349 research outputs found

    Trap-assisted tunnelling and Shockley-Read-Hall lifetime of extended defects in In.53Ga.47As p+n junction

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    Several In.53Ga.47As p+n junctions with various extended defect densities (EDDs) have been grown by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE), by carefully controlling the growth conditions. After fabrication, T-dependent J-V, C-V and double DLTS (DDLTS) are performed to extract the electrical field dependence of the extended defect levels. From this characterization, it is derived that the extended defects dominate the electrical field enhancement factor Gamma regardless of the value of the EDD and significantly increases the leakage current under reverse bias (i.e., decrease the Shockley-Read-Hall lifetime). These impacts are strongly connected to a "band-like" density of states of extended defects E2 at E-C-0.32 eV by comparing the DDLTS and T-dependent J-V characteristics. On the other hand, the reference sample (without EDs) surprisingly exhibits an even stronger field dependence with lower leakage current. Nevertheless, no straightforward candidate point defects can be found in this sample and the possible explanation are discussed

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Kunyit Putih (Curcuna Alba) Terhadap Nilai Hb (Hemoglobin), Pcy (Packed Cell Volume), Jumlah Dan Diferensial Lekosit Tikus Yang Terpapar Asap Sepeda Motor

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    Asap kendaraan sebagai hasil buangan industri dan kendaraan bermotor memiliki kandungan untama timbal (Pb) yang dapat masuk melalui respirasi dan kulit dan berakibat buruk pada tubuh. Sebagai polutan udara, timbal merusak darah dan organ-organ, menyebabkan anemia, kerusakan sel darah merah dan mengakibatkan nekrosis berbagai jaringan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak kunyit putih terhadap darah tikus yang dipapar dengan asap knalpot sepeda motor. Sebanyak 25 ekor tikus Wistar jantan digunakan sebagai hewan model dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok 1 sampa 4 diberi perlakuan asap kendaraan selama 30 menit tiap pagi dan sore selama 16 hari. Kelompok I, 2 dan 3 diberi ekstrak kunyit putih masing-masin 50, 100 dan 200 mg/kg berat badan, sementara kelompok 4 dan 5 hanya diberi aquades. Setelah perlakuan selama 16 hari, semuakelompok t kus diambil darahnya dari vena chantus medialis di sinus orbitalis untuk pemeriksaan hemoglobin (Hb), Packed Cell Volume(PCV), jumlah total dan diferensial lekosit. Hasil analisi secara Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) satu arah terhadap Hb menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (P<0,05) diantara kelompok perlakuan. Analisis untuk nilai PCV tidak menunjukkan perbedaan secara signifikan namun menunjukkankenaikan persentase nilai PCV pada kelompok yang diberi ekstrak kunyit dengan kelompok yang tidak diberi ekstrak. Sementara penghitungan jumlah total dan diferensial lekosit tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yangsignifikan di antara kelompok

    New application of microbial l-glutaminase as a flavor enhancing agent in beef burgers

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    L‑glutaminase (L‑glutamine amidohydrolase EC3.5.1.2) is the key enzyme in enhancing the taste and aroma of oriental fermented foods by increasing their glutamic acid content and as a result imparting a palatable taste. Beef burgers were prepared using different levels of the partially purified L- glutaminase (2.0 to10.0 U/100 g) prepared from Aspergillus oryzae NRRL 32567. Beef burgers treated with 6.0 U/100g and the others treated with monosodium glutamate (5000 ppm) were chemically, sensory and microbiologically evaluated and compared to untreated control during frozen storage at –18 ºC for 3 months. Treatment with L‑glutaminase (6 U/100g) resulted in an increase of 443% in glutamic acid and a reduction of 63% in glutamine contents resulting in an enhanced preferable taste and odor of the prepared beef burgers. Burgers treated with 6.0 U/100g exhibited the best odor, texture, taste and overall quality scores when compared to the untreated control and samples treated with monosodium glutamate (5000 ppm). During the frozen storage of all samples, an expected slight, but significant (p≤0.05), increase in the total mesophilic bacterial count was evident and such increase was quite acceptable since numbers did not exceed the limit of 5.7x103 cfu/g. Similarly, the total psychrotrophs did not exceed 3.7x102 cfu/g

    Knowledge, Awareness and Use of Neurodynamic Mobilization in Athletes Training Among Palestinian Physiotherapists

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    Background: The use of Neurodynamic mobilizations to improve those qualities had not been enough studies; the aim of this research is to investigate the knowledge, use, and awareness of Palestinian physiotherapists about the Neurodyanimc mobilization (NDM) effect on the above-mentioned variables. Results: 58 physiotherapists responded with the average age of participants was 30.24 (± 8.14 years), the average years of experience were 5.58 (± 6.59 years). 60.3% of the participants attended courses in ND, 58.6% attended courses in NDM, postgraduate sport rehabilitation courses were reported by 60.3%. 58.6% reported the application of NDMs after warm-up exercise. 32.7% expressed knowledge in NDM with 39.7% 32.7% reported the knowledge of ND tests. 63.5% of the participants believe that ND is effective in the management of sport injures. Participants believed in positive the effect of the NDM on improving speed (48.3%) <, endurance (60.3%), balance (57%) and athlete performance 72.4%. ND assessment (r 5.31, p =0.00). Males had more knowledge than females in both ND tests and in NDM (p <0.05). Males had twice the chance to attend post-graduate courses. Methods: An online data collection sheet was developed by the researchers and was distributed online, special invitations were sent to physiotherapists on local websites of the Union, and social media. Conclusion: There was gender variation favorable for males in terms of the chances to attend postgraduate courses, more than half of the participants supported the positive effect of ND on athlete’s performance

    The Use of Digital Illustrators in Histology Practicum Learning of Medical Students In Gorontalo: Perception Study

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    Introduction: Medical students need to learn histology to understand the relation between microscopic structure and function of cells and tissues. Pictures of manual preparation made by students can be used as notes and can describe students' understanding of the observed structures. Producing good pictures in a short time is a challenge for medical students. The use of digital illustrator technology is expected to be a solution to overcoming these problems. This study aims to measure the perception of acceptance and satisfaction rate of medical students in Gorontalo towards digital illustrators in apprehend histology practicum.Method: Cross-sectional descriptive survey with modified questionnaires from previous studies. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and involved 54 first-year students. The raw data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel. The mean value calculated for each item was compared with the theoretical mean value of 2.50 to determine whether the respondents agreed with the statement.Results: All items have an average rating exceeding the theoretical mean of 2.50. Also, the mean of 3.91 (SD = 0.58) for all items substantially exceeds the theoretical mean. Items with the highest perceived rate of perceived utility, ease of use, intention to use, and actual use of digital illustrator teaching materials in learning practical skills will significantly increase students' motivation, interest, and acquisition of practical skills.Conclusion: the use of digital illustrators is perceived positively by medical students in helping histology practicum learning, which is indicated by the high rate of acceptance and rate of satisfaction with its use.


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    Las especies del género Aspergillus Link constituyen importantes agentes biodeteriorantes de objetos de valor constructivo, cultural y patrimonial. En ambientes laborales, sus propágulos y metabolitos pueden provocar afecciones a la salud humana. Los estudios aeromicológicos pueden contribuir a minimizar el impacto de Aspergillus spp. en el biodeterioro y la calidad de vida. Se han caracterizado de acuerdo a su potencial biodeteriógeno y patogénico representantes de Aspergillus spp. en el aire de depósitos de materiales en tres instituciones patrimoniales cubanas. Las muestras se tomaron empleando un biocolector SAS súper 100. Se evaluó cualitativamente la actividad celulolítica, amilolítica y proteolítica de los aislados; así como la excreción de pigmentos y ácidos orgánicos. Se evaluó el crecimiento a 37°C y la secreción de hemolisinas. Aspergillus spp. constituyó parte considerable de la micobiota aérea viable en los depósitos con 22 especies correspondientes a 12 secciones, las de mayor variabilidad fueron Flavi y Restricti, mientras la primera y la sección Aspergillus fueron las mejor representadas. El 74% de las cepas mostraron alta capacidad para degradar los compuestos orgánicos evaluados y secretar ácidos, mientras el 34% excretó pigmentos de amarillo a pardo oscuro, se evidenció un amplio potencial biodeteriorante en general. Más del 30% de los aislados mostraron ser patógenos oportunistas peligrosos para el hombre al crecer a 37°C, secretar hemolisinas, y presentar un tamaño conidial que posibilita la deposición en alveolos pulmonares. Las cepas con mayor impacto biodeteriorante y patogénico fueron los correspondientes a las Secciones Flavi, Nigri y la especie Aspergillus fumigatus Fresen


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    Actualmente el estudio de la concentración fúngica en ambientes interiores es de interés para los especialistas, pues los hongos pueden causar el biodeterioro de colecciones valiosas y resultan peligrosos para la salud humana ya que provocan alergias y otras enfermedades al hombre que está en contacto con ellos. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar microbioló- gicamente el ambiente de la Mapoteca del Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba y el polvo depositado sobre el mobiliario que conserva los mapas y planos en ese local. El estudio se ejecutó en un mes lluvioso y el muestreo microbiológico del aire se realizó empleando un método de sedimentación mientras que el polvo se colectó por aspiración. Los hongos se aislaron en medios de cultivo adecuados y los análisis se realizaron por triplicado. La concentración fúngica detectada en el aire fue inferior a las 750 UFC.m-3, por lo que el local se consideró POCO CONTAMINADO mientras en el polvo fue del orden de 105 UFC.g-1. Se detectaron los géneros Alternaria, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Acremonium, Cladosporium, Curvularia, Humicola, Epicoccum, Penicillium, Pestalotia y Trichoderma. Algunas de las especies fúngicas detectadas en el aire del local poseen importancia para el biodeterioro y la salud humana. Se reportan nuevos registros para el Archivo Nacional de la República de Cuba consistente en tres géneros (Epicoccum Link, Humicola Traaen y Pestalotia Not.), cuatro especies de Aspergillus Nees ex Fr. (A. alliaceus Thom y Church., A. auricomus (Gueren) Saito., A. ostianus Wehmer y A. chevalieri (Mangin) Thom y Church.), una especie de Cladosporium Link ex Fr. (C. caryigenum Ellis y Lang.), dos especies de Penicillium Link (P. canescens Sopp., P. janczewskii K.M. Zalessky) y una de Curvularia Boedijn (C. australiensis Manamgoda, Cai y Hyde )


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    Beach forests play a vital role in disaster mitigation and climate change mitigation. These forests protect coastal communities against natural calamities. It has been observed that areas with less or absence of beach forests and mangrove systems were highly devastated compared to those with. However, these ecosystems were neglected due to lesser studies and baseline information about the species diversity and community structure and its role in the overall ecology of the area. The study assessed the species diversity and community structure of beach forests in San Fernando, San Jose, Antique, Philippines. The study used the transect line plots method in an area that was purposively selected. The general floristic composition was based on an ocular survey of the selected site. Characterization of community structure was done using accepted parameters.  Results showed a total of sixteen (16) beach forest species that belong to twelve (12) families. Tabernaemontana pandacaqui and Jatropha gossypifolia were found to be the most frequently occurring species. The plant diversity of the area is low (mean H’ = 0.968) which is attributed to anthropogenic disturbances. The species with the highest Importance Value was Capparis micracantha (IV =61.02). Overall, beach forest in San Fernando, San Jose has a high species evenness (J’ = 0.929) which proves that conservation and preservation efforts must be increased. It is recommended that local government units must develop plans to promote awareness and strengthen values for conservation and protection of the beach forests among its people. Keywords: Beach Forest, Forest Conservation, Biodiversity, Importance Value

    Types and outcomes of pharmacist-managed travel health services: A systematic review

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    Background and aim: Pharmacists have an important role in providing travel health services and medications to travelers. However, given the limited literature on this topic, the aim of this study is to systematically review the types and outcomes of pharmacist-managed travel health services. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was performed in four electronic databases, namely Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and ProQuest to identify studies published in English from 1999 to July 2022. The inclusion criteria included the studies that reported an experience of providing dedicated travel health services by pharmacists and reported the outcomes and/or evaluation of these travel health services. Results: Nine studies were identified from the literature and included in the review. The pharmacists have provided a wide range of general and specialized travel health services including pre-travel risk assessment, routine and travel-related vaccination service, prescribing or recommending medications for travel-related illnesses, counseling and travel health advice. Overall, 94–100% of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied with pharmacist-managed travel health services. In addition, a good acceptance rate of pharmacist recommendations for vaccines and travel-related mediations was reported with most studies reporting an overall acceptance rate of ≥75% (acceptance rate range: 48%–94.2%). In addition, high rates of acceptance of other nonpharmacological advices were noted. Conclusion: Pharmacists with training in travel medicine have successfully provided a wide range of general and specialized travel health services. Most travelers were highly satisfied with the pharmacy-based travel health services and accepted the pharmacist recommendations