144 research outputs found

    Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem for a multi-period, multi-perishable product system with time window: A Case study

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    [EN] The well-known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is to find proper sequence of routes in order to minimize transportation costs. In this paper, a mixed-integer programming model is presented for a food distributer company and the model outputs are to determine the optimal routes and amount of pickup and delivery. In the objective function, the costs of transportation, holding, tardiness and earliness are considered simultaneously. The proposed model with respect to real conditions is multi-period and has two different time periods: one for dispatching vehicles to customers and suppliers and the other for receiving customers’ orders. Time window and split pickup and delivery are considered for perishable products. The proposed model is nonlinear and will be linearized using exact techniques. At the end, model is solved using GAMS and the sensitivity analysis is performed. The results indicate that the trend of changes in holding and transportation costs in compared to tardiness and earliness costs are closed together and are not so sensitive to demand changes.Rashidi Komijan, A.; Delavari, D. (2017). Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problem for a multi-period, multi-perishable product system with time window: A Case study. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 5(2):45-53. doi:10.4995/ijpme.2017.5960SWORD455352DENG, A., MAO, C., & ZHOU, Y. (2009). Optimizing Research of an Improved Simulated Annealing Algorithm to Soft Time Windows Vehicle Routing Problem with Pick-up and Delivery. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, 29(5), 186-192. doi:10.1016/s1874-8651(10)60049-xAndersson, H., Hoff, A., Christiansen, M., Hasle, G., & Løkketangen, A. (2010). Industrial aspects and literature survey: Combined inventory management and routing. Computers & Operations Research, 37(9), 1515-1536. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2009.11.009Baldacci, R., Mingozzi, A., & Roberti, R. (2012). Recent exact algorithms for solving the vehicle routing problem under capacity and time window constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 218(1), 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2011.07.037Belfiore, P., & Yoshizaki, H. T. Y. (2013). Heuristic methods for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows and split deliveries. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 64(2), 589-601. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2012.11.007Cacchiani, V., Hemmelmayr, V.C., Tricoire, F., (2012). A set-covering based heuristic algorithm for the periodic vehicle routing problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 163(1), 53-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2012.08.032Cattaruzza, D., Absi, N., Feillet, D., & Vidal, T. (2014). A memetic algorithm for the Multi Trip Vehicle Routing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 236(3), 833-848. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2013.06.012Çetinkaya, C., Karaoglan, I., & Gökçen, H. (2013). Two-stage vehicle routing problem with arc time windows: A mixed integer programming formulation and a heuristic approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 230(3), 539-550. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2013.05.001Eksioglu, B., Vural, A. V., & Reisman, A. (2009). The vehicle routing problem: A taxonomic review. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 57(4), 1472-1483. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2009.05.009Hasani-Goodarzi, A., & Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. (2012). Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem for Multi-Product Cross- Docking with Split Deliveries and Pickups. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 62, 1360-1365. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.232Rahimi-Vahed, A., Gabriel Crainic, T., Gendreau, M., & Rei, W. (2015). Fleet-sizing for multi-depot and periodic vehicle routing problems using a modular heuristic algorithm. Computers & Operations Research, 53, 9-23. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2014.07.004Shahin Moghadam, S., Fatemi Ghomi, S. M. T., & Karimi, B. (2014). Vehicle routing scheduling problem with cross docking and split deliveries. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 69, 98-107. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2014.06.015Silva, M. M., Subramanian, A., & Ochi, L. S. (2015). An iterated local search heuristic for the split delivery vehicle routing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 53, 234-249. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2014.08.005Taş, D., Jabali, O., & Van Woensel, T. (2014). A Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexible Time Windows. Computers & Operations Research, 52, 39-54. doi:10.1016/j.cor.2014.07.005Yu, B., & Yang, Z. Z. (2011). An ant colony optimization model: The period vehicle routing problem with time windows. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 47(2), 166-181. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2010.09.010Zhang, S., Lee, C. K. M., Choy, K. L., Ho, W., & Ip, W. H. (2014). Design and development of a hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for the environmental vehicle routing problem. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 31, 85-99. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2014.05.01

    Prioritizing lean manufacturing practices in small to medium enterprises by applying TOPSIS in fuzzy environment

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    Due to the globalization most of the Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are faced with a lot of pressure to survive. To overcome these pressures, Lean Production System could be very helpful to SMEs. In this research we want to highlight how it can help SMEs, identify limitations to implement lean manufacturing in SMEs and finally prioritize lean practices for implementing in SMEs. For this aim, TOPSIS method in fuzzy environment was applied. Twenty two lean practices which identified by Shah and Ward in 2003 [10] is used as the most suitable lean practices for implementing lean production. Then the barriers of implementing lean production in SMEs identified. An example is provided to illustrate finding of this study. In this study, the barriers of implementing lean production in SMEs were highlighted. It has strived to illustrate the applicability of Multi Criteria Decision Making method in lean production and SMEs. Finally, the result which is the ranked practices of lean production could help managers of SMEs to choose the most suitable practices of lean associated with less risk

    Evaluation of service quality by using fuzzy MCDM: A case study in Iranian health-care centers

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    Service quality plays an important role in health care systems since hospitals are responsible for people's lives. This study presents an effective approach for evaluating and comparing service qualities of four hospitals. Service quality consists of different attributes and many of them are intangible and difficult to measure. Therefore, we propose a fuzzy method to resolve the ambiguity of the concepts, which are associated with human judgments. SERVQUAL model is used to evaluate the respondents' judgments of service quality and multi attribute decision making approach is implemented for the comparison among hospitals. The paper use analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for obtaining criteria weight and TOPSIS for ranking the cases

    Un modelo integrado para el enrutamiento de aeronaves y la programación de la tripulación: Relajación lagrangiana y algoritmo metaheurístico

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    [EN] Airline optimization is a significant problem in recent researches and airline industryl as it can determine the level of service, profit and competition status of the airline. Aircraft and crew are expensive resources that need efficient utilization. This paper focuses simultaneously on two major issues including aircraft maintenance routing and crew scheduling. Several key issues such as aircraft replacement, fairly night flights assignment and long-life aircrafts are considered in this model. We used the flight hours as a new framework to control aircraft maintenance. At first, an integrated mathematical model for aircraft routing and crew scheduling problems is developed with the aim of cost minimization. Then, Lagrangian relaxation and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO) are used as the solution techniques. To evaluate the efficiency of solution approaches, model is solved with different numerical examples in small, medium and large sizes and compared with GAMS output. The results show that Lagrangian relaxation method provides better solutions comparing to PSO and also has a very small gap to optimum solution.[ES] La optimización de aerolíneas es un problema importante en investigaciones recientes e industria de aerolíneas, ya que puede determinar el nivel de servicio, el beneficio y el estado de competencia de la aerolínea. Las aeronaves y la tripulación son recursos costosos que necesitan una utilización eficiente. Este artículo se centra simultáneamente en dos cuestiones principales, incluyendo el enrutamiento de mantenimiento de aeronaves y la programación de la tripulación. En este modelo se consideran varios temas clave, como el reemplazo de aeronaves, la asignación de vuelos nocturnos y los aviones envejecidos. Usamos las horas de vuelo como un nuevo marco para controlar el mantenimiento de las aeronaves. Al principio, se desarrolla un modelo matemático integrado para el enrutamiento de aeronaves y los problemas de programación de la tripulación con el objetivo de la minimización de costos. A continuación, se utilizan como técnicas de solución la relajación lagran-giana y el algoritmo “Particle Swarm Optimization” (PSO). Para evaluar la eficiencia de los en-foques de la solución, el modelo se resuelve con diferentes ejemplos numéricos en tamaños pequeños, medianos y grandes y se compara con la salida GAMS. Los resultados muestran que el método de relajación lagrangiana proporciona mejores soluciones en comparación con PSO y también tiene una pequeña diferencia para una solución óptimaMirjafari, M.; Rashidi Komijan, A.; Shoja, A. (2020). An integrated model for aircraft routing and crew scheduling: Lagrangian Relaxation and metaheuristic algorithm. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management. 11(1):25-38. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v11i1.12891OJS2538111Al-Thani, Nayla Ahmad, Ben Ahmed, Mohamed and Haouari, Mohamed (2016). A model and optimization-based heuristic for the operational aircraft maintenance routing problem, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 72, Pages 29-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2016.09.004Azadeh, A., HosseinabadiFarahani, M., Eivazy, H., Nazari-Shirkouhi, S., &Asadipour, G. (2013). A hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm for optimization of crew scheduling, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 13, Pages 158-164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2012.08.012Barnhart C. and Cohn, A. (2004). Airline schedule planning: Accomplishments and opportunities, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 6(1):3-22, 47, 69, 141, 144. https://doi.org/10.1287/msom.1030.0018Basdere, Mehmet and Bilge, Umit (2014). Operational aircraft maintenance routing problem with remaining time consideration, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 235, Pages 315-328. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2013.10.066Bazargan, Massoud (2010). Airline Operations and scheduling second edition, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA, Ashgate publishing limite.Belien, Jeroen, Demeulemeester, Eric and Brecht (2010). Integrated staffing and scheduling for an aircraft line maintenance problem, HUB RESEARCH PAPER Economics & Management.Ben Ahmed, M., Zeghal Mansour, Farah and Haouari, Mohamed (2018). Robust integrated maintenance aircraft routing and crew pairing, Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 73, Pages 15-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2018.07.007Ben Ahmed, M., Zeghal Mansour, F., Haouari, M. (2017). A two-level optimization approach for robust aircraft routing and retiming, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Volume 112, Pages 586-594. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2016.09.021Borndorfer, R., Schelten, U., Schlechte, T., Weider, S. (2006). A column generation approach to airline crew scheduling, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Pages 343-348. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-32539-5_54Clarke, L., E. Johnson, G. Nemhauser, Z. Zhu. (1997). The Aircraft Rotation Problem. Annals of Operations Research, 69, Pages 33-46. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1018945415148Deveci, Muhammet and ÇetinDemirel, Nihan (2018). Evolutionary algorithms for solving the airline crew pairing problem, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 115, Pages 389-406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2017.11.022Dozic, S., Kalic, M. (2015). Three-stage airline fleet planning model, J. Air Transport. Manag, 43, Pages 30-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2015.03.011Eltoukhy, A.E., Chan, F.T., Chung, S. (2017). 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A robust mathematical model and heuristic algorithms for integrated aircraft routing and scheduling, with consideration of fleet assignment problem, Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 58, Pages 21-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2016.08.008Jiang, H., Barnhart, C. (2009) Dynamic airline scheduling, Transport. Sci, 43(3), Pages 336-354. https://doi.org/10.1287/trsc.1090.0269Kasirzadeh, A., Saddoune, M., Soumis, F. (2015). Airline crew scheduling: models, algorhitms and data sets, Euro Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 6(2), Pages 111-137. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13676-015-0080-xLacasse-Guay, E., Desaulniers, G., Soumis, F. (2010). Aircraft routing under different business processes, J. Air Transport. Manag, 16(5), Pages 258-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2010.02.001Muter, İbrahim, Birbil, Ş. İlker, Bülbül, Kerem, Şahin, Güvenç,Yenigün, Hüsnü, Taş,Duygu andTüzün, Dilek (2013). Solving a robust airline crew pairing problem with column generation, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 40, Issue 3, Pages 815-830. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2010.11.005Saddoune, Mohammed, Desaulniers, Guy, Elhallaoui, Issmail and François Soumis (2011). Integrated airline crew scheduling: A bi-dynamic constraint aggregation method using neighborhoods, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 212, Pages 445-454. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2011.02.009Safaei, Nima and K.S.Jardine, Andrew (2018). Aircraft routing with generalized maintenance constraints, Omega, Volume 80, Pages 111-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2017.08.013Shao Shengzhi (2012). 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    Towards eco-flowable concrete production

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    Environmental concerns have increased due to the amount of unused/expired plastic medical waste generated in hospitals, laboratories, and other healthcare facilities, in addition to the fact that disposing of such wastes with extremely low degradation levels causes them to remain in the environment for extended periods of time. These issues have led researchers to develop more environmentally friendly alternatives for disposing of plastic medical waste in Australia. This study is an attempt to assess the impacts of using expired plastic syringes as fine aggregate on fresh and hardened characteristics of flowable concrete, which might provide a solution to environmental concerns. Six mixtures of flowable concrete with water-to-cement ratios of 0.38 were studied. It was found that using recycled aggregate in up to 20% can improve the workability and increase the V-funnel values of flowable concrete mixtures. However, using waste aggregates in more than 30% caused an inapt flowability. Adding waste aggregate at the 30%–50% replacement level led to a decrease in the L-box ratio. To verify the utility and the efficacy of this experiment, the connections between different rheological test measurements were also compared by implementing the Pearson correlation function. The mechanical properties of the mixes containing recycled aggregates were decreased at the age of seven days; however, at later ages, waste aggregates increased the strength at the 10%–30% replacement levels

    Empowering revealed preference survey with a supplementary stated preference survey: demonstration of willingness-to-pay estimation within a mode choice case

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    Mode choice models play a pivotal role in transport demand modelling and help transport planners, engineers and researchers with policy and infrastructure investment evaluation. Recent mode choice studies primarily use revealed preference (RP) data to reflect individuals’ true behaviour. However, this may not be the best practice, given the lack of information in RP data. This study uses a nonlinear utility specification for a multinomial logit mode choice model development using high-quality travel data collected by a GPS-based smartphone application complemented by stated preference (SP) data. The model results highlight the impact of sociodemographic variables on mode choice behaviour and individuals’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) when the model is jointly developed compared to stand-alone SP and RP models. The main message of this study is that in addition to collecting RP, which is a reliable and unbiased source of data, collecting complementary SP data is beneficial as it provides information that is not otherwise available in RP data. This may include a proper variation in the public transport cost variable as demonstrated in this study. Moreover, to better understand the travellers' behaviour regarding the trade-off between time and cost a mixed multinomial logit (MMNL) model in the willingness to pay space is developed on the SP data. capturing the unobserved heterogeneity within the estimated WTPs, the MMNL model outputs reveal a higher variation in WTP of car in-vehicle travel time compared to bus in-vehicle travel time

    Comparison of Developmental Status of Infants Less Than 24 Months Who Were Born from Mothers in High-Risk Age Groups

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    Abstract Introduction: Development in children is a qualitative change in their abilities. When children cannot acquire developmental skills according to age, it shows delayed development. Low and high maternal age during pregnancy is a kind of risk factor for developmental disorders in children. Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive comparative study that was performed on 400 women who had less than 19 and over 35 years old during pregnancy and now have 4-24-months infants that referred to health centers Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province, Iran. Participants were selected through multi-stage random sampling. Data collection instruments were: A demographic, obstetric and the “Ages and Stages Questionnaires” for 4-24 months children. Data analysis was done by using the software SPSS 16, and independent t-test, chi-square and logistic-regression tests were used. Results: The prevalence of developmental delay in infants 4-24-months of mothers fewer than 19 and older than 35 years was 7 percent and 11 percent respectively. In mothers over 35 years old, all domains were higher than the others. In both groups of maternal age, the most delayed development was gross motor; the lowest prevalence of late event in a group of mothers less than 19 years was personal-social skills and in women over 35 years was problem-solving. Conclusions: Pregnancy in ages over 35 and less than 19 years are risk factors for the developmental delay of children and could be prevented by appropriate strategies and training

    The Effect of Nonsurgical Periodontal Therapy on Trichomonas Tenax and Entamoeba Gingivalis in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis.

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    STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Trichomonas tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis are commensal protozoa which inhabit the human oral cavity. These parasites are found in patients with poor oral hygiene and might be a reason for progressive periodontal diseases. PURPOSE The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment on the frequency of these protozoa in saliva and plaque samples. MATERIALS AND METHOD In this clinical trial, samples of saliva and dental plaque were collected from 46 patients with moderate to severe chronic periodontitis before and after periodontal therapy. The samples were assessed for the frequency of parasites. RESULTS The frequency of Entamoeba gingivalis was reduced in saliva (p= 0.007) and plaque (p= 0.027) three weeks after the treatment. Likewise, the frequency of Trichomonas tenax reduced in saliva (p= 0.030); however, the decrease was not significant in plaque (p= 0.913). Trichomonas tenax frequency in dental plaque directly related to the severity of periodontitis (r= 0.565, p≤ 0.000). In contrast, the number of Entamoeba gingivalis in both saliva (r= -0.405, p≤ 0.005) and plaque (r= -0.304, p= 0.040) was inversely related with the severity of the periodontal disease. CONCLUSION Nonsurgical periodontal treatment could reduce the number of Trichomonas Tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis in the oral environment of patients with chronic periodontitis