51,598 research outputs found

    A uniform metallicity in the outskirts of massive, nearby galaxy clusters

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    Suzaku measurements of a homogeneous metal distribution of Z∌0.3Z\sim0.3 Solar in the outskirts of the nearby Perseus cluster suggest that chemical elements were deposited and mixed into the intergalactic medium before clusters formed, likely over 10 billion years ago. A key prediction of this early enrichment scenario is that the intracluster medium in all massive clusters should be uniformly enriched to a similar level. Here, we confirm this prediction by determining the iron abundances in the outskirts (r>0.25r200r>0.25r_{200}) of a sample of ten other nearby galaxy clusters observed with Suzaku for which robust measurements based on the Fe-K lines can be made. Across our sample the iron abundances are consistent with a constant value, ZFe=0.316±0.012Z_{\rm Fe}=0.316\pm0.012 Solar (χ2=28.85\chi^2=28.85 for 25 degrees of freedom). This is remarkably similar to the measurements for the Perseus cluster of ZFe=0.314±0.012Z_{\rm Fe}=0.314\pm0.012 Solar, using the Solar abundance scale of Asplund et al. (2009).Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Witnessing the Growth of the Nearest Galaxy Cluster: Thermodynamics of the Virgo Cluster Outskirts

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    We present results from Suzaku Key Project observations of the Virgo Cluster, the nearest galaxy cluster to us, mapping its X-ray properties along four long `arms' extending beyond the virial radius. The entropy profiles along all four azimuths increase with radius, then level out beyond 0.5r2000.5r_{200}, while the average pressure at large radii exceeds Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements. These results can be explained by enhanced gas density fluctuations (clumping) in the cluster's outskirts. Using a standard Navarro, Frenk and White (1997) model, we estimate a virial mass, radius, and concentration parameter of M200=1.05±0.02×1014M_{200}=1.05\pm0.02\times10^{14} M⊙_\odot, r200=974.1±5.7r_{200}=974.1\pm5.7 kpc, and c=8.8±0.2c = 8.8 \pm0.2, respectively. The inferred cumulative baryon fraction exceeds the cosmic mean at r∌r200r\sim r_{200} along the major axis, suggesting enhanced gas clumping possibly sourced by a candidate large-scale structure filament along the north-south direction. The Suzaku data reveal a large-scale sloshing pattern, with two new cold fronts detected at radii of 233 kpc and 280 kpc along the western and southern arms, respectively. Two high-temperature regions are also identified 1 Mpc towards the south and 605 kpc towards the west of M87, likely representing shocks associated with the ongoing cluster growth. Although systematic uncertainties in measuring the metallicity for low temperature plasma remain, the data at large radii appear consistent with a uniform metal distribution on scales of ∌90×180\sim 90\times180 kpc and larger, providing additional support for the early chemical enrichment scenario driven by galactic winds at redshifts of 2-3.Comment: submitted to MNRA

    Euclidean Thermal Green Functions of Photons in Generalized Euclidean Rindler Spaces for any Feynman-like Gauge

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    The thermal Euclidean Green functions for Photons propagating in the Rindler wedge are computed employing an Euclidean approach within any covariant Feynman-like gauge. This is done by generalizing a formula which holds in the Minkowskian case. The coincidence of the found (\be=2\pi)-Green functions and the corresponding Minkowskian vacuum Green functions is discussed in relation to the remaining static gauge ambiguity already found in previous papers. Further generalizations to more complicated manifolds are discussed. Ward identities are verified in the general case.Comment: 12 pages, standard latex, no figures, some signs changed, more comments added, final version to appear on Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Analysis and application of digital spectral warping in analog and mixed-signal testing

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    Spectral warping is a digital signal processing transform which shifts the frequencies contained within a signal along the frequency axis. The Fourier transform coefficients of a warped signal correspond to frequency-domain 'samples' of the original signal which are unevenly spaced along the frequency axis. This property allows the technique to be efficiently used for DSP-based analog and mixed-signal testing. The analysis and application of spectral warping for test signal generation, response analysis, filter design, frequency response evaluation, etc. are discussed in this paper along with examples of the software and hardware implementation

    Thermal decomposition of a honeycomb-network sheet - A Molecular Dynamics simulation study

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    The thermal degradation of a graphene-like two-dimensional triangular membrane with bonds undergoing temperature-induced scission is studied by means of Molecular Dynamics simulation using Langevin thermostat. We demonstrate that the probability distribution of breaking bonds is highly peaked at the rim of the membrane sheet at lower temperature whereas at higher temperature bonds break at random anywhere in the hexagonal flake. The mean breakage time τ\tau is found to decrease with the total number of network nodes NN by a power law τ∝N−0.5\tau \propto N^{-0.5} and reveals an Arrhenian dependence on temperature TT. Scission times are themselves exponentially distributed. The fragmentation kinetics of the average number of clusters can be described by first-order chemical reactions between network nodes nin_i of different coordination. The distribution of fragments sizes evolves with time elapsed from a ÎŽ\delta-function through a bimodal one into a single-peaked again at late times. Our simulation results are complemented by a set of 1st1^{st}-order kinetic differential equations for nin_i which can be solved exactly and compared to data derived from the computer experiment, providing deeper insight into the thermolysis mechanism.Comment: 21pages, 9 figures, LaTeX, revised versio

    Plasmas generated by ultra-violet light rather than electron impact

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    We analyze, in both plane and cylindrical geometries, a collisionless plasma consisting of an inner region where generation occurs by UV illumination, and an un-illuminated outer region with no generation. Ions generated in the inner region flow outwards through the outer region and into a wall. We solve for this system's steady state, first in the quasi-neutral regime (where the Debye length λD{\lambda}_D vanishes and analytic solutions exist) and then in the general case, which we solve numerically. In the general case a double layer forms where the illuminated and un-illuminated regions meet, and an approximately quasi-neutral plasma connects the double layer to the wall sheath; in plane geometry the ions coast through the quasi-neutral section at slightly more than the Bohm speed csc_s. The system, although simple, therefore has two novel features: a double layer that does not require counter-streaming ions and electrons, and a quasi-neutral plasma where ions travel in straight lines with at least the Bohm speed. We close with a pr\'{e}cis of our asymptotic solutions of this system, and suggest how our theoretical conclusions might be extended and tested in the laboratory.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Physics of Plasma

    Vortex reconnections in atomic condensates at finite temperature

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    The study of vortex reconnections is an essential ingredient of understanding superfluid turbulence, a phenomenon recently also reported in trapped atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. In this work we show that, despite the established dependence of vortex motion on temperature in such systems, vortex reconnections are actually temperature independent on the typical length/time scales of atomic condensates. Our work is based on a dissipative Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the condensate, coupled to a semiclassical Boltzmann equation for the thermal cloud (the Zaremba-Nikuni-Griffin formalism). Comparison to vortex reconnections in homogeneous condensates further show reconnections to be insensitive to the inhomogeneity in the background density.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
