332 research outputs found

    The Blurred Boundaries of Slavery and Freedom in the Early Modern Crimean Khanate

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    In Summer 2023, the TraSIS project organised a joint conference with the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS) in the picturesque Swiss lakeside town of Murtensee. Some of our guests generously agreed to contribute a blog post in which they discuss one of the sources they presented on at the conference. In the second post of this series, Turkana Allahverdiyeva, a doctoral student at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, discusses a case of non-elite household slavery in the early modern Crimean Khanate


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    The actuality of the subject. Variability, and optionality is observed at all levels of the language as a universal feature of language means. One of the key features of contemporary linguistic research is the general typology of language means’ variability and focusing on issues such as functional specifications of various variants in the text. In contrast to other language levels, the problem of variability in syntax has been studied less. The complexity of the investigation of variability in the syntax field is conditioned by the dual nature of syntactic units, and their structure-content layout. The sentence as a syntactic unit changes the structural-content layout and functional aspect in the evolutionary process. Simple sentences the generally accepted communicative speech unit and generally accepted syntactic units have been widely studied in various aspects of modern linguistic studies and currently is being studied further. The simple sentence being a structural type of sentence had a long way to development in the modern English language as well as in other languages, and has come to the present situation having structural-semantic improvement through certain changes during the speech as a result of simplification in sentence models, the expression means in sentences. Until now, there is no comprehensive description of the variativity features of all syntactic models of simple sentences in the studies where the syntactic structure of the English language has been described. Still, structural-semantic features, variations emerged in the historical development process can be underlined as an important issue because of the controversial issues in the syntax with a simple sentence and this proves the relevance of the topic. All of these bring to the agenda the comparisons by analyzing the structure-semantic layout of the simple sentence in different periods of the English language, revealing the changes in the simple sentence models, sentence members, and their means of expression, word order, analyzing the causes of those changes as an actual lingvo-methodological issue. Many researchers (K.Abdullayev, S.Abdullayev, D.Yunusov, F.Veysalli, and others) have examined the problem of variativity in different types of sentences in Azerbaijani linguistics and have shown valuable works in this area. The term "variativity" is applied to describe the functionality of different language units in modern linguistics and during the discovery of its unobserved aspects. In recent decades, the concept of enhanced variativity in phonology has also contributed to extensive research in other areas of linguistics, including syntax

    Vector Meson Gravitational Form Factors and Generalized Parton Distributions at finite temperature within the soft-wall AdS/QCD Model

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    We investigate the vector meson's gravitational form factors (GFFs) and generalized parton distributions (GPDs) at finite temperatures within the soft-wall AdS/ QCD model. The plotted soft-wall GFFs graphs at zero temperature are close to the hard-wall results [1]. The dependence on temperature of the GFFs and GPDs is studied using the thermal dilaton approach in the soft-wall model. Plots of thermal GFFs show that they decrease in temperature increase. Also, the gravitational radius of ρ\rho meson decreases in temperature growth and becomes zero around the critical temperature Tc=0.2 GeVT_c=0.2 {\rm\ GeV}. GPDs at zero skewness are plotted and analyzed at zero and finite temperature cases.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, text slightly shortene

    Synthesis and application of zeolite and glass fiber supported zero valent iron nanoparticles as membrane component for removal nitrate and Cr (+6) ions

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    In the present paper the synthesis and characterization of zeolite and glass fiber supported zero valent iron nanoparticles (Ze-ZVI, GF-ZVI NPs) are reported.ZVI, Ze-ZVI and GF-ZVI NPs size, composition and morphology were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). Synthesized nanostructures were tested as reducing agents of nitrate and hexavalent Chromium. Batch experiments were carried for revealing of efficacy of prepared nanomaterials (ZE-ZVI NPs and GF-ZVI NPs). Nitrate removal efficiency (at initial concentration 50 mg/mL) was rapidly increased from 26% to 76% for GF-ZVI NPs at 60-240 min time interval for and from 34% to 90% for ZE-ZVI NPs at the same time interval.Also was studied the efficacy of prepared nanostructures ZE-ZVI and ZE-ZVI NPs as membrane component with 5% of ZVI NPS weight contentfor the removal of nitrate from water solution that made 85% for ZE-ZVI NPs and 76% for GF-ZVI NPs, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the application of GF-ZVI and ZE-ZVI NPs as membrane component is advantageous because it allows to prevent the additional pollution of treated solution caused by unreacted ZVI NPs

    The influence of Nizami Ganjavi in Hacû-yi Kirmani's masnavi of “Kemâlnâme”

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    Doğu edebiyatında epik şiirin gelişimi, aynı zamanda Nizâmî Gencevî mesnevilerinin etki alanının incelenmesi, edebiyat çalışmalarının güncel sorunlarından biri olmaya devam etmektedir. Sorunun teorik yönleri, yirminci yüzyılın temel bilim alanlarından biri olarak her zaman ilgi odağı olmuştur. A.Y. Krymsky, E.Bertels, V.M.Jirmunski, F.Köprülü, A.Sırrı Levend, H.Araslı, M.Mübariz, G.Aliyev, R.Aliyev, R.Azade, G.Begdeli, Halil Yusifli, N.Araslı, İ.Hamidov, T.Kerimli, M.Kazımov, A.B. Kudelin, A.V.Mihaylov, M.Y.Borev ve diğerleri bu alanda önemli bilimsel ve teorik görüşlerde bulunmuşlar. Bu çalışmada Nizâmî edebî mektebinin devamcısı, XIV. yüzyılın ünlü filozof şâiri Hâcû-yi Kirmâniˋnin “Hamse”sindeki “Kemâlnâme” mesnevisi incelenmiştir.Araştırmalar, Hâcû-yi Kirmâni “Hamse”sinin, Azerbaycan şiir ekolünün büyük temsilcisi olan Nizâmî Gencevîˋnin hümanist fikir ve sanatsal üslup özelliklerinin Yeni Orta Çağ dönemine uygun modern bir devamı olduğunu göstermektedir. “Kemâlnâme” mesnevisi 12 bölümden oluşur: münacat, naat, Xacu Kirmaninin akıl hocası Ebû İshak Kâzerûnîˋnin methi, seyr ü süluk, salikin sonsuz dünyaya geçişi, salikin 4 öge ‒ su, toprak, rüzgar ve ateşle mükâlemesi, ateşle diyaloğunda yaşam dünyasına işaret etmek, seyru süluk yolculuk yapmak, nihayete eren dünyadan sonsuz dünyaya geçiş, avcı kalplerin beyanı, suskunluğun erdemi ve özellikleri, Aristotelesˋin hikâyesi, zamanın hakikatsizliği, mübariz âşıkın Emîrüˋl-müˋminîn Hz. Ali ile savaşı, genç Gazi ve Rum imparatorunun kızı, Hasan Basrîˋnin, İbrahim Edhemˋin, Sultan Mahmud Gaznevî ve Hindistan kralının oğlu, İmam Gazzâlî ve kardeşinin, Hızırˋa her zaman hasret duyan kralın hikâyesi, sözün önceliği yani Allahˋa bağlılık ve anlam üzerine özel başlıklar, eserin diğer kısımları Hâcû-yi Kirmâniˋnin zengin ideolojik ve felsefi görüşlerini, sanatsal gücünü yansıtmaktadır. Eserin sonunda Ebû İshak Cemâleddinˋin İncuˋyu övmesi, oğlu Mucireddin Ebû Saîd Aliˋnin nasihati ve kitabın tamamlanması ile ilgili bölümler Hâcû-yi Kirmâni yaratıcılığının mükemmel sanatsal ve felsefi özelliklerini göstermektedir. Çalışmada Hâcû-yi Kirmâninin “Kemâlnâme” adlı eseri incelenmiş, şairin tarihî ve felsefi meseleler ve şairlik ve şiir hakkındaki görüşleri ele alınmıştır.The study of the interactions and connections between the cultures and literatures of the peoples of the Near and Middle East is an important problem that is always in the focus of world and Azerbaijani literary criticism. In the twentieth century, the theoretical aspects of the problem have been identified, and considerable research has been conducted in various areas on the basis of the historical-comparative method. In the past,YE Bertels, V. M.Jirmunski, F. Koprulu, A.Sirri Lavand, H.Arasli, M.Mubariz, G.Aliyev, R.Aliyev, R.Azade, H. Yusifli, N.Arasli, I.Hamidov, T .Kerimli, M.Kazimov, A.B. Kudelin, A.V. Mikhailov, M.Y. Borev and others made important scientific and theoretical ideas in this field. The study of numerous works in Eastern literature under the influence of Nizami Ganjavi's "Khamsa" themes on the basis of the above-mentioned principles remains one of the urgent problems of literary criticism. In the presented article, the prose "Kamalname" from the works of "Khamsa" by the famous philosopher-poet of the XIV century Khaju Kirmani, the successor of Nizami literary school, is involved in research. Research shows that Khaju Kirmani's "Khamsa" is a modern continuation of the humanist ideas and artistic style features of the great representative of the Azerbaijani school of poetry Nizami Ganjavi in accordance with the new-medieval period. The poem consists of 12 chapters. Each chapter contains comments on the history and essence of Islamic-Sufi philosophy, and philosophical-didactic stories reflecting the socio-moral views of the time. The work praises, praises, praises the poet's mentor Abu Ishaq Kaziruni, seyri-suluk, Salik's perfect maturity, interpretation of the world, salik's dialogue with the 4 elements - water, earth, wind and fire, pointing to the world of soul in dialogue with fire seyru-suluk The transition from the world of the unseen to the world of the unseen, the declaration of the hunter's heart, the virtue of silence and its characteristics, the story of Aristatalis, the infidelity of the times, the battle of Amir al-Mu'minin with Imam Ali, the story of the young judge , The story of Hasan Basri, the story of Ibrahim Adham, the story of Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi and the son of the king of India, the story of Imam Ghazali and his brother, the story of the king who always dreamed of Khidr, the originality of the word It reflects the rich ideological and philosophical views of Khaju Kirmani and the power of art. At the end of the work, the sections on the poet's worship of Jamaladdin Abu Ishaq Inju, his son Mujiraddin Abu Said Ali's advice and the completion of the book demonstrate the perfect artistic and philosophical features of Haju Kirmani's art

    Cytochrome cM decreases photosynthesis under photomixotrophy in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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    Photomixotrophy is a metabolic state that enables photosynthetic microorganisms to simultaneously perform photosynthesis and metabolism of imported organic carbon substrates. This process is complicated in cyanobacteria, since many, including Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, conduct photosynthesis and respiration in an interlinked thylakoid membrane electron transport chain. Under photomixotrophy, the cell must therefore tightly regulate electron fluxes from photosynthetic and respiratory complexes. In this study, we demonstrate, via characterization of photosynthetic apparatus and the proteome, that photomixotrophic growth results in a gradual inhibition of QA- reoxidation in wild-type Synechocystis, which largely decreases photosynthesis over 3 d of growth. This process is circumvented by deleting the gene encoding cytochrome cM (CytM), a cryptic c-type heme protein widespread in cyanobacteria. The ΔCytM strain maintained active photosynthesis over the 3-d period, demonstrated by high photosynthetic O2 and CO2 fluxes and effective yields of PSI and PSII. Overall, this resulted in a higher growth rate compared to that of the wild type, which was maintained by accumulation of proteins involved in phosphate and metal uptake, and cofactor biosynthetic enzymes. While the exact role of CytM has not been determined, a mutant deficient in the thylakoid-localized respiratory terminal oxidases and CytM (ΔCox/Cyd/CytM) displayed a phenotype similar to that of ΔCytM under photomixotrophy. This, in combination with other physiological data, and in contrast to a previous hypothesis, suggests that CytM does not transfer electrons to these complexes. In summary, our data suggest that CytM may have a regulatory role in photomixotrophy by modulating the photosynthetic capacity of cells

    Diversification of Livestock-Keeping Smallholders in Mountainous Rural Regions of Azerbaijan and Georgia

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    Diversified livelihoods combining farming, livestock keeping and non-farm income are characteristic of many rural households worldwide. For the Central Asian and Caucasian region, livestock keeping is especially important in terms of land use and socio-cultural heritage. We contribute to the literature with data from the under-researched Caucasus region and investigate: (i) the extent of diversification in smallholder households; (ii) the role of livestock keeping in diversification; (iii) the influence of household-specific and location-specific variables and diversification on household income. Based on a dataset of 303 households, we calculate contribution margins for the main agricultural activities, household income, and diversification indices and analyze the influence of diversification, asset and location variables on household income with a regression model. Household income is generally diversified and a combination of four income sources (crops, livestock, poultry/bees and social benefits) was the most frequent. The econometric analysis shows that higher household incomes are positively correlated with higher household land and livestock assets, the presence of non-farm work and social benefit income sources and with an increasing specialization as measured by the diversification index. For enhancing rural household incomes and slowing down rural-urban migration, the development of non-farm job opportunities is recommended

    The study of the efficiency evaluation of the ventilation system of the poultry house in the summer

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    With the onset of cold weather, heat transfer through the walls and especially the roofs of bird rooms, unlike in the summer period, increases significantly, which leads to a sharp decrease in warm indoor air. Therefore, in order to maintain the regulatory conditions of the ventilation system, it is reduced to a transitional mode, and then to a minimum ventilation mode. Low ventilation repeatability limits inside the building determine the minimum volume of air supplied by the ventilation system. The economic and production efficiency of poultry farming is related to the premises and climatic conditions, which can seriously affect the well-being of broilers. Heat stress contributes to behavioral, physiological and biochemical changes in broilers, which leads to economic losses. The purpose of this study is to influence the annual efficiency of the poultry house ventilation system, mainly in summer, in order to evaluate the efficiency during the reconstruction of the cooling system, that is, to improve the ventilation system of the room, as well as to give an economic assessment of waste disposal technology. Energy– and resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies and technological tools, plastic-type recuperators, a bird droppings removal system, as well as lighting and irrigation processes were taken as the object of the study. In conducting our research, let’s use classical and special methods, including a decomposition method for analyzing the functional use of recycling technology, a logical and linguistic method for assessing the safety of nitrogen during disposal, microclimate technology, nutrition and storage. Based on the mathematical model, a computer research methodology was developed to improve the energy efficiency of the poultry house. Using a computer program, the number of LEDs (α=200, I0=20 cd) for an enclosure measuring 66×12 m is N=273 pieces, and the number of LEDs (α=200, I0=20 cd) for a building measuring 78×18 m is N=259 pieces. The design parameters of the illuminators are justifie

    Elimination of the flavodiiron electron sink facilitates long-term H2 photoproduction in green algae

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    The development of renewable and sustainable biofuels to cover the future energy demand is one of the most challenging issues of our time. Biohydrogen, produced by photosynthetic microorganisms, has the potential to become a green biofuel and energy carrier for the future sustainable world, since it provides energy without CO2 emission. The recent development of two alternative protocols to induce hydrogen photoproduction in green algae enables the function of the O2-sensitive [FeFe]-hydrogenases, located at the acceptor side of photosystem I, to produce H2 for several days. These protocols prevent carbon fixation and redirect electrons toward H2 production. In the present work, we employed these protocols to a knockout Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant lacking flavodiiron proteins (FDPs), thus removing another possible electron competitor with H2 production.The deletion of the FDP electron sink resulted in the enhancement of H2 photoproduction relative to wild-type C. reinhardtii. Additionally, the lack of FDPs leads to a more effective obstruction of carbon fixation even under elongated light pulses.We demonstrated that the rather simple adjustment of cultivation conditions together with genetic manipulation of alternative electron pathways of photosynthesis results in efficient re-routing of electrons toward H2 photoproduction. Furthermore, the introduction of a short recovery phase by regular switching from H2 photoproduction to biomass accumulation phase allows to maintain cell fitness and use photosynthetic cells as long-term H2-producing biocatalysts

    Transcending Boundaries: Rethinking Slave Agency in the Ottoman Empire Through Religious Conversion Practices

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    This article explores the religious conversion of slaves in the Ottoman Empire and the Crimea as a profound and transforming event in the lives of slaves. We will analyze the conditions, reasons, and consequences of conversion by studying court records from different cities from the 16th to 18th centuries. It will also explore the relation between religious conversion and the agency of the slaves. The primary research inquiries that this working paper seeks to address are as follows: What impact did religious conversion have on the agency of the slaves? What was the impact of conversion on their lives (as well as the lives of their slave owners) during and after being enslaved? Do the circumstances and effects of conversion differ between male and female slaves? This study aims to elucidate these inquiries in an endeavor to offer a new perspective on the relation between enslavement and conversion