253 research outputs found

    The use of prototyping in the design process - a tool to obtain the rationalization of solid construction waste

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    This paper is part of the study on sustainability in the construction sector based on an analysis about the use of prototyping in design and architectural design development process to enhance efficiency in the execution for work performance and decreasing considerably the production of waste solids, thus underscoring the importance to mitigate environmental impacts today. This article aims to demonstrate how the use of prototyping in construction can improve the design process and planning implementation. The methodology was based on the design base elaboration with the modular coordination with the its components connection and then the materialization do some through. 3D printing experimentation,what made possible to observe that even though there were no conclusive results, the procedure was satisfactory, and prototyping provided improvements in design process planning and pointed some mistakes even during the projetual phase

    Orientações de profissionais da saúde sobre aleitamento materno: o olhar das puérperas

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    Objective: this work aims to know the perceptions of puerperal women in what concerns breastfeeding orientation received by professionals. Methods: qualitative descriptive research, conducted from June to August 2014. The participants were puerperal women who had given birth. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and was analyzed using the Analysis of Minayo. The ethics committee on research approved the study. Results: orientation about breastfeeding was understood as a teaching method between women and professionals, suggesting that information is transmitted. The orientation sessions are usually performed in a technical way, and are focused on health problems rather than the actual women’s needs. Conclusion: the way guidelines on breastfeeding are conducted are not effectively contributing to health education, it does not allow the participation of women and the context of their experiences. It is necessary to work with education in participatory health and enable the joint construction of significant knowledge on breastfeeding

    Análise da adequação do consumo de carboidratos antes, durante e após treino e do consumo de proteinas após treino em praticantes de musculação de uma academia de Santo André-SP

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    Nutrição e atividade física têm uma importante relação, podem melhorar a capacidade de rendimento do organismo, reduzir a fadiga, permitindo que o atleta treine durante mais tempo ou que se recupere melhor entre os treinos. Acredita-se que consumo de carboidrato antes, durante e após a sessão de treinamento de força e a combinação carboidratos e proteínas logo após a sessão possam melhorar o desempenho, aumentar o desenvolvimento de força e volume muscular. Objetivo. Analisar o consumo de carboidratos antes, durante e após treino e o consumo da combinação carboidratos e proteínas após o treino de praticantes de musculação. Materiais e Métodos. O presente estudo foi realizado com 80 praticantes de musculação de uma academia localizada na cidade de Santo André. Resultados. Foi visto que apresentavam ingestão adequada de carboidratos antes, durante e após treino, respectivamente apenas 4%, 42% e 6% dos praticantes de musculação. Dos praticantes de musculação, 81% apresentavam ingestão protéica suficiente, sendo que destes, 69% apresentavam ingestão excessiva. Apenas 5% da amostra apresentou ingestão correta para ambos os nutrientes. Discussão. Depois do treino o principal objetivo da dieta é providenciar energia e carboidratos necessários para a reposição do glicogênio muscular e assegurar uma rápida recuperação, além de reabastecer as reservas musculares e otimizar a recuperação muscular.  Conclusão. A maioria dos indivíduos apresentou consumo de carboidratos abaixo do recomendado nos três momentos e a combinação de carboidratos e proteínas no pós treino foi correta na minoria dos praticantes. ABSTRACTAnalysis of carbohydrate consumption before, during and after training and proteins consumption after training of individuals who practice resistance training of the fitness center of Santo Andre-SPNutrition and physical activity have an important relationship, can improve the throughput capacity of the body, and reduce fatigue, allowing the athlete to train longer or recover better between workouts. It is believed that carbohydrate intake before, during and after the training session combining strength and carbohydrate and protein immediately after the session to improve performance, enhance the development of strength and muscle volume. Aim. Analyze carbohydrate intake before, during and after training and consumption of combining carbohydrates and protein after training of bodybuilders. Materials and Methods. This study was conducted with 80 bodybuilders in a gym located in the city of Santo André. Results. It was seen that had adequate intake of carbohydrates before, during and after training, only 4% respectively, 42% and 6% of bodybuilders. Among bodybuilders, 81% had sufficient protein intake, and of these, 69% had excessive intake. Only 5% of the sample had the correct intake for both nutrients. Discussion. After training the main goal of the diet is to provide energy and carbohydrates needed to replenish muscle glycogen and ensure rapid recovery, and replenish muscle reserves and optimize muscle recovery. Conclusion. Most individuals showed carbohydrate intake below the recommended levels in three stages and the combination of carbohydrates and protein post workout was correct in the minority of practitioners

    Podcast sobre cuidados na infância como tecnologia educacional em saúde: estudo qualitativo

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    Highlights The study described the use of podcasts as an educational health technology to disseminate knowledge about child care. Forty-one listeners participated in the study, and the educational technology proved enlightening, practical, accessible, and interesting. The podcast eased the dissemination of knowledge about child care. The podcast is freely accessible at any time and place. Introduction: Technological advances have transformed communication, making social media essential elements that promote easy access to information.   Objective: To understand the use of podcasts as an educational health technology for disseminating knowledge about child care. Materials and Methods: Online, descriptive, and exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, developed between March and April 2023, using an electronic form with 41 participants, listeners of the podcasts from a technological initiation project. The data was processed in the Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires and analyzed according to Thematic Content Analysis.   Results: The use of the podcast was described as fundamental in the face of different doubts about child care. This educational technology proved enlightening, practical, accessible, and interesting, and the topics addressed were important for expanding the listeners’ knowledge. Furthermore, the fact of having an audio format made consuming the content and daily tasks easier. Discussion:   Changes in the participants’ behavior were observed through the use of this social media, encouraging safe practices and guidance that corroborate health education practices. It has reinforced the importance of social media as a means of disseminating information to improve care practices aimed at the pediatric population. Conclusions: The podcast is an educational health technology that eases the dissemination of knowledge to the population about child care in a free, practical, and accessible way and can, therefore, be applied to health education, having an innovative character from the perspective of digital health. How to cite this article: Borges, Joyce de Oliveira; Góes, Fernanda Garcia Bezerra; Silva, Aline Cerqueira Santos Santana; Pereira-Ávila, Fernanda Maria Vieira; Goulart, Maithê de Carvalho Lemos; Nunes, Nátale Gabriele Ferreira; Martins, Vanessa Ramos. Podcast about child care as an educational health technology: a qualitative study. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(3):e3845.  https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.3845Introducción: Los avances tecnológicos han transformado la comunicación, convirtiendo a las redes sociales en elementos esenciales que facilitan el acceso a la información. Objetivo: Comprender el uso de podcasts como tecnología educativa en salud para difundir conocimientos sobre el cuidado de la infancia. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio online, descriptivo y exploratorio, con enfoque cualitativo, desarrollado entre marzo y abril de 2023, mediante formulario electrónico con 41 participantes, oyentes de podcasts de un proyecto de iniciación tecnológica. Los datos fueron procesados en Interface de R pour Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires y analizados según el Análisis de Contenido Temático. Resultados: El uso del podcast fue calificado como fundamental ante diferentes dudas sobre el cuidado de la infancia. Esta tecnología educativa resultó esclarecedora, práctica, accesible e interesante; los temas tratados fueron importantes para ampliar los conocimientos de los oyentes. Además, tener un formato de audio facilitó el consumo del contenido junto con las tareas diarias. Discusión: Se observaron cambios en el comportamiento de los participantes a través del uso de esta red social, incentivando prácticas seguras y orientaciones que corroboran las prácticas de educación en salud. Fortaleció la importancia de las redes sociales como medio de difusión de información para mejorar las prácticas de atención dirigidas a la población pediátrica.   Conclusiones: El podcast es una tecnología educativa en salud que facilita la difusión de conocimientos a la población sobre el cuidado infantil de forma práctica, accesible y gratuita y puede, por tanto, ser aplicado a la educación para la salud, teniendo un carácter innovador desde la perspectiva de la salud digital. Como citar este artículo: Borges, Joyce de Oliveira; Góes, Fernanda Garcia Bezerra; Silva, Aline Cerqueira Santos Santana; Pereira-Ávila, Fernanda Maria Vieira; Goulart, Maithê de Carvalho Lemos; Nunes, Nátale Gabriele Ferreira; Martins, Vanessa Ramos. Podcast sobre cuidados na infância como tecnologia educacional em saúde: estudo qualitativo. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(3):e3845.  https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.3845Highlights O estudo descreveu o uso do podcast como tecnologia educacional em saúde na disseminação de conhecimentos sobre cuidados na infância. Quarenta e um ouvintes participaram do estudo em que a tecnologia educacional revelou-se esclarecedora, prática, acessível e interessante. O podcast facilitou a disseminação de conhecimentos sobre cuidados infantis. O podcast é de acesso livre e gratuito podendo ser acessado em qualquer hora e lugar. Introdução: Os avanços tecnológicos têm transformado a comunicação, tornando as mídias sociais elementos essenciais que facilitam o acesso à informação. Objetivo: Compreender o uso do podcast como tecnologia educacional em saúde para a disseminação de conhecimentos sobre cuidados na infância. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo online, descritivo e exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido entre março e abril de 2023, por meio de formulário eletrônico com 41 participantes, ouvintes dos podcasts de um projeto de iniciação tecnológica. Os dados foram processados no Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires e analisados segundo Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Resultados: O uso do podcast foi descrito como fundamental frente às distintas dúvidas sobre os cuidados na infância. Essa tecnologia educacional revelou-se esclarecedora, prática, acessível e interessante, cujos temas abordados foram importantes para a ampliação do conhecimento dos ouvintes. Ademais, por possuir formato de áudio facilitou o consumo do conteúdo juntamente com as tarefas diárias. Discussão: Observaram-se mudanças no comportamento dos participantes através do uso desta mídia social, estimulando práticas e orientações seguras que corroboram com as práticas de educação em saúde. Fortaleceu a importância das mídias sociais como um meio de divulgação de informações para melhoria de práticas de cuidado voltadas à população pediátrica. Conclusões: O podcast é uma tecnologia educacional em saúde facilitadora na disseminação de conhecimentos para a população sobre os cuidados infantis de forma prática, acessível e gratuita podendo, portanto, ser aplicada para a educação em saúde, possuindo um caráter inovador na perspectiva da saúde digital. Como citar este artigo: Borges, Joyce de Oliveira; Góes, Fernanda Garcia Bezerra; Silva, Aline Cerqueira Santos Santana; Pereira-Ávila, Fernanda Maria Vieira; Goulart, Maithê de Carvalho Lemos; Nunes, Nátale Gabriele Ferreira; Martins, Vanessa Ramos. Podcast sobre cuidados na infância como tecnologia educacional em saúde: estudo qualitativo. Revista Cuidarte. 2024;15(3):e3845.  https://doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.384

    Comparison of different methods to overexpress large genes

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    Gain-of-function of very large transgene constructs can lead to genetic perturbations, providing researchers with the alternative of a powerful tool to identify pathway components which remain undetected when using traditional loss-of-function analysis. To promote longer-term expression, various systems for transgene integration have been developed, however large cDNA sequences are often difficult to clone into size-limited expression vectors. We attempted to overexpress ARHGAP21, a 5.874 kb gene, using different methodologies as plasmid, lentiviral and Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon based gene transfer. Using lentiviral based transduction; an enormous amount of lentiviral supernatant was produced to obtain a satisfactory titration after double ultracentrifugation. However, U937 transduced cells showed only 50% of gene expression increase, which vanished after 5 days. SB transposon system application to overexpress ARHGAP21 was a complete success. Nucleofecting SB-based vector plus SB100x transposase vector resulted in an expressive increase of gene and protein expression. Furthermore, the overexpression was maintained even after freezing and thawing processes. In conclusion, our work shows that the SB transposon system is the best choice for those seeking a stable and high gene expression. Once the overexpression is achieved, freezing cells and using them for a long time becomes possible

    challenges and strategies for adherence to treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil

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    Funding Information: The study was supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [Grant 2018/14337–0], the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [Grant 130160/2020–2] and Research Productivity Grant from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [Grant 304483/2018–4 - PQ modality (Level 1C)]. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Background: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a serious phenomenon on a global scale that can worsen with the COVID-19 pandemic. The study aimed to understand the perceptions of health professionals about MDR-TB, their strategies to ensure adherence to treatment and their challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in a priority municipality for disease control. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study and recruited 14 health providers (four doctors, three nurses, three nursing technicians, three nursing assistants and a social worker) working in a city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Remote semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants. For data analysis, the thematic content analysis technique was applied according to the study’s theoretical framework. Results: The study revealed the causes of MDR-TB are associated with poverty, vulnerability, and social risk. A pre-judgement from the providers was observed, namely, all patients do not adhere due their resistance and association with drug abuse or alcoholism. The study also observed difficulty among health providers in helping patients reconstruct and reframe their life projects under a care perspective, which would strengthen adherence. Other issues that weakened adherence were the cuts in social protection and the benefits really necessary to the patients and a challenge for the providers manage that. The participants revealed that their actions were impacted by the pandemic and insecurity and fear manifested by patients after acquiring COVID-19. For alleviating this, medical appointments by telephone, delivery of medicine in the homes of patients and visits by health professionals once per week were provided. Conclusion: The study advances knowledge by highlighting the challenges faced by the health system with the adherence of patients with MDR-TB in a context aggravated by the pandemic. An improvement in DOT is really necessary to help the patients reframe their lives without prejudices, face their fears and insecurity, recover their self-esteem and motivate in concluding their treatment.publishersversionpublishe

    Temporal trend of tuberculosis incidence and its spatial distribution in Macapá – Amapá

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendência temporal da incidência da tuberculose após a implementação do teste rápido molecular, identificar se a tuberculose apresenta variação sazonal e classificar o território de acordo com a densidade de casos e as áreas de risco em Macapá-AP. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico composto por casos de tuberculose registrados no SINAN entre 2001 e 2017. Foi utilizado o teste Prais-Winsten para classificar a tendência temporal da incidência e a Série Temporal Interrompida para identificar mudanças na tendência temporal antes e depois da implementação do teste rápido molecular, além de verificar a sazonalidade no município. Utilizou-se o estimador de Kernel para classificar a densidade de casos e estatística de varredura para identificar áreas de risco da tuberculose. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 1730 casos, observando-se que a tendência temporal da incidência de tuberculose foi decrescente (-0,27% por mês, IC95% −0,13 a −0,41). Não houve mudança de nível na série temporal após a implantação do teste molecular GeneXpert® MTB/RIF, porém, o período pós teste foi classificado como crescente em termos da incidência (+2,09% por mês, IC95% 0,92 a 3,27). Quanto à variação sazonal, apresentou crescimento (+13,7%/mês, IC95% 4,71 a 23,87) nos meses de dezembro a junho, referente ao período de chuvas – chamado inverno amazônico – e decréscimo (-9,21% por mês, IC95% −1,37 a −16,63) nos demais períodos. Por meio de Kernel, foram classificadas áreas com alta densidade de casos nos distritos Central e Norte e, com a estatística de varredura, foram identificados três aglomerados de proteção, AE1 (RR = 0,07), AE2 (RR = 0,23) e AE3 (RR = 0,36), e um aglomerado de alto risco, AE4 (RR = 1,47). CONCLUSÃO: A tendência temporal da incidência de tuberculose se revelou decrescente na série temporal, todavia, um crescimento na detecção foi observado após introdução do TRM-TB, e ainda se evidenciou que há comportamento sazonal da tuberculose. A distribuição dos casos foi heterogênea, com tendência de concentração em territórios vulneráveis e de risco, evidenciando um padrão de desigualdade da doença no território.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the temporal trend of tuberculosis incidence after the implementation of the rapid molecular test (RMT-TB), to identify whether tuberculosis presents seasonal variation and to classify the territory according to case density and risk areas in Macapá, Amapá. METHODS: Ecological study of tuberculosis cases registered in the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN – Information System for Notifiable Diseases) between 2001 and 2017. We used the Prais-Winsten test to classify the temporal trend of incidence and the interrupted time series to identify changes in the temporal trend before and after the implementation of the rapid molecular test, and to verify seasonality in the municipality. The Kernel estimator was used to classify case density and scan statistics to identify areas of tuberculosis risk. RESULTS: A total of 1,730 cases were identified, with a decreasing temporal trend of tuberculosis incidence (−0.27% per month, 95%CI −0.13 to −0.41). The time series showed no change in level after the implementation of the GeneXpert®MTB/RIF molecular test; however, the incidence increased in the post-test period (+2.09% per month, 95%CI 0.92 to 3.27). Regarding the seasonal variation, it showed growth (+13.7%/month, 95%CI 4.71 to 23.87) from December to June, the rainy season – called amazon winter season –, and decrease (−9.21% per month, CI95% −1.37 to −16.63) in the other periods. We classified areas with high density of cases in the Central and Northern districts using Kernel and identified three protection clusters, SC1 (RR = 0.07), SC2 (RR = 0.23) and SC3 (RR = 0.36), and a high-risk cluster, SC4 (RR = 1.47), with the scan statistics. CONCLUSION: The temporal trend of tuberculosis incidence was decreasing in the time series; however, detection increased after the introduction of RMT-TB, and tuberculosis showed seasonal behavior. The case distribution was heterogeneous, with a tendency to concentrate in vulnerable and risk territories, evidencing a pattern of disease inequality in the territory


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    Paralympic sports coaches work differently from other coaches. This study analyzed the professional trajectory of coaches working with the Brazilian Paralympic Delegation to the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. It included 35 coaches (age: 39.7±9.4; working experience: 10.7±5,4 years) who answered a structured questionnaire with closed-ended questions related to their history and professional training. As for academic training, 97.1% held degrees in Physical Education; 65.7% held specialization diplomas; and 22.9% held master’s degrees in the area. In addition, 65.7% of the coaches attended some college-level course on Paralympic sports and 85% attended complementary training courses. We concluded that coaches had formal learning opportunities during their undergraduate training in Physical Education and other courses after that, as well as informal opportunities to build their career in Paralympic sports. Los entrenadores del deporte paralímpico presentan diferencias en su actuación en comparación a otros entrenadores. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la trayectoria profesional de los entrenadores de la Delegación Paralímpica Brasileña de los Juegos Río 2016. Este estudio contó con 35 entrenadores (edad: 39,7±9,4 años, tiempo de actuación: 10,7±5,4 años) que respondieron a un cuestionario estructurado con preguntas relacionadas a su trayectoria y formación profesional. En lo referente a formación académica, el 97,1% de los entrenadores eran graduados en Educación Física, 65,7% cursó postgrado lato sensu y 22,9% posgrado strito sensu en el área. Además, 65,7% de los entrenadores realizaron alguna disciplina en la universidad relacionada deporte paralímpico y el 85% realizaron cursos de formación complementaria. Concluimos que los entrenadores tuvieron oportunidades de aprendizaje formal durante su graduación en  Educación Física y en  otros cursos de formación después de la conclusión del curso, así como oportunidades informales para construir su carrera en el deporte paralímpico.  Treinadores do esporte paralímpico apresentam diferenças na atuação comparados a outros treinadores. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a trajetória profissional dos treinadores da Delegação Paralímpica Brasileira dos Jogos Rio 2016. Este estudo contou com 35 treinadores (idade: 39,7±9,4 anos, tempo de atuação: 10,7±5,4 anos) que responderam a um questionário estruturado com perguntas fechadas relacionadas à sua trajetória e formação profissional. Em relação à formação acadêmica, 97,1% dos treinadores apresentaram graduação em Educação Física, 65,7% cursaram pós-graduação lato sensu e 22,9% pós-graduação stricto sensu (mestrado) na área. Além disso, 65,7% dos treinadores realizaram alguma disciplina na universidade relacionada ao esporte paralímpico e 85% realizaram cursos de formação complementar. Concluimos que os treinadores tiveram oportunidades de aprendizado formal durante a graduação em Educação Física e em outros cursos de formação após a conclusão do curso, bem como oportunidades informais para construírem sua carreira no esporte paralímpico.