energy in the range 30 K ≀ Eu/k ≀ 300 K, reflects the distribution of shocks produced by the fast-expansion of the ionized gas of the HII region. The high-energy (550 K ≀ Eu/k ≀ 800 K) transitions of vibrationally excited CH3CN are likely radiatively pumped, and their rotational temperature can significantly differ from the kinetic temperature of the gas. Over core A1, the VLSR maps from both the 1.4 mm molecular lines and the 6.7 GHz methanol masers consistently show a VLSR gradient (amplitude ≈0.3 km s−1 mpc−1) directed approximately S–N. Rather than gravitationally supported rotation of a massive toroid, we interpret this velocity gradient as a relatively slow expansion of core A1

    Accelerating infall and rotational spin-up in the hot molecular core G31.41+0.31

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    As part of our effort to search for circumstellar disks around high-mass stellar objects, we observed the well-known core G31.41 +0.31 with ALMA at 1.4 mm with an angular resolution of ~0.â€Čâ€Č22 (~1700 au). The dust continuum emission has been resolved into two cores namely Main and NE. The Main core, which has the stronger emission and is the more chemically rich, has a diameter of ~5300 au, and is associated with two free-free continuum sources. The Main core looks featureless and homogeneous in dust continuum emission and does not present any hint of fragmentation. Each transition of CH₃CN and CH₃OCHO, both ground and vibrationally excited, as well as those of CH₃CN isotopologues, shows a clear velocity gradient along the NE–SW direction, with velocity linearly increasing with distance from the center, consistent with solid-body rotation. However, when comparing the velocity field of transitions with different upper level energies, the rotation velocity increases with increasing energy of the transition, which suggests that the rotation speeds up toward the center. Spectral lines towardtoward the dust continuum peak show an inverse P-Cygni profile that supports the existence of infall in the core. The infall velocity increases with the energy of the transition suggesting that the infall is accelerating toward the center of the core, consistent with gravitational collapse. Despite the monolithic appearance of the Main core, the presence of red-shifted absorption, the existence of two embedded free-free sources at the center, and the rotational spin-up are consistent with an unstable core undergoing fragmentation with infall and differential rotation due to conservation of angular momentum. Therefore, the most likely explanation for the monolithic morphology is that the large opacity of the dust emission prevents the detection of any inhomogeneity in the core

    Chasing discs around O-type (proto)stars: ALMA evidence for an SiO disc and disc wind from G17.64+0.16★

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    We present high angular resolution (~0.2″) continuum and molecular emission line Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) observations of G17.64+0.16 in Band 6 (220−230 GHz) taken as part of a campaign in search of circumstellar discs around (proto)-O-stars. At a resolution of ~400 au the main continuum core is essentially unresolved and isolated from other strong and compact emission peaks. We detect SiO (5–4) emission that is marginally resolved and elongated in a direction perpendicular to the large-scale outflow seen in the 13 CO (2−1) line using the main ALMA array in conjunction with the Atacama Compact Array (ACA). Morphologically, the SiO appearsto represent a disc-like structure. Using parametric models we show that the position-velocity profile of the SiO is consistent with the Keplerian rotation of a disc around an object between 10 and 30 M⊙ in mass, only if there is also radial expansion from a separate structure. The radial motion component can be interpreted as a disc wind from the disc surface. Models with a central stellar object mass between 20 and 30 M⊙ are the most consistent with the stellar luminosity (1 × 105 L⊙) and indicative of an O-type star. The H30α millimetre recombination line (231.9 GHz) is also detected, but spatially unresolved, and is indicative of a very compact, hot, ionised region co-spatial with the dust continuum core. The broad line-width of the H30α emission (full-width-half-maximum = 81.9 km s−1) is not dominated by pressure-broadening but is consistent with underlying bulk motions. These velocities match those required for shocks to release silicon from dust grains into the gas phase. CH3 CN and CH3 OH thermal emission also shows two arc shaped plumes that curve away from the disc plane. Their coincidence with OH maser emission suggests that they could trace the inner working surfaces of a wide-angle wind driven by G17.64 which impacts the diffuse remnant natal cloud before being redirected into the large-scale outflow direction. Accounting for all observables, we suggest that G17.64 is consistent with a O-type young stellar object in the final stages of protostellar assembly, driving a wind, but that has not yet developed into a compact H II region. The existance and detection of the disc in G17.64 is likely related to its isolated and possibly more evolved nature, traits which may underpin discs in similar sources

    History of William Coleman Allan

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    Scan of an 8-page typescript biography of William Coleman Allen, by Maud Bliss Allen, wife of his son, Wilford Jackson Allen. Also a three-page handwritten transcript of excerpts from the diary of Andrew W. Allen regarding travel to Joseph City in 1878, copied by his daughter Viona Ballard.
