656 research outputs found

    Privatisation of Kenya Ports Authority : its socio-economic impact

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    Pengaruh Good Corporate Goavernance dan Leverage Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan"Perbankan''di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2007-2010

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    Corporate governance merupakan salah satu elemen kunci dalam meningkatkan efesiensi ekonomi, yang meliputi serangkaian hubungan antara manajemen perusahaan, dewan komisaris, dewan direksi, komite audit dan stakeholders lainnya. Corporate governance juga memberikan suatu struktur yang memfasilitasi penentuan sasaran-sasaran dari suatu perusahaan, dan sebagai sarana untuk menentukan teknik monitoring kinerja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh corporate governance, dalam hal ini ukuran dewan komisaris, dewan direksi, komite audit, serta leverage terhadap kinerja perbankan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Populasi yang akan di teliti dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan perbankan selama empat periode waktu yaitu 2007-2010 di BEI. Pemilihan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria sebanyak 13 perusahaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi berganda, uji t, uji F dan koefisien determinasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: Hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme corporate governance yang terdiri dari ukuran dewan direksi, ukuran dewan komisaris dan komite audit tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Sedangkan leverage berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Hasil uji F menunjukkan bahwa ukuran dewan direksi, ukuran dewan komisaris, komite audit dan leverage secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi menunjukkan bahwa kinerja perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh ukuran dewan direksi, ukuran dewan komisaris, komite audit dan le

    Il trattamento dei disturbi di personalità nel setting forense e sue applicazioni nello scenario italiano

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    Our present work represents a review of the scientific literature currently available on effective psychotherapeutic treatmentsfor mentally ill offenders. What has come out from the review of the scientific literature on effective treatments focused onthis specific subpopulation is the necessity of highly integrated therapeutic interventions that have to me administered in synergism by different health professionals and community services. Specifically literature states that it is essential to differentiate the forensic patient treatment plan (meaning both psychiatric and penal rehabilitation, antisocial behaviours, prevention of psychiatric and antisocial relapses, intervention on relapse risk factors, work opportunities..) on at least two macro levels: one mainly “institutional” community based, that implies a network cooperation among different services, what we call an enrollment in a community program (both clinical and judiciary) and the other one strictly “clinical” focusing on psychosocial, psychological (and psychotherapeutic) interventions that involve patients themselves and, when possible, their relatives. This paper will introduce a first section on available community treatments literature data and a second one focused on effective psychotherapeutic interventions that are currently suggested for mentally ill offenders. The theoretical frameworks taken into considerations belong to the most valuable and experienced authors on treatment and assessment of forensic psychiatric patients.&nbsp

    Condotte aggressive ed antisociali nell’infanzia e nella adolescenza: alcune riflessioni cliniche e psicopatologiche

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    In Childhood and Adolescence, conduct problems and antisocial behaviour are largely widespread and the most commonreason for referral to public and private mental health professionals. Aggressive and defiant behaviour is not pathologicalitself, but is part of normal functioning, particularly at some specific ages, and a component of human nature. Therefore, deciding when aggressive or antisocial behaviour needs clinical intervention is a challenge, especially across developmentalstages when the plasticity of mental functioning has an impact on the fluency and instability of the diagnosis. In this paper,we are going to consider psychological, emotional and interpersonal features of children and adolescents displaying a psychopathological conduct, beyond behaviour and acts, which, according to a clinical perspective, could be more useful andshould address effective interventions.&nbsp

    Il trattamento del malato di mente detenuto

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    The psychiatric incarcerated population has increased enormously in recent years. Most of them are homeless and sufferingmainly from psychosis, often in comorbidity with substance abuse. Psychopathology, as well as the effect of substances orwithdrawal, mediates the possibility of committing crimes again after release and their pathway in prison. In this contribution, we will present possible treatments currently available in prison, both for psychopathology and detoxification from substances and alcohol, and their effectiveness. In addition, the characteristics of two particular populations, women and adolescents facing the prison experience, will be highlighted. Finally, an in-depth study on suicide and self-harming, transversal to psychiatric disease, gender or age, will propose both the size of the phenomenon and possible prevention or intervention options

    In search for environmental education sustainability

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    [Resumo] Os conceitos de identidade, comunidade, diálogo, potência de ação e felicidade são os cinco pilares que, na compreensão do Laboratório de Educação e Política Ambiental (Oca) da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiróz da Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), promovem a sustentabilidade dos processos educadores. Os conceitos aqui tratados foram revisados à luz de abordagens transdisciplinares e tecidos junto ao grupo de pesquisadores da Oca ao longo de um ano de estudos coletivos. O conceito de comunidade é trazido a partir do diálogo com textos de Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Manuel Castells, Zygmunt Bauman, Carlos Rodrigues Brandão e Enrique Leff, dentre outros. A busca do sentido comunitário, a partir de redes de coletivos educadores ambientalistas comprometidos com a construção de sociedades sustentáveis, é expressão de uma democracia radicalmente inclusiva, com pactos de governança e governabilidade que garantam o fortalecimento das identidades coletivas e individuais. Diante de identidades ameaçadas pela globalização e tantas poli-identidades e individualismos forjados na modernidade, a Educação Ambiental busca na dialética indivíduo planeta e no diálogo Eu-Tu proposto por Martin Buber, aprofundar percepções mútuas, que permitam o fluxo de significados e o recolhimento de nossos pressupostos de raiz, como nos lembra David Bohm. O exercício de desvelamento descrito por Eda Tassara insere o sujeito no contexto social como agente educador, politicamente empoderado para transformações sociais emancipatórias, conforme proposto por Paulo Freire. A potência de ação do sujeito, consequencia desse processo, vem da sua participação no coletivo a partir dos chamados “bons encontros”, sob o olhar de Espinosa, resultando na tão buscada felicidade. Esta por sua vez é considerada resultado da expressão de três componentes: o prazer, proveniente do engajamento, mas com significado. Significado compreendido aqui na confluência de saberes e troca cultural Ocidente/Oriente, em cujo cultivo de valores/virtudes encontra-se o silêncio que liberta, unifica e transforma, como nas palavras de Krishnamurti. Por fim, com versos de Fernando Pessoa, termina-se este ciclo conceitual tal qual se iniciou, onde amar é o não-pensar e ao sentirmo-nos na totalidade é que poderemos, um dia, saber a Felicidade.[Abstract] The concepts of identity, community, dialogue, power of acting and happiness are the five pillars which, in the understanding of the Laboratory of Education and Environmental Policy (OCA) of the Superior School of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiróz” of the University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), promote the sustainability of educational processes. Such concepts have been reviewed here in the light of transdisciplinary approaches and interwoven by the group of OCA researchers throughout one year of collective studies. The concept of community has been brought about in dialogues with Boaventura de Souza Santos, Manuel Castells, Zygmunt Bauman, Carlos Rodrigues Brandão and Enrique Leff’s texts, among others. The search for the communitarian sense, from Collective Educators’ networks committed to the construction of sustainable societies, is the expression of a radically inclusive democracy, with governance and governability pacts which guarantee the strengthening of collective and individual identities. In face of identities threatened by globalization and many multi-identities and individualisms forged by modernity, Environmental Education searches for, in individual-planet dialectics and in I-Thou dialogue put forth by Martin Buber, to inquiry into mutual perceptions, which allow the flow of meaning and the acknowledgement of our basic presuppositions, as approached by David Bohm. The unfolding exercise outlined by Eda Tassara inserts the subject into the social context as an educational agent, empowered politically to emancipatory social transformations, as dealt with by Paulo Freire. The subject’s power of acting, consequent to this process, arises from their collective participation in the so called “good encounters”, under Espinosa’s eyes, resulting in the so pursued happiness. Happiness, in its turn, is considered as an outcome of the expression of three components: pleasure, originated in engagement, but with a meaning. Here such meaning is comprehended in the knowledge confluence and cultural exchange between West/East, in which the cultivation of values/virtues give rise to the liberating, unifying and transforming silence, as in Krishnamurti’s words. Finally, with Fernando Pessoa’s verses, this conceptual cycle ends where it first started, where love is not-thinking, and whenever we feel in totality is that we will be able to, one day, know happiness.

    La directiva de servicios y la movilidad de trabajadores en la UE.

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    A Semi-Parametric Estimation of Time to Exit from Service of Teachers in Kenya

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    There has been increased enrolment in both primary and secondary schools in the country since the government implemented the free primary education in 2003 and now the subsidized secondary education. This means a higher demand for qualified teachers, hence the need to retain those already in the service. In order to achieve this, there is need to investigate the factors associated with teachers’ exit from service. This study presents the semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard model to determine a combination of potential explanatory variables that are associated with survival time in service for teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission. The study used data from the Teachers Service Commission of 278,063 teachers working in public schools and post primary institutions in Kenya up to October 2014 and 28,403 who have left the Teachers Service Commission. Results show that male teachers have a higher hazard ratio (1.23) compared to their female counterparts hence indicating that male teachers are more likely to leave teaching, older teachers aged 35 years and above reduces the risk to termination by 96.9% relative to those aged 35 years and below. Teachers working in North Eastern parts of the country have lower survival rates hence are more likely to exit than those in other provinces. Keywords: The Survival function, Cox Proportional Hazard model, Teachers’ Survival Time in Service, Time to exi

    The morphological characteristics of a terrapin Emys orbicularis (Lineaus, 1758) from National park Krka

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    Barska kornjača - Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) je monotipska vrsta kornjača (Wermuth & Mertens 1961; Ernst & Barbour 1989), koja nastanjuje veći dio Europe, te dijelove Azije i Afrike. Jedna je od dvije vrste iz porodice Emydidae (Emys orbicularis i E. trinacris) s palearktičkom rasprostranjenošću (Fritz i sur. 2005). Ulovljeno je trideset i devet jedinki vrste Emys orbicularis hellenica na području Nacionalnog parka Krke (15 mužjaka i 24 ženki) koje su uspoređene s muzejskim jedinkama s Paga (12 ženki). Ovim radom su prikazane sve izmjerene morfološke značajke podvrste Emys orbicularis hellenica, kako bi se utvrdila prisutnost spolnog dimorfizma i razlike između populacije iz NP Krke i s Paga. Uz to, definirana je točna distribucija dviju podvrsta E. orbicularis orbicularis i E. orbicularis hellenica u Hrvatskoj.Terrapin Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) is a monotypic species (Wermuth & Mertens 1961; Ernst & Barbour 1989), inhabiting most of Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. It is one of the two species of the Emydidae family (Emys orbicularis and E. trinacris) with palearctic distribution (Fritz et al 2005). A total of thirty-nine individual species of Emys orbicularis hellenica from the area of the National Park Krka were measured (15 males and 24 females) and compared to the museum individuals of Pag (12 females). This thesis presents all measured morphological features of Emys orbicularis hellenica in order to determine the presence of sexual dimorphism and the differences between populations from NP Krka and Pag. In addition, the exact distribution between two subspecies E. orbicularis orbicularis i E. orbicularis hellenica in Croatia is defined