241 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini meneliti tentang mentoring poligami yang dilakukan oleh Kiai Hafidin. Mentoring poligami awalnya adalah kebutuhan sebagian masyarakat yang ingin berpoligami tetapi tidak cukup ilmunya melakukan poligami dan mereka mencari mentor poligami yang menurut mereka sukses berpoligami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui manifestasi tindakan sosial Max Weber yang dilakukan Kiai Hafidin terhadap mentoring poligami. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) yang menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi hukum yaitu menggunakan teori tindakan sosial Max Weber. Sumber data primer berasal dari wawancara dan buku Kiai Hafidin yang berjudul 45 Hari Sukses Poligami. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tindakan sosial Kiai Hafidin dalam mentoring poligaminya sesuai dengan indikator tindakan sosial Max Weber yaitu a) Tindakan Tradisional, upaya untuk menjaga tradisi dan hukum Islam yaitu melaksanakan poligami dan mendoktrin masyarakat untuk tidak takut berpoligami; b) Tindakan Afektif, yaitu Kiai Hafidin merasa miris dan khawatir terhadap masyarakat sebab minimnya pengetahuan terhadap poligami dan merasa bangga sebab dapat membantu masyarakat menyelesaikan permasalahan rumah tangganya khususnya poligami; c) Tindakan Rasional Instrumental yaitu rela membayar iklan untuk mengkampanyekan mentoring poligami di media sosial; d) Tindakan Rasionalitas Nilai, meliputi nilai-nilai Agama dan moral seperti keberkahan poligami, nilai keadilan dalam poligami dan selain nilai Agama yaitu nilai ekonomi.&nbsp

    Pengaruh Liquid Hold-Up terhadap Transisi Pola Aliran 2 Fasa Air-Udara dari Stratified Ke Slug pada Pipa 50 mm

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    The slug flow pattern is one of the most avoiding factors in piping systems due to its destructive characteristics. Research on the criteria of the slug formation is still the concern. The present study focused on finding out the influence of liquid hold-up toward the transition of the flow pattern from stratified to slug pattern. It was conducted on a 50 mm-diameter horizontal acrylic pipe. The visual data was obtained from a fully developed area (180-210 D) by variations of liquid superficial rate (JL) of 0,03-0,3 m/s and gas superficial rate (JG) from 0,7 to 3,77 m/s. The high-speed camera with 2000 fps recording speed was the instrument to obtain the visual data. The measurement of the liquid hold-up is made by Constant Electric Current Method (CECM). The drastic decrement of liquid hold-up value on the wave growth mechanism (JG ≤ 1,88 m/s) indicated the changes in flow patterns from the stratified to the slug pattern, while on the wave coalescence mechanism (JG > 1,88 m/s) the liquid hold-up remains increases. The pattern change from pseudo slug to the slug pattern was not decreasing on its film thickness, yet, it tends to increase the frequency and the liquid slug length

    Quantifying Governance and Public Policy in Public Sector: Understanding the Dynamics of Factors Affecting Cost and Quality of the Provincial Development Projects of Pakistan

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    Aim of Study This study identifies and explores the most critical factors affecting the cost and quality of the public sector development projects. Hence, addressing the governance system while ascertaining the most common factors affecting cost and quality within PSDP. Finally the study mark the frequencies to the factors resulting in cost overrun and poor quality. Need of Study Quality and cost relationship has always been a challenge in the execution of PSDP, Punjab Pakistan. These two issues are inseparable and generally have a profound bearing on the success of a project. There are numerous of projects accomplished at very higher cost than expected whereas less attention has been paid to overall project quality. There are records of projects executed at a cost far higher than expected. Others suffer high percentage of delay whereas some suffer less attention been paid to quality. Research Approach The study was executed through survey and interviews, using the self-managed questionnaires among the respondents including top level management to lower level management of the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. The data was analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-20). Research Findings This study revealed that there is highly positive and significant relationship between cost and quality of the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. The study explore the major and foremost factors affecting the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. This study has also categorized and prioritizes the most vital factors affecting cost and quality within PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan respect to their significance. This study also subsidizes by enabling the contractor/consultants to succeed with maximum quality ensuring at reasonable cost, thus confirming safety performance within PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. Limitations This study is limited to the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan only. Importance and Contribution The findings of the present study are also important for all the stakeholders (clients, project managers, contractors and consultants). This study will enable management of PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan for taking suitable actions in improving the performance of cost and quality in the PSDP, Punjab, Pakistan. Keywords: Governance, Project Cost, Project Quality, Public Sector Development Projects (PSDP

    The Impact of key Macroeconomic factors on Economic Growth of Bangladesh: a VAR Co-integration Analysis

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    This study analyzes the impact of key macroeconomic factors on economic growth of Bangladesh from the period of 1988 to 2012.The key macroeconomic factors studied are market capitalization, foreign direct investment and real interest rate. This study also examines the long run and short run relationship between the economic growth and capital market, foreign direct investment, and real interest rate by using vector autoregressive (VAR) model. The VAR results suggest that the market capitalization, foreign direct investment and real interest rate have impact on economic growth in the long run, but in short run it does not have any predictable behavior. The variance decomposition results also conclude the same result as VAR model. All variables have the long run effects on economic growth but it does not have in short run, and the effects increases with time. Based on the finding, this study suggests that the government should come out with the appropriate macroeconomic plan and policy to draw more inward foreign direct investment, increase market capitalization and stabilize real interest rate in order to faster the economic growth in future. As finding of this study shows that these factors do not have significant impact on economic growth in Bangladesh in the short ru

    Comparison of percutaneous nephrostomy and double j stent in early normalization of renal function tests in patients with obstructive uropathy due to urolithiasis

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    Objective:  To compare the mean normalization period of serum levels of urea and creatinine after placement of PCN tube or a DJ stent as emergency management for obstructive uropathy due to urolithiasis. Methodology: A randomized controlled trial study is conducted in the Institute of Kidney Diseases, Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar from March 2018 - March 2019. The total sample of 416 was divided into two groups by the lottery method. Group A comprising of 208 patients who underwent Percutaneous Nephrostomy (PCN) and Group B Comprising of 208 in who underwent Double J Stenting for the relief of the obstructive uropathy respectively.  Serum levels of urea and creatinine were recorded at 24, 96 and 144 hours post-operatively. Results: The mean age of Group A 35.6 ± 8.4 years and the Mean age in Group B was 38.2± 10.4 years. The majority (76.6%) participants were male, including 70% were from PCN group and 79% were from DJ group. The time taken for normalization of serum urea level was 97.654 hours (4.068 days) and 106.453 hours (4.435 days) in the PCN and DJ stenting groups respectively. The normalization time of serum creatinine level was 95.4375 hours (3.98 days) and 104.8125 hours (4.36 days) in the patients undergoing PCN and DJ stenting respectively. The differences of normalization time in both groups were not statistically significant with p-values of 0.064 and 0.061 for normalization of serum urea and creatinine levels respectively. Conclusion: Both the PCN and DJ stenting methods were equally effective in stone management in obstructive uropathy patients for normalization of elevated serum urea and creatinine levels

    Time series analysis on Indian Mackerel Retail Price in Peninsular Malaysia

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    Forecasting fish price has been started for a long time worldwide. The main objective of this study is to predict the monthly retail price of Indian Mackerel in Peninsular Malaysia based on the 9 years data (2007-2015) using two methods which are Box-Jenkins method and Holt’s Linear Trend method. Analyse data showed that the Holt’s linear trend model and autoregressive integrated moving average or ARIMA (0, 1, 1) (0, 0, 0)12 model were proposed. The diagnostic checking for the estimated models confirmed the adequacy of the models. The result of the study showed that the Holt’s linear trend method was become the better model with the lower root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Later, this method has been used to forecast 3 months upcoming Indian Mackerel price eventhough both models have been proven successful in forecasting the monthly fish prices. In conclusion, the potential result from this study could be used in helping fish farmers in their annual planning of increasing income especially in Peninsular Malaysia

    Huge Retroperitoneal Lymphangioma Presenting With Duodenal Obstruction: a case report.

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    lymphangiomas are benign tumors caused by the congenital proliferation of lymphatic tissue, causing an obstruction in the lymphatic ducts, producing fluid filled cysts (1). Histologically they are polycystic, with cysts divided by thin septas lined with endothelial cells. Most common presentation of cystic lymphangiomas are in the neck (75%) and axillary region (20%) and only 5% are intra-abdominal, while retroperitoneal lymphangiomas account for only 1% of cases (2). It is more common in children with males affected more than women, while women have shown to encounter pancreatic lymphangiomas more than men (3). Often retroperitoneal lypmhangiomas are asymptomatic but due to their large size they might cause a wide variety of symptoms from mild abdominal distention/discomfort and back pain to duodenal obstruction, sepsis and DIC (4). Diagnostic techniques are ultrasound, CT scan and MRI but often it is found accidentally and definitive diagnosis is made post-operatively. Treatment of choice is complete surgical resection with cystectom
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