756 research outputs found

    For a research ethics founded on human rights

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    Este estudo visa sustentar teoricamente que os direitos humanos devem ser o referencial ético fundamental da ética em pesquisa. Para tanto, dividiu-se a abordagem da interconexão entre o referencial dos direitos humanos e a ética em pesquisa em três fases: a primeira, marcada pela instituição dos princípios de Nüremberg; a segunda, pela hegemonia da Declaração de Helsinque e a terceira, pelo incremento das pesquisas internacionais, pelo declínio da Declaração de Helsinque e adoção da Declaração Universal sobre Bioética e Direitos Humanos. Com fundamento na tripartição metodológica, concluiu-se que, não obstante a relevância incontestável da Declaração de Helsinque para a edificação da cultura de respeito e proteção do sujeito da pesquisa, assume-se o enfraquecimento de sua legitimidade, depreendendo-se que a Declaração Universal sobre Bioética e Direitos Humanos e o Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos devem ser os novos parâmetros da eticidade da pesquisa no mundo e no Brasil.This study aims to demonstrate that human rights should be the fundamental ethical framework of research ethics. We have divided the approach of the interrelationship between human rights framework and research ethics in three phases, the first marked by the introduction of the principles of Nüremberg, the second by the hegemony of the Declaration of Helsinki, and the third is characterized by the increase in international research, the decline of the Helsinki Declaration and the adoption of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Based on the tripartite methodology employed, we have concluded that, despite the unquestionable relevance of the Declaration of Helsinki for building a culture of respect and protection of the research subject, we can verify its loss of legitimacy, so, it must be understood that the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and the International Law of Human Rights should be the new parameters of the research ethics worldwide and in Brazil.Este estudio se propone a sostener teóricamente que los derechos humanos deben ser el marco ético fundamental de la ética de la investigación. Por lo tanto, hemos dividido el enfoque de la relación entre el referencial de los derechos humanos y la ética de la investigación en tres fases: la primera marcada por la introducción de los principios de Núremberg, la segunda por la hegemonía de la Declaración de Helsinki, y la tercera por la expansión de las investigaciones internacionales, la debilidad de la Declaración de Helsinki y la adopción de la Declaración Universal sobre Bioética y Derechos Humanos. Basado en la metodología tripartita, se concluye que, a pesar de la importancia indiscutible de la Declaración de Helsinki para la construcción de una cultura de respeto y protección del sujeto de la investigación se reconoce la debilidad de su legitimidad, infiriéndose que la Declaración Universal acerca de la Bioética y Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos deben ser los nuevos parámetros de la ética de investigación en todo el mundo y en Brasil

    The interconnection between law and bioethics in the light of their theoretical, institutional, and regulatory dimensions

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    O presente artigo objetiva analisar a interconexão entre Direito e bioética tendo como foco as contribuições deste novo saber para os aplicadores do Direito na sua função de harmonização do convívio social. Para tanto, utilizou-se linha de pesquisa que propõe o recurso de dividir a bioética em três perspectivas: teórica, institucional e normativa. A partir de cada um desses enfoques, analisou-se os pontos de contato entre os dois saberes, bem como o modo em que a bioética concorre para o aprimoramento do Direito. Constatou-se que a bioética pode auxiliar o Poder Judiciário e o aplicador do Direito a compatibilizar a racionalidade jurídica com a reflexão ética propiciada por novos paradigmas científicos, contribuindo, assim, para a diminuição das dificuldades surgidas na busca de soluções para questões complexas relativas a conflitos nas áreas das ciências da vida, medicina e tecnologias associadas.This article aims to analyze the interconnection between Law and bioethics, focusing on the contributions of this new knowledge to the enforcers of Law in its function of social harmonization. For this purpose, we used the research line which features splitting bioethics into three perspectives: theoretical Bioethics, institutional and regulatory, and from each of these approaches, we analyzed the points of contact between the two fields of knowledge, and how bioethics contributes to the improvement of the Law. It was found that bioethics, helps the Judiciary Power and the ones who work with Law to deal with the complexity of issues related to life sciences, medicine and associated technologies.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la interconexión entre el derecho y la bioética, centrándose en las contribuciones de este nuevo conocimiento para encargados de hacer cumplir la ley en su tarea de armonización de la vida social. Para este fin, se utilizó una línea de investigación que propone como recurso la división de la bioética en tres dimensiones: la bioética teórica, institucional y normativa. A partir de cada uno de estos enfoques, se analizaron los puntos de contacto entre los dos conocimientos, así como la manera que la bioética que contribuye a la mejor comprensión del Derecho. Se comprobó que la bioética puede ayudar al Poder Judiciario y al aplicador de la ley a conciliar la racionalidad legal con el pensamiento ético fomentado por nuevos paradigmas científicos, contribuyendo de esa forma para las cuestiones complejas relacionadas a conflictos en ámbito de las ciencias de la vida, médica y tecnologías adjuntas

    Bioética e direitos humanos: tratamento teórico da interface

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    This research intends to identify the way bioethicists explain the relation between Bioethics and human rights, pointing out the areas where they meet and where they distance themselves. It also attempted to briefly present a panorama of the implications that involve the convergence of human rights and Bioethics in terms of moral dilemmas in public health. The methodological steps encompass: analysis of how the interface between Bioethics and human rights has been established by bioethicists, who bring the human rights language into their researchers' theoretical observation; and examination of some bioethicists' theoretical work published in the last five years and that somehow deals with the interface between Bioethics and human rights, focusing on researchers from Latin America, United States and Europe. Investigation of the current bioethics literature showed that, in theoretical terms, there is no evidence of a uniform discourse on the connection between Bioethics and human rights, which announces the process of construction that Bioethics is going through, as well as the plurality of ethical fundaments that permeate Bioethics theoretical production. When dealing with moral dilemmas in public health, we tried to show that Bioethics analysis can make use of human rights principles, once this ethical assessment parameter is chosen for the investigation of sanitary policies and practices. The reason behind this choice is that such principles are the ethical basis for the State acting - and the State is the main responsible for the protection of the health of the population.Esta pesquisa tem como escopo identificar de que modo bioeticistas explicitam a relação entre Bioética e direitos humanos, expondo pontos de contato e distanciamento entre os dois campos. Também, objetiva-se apresentar sinteticamente um panorama das implicações que envolvem a conjugação do referencial dos direitos humanos com a Bioética quando se trata de dilemas morais em saúde pública. Para tanto, verificou-se como a interface entre Bioética e direitos humanos vem sendo estabelecida por bioeticistas que trazem a linguagem dos direitos humanos para sua reflexão teórica. Esse levantamento partiu da análise de trabalhos teóricos de bioeticistas, publicados nos últimos cinco anos, que de alguma forma tocam na problemática - a interface entre Bioética e direitos humanos -, focando-se nos de origem latino-americana, estadunidense e europeia. O exame da literatura bioética atual demonstrou que, em termos teóricos, não se constata a presença de um discurso uníssono sobre a conexão entre a Bioética e os direitos humanos, o que enuncia o processo de construção no qual ainda se encontra a Bioética, assim como a pluralidade de fundamentações éticas que permeia sua produção teórica. Quando se trata de dilemas morais em saúde pública, buscou-se demonstrar que a análise bioética, uma vez escolhido esse parâmetro ético avaliativo para o exame de políticas e práticas sanitárias, pode lançar mão de princípios de direitos humanos, o que se entendeu como recomendável, mormente em razão de tais princípios fundamentarem eticamente a atuação do Estado, o principal responsável pela proteção da saúde da população


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    A bioética brasileira atravessa um momento de reflexão. Malgrado as contribuições dos teóricos do modelo principialista, constata-se a sua deficiência para problematizar questões singulares de países “periféricos”. Em razão dessa incapacidade, vem sendo construída uma bioética de intervenção, e a alocação de recursos sanitários apresenta-se como uma das problemáticas mais urgentes no âmbito dessa “nova bioética”. Com o objetivo de contribuir para os aportes teóricos dessa concepção de bioética e de enfrentar a temática acerca da política de recursos sanitários, o presente trabalho tem como finalidade problematizar a questão da escassez de recursos sanitários. Assim, propomo-nos a refletir sobre a forma como a destinação de recursos públicos para a saúde revela escolhas sociais e sobre a necessidade de a bioética posicionar-se, por meio de considerações éticas, frente ao gasto em saúde pública

    Seasonal Variation Of The Essential Oil From Two Brazilian Native Aldama La Llave (asteraceae) Species

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Aldama arenaria and A. robusta are morphologically similar aromatic species that have seasonal development. The yield and chemical composition of essential oils from aerial and underground vegetative organs of these species were compared to verify the production of volatile metabolites in flowering and dormant phases of development and to identify if there are unique compounds for either species. The major compound in the essential oils from A. arenaria leaves was palustrol (16.22%) and for aerial stems was limonene (15.3%), whereas limonene (11.16%) and alpha-pinene (19.64%) were the major compounds for leaves and aerial stems from A. robusta, respectively. The major compound for the underground organs was a-pinene, in both species and phenological stages. High amounts of diterpenes were found especially for A. arenaria essential oils. Each analyzed species presented unique compounds, which can provide a characteristic chemical profile for both species helping to solve their taxonomic problems. This study characterized for the first time the yield and essential oil composition of A. arenaria and A. robusta, which have medicinal potential, and some of the compounds in their essential oils are unique to each one and may be useful in helping the correct identification of them.883118991907Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq) [303715/2014-6]Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2010/514543, 2010/02005-1]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Datasets for Portuguese Legal Semantic Textual Similarity: Comparing weak supervision and an annotation process approaches

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    The Brazilian judiciary has a large workload, resulting in a long time to finish legal proceedings. Brazilian National Council of Justice has established in Resolution 469/2022 formal guidance for document and process digitalization opening up the possibility of using automatic techniques to help with everyday tasks in the legal field, particularly in a large number of texts yielded on the routine of law procedures. Notably, Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques allow for processing and extracting useful information from textual data, potentially speeding up the process. However, datasets from the legal domain required by several AI techniques are scarce and difficult to obtain as they need labels from experts. To address this challenge, this article contributes with four datasets from the legal domain, two with documents and metadata but unlabeled, and another two labeled with a heuristic aiming at its use in textual semantic similarity tasks. Also, to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed heuristic label process, this article presents a small ground truth dataset generated from domain expert annotations. The analysis of ground truth labels highlights that semantic analysis of domain text can be challenging even for domain experts. Also, the comparison between ground truth and heuristic labels shows that heuristic labels are useful


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    In the title compound, C11H15N3O3S, the C—S—N(H)—N linkage is nonplanar, the torsion angle being 75.70 (12)°. The compound has two almost planar fragments linked to the S atom: the hydrazone-derivative fragment [(HONC4H6)N—N(H)–] and the tolyl fragment (C7H7–) have maximum deviations from the mean plane through the non-H atoms of 0.0260 (10) and 0.0148 (14) Å, respectively. The two planar fragments make an inter­planar angle of 79.47 (5)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are connected through inversion centers via pairs of N—H⋯O and O—H⋯N hydrogen bonds

    Differences and similarities of postprandial lipemia in rodents and humans

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    The rat has been a mainstay of physiological and metabolic research, and more recently mice. This study aimed at characterizing the postprandial triglyceride profile of two members of the Muridae family: the Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) and C57BL/6 mice (Mus musculus) plus comparing them to the profile obtained in humans. Thirty-one male and twelve female Wistar rats, ten C57BL/6 male and nine female mice received a liquid meal containing fat (17%), protein (4%) and carbohydrates (4%), providing 2 g fat/Kg. Thirty-one men and twenty-nine women received a standardized liquid meal containing fat (25%), dextromaltose (55%), protein (14%), and vitamins and minerals (6%), and providing 40 g of fat per square meter of body surface. Serial blood samples were collected at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 h after the ingestion in rats, at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 h in mice and in humans at 2, 4, 6 and 8 h. Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests were used. The triglyceride responses were evaluated after the oral fat loads. Fasting and postprandial triglyceridemia were determined sequentially in blood sample. AUC, AUIC, AR, RR and late peaks were determined. Rats are prone to respond in a pro-atherogenic manner. The responses in mice were closer to the ones in healthy men. This study presents striking differences in postprandial triglycerides patterns between rats and mice not correlated to baseline triglycerides, the animal baseline body weight or fat load in all animal groups.101CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão temNão te

    Effects of Fluoride on Submandibular Glands of Mice: Changes in Oxidative Biochemistry, Proteomic Profile, and Genotoxicity

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    Although fluoride (F) is well-known to prevent dental caries, changes in cell processes in different tissues have been associated with its excessive exposure. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of F exposure on biochemical, proteomic, and genotoxic parameters of submandibular glands. Twenty one old rats (n = 30) were allocated into three groups: 60 days administration of drinking water containing 10 mgF/L, 50 mgF/L, or only deionized water (control). The submandibular glands were collected for oxidative biochemistry, protein expression profile, and genotoxic potential analyses. The results showed that both F concentrations increased the levels of thiobarbituric acid–reactive substances (TBARS) and reduced glutathione (GSH) and changed the proteomic profile, mainly regarding the cytoskeleton and cellular activity. Only the exposure to 50 mgF/L induced significant changes in DNA integrity. These findings reinforce the importance of continuous monitoring of F concentration in drinking water and the need for strategies to minimize F intake from other sources to obtain maximum preventive/therapeutic effects and avoid potential adverse effects

    Comparison of primary human gingival fibroblasts from an older and a young donor on the evaluation of cytotoxicity of denture adhesives

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    Denture adhesives (DA) improve the retention and stability of ill-fitting dentures, especially for older adults. These materials should be biocompatible, i.e., they cannot cause undesired biological responses and be non-cytotoxic to oral tissues. However, in vitro testing of DA biocompatibility employing primary cell culture may possibly be affected by other factors, such as the donor age. Objective To compare the cytotoxicity of three different denture adhesives when assessed in primary gingival fibroblasts from a young donor or from an older donor, as well as the release of the basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and the inflammatory response marker interleukin-6 (IL-6). Material and Methods Gingival fibroblasts isolated from a 30- and a 62-year-old donor were assayed for proliferation (1-7 days) and sensitivity to latex (positive control). Fibroblasts were indirectly exposed to Corega Ultra (cream), Corega powder and Fixodent Original for a 24 h period and assayed by XTT and Crystal Violet tests. The release of IL-6 and bFGF by exposed cells was determined by ELISA. Results While cells from the young donor presented higher cell growth after 7 days, the sensitivity to increasing concentrations of latex extracts was very similar between young and older cells. Both XTT and CVDE detected no difference between the DA and the control group. All materials induced higher levels of IL-6 and bFGF compared to control. Cells from the older donor exposed to Corega Ultra released lower levels of cytokine and growth factor. Conclusions All materials were considered non-cytotoxic, but affected cytokine and growth factor release. The biological differences found between fibroblasts from both donors could be due to individual or age-related factors. The authors suggest the use of cells from older donors on studies of dental products aimed at older patients, to better simulate their physiological response