9 research outputs found


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    Este artigo objetiva identificar os principais resíduos gerados ao longo do processo produtivo de polpa da manga Ubá, avaliar seus respectivos potenciais poluidores e apresentar opções de aproveitamento para os mesmos. Para tal, foram realizadas visitas técnicas em agroindústrias, buscas na literatura por informações relacionadas, avaliações de aspectos legais associados aos impactos ambientais gerados por tais resíduos e, por fim, buscas de alternativas de aproveitamento dos mesmos. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram a suspeita de que são muitos os resíduos gerados, em termos de quantidade (cerca de 40% em relação à massa de matéria-prima no caso só dos resíduos orgânicos) e diversidade (resíduos das amostragens, frutos impróprios, caroços, cascas, resíduos fibrosos, águas residuárias, gases, materiais particulados, dentre outros), e que os estabelecimentos visitados são de médio potencial poluidor. Entretanto, existem diversas alternativas para o aproveitamento destes resíduos, gerando inclusive novas receitas para tais indústrias e principalmente mitigando seu impacto ambiental. DOI: https://doi.org/10.35700/2316-8382.2022.v1n12.307

    Plantas com potencial inseticida: enfoque em espécies amazônicas

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    A vast potential for the production of secondary metabolites and insecticide potential has been studied within a wide diversity of Brazilian flora. Thus, this study aimed to present information on the potential of plants to control insects through a literature review. The first botanical insecticides used were nicotine, pyrethrin, rotenone, ryanodine, and sabadilla. Since then, various compounds and species have been studied, such as azadirachtin extracted from neem, alkaloids from Annonaceae, rotenone in Derris urucu, and amides from Piperaceae, among other records of Amazonian species. Therefore, Amazonian species make up a rich source of research, and many of the specimens studied were promising for the development of insecticides. However new research, especially in the field, should be carried out to prospect for new species, seeking selective compounds with consequently less environmental contamination for both direct use and the development of new commercial insecticides.Um imenso potencial para a produção de compostos secundários e potencial inseticida vem sendo estudado dentro da ampla diversidade que a flora brasileira apresenta. Dessa forma, o presente estudo objetivou apresentar informações sobre o potencial das plantas no controle de insetos, através de uma revisão bibliográfica. Os primeiros inseticidas botânicos utilizados foram a nicotina, a piretrina, a rotenona, a sabadilla e a rianodina. A partir de então foram estudados vários compostos e espécies, como a azadiractina, extraída do nim, alcaloides das Anonaceaes, rotenona em Derris urucu, Piperaceae com as amidas, entre outros registros com as espécies amazônicas. Observa-se então que as espécies amazônicas compõem uma rica fonte de pesquisa e muitos dos exemplares estudados mostraram-se promissores para o desenvolvimento de inseticidas. Entretanto, novas pesquisas, principalmente em campo, devem ser realizadas para prospecção de novas espécies, buscando compostos seletivos e consequentemente com menor contaminação ambiental, para utilização tanto direta, quanto para o desenvolvimento de novos inseticidas comerciais


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    Forest fires affect ecosystems and cause damage that can be minimized by fire prevention programs. The objective was to determine the periods with the highest probability of occurrence of forest fires in Brazil. Heat source records detected by satellites between 1999 and 2014, and the frequency of occurrences of fire and burnt area sizes from 2006 to 2014, were evaluated. A statistical analysis of averages grouping allowed to separate the months with the highest number of heat sources into homogeneous groups, being possible to validate them with the months with the highest record of fires in the Conservation Units, thus defining the normal fire season. The number of heat sources records in Brazil was higher in winter and spring, dry seasons with lower rainfall and higher temperatures, with normal fire season from August to November. The fire occurrences were higher between August and October, with the higher burnt area in September. The periods of highest fire occurrence in Brazil varied between regions according to the climatological characteristics, and therefore strategies for fire prevention and control in vegetation must be intensified during the normal fire season. The period from August to November needs the greatest attention from the public authorities regarding the implementation of prevention and control fire programs. The months September and October make up the normal fire season from all regions of the Brazil

    Evaluation of surface runoff in bauxite mining areas in the Zona da Mata of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    A mineração superficial contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico e social, mas altera as paisagens e os ecossistemas, podendo modificar os processos hidrológicos, como o escoamento superficial. A recuperação dessas áreas busca restabelecer os processos ecológicos e hidrológicos. Portanto, o monitoramento do escoamento superficial em áreas reabilitadas permite demonstrar a eficiência da reabilitação após a mineração. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da mineração de bauxita no escoamento superficial em minas de bauxita no sudeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil. No capítulo 1, o objetivo foi comparar o escoamento superficial de antes da mineração com o da reabilitação inicial, após mineração. Sete parcelas coletoras de escoamento superficial foram alocadas e monitoradas antes da mineração e durante a reabilitação inicial. Fatores físico-ambientais e antrópicos que interferem no escoamento superficial foram caracterizados nos dois períodos e submetidos à análise de componentes principais (ACP). O escoamento superficial diminuiu de 0,76 % (área de referência) para 0,30 % da precipitação na reabilitação inicial. A redução da inclinação do terreno e o aumento da rugosidade da superfície foram os fatores mais explicativos para a redução do escoamento superficial, pois, diminuem a velocidade e o volume das perdas de água. A densidade e o teor de silte do solo aumentaram e a porosidade total, macroporosidade e matéria orgânica diminuíram na reabilitação inicial. A resistência do solo foi igual até a profundidade de 30 cm e aumentou na reabilitação inicial nas demais profundidades. Alterações nas propriedades físicas do solo e a redução de matéria orgânica são explicadas pelo revolvimento e exposição dos horizontes superficiais do solo. As taxas de infiltração foram iguais devido à presença de fissuras e fendas no substrato da reabilitação inicial que se assemelha aos caminhos biológicos de antes da mineração. O capítulo 2 objetivou comparar o escoamento superficial gerado entre 2,5 e 3,5 anos de reabilitação, após mineração de bauxita. Outras sete parcelas foram instaladas em uma área já reabilitada e monitorada em dois períodos chuvosos de anos consecutivos: 2,5 e 3,5 anos de reabilitação. Os fatores físico-ambientais e antrópicos que interferem no escoamento superficial foram caracterizados nos dois períodos e submetidos à ACP. O coeficiente de escoamento superficial médio aos 2,5 anos foi 0,17% (±0,37%) da precipitação e igual (p-valor <0,05) ao da idade de 3,5 anos (0,12% ±0,26%) de reabilitação. Esses coeficientes de escoamento foram menores do que o de área de plantio de eucalipto sem mineração (0,56%) na região e na mesma faixa de declividade. O sucesso do estabelecimento da cobertura vegetal, já no primeiro período avaliado, explica os valores semelhantes de escoamento superficial. A área de projeção das copas, diâmetro dos fustes de eucalipto, a serapilheira acumulada e sua capacidade de retenção hídrica aumentaram de 2,5 para 3,5 anos de reabilitação devido ao crescimento e maior porte das árvores, que potencializa elevada produção e deposição de folhas no solo. As taxas e a capacidade de infiltração e os parâmetros físicos do solo foram pouco alterados entre os períodos, pois, as características físicas do solo demandam muitos anos para modificação. As propriedades do solo, topografia construída e característica das plantas após mineração reduziram o escoamento superficial na reabilitação inicial, e permaneceram menores que a área de referências nos anos de reabilitação subsequentes.Surface mining contributes to economic and social development, but alters landscapes and ecosystems, and can modify hydrological processes, such as surface runoff. The recovery of these areas seeks to restore ecological and hydrological processes. Therefore, the monitoring of surface runoff in rehabilitated areas allows demonstrating the efficiency of rehabilitation after mining. This work had the objective of evaluating the effects of bauxite mining on surface runoff in bauxite mines in the southeast of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In chapter 1, the objective was to compare the pre-mining surface runoff with that of the initial rehabilitation after mining. Seven surface runoff plots were allocated and monitored prior to mining and during initial rehabilitation. Physical-environmental and anthropogenic factors that interfere with surface runoff were characterized in both periods and submitted to principal component analysis (PCA). The runoff decreased from 0.76% (reference area) to 0.30% of precipitation at initial rehabilitation. The reduction of the slope of the terrain and the increase of the surface roughness were the most explanatory factors for the reduction of the surface runoff, since they reduce the speed and the volume of the water losses. Density and soil silt content increased and total porosity, macroporosity, and organic matter decreased in initial rehabilitation. The soil resistance was equal to the depth of 30 cm and increased in initial rehabilitation in the other depths. Changes in the physical properties of the soil and the reduction of organic matter are explained by the revolving and exposure of the superficial horizons of the soil. The infiltration rates were the same due to the presence of cracks and crevices in the substrate of the initial rehabilitation that resembles the biological pathways prior to mining. Chapter 2 aimed to compare the surface runoff generated between 2.5 and 3.5 years of rehabilitation after bauxite mining. Seven other plots were installed in an area already rehabilitated and monitored in two rainy periods of consecutive years: 2.5 and 3.5 years of rehabilitation. Physical-environmental and anthropogenic factors that interfere with surface runoff were characterized in both periods and submitted to PCA. The average runoff coefficient at 2.5 years was 0.17% (± 0.37%) of the precipitation and the same (p-value <0.05) at the age of 3.5 years (0.12% ± 0.26%) of rehabilitation. These runoff coefficient were lower than the eucalyptus plantation area without mining (0.56%) in the region and in the same slope. The success of the establishment of the vegetal cover, already in the first evaluated period, explains the similar values of surface runoff. The crown projection area, diameter of the eucalyptus shafts, accumulated litter and its water retention capacity increased from 2.5 to 3.5 years of rehabilitation due to the growth and greater size of the trees, which potentiated high production and deposition of leaves on the ground. The rates and infiltration capacity and physical parameters of the soil were little changed between the periods, since the physical characteristics of the soil require many years for modification. Soil properties, built topography and characteristics of plants after mining reduced runoff at initial rehabilitation, and remained smaller than the reference area in subsequent years of rehabilitation.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológic

    Monitoring and prediction of surface runoff in open pit mines with a focus on bauxite extraction

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    A mineração é uma das principais atividades que contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico mundial. Na mineração superficial, o solo é escavado para atingir a matéria prima, como consequência os processos envolvidos no ciclo hidrológico são afetados, em especial, os caminhos das águas superficiais. O monitoramento em campo associado à predição precisa e confiável de escoamento superficial auxilia no planejamento e gestão dos recursos hídricos de áreas mineradas superficialmente, como minas de bauxita. Nesta tese, (i) os estudos sobre escoamento superficial em minas de superfície na última década foram revisados (2009 a 2020); (ii) a análise do escoamento superficial antes da mineração e durante seis anos de reabilitação com plantio de Eucalipto, após a mineração de bauxita foi apresentada; e, (iii) modelos de regressão e cinco algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina foram usados para explicar e predizer o escoamento mensal de seis anos de reabilitação em minas de bauxita. Revisão da literatura, monitoramento do escoamento superficial em campo e os fatores que o influenciam, assim como análises e modelagem no software R foram realizadas para atingir os três objetivos desta tese. As novas descobertas foram: A China, os Estados Unidos e Espanha lideram os trabalhos sobre escoamento superficial em áreas de mineração superficial. O escoamento anual variou entre 2,75 mm até 488 mm, sendo que a maior parte do planeta não registrou os impactos hidrológicos dessa atividade em escala local, por meio de artigos científicos. O escoamento percentual médio monitorado em campo nas minas de bauxita foi inferior a 1% em todos os períodos de reabilitação e chegou a ser 14,09 vezes menor que antes da mineração (1,13%), sendo que as características do solo, serapilheira e vegetação foram os fatores mais explicativos. As equações de regressão linear e algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina indicaram o volume precipitado, duração acumulada da precipitação, intensidade máxima da precipitação, o mês e o número de eventos como as variáveis mais explicativas para a geração do escoamento. A abordagem de modelos de regressão linear foi satisfatória na predição do escoamento superficial de área minerada de bauxita, sendo recomendado usar a equação anual ajustada para o respectivo ano de reabilitação. Os algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina Cubist e Random Forest apresentaram as melhores acurácias para redizer o escoamento na maioria dos anos de reabilitação, mas não houve um melhor modelo que apresentasse consistentemente o melhor resultado em todos os anos de reabilitação, sendo recomendado usar o modelo anual para o respectivo ano de reabilitação. Apesar da reabilitação completa da área minerada demandar um longo processo, nossas descobertas indicam que a sucessão da vegetação e os cuidados com a adequação das características do solo são eficazes para potencializar a recuperação do ecossistema após a desestruturação do solo em minas de bauxita a céu aberto. Assim como, equações e algoritmos apresentaram-se como ferramentas úteis para a predição do escoamento mensal em áreas mineradas, tornando-se um ponto inicial na busca da otimização do planejamento hidrológico das minas superficiais de bauxita. Palavras-chave: Águas superficiais. Mineração. Reabilitação. Inteligência artificial. Hidrologia Florestal.Mining is one of the main activities that contributes to world economic development. In surface mining, the soil is excavated to reach the raw material, as a consequence the processes involved in the hydrological cycle are affected, in particular, the surface water paths. Field monitoring associated with accurate and reliable prediction of surface runoff assists in the planning and management of water resources in surface-mined areas, such as bauxite mines. In this thesis, (i) studies on surface runoff in surface mines in the last decade were reviewed (2009 to 2020); (ii) the analysis of surface runoff before mining and during six years of rehabilitation with Eucalyptus plantations after bauxite mining was presented; and, (iii) regression models and five machine learning algorithms were used to explain and predict the monthly runoff of six years of rehabilitation in bauxite mines. Literature review, monitoring of surface runoff in the field and the factors that influence it, as well as analysis and modeling in the R software were carried out to achieve the three objectives of this thesis. The new findings were: China, the United States and Spain lead the work on surface runoff in surface mining areas. The annual runoff ranged from 2.75 mm to 488 mm, and most of the planet has not recorded the hydrological impacts of this activity on a local scale, through scientific articles. The average percentage runoff monitored in the field in the bauxite mines was less than 1% in all rehabilitation periods and was 14.09 times greater than before mining (1.13%), and the soil characteristics, litter and vegetation were the most explanatory factors. Linear regression equations and machine learning algorithms indicated the volume of precipitation, accumulated duration of precipitation, maximum intensity of precipitation, the month and the number of events as the most explanatory variables for the generation of runoff. The approach of linear regression models was satisfactory in the prediction of surface runoff from bauxite mined area, being recommended to use the annual equation adjusted for the respective year of rehabilitation. The Cubist and Random Forest machine learning algorithms presented the best accuracies to reduce the flow in most years of rehabilitation, but there was no best model that consistently presented the best result in all years of rehabilitation, being recommended to use the annual model for the respective year of rehabilitation. Although the complete rehabilitation of the mined area demands a long process, our findings indicate that the succession of vegetation and the care with the adequacy of the soil characteristics are effective to enhance the recovery of the ecosystem after the destructuring of the soil in mines of the bauxite open pit. As well, equations and algorithms were presented as useful tools for the prediction of monthly runoff in mined areas, becoming a starting point in the search for the optimization of the hydrological planning of surface bauxite mines. Keywords: Surface waters. Mining. Rehabilitation. Artificial intelligence. Forest Hydrology.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio

    Avaliação hidroambiental das sub-bacias montanhosas do Rio Manhuaçu, MG

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    The objective of this chapter is to carry out an analysis of the water quality of six different sites in the Manhuaçu River basin and to propose measures for the saved sites. Changes in land cover occur and can cause degradation of the landscape. Hydrographic data selected by IBGE and IEDE level curves on a scale of 1: 50,000 were used and performed on MDEHC using Arc GIS software. Six different locations were collected in the field in the Manhuaçu River basin in February 2019. The records provided by SAAE Manhuaçu were also used. How the analyzes were evaluated and using a Water Quality Index (IQA) for the saved locations. As sub-basins Córrego Bom Jesus, Rio Manhuaçu and Rio São Luis lowered low values of dissolved oxygen with values of 0.0; 2.3 and 2.5 mg l-1, respectively. Córrego Bom Jesus had the lowest IQA value, followed by Rio Manhuaçu and Rio São Luis with values of 36.69; 44.92 and 47.84 values considered ruins. High levels of pesticides were not detected in surface waters. The product of coffee plantations close to water courses and a potential contamination by pesticides are of concern, and it is necessary to increase a protected area in the riparian zone

    Optimization of Skid Trails and Log Yards on the Amazon Forest

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    Research highlights: We used Dijkstra Algorithm (DA) to define optimal allocation of yards in order to minimize total skid-trail’s distance in the Amazon Forest. DA minimized trails’ distances and associated transportation costs, leading to an even smaller value when the current planning was disregarded and suggesting the reduction of deleterious environmental externalities. Background and objectives: We sought to answer if it is possible to optimize distances and intrinsic costs in the management of Amazonian forests using DA. The objective was to minimize skid trails distances by best allocating yards using DA and to compare four scenarios of forest harvest planning in the Brazilian Amazon. Materials and methods: Tree census data from Gênesis-Salém Farm, state of Pará, Brazil, were used. The yards and roads located by Grupo Arboris (scenario 1) were compared to three alternative scenarios in terms of total skid distance, trails and road densities, and skidding costs for three successive harvests, seeking to minimize total skid-trails’ distance. Alternative scenarios were to keep the number of yards within work units (WU) and place them in the edge of existing roads (scenario 2); keep the number of yards within each WU (scenario 3); and place 23 yards, disregarding the current planning (scenario 4). Results: Total skid-trail’s distance, number of trees above optimal extraction distance and densities of skid trails and roads were smaller in scenarios 2, 3, and 4, compared to the current yard allocation (scenario 1). Scenario 4, with fewer restrictions, reduced skid-trails’ distances by 23%. Harvest costs decreased from scenario 1 to 4 in all three harvest cycles. Conclusions: DA allowed optimized distribution of yards and skid trails and generated efficient results for harvest planning. This reinforces the importance of optimized planning, which establishes satisfactory results in the effort to reduce costs and environmental impact keeping high efficiency

    Geotechnology in the analysis of forest fragments in northern Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Abstract Pasture implantation fragments and reduces the Amazonian forest area. The objective was to quantify landscape changes in 1985, 2000 and 2015 in northern Mato Grosso, Brazil. The study was carried out in three scenes obtained by the LANDSAT satellite of a microbasin (2742.33 ha) in the municipality of Alta Floresta. Forest, water bodies, pasture and exposed soil were the thematic classes determined to e mapping the land use evolution. The edge, density and shape indexes of the fragments were measured. Normalized vegetation difference (NDVI) values were high in 1985. Land use and occupation over 15 years (1985–2000) reduced forest cover by 69.8%, but it increased by 1.7% over the next 15 years (2000–2015). The number of exposed soil patches increased between the periods, but the total area and number of the patches of the forest fragments decreased. The high values of NDVI in 1985 showed vegetated areas with high density. Reducing forest cover decreases the size of the fragments, increases the isolation and the number of soil patches exposed. The mapping of land use showed a reduction of the Amazon forest in the microbasin in the north of Mato Grosso, in the years 2000 and 2015 compared to 1985