720 research outputs found

    Wheat growth and phytoavailability of copper and zinc as affected by soil texture in saline-sodic conditions

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    Nutrient disorders in saline-sodic soils can adversely affect crop growth. In order to evaluate the growth response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to Cu and Zn and the phytoavailability of these essential elements, a pot experiment was conducted in three different textured saline-sodic soils [sandy loam (SL), sandy clay loam (SCL) and clay (C)] having an ECe 8.63, 8.80, 8.98 dS m–1 and SAR 21.66, 23.48, 24.84 (mmol L–1)1/2 respectively. Seven treatments including levels of Cu (4, 6 and 8 mg kg–1) and levels of Zn (4, 6 and 8 mg kg–1) were separately applied together with a single control treatment. Dry matter yield (straw + grain) of wheat increased up to 35.2% with Cu and up to 31.2 % with Zn application relative to the control. As soil clay content increased, dry matter yield decreased up to 39.2% in SCL and up to 62.7% in C soil when compared to SL soil. Application of Cu increased the concentration in both wheat straw and grains up to 2.46 and 2.20 mg kg–1 DW respectively relative to the control. Zinc concentration in wheat straw and grains was also increased up to 29.97 and 29.40 mg kg–1 DW respectively relative to the controls. Copper application significantly increased Zn concentrations in wheat plants

    Islamic Versus Conventional Mutual Funds Performance in Pakistan; Comparative Analysis Through Performance Measures and DEA Approach

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    Islamic mutual funds are different from conventional mutual funds because both have different characteristics. Islamic mutual funds act upon the Shariah guidelines and rules. This study investigates the performance of Islamic and conventional mutual funds for the period of 8 years from January 01, 2010 to December 2017. For the purpose of analysis 30 Islamic mutual funds and 30 conventional mutual funds are selected as sample of the study. Study evaluates the performance of Islamic and conventional mutual funds based on different ratios like Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio and Jensen Alphen along with data envelopment analysis technique. Sharpe and Teynor ratios of Islamic mutual funds are higher than the conventional mutual funds which shows the better performance of Islamic mutual fund as compared to conventional mutual funds. Whereas the results of Jenson Alpha showed opposing results with Treynor and Sharpe ratios in which the value of Jenson Alpha of Islamic mutual fund is lower than conventional mutual funds. Results of data envelopment analysis showed higher efficiency of Islamic mutual funds as compared to conventional mutual funds. Ultimately, it is concluded that financial performance of Islamic mutual funds is superior as compared to conventional mutual funds in Pakistani mutual fund market for the period of 2010 to 2017

    Islamic Versus Conventional Mutual Funds Performance in Pakistan; Comparative Analysis Through Performance Measures and DEA Approach

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    Islamic mutual funds are different from conventional mutual funds because both have different characteristics. Islamic mutual funds act upon the Shariah guidelines and rules. This study investigates the performance of Islamic and conventional mutual funds for the period of 8 years from January 01, 2010 to December 2017. For the purpose of analysis 30 Islamic mutual funds and 30 conventional mutual funds are selected as sample of the study. Study evaluates the performance of Islamic and conventional mutual funds based on different ratios like Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio and Jensen Alphen along with data envelopment analysis technique. Sharpe and Teynor ratios of Islamic mutual funds are higher than the conventional mutual funds which shows the better performance of Islamic mutual fund as compared to conventional mutual funds. Whereas the results of Jenson Alpha showed opposing results with Treynor and Sharpe ratios in which the value of Jenson Alpha of Islamic mutual fund is lower than conventional mutual funds. Results of data envelopment analysis showed higher efficiency of Islamic mutual funds as compared to conventional mutual funds. Ultimately, it is concluded that financial performance of Islamic mutual funds is superior as compared to conventional mutual funds in Pakistani mutual fund market for the period of 2010 to 2017


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    Alat pelindung diri adalah alat atau perlengkapan yang digunakan untuk melindungi diri dan menjaga keselamatan pekerja saat melakukan pekerjaan yang memiliki potensi bahaya atau resiko kecelakaan kerja. Alat-alat pelindung diri (APD) yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan potensi bahaya dan resiko pekerjaanya sehingga efektif melindungi pekerja sebagai penggunannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan Alat pelindung diri (APD) pada pengangkut sampah Wilayah Kota Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kab. Jeneponto. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan populasi penelitian ini adalah pekerja pengangkut sampah di Wilayah Kota Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kab. Jeneponto. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 98 responden, data diolah menggunakan analisis statistik dengan uji chi square. Berdasarkan hasil uji chi square yang menunjukkan p value = 0,01 0,05 menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara tindakan dengan penggunaan alat pelindung diri pada pengangkut sampah wilayah Kota Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Jeneponto. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap dengan penggunaan alat pelindung diri pada pekerja pengangkut sampah. Diharapkan kepada Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Jeneponto untuk menyediakan APD lebih pada pekerja pengangkut sampah dan dapat lebih tegas lagi dalam penerapan penggunaan APD pada pekerja pengangkut sampah.Kata kunci : Dinas, Penggunaan APD, Pekerja, Sampa

    A Three Tiered Evaluation Framework for Effective Writing Instruction in English for Academic Purposes Course

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    Academic writing is becoming a matter of concern for the developing countries where English serves as a second or foreign language because of the significant role it plays in the academic as well as professional life of an individual. Excellence in academic writing and communication is among the top ranked expectations from graduates of all disciplines, Pakistani Higher education Commission has listed Technical and Academic communication as second significant competence (2017). Therefore, there is a dire need of a writing instruction framework that could inculcate communicative competence among Pakistani graduates. A framework that will suppress all challenges and ensure success. The consciously chosen methodology meant to determine the effectiveness of 3-Tiered Evaluation Framework in enhancing students’ engagement in writing classes; ensuring their academic success. The study established that the 3-tiered evaluation framework assisted teachers and language learners alike in dealing with language related problems including; large class size, writing in second/foreign language, absence of corrective feedback, students’ passivity and high dependence on easily available notes. The 3-TEF ensured active involvement of students in writing tasks facilitated through collaboration and systematic critical reflection, which ultimately improved students’ writing engagement and achievements. Besides, interpersonal skills, negotiation, critical thinking, autonomous learning, team work, collaboration, and confidence development, surfaced as by-products of the 3-TEF

    Knowledge and practices regarding cigarette smoking among adult women in a rural district of Sindh, Pakistan

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking and to obtain information on socio-demographic factors and attitude regarding cigarette smoking among adult women in a rural district of Sindh Province, Pakistan. METHODS: A cross sectional community based survey was done in a rural district of Sindh province of Pakistan using a two stage cluster sampling design. A pre tested questionnaire was used to interview 502 adult women (aged 18- 60 years) from the study site. The study was approved by the ethical research committee and informed consent was taken from participants. RESULTS: A total of 502 women were interviewed for this study. Approximately 71% of women were illiterate and 44% of women were in the age group of 18-24 years. A high number (10%) of adult women were smokers. Age at initiation among women (18-24 years) was 42%. A significant difference for questions regarding smoking effects on health (p = 0.02) and knowledge regarding smoking causes respiratory disease (p = 0.02) was observed in this survey. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the prevalence of smoking among women is on the rise in this rural district of Pakistan. Young age at initiation is an important finding that needs to be addressed

    Tinjauan Kelincahan dan Kecepatan Atlet UKM Anggar Universitas Jambi

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelincahan dan kecepatan atlet UKM anggar Universitas Jambi, penelitian ini dilakukan di GOR Pendidikan olahraga dan kepelatihan Universitas Jambi  dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 s.d 31 November 2021. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Deskriptif Kuantitatif, yakni suatu penelitian dimana peneliti memberikan uji tes pengukuran menggunakan Instrumen tes agility t-test dan run test (lari 30 meter) untuk mengukur kelincahan dan kecepatan. Setelah dilakukan tes maka hasil dari tes yang didapatkan berupa data kuantitatif yang nanti akan dideskripsikan.  Hasil dari tes ini akan memberikan manfaat secara teoritis dan praktis. Hasil penelitian Tinjauan yang telah dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa data dari 10 atlet UKM anggar Universitas Jambi kategori kelincahan, dengan 0 % mempunyai Kelincahan Sangat Baik, 20 % mempunyai Kelincahan Baik, 30 % mempunyai Kelincahan Cukup, 50 % mempunyai Kelincahan Kurang. Dan hasil dari penelitian Tinjauan kecepatan pada 10 atlet UKM anggar Universitas Jambi maka diperoleh data 0 % mempunyai kecepatan baik sekali, 40 % mempunyai kecepatan baik, 20 % mempunyai kecepatan cukup, 10 % mempunyai kecepatan sedang dan 30 % mempunyai kecepatan kurang. Berikut dari hasil penelitian sehingga bisa menjadi kajian dan masukan kepada para pelatih dan atlet.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelincahan dan kecepatan atlet UKM anggar Universitas Jambi, penelitian ini dilakukan di GOR Pendidikan olahraga dan kepelatihan Universitas Jambi  dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 s.d 31 November 2021. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Deskriptif Kuantitatif, yakni suatu penelitian dimana peneliti memberikan uji tes pengukuran menggunakan Instrumen tes agility t-test dan run test (lari 30 meter) untuk mengukur kelincahan dan kecepatan. Setelah dilakukan tes maka hasil dari tes yang didapatkan berupa data kuantitatif yang nanti akan dideskripsikan.  Hasil dari tes ini akan memberikan manfaat secara teoritis dan praktis. Hasil penelitian Tinjauan yang telah dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa data dari 10 atlet UKM anggar Universitas Jambi kategori kelincahan, dengan 0 % mempunyai Kelincahan Sangat Baik, 20 % mempunyai Kelincahan Baik, 30 % mempunyai Kelincahan Cukup, 50 % mempunyai Kelincahan Kurang. Dan hasil dari penelitian Tinjauan kecepatan pada 10 atlet UKM anggar Universitas Jambi maka diperoleh data 0 % mempunyai kecepatan baik sekali, 40 % mempunyai kecepatan baik, 20 % mempunyai kecepatan cukup, 10 % mempunyai kecepatan sedang dan 30 % mempunyai kecepatan kurang. Berikut dari hasil penelitian sehingga bisa menjadi kajian dan masukan kepada para pelatih dan atlet
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