47 research outputs found

    El papel del sistema sanitario mexicano en la pandemia de covid-19 / The role of the mexican health system in the covid-19 pandemic

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    Los sistemas sanitarios del mundo han sido puestos a prueba por la pandemia de coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, que ha demostrado la insolvencia de muchos de ellos. Asimismo, los ha violado, exigiendo más y más a medida que aumentan los casos de personas infectadas. Así se ha podido constatar la falta de personal médico, equipos de protección personal, ventiladores, unidades de cuidados intensivos, entre otros problemas. Por ello, cada país se ha enfrentado a los ataques de COVID-19 según sus posibilidades

    Mulheres no mercado de trabalho mexicano / Women in the mexican labor market

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    No México, o caminho para a igualdade foi muito longo e, apesar de haver promulgações de direitos humanos nas quais a igualdade de gênero é reconhecida, a desigualdade continua se manifestando nas diferentes áreas em que as mulheres se desenvolvem, no ensino, no mercado de trabalho. etc.No século XXI, as mulheres mexicanas continuam sendo um grupo altamente vulnerável, existem fatores que limitam sua participação na sociedade e alcançam a plenitude em seu desenvolvimento pessoal, profissional e econômico. Apesar da marginalização a que foram submetidas, as mulheres mexicanas demonstraram seu desejo de se incorporar substancialmente à vida pública

    La ciencia en tiempos de pandemia / Science in times of pandemic

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    La pandemia derivada del coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 ha hecho claramente visible la importancia de la ciencia y cómo ésta presta un servicio esencial a la sociedad.Ahora que la enfermedad COVID-19 ha afectado a gran parte de la humanidad, la ciencia se ha infiltrado en nuestros hogares y está presente en nuestras conversaciones y en nuestras actividades diarias.En estos tiempos en los que reina la incertidumbre, parece que lo único que nos da tranquilidad es conocer los avances científicos que se están produciendo en el control de esta enfermedad. Por ello, es conveniente destacar la importancia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología para el desarrollo de las sociedades y la necesidad de invertir en ellas para lograr este objetivo.

    Improving reading comprehension through lesson study among tenth-grade students at a public school in the city of Loja during 2021 – 2022 school year

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo el mejorar la comprensión lectora a través del modelo “estudio de clase” entre estudiantes de décimo año en una escuela pública de la ciudad de Loja durante el periodo académico 2021-20222. Esta habilidad es considerada la más importante porque a través de ella, los estudiantes pueden obtener conocimiento léxico e información general en textos. Además, la investigación usó un diseño cuasi experimental con un enfoque mixto, para poder obtener datos cuantitativos (calificaciones de estudiantes) y cualitativos (percepciones), a través de un pretest y posttest, un cuestionario y notas de campo. Los datos analizados demostraron que los estudiantes mejoraron de manera significativa (p ≤ 0.05) su comprensión lectora después de la aplicación del modelo “estudio de clase”, y así también, ayudó a los docentes novatos a desarrollarse profesionalmente en el campo laboral. Se concluyó que el modelo “estudio de clase” impactó la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes, mayormente en los aspectos de “sobrevolar” y “escanear”, los estudiantes consideraron las estrategias aplicadas como relevantes para su proceso de aprendizaje. Además, ayudó a los docentes novatos a mejorar en la creación de planes de clase relevantes y en el manejo correcto de una clase.The present research had as main objective to improve the reading comprehension through lesson study among tenth-grade students at a public school in the city of Loja during 2021-2022 school year. This skill is considered the most important because learners can obtain lexical knowledge and general information from written texts. Furthermore, this research used a quasi-experimental design with a mixed method approach in order to gather quantitative (scores) and qualitative (perceptions) data through the use of a pretest and posttest, as well as a questionnaire and field notes. The data analyzed demonstrated that students significantly improved (p ≤ 0.05) their reading comprehension after the application of the lesson study model and helped pre-service teachers develop professionally in their field. It was concluded that the lesson study model impacted students’ reading comprehension, mostly in the aspects of skimming and scanning, and that students found the strategies applied as relevant for their learning process. In addition, this model helped pre-service teachers to improve the creation of relevant lesson plans and to successfully conduct a class

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Municipios de Duitama y Sogamoso.

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    En este trabajo se evalúan los eventos psicosociales traumáticos de los casos del “Relato de Ana Ligia” y “Caso de las Peñas Coloradas” desde un enfoque narrativo con el análisis del relato donde se proponen los recursos de afrontamiento psicosocial al sufrimiento generado en los escenarios del conflicto armado en Colombia, así como la “Foto Voz realizada en la fase 3” plasmando una reflexión. Desde el análisis narrativo del relato “Ana Ligia” caso elegido por el grupo, se identifican los impactos psicosociales de resiliencia, las voces que revelan las situaciones afrontadas, la protección de sus derechos. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de la "Foto-Voz" frente al análisis de las imágenes y narrativas dadas por la realidad y la subjetividad a partir del enfoque de la violencia y el conflicto elegido por cada estudiante, se observan las emociones negativas y la transformación de apoyo entre la comunidad para avanzar en busca de un futuro mejor. El conflicto armado en Colombia ha sido durante muchos años uno de los peores flagelos sufridos por las diferentes poblaciones en las que los grupos al margen de la ley están presentes, afectando la integridad física y mental, la estigmatización, las constantes amenazas y presiones contra los civiles para que se unan a las filas. Todas estas violaciones llevan a los habitantes a desplazarse y perderlo todo; estas poblaciones sienten que sus vidas son vulneradas. El diplomado de Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, permite al Psicólogo en formación, analizar los casos propuestos, es así como se escoge el caso de Ana Ligia, en donde se toman los eventos psicosociales traumáticos desde una perspectiva psicológica tomando una postura clara y coherente desde el análisis del relato en un determinado escenario. De manera colaborativa, las preguntas se socializan al caso seleccionado, el grupo construyó nueve estrategias, tres circulares, tres reflexivas y tres estratégicas. El enfoque narrativo proporciona elementos para el abordaje y análisis de estas historias de sufrimiento y dolor; donde el psicólogo a través del acompañamiento psicosocial puede apoyar la modificación de estas historias de dolor y sufrimiento en historias de supervivencia.In this paper the traumatic psychosocial events of the cases of the "Story of Ana Ligia" and "Case of the Peñas Coloradas" are evaluated from a narrative approach with the analysis of the account where the psychosocial coping resources are proposed to the suffering generated in the scenarios of armed conflict in Colombia, as well as the "Photo-Voice made in phase 3" capturing a reflection. From the narrative analysis of the "Story Ana Ligia" case chosen by the group, psychosocial impacts of resilience are identified, the voices that reveal the situations faced, the protection of their rights such as life, dignity, better quality of life. On the other hand, the development of the "Photo-Voice" compared to the analysis of the images and narratives given by reality and subjectivity from the approach of violence and conflict chosen by each student, negative emotions and negative emotions are observed. Support transformation among the community to move forward in search of a better future. The armed conflict in Colombia has been for many years one of the worst scourges suffered by the different populations in which groups outside the law are present, affecting physical and mental integrity, stigmatization, constant threats and pressures against them. Civilians to join the ranks. All these violations lead the inhabitants to move and lose everything; these populations feel that their lives are violated. The diploma of Psychosocial Accompaniment in Scenarios of Violence, allows the Psychologist in formation, to analyze the proposed cases, this is how the Story of Ana Ligia is chosen, where traumatic psychosocial events are taken from a psychological perspective taking a clear and coherent position from the analysis of the account in a given scenario. In a collaborative way, the questions are socialized to the selected case, the group constructed nine strategies, three circular, three reflective and three strategic. The narrative approach provides elements for the approach and analysis of these stories of suffering and pain; where the psychologist through psychosocial support can support the modification of these stories of pain and suffering into stories of survival

    Impact of cryopreservation on motile subpopulations and tyrosine-phosphorylated regions of ram spermatozoa during capacitating conditions

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Factors Affecting In Vitro Assessment of Sperm Quality.The heterogeneous nature of ejaculates highlights the relevance of studying the behavior of different sperm subpopulations. Changes in sperm motility and the increase in tyrosine phosphorylation are key events that usually occur during capacitation and can be modified by the cryopreservation process. However, the relationship between both events remains poorly defined throughout capacitation in the different sperm subpopulations. Fresh and frozen-thawed spermatozoa were incubated in capacitating (CAP) and non-capacitating (NC) media up to 240 min. Sperm kinematics, tyrosine phosphorylation and mitochondrial activity were measured by the CASA system and imaging flow cytometry. Four motile sperm subpopulations (SP) were identified in fresh and frozen-thawed ram semen after the cluster analysis. Incubation under CAP conditions over time led to greater changes in the percentage of spermatozoa included in each subpopulation compared to NC conditions, being different between fresh and frozen-thawed spermatozoa. The SP1, characterized by slow spermatozoa, progressively increased after 15 min in frozen-thawed samples incubated in both media but not in fresh ones. The SP4, characterized by fast and non-linear spermatozoa, showed a marked increase during CAP, but not under NC conditions, occurring more rapidly in frozen-thawed spermatozoa. This subpopulation (SP4) was also the only one positively and strongly correlated with mitochondrial activity and all phosphorylated sperm regions during capacitation, either in fresh or frozen-thawed samples. Our results indicated that in vitro capacitation induced significant changes in the distribution of motile sperm subpopulations, being affected by cryopreservation. Notwithstanding, the subpopulation which probably represents hyperactivated-like spermatozoa (SP4) also increased in frozen-thawed samples, occurring faster and simultaneously to the increment of mitochondrial activity and tyrosine phosphorylation of different sperm regions.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2013-48421-R and AGL2017-89017-R). A.M.M. was supported by a Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness scholarship and P.P.-F. was supported by a University of Castilla-La Mancha scholarship [2015/4062].Peer reviewe

    Beneficial effects of melatonin in the ovarian transport medium on in vitro embryo production of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus)

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Reproductive Biotechnology in Wildlife.[Simple Summary]: The development of in vitro embryo production (IVP) in wild species, such as Iberian red deer, can become a daunting challenge since prolonged ovary transport times to the laboratory are often unavoidable. This may have detrimental effects on the quality and developmental capacity of oocytes. We evaluated the effect of supplementing the ovary transport medium with the antioxidant melatonin and observed an increased level of oocyte intracellular reduced glutathione content. Moreover, melatonin enhanced cleavage and blastocyst rates and had a positive effect on embryo quality in terms of the expression of essential embryo development-related genes. In conclusion, the addition of melatonin to the ovary storage medium could mitigate the negative impacts that long transport times may have on oocyte developmental competence and quality of the resulting blastocysts in Iberian red deer.A major limiting factor for the development of in vitro embryo production (IVP) in wild species, such as Iberian red deer, compared to livestock animals is the poor availability and limited access to biological material. Thus, the use of post-mortem ovaries from slaughtered animals represent a source of oocytes for the large scale production of embryos needed for research and to improve the efficiency of IVP. However, these oocytes are not as developmentally competent as their in vivo counterparts. Moreover, oocytes are usually obtained from ovaries that have been transported for long distances, which may also affect their quality. In order to overcome the issues associated with prolonged storage times of post-mortem material, in this study we examined the effect of melatonin supplementation to the ovary transport medium on oocyte quality, embryo yield, and blastocyst quality in Iberian red deer. When necessary, sheep was used as an experimental model due to the large number of samples required for analysis of oocyte quality parameters. Oocytes were in vitro matured and assessed for early apoptosis; DNA fragmentation; reactive oxygen species (ROS); reduced glutathione (GSH) content, mitochondrial membrane potential, and distribution; and relative abundance of mRNA transcript levels. After in vitro fertilization, embryo rates and blastocyst quality were also investigated. The results revealed that melatonin treatment significantly increased intracellular level of GSH in sheep oocytes. Moreover, the percentage of cleavage and blastocyst yield in red deer was greater compared to the Control group and there was lower abundance of oxidative stress- and apoptosis-related SHC1, TP53, and AKR1B1 mRNA transcripts in blastocysts for the Melatonin group. In conclusion, the supplementation of melatonin to the ovary storage medium had a positive effect on the developmental competence and quality of resulting blastocysts in Iberian red deer.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2017-89017-R) and Regional Government (SBPLY/17/180501/000500). M.I.-C. and A.M.-M. were supported by a Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness scholarship. P.P.-F. and D.-A.M.-C. were supported by a University of Castilla-La Mancha scholarship.Peer reviewe

    Freezing Protocol Optimization for Iberian Red Deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) Epididymal Sperm under Field Conditions

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    14 Pág.Creating germplasm banks of wild species, such as the Iberian red Deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) can be challenging. One of the main difficulties is the obtention and cryopreservation of good-quality reproductive cells when the spermatozoa are obtained from epididymides after death. To avoid a loss of seminal quality during transport, developing alternative methods for cooling and freezing sperm samples under field conditions is necessary. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different durations of equilibrium and different techniques of cooling and freezing on Iberian red deer epididymal sperm quality after thawing to optimize the processing conditions in this species. Three experiments were carried out: (I) evaluation of refrigeration in straws or tubes of 15 mL; (II) study of equilibration period (0, 30, 60, or 120 min); and (III) comparison of four freezing techniques (liquid nitrogen vapor in a tank (C), liquid nitrogen vapor in a polystyrene box (B), dry ice (DY), and placing straws on a solid metallic plate floating on the surface of liquid nitrogen (MP)). For all experiments, sperm motility and kinematic parameters, acrosomal integrity, sperm viability, mitochondrial membrane potential, and DNA integrity were evaluated after thawing. All statistical analyses were performed by GLM-ANOVA analysis. Samples refrigerated in straws showed higher values (p ≤ 0.05) for mitochondrial activity and lower values (p ≤ 0.05) for apoptotic cells. Moreover, the acrosome integrity showed significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) between 0 and 120 min, but not between 30 and 60 min, of equilibration. Finally, no significant differences were found between freezing in liquid nitrogen vapors in a tank or in a box, although there was a low quality after thawing when the samples were cryopreserved in dry ice or by placing straws on a solid metallic plate floating on the surface of liquid nitrogen. In conclusion, under field conditions, it would be possible to refrigerate the sperm samples by storing them in straws with a 120 min equilibration period and freezing them in liquid nitrogen vapors in a tank or box.This research was funded by a National Grant from MICINN, grant number received a contract from “Plan Propio de la UCLM” cofinanced bTRA2009-0291.D.A.M.-C.y the European Social Fund. A.M.-M. received a predoctoral contract from MICINN cofinanced by the European Social Fund (PRE2018-084837).Peer reviewe

    Orientaciones pedagógicas para prevenir la interrupción de los estudios en el nivel de secundaria

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    Durante el 2020, el Ministerio de Educación lanzó la “Movilización nacional por la continuidad educativa y el retorno al sistema educativo” y en el 2021, estas acciones continuarán en el marco de la “Estrategia para la reinserción y la continuidad educativa” con el objetivo de prevenir la interrupción de estudios y promover la continuidad en la educación básica a nivel nacional. En este marco, el Ministerio de Educación ha desarrollado el sistema “Alerta escuela” en el SIAGIE, donde se puede identificar estudiantes que se encuentran en riesgo de interrumpir sus estudios, así como registrar mensualmente la frecuencia de comunicación directa con ellas y ellos, el acceso que tienen a estrategias de educación remota, entre otros. En este marco, el Ministerio de Educación ha desarrollado orientaciones que contribuyan a prevenir a la interrupción de los estudios , documentos publicados en el sistema de Alerta Escuela, Aprendo en Casa y en el Portal de Directivos, como “Orientaciones para promover la continuidad educativa” e “Intervenciones para prevenir la interrupción de los estudios según factores de riesgo”. El presente documento propone acciones específicas en el nivel y el abordaje de algunos factores asociados a la interrupción de los estudios. Este y los anteriores documentos son complementarios y pueden ser usados y adaptados según la necesidad de las y los estudiantes en situación de riesgo

    Ética profesional en educación superior : finalidades, estrategias y desafíos de la formación

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    Todo proyecto educativo que no responde a su época se expone a problemas de legitimidad y al duro escrutinio y sanción de los usuarios. Las instituciones de educación superior no son la excepción de esta premisa clásica, incluso más validada por eldinamismos, la versatilidad y ojo crítico en el mundo contemporáneo. La ética se ha convertido en el baremo principal para someter a juicio a las instituciones y a las personas que ahí actuan, como a las finalidades que se pretenden en sus acciones. En esta perspectiva, debe examinarse la función de las instituciones de educación superior.Este libro es el esfuerzo colectivo por acercarnos a esa problemática, en especial a las finalidades, estrategias y relaciones en juego para cumplir la tarea de la formación y sus nexos inevitables con la ética profesional